Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Of all the subject in the world

Created by log man > 9 months ago, 9 May 2012
WA, 15849 posts
11 May 2012 9:01AM
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bobajob said...

doggie said...

I dont think Im racist, I expect a fair go far all. At my work we have all walks of life here and we generally dont have any race problems at all. The guy from the Philippines pisses me off a bit but that a personality thing not a race thing.

I have a bigger problem with dumb Aussies who think I should be able to read their fricken minds and that are so pigheaded I just want to...................... [}:)]

So you do actually work?
Sorry doggie, with your 12000 odd posts I had to wonder. I thought may be rich, bored, you know. Bugger I forgot where I was going with this (.)y(.)

If I was rich I dont think I would be bored

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
11 May 2012 12:18PM
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SP said...

log man said...

jbshack said...

Aussiex said...

If you don't like it don't read them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if it is truly wrong the moderators will sort it out.

I say this quote says it all for me.

I imagine a forum to be like a Pub. If you like a conversation join in. If you don't walk away but remember how you interact could determine the way your treated. Be it in the pub or on line

If don't want to inflame a situation stay away from it simple

Yeah I think if I was at a pub and heard some of the comments made hear I would probably leave the pub thinking, when did Pauline Hanson take over the lease?

Guess the wine bar is a bit different than my local

But your right this forum should be like the mainstream media, just there to get one viewpoint across, heaven forbid people's opinions are heard.

Don't know about your local mate but I reckon that's a big thing about the way talk back radio, forums, and commercial media works. Somehow the idea of "the expert " has gone out the window . Now Everybody has "an opinion"

It doesn't seem to matter how ill informed that opinion is , how crazy , how not based in FACT that opinion is's MY opinion. Somehow it's sacred and cannot be challenged.

Just look at the Global Warming debate. Experts, with years of study,experience,published papers,and respect find themselves arguing the toss with shock jocks, newspaper columnists, and guys who wrote a book a while ago about something or other.

Opinion is entertaining but it can also be damaging and hurtful.

10979 posts
11 May 2012 10:57AM
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log man said...

SP said...

log man said...

jbshack said...

Aussiex said...

If you don't like it don't read them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if it is truly wrong the moderators will sort it out.

I say this quote says it all for me.

I imagine a forum to be like a Pub. If you like a conversation join in. If you don't walk away but remember how you interact could determine the way your treated. Be it in the pub or on line

If don't want to inflame a situation stay away from it simple

Yeah I think if I was at a pub and heard some of the comments made hear I would probably leave the pub thinking, when did Pauline Hanson take over the lease?

Guess the wine bar is a bit different than my local

But your right this forum should be like the mainstream media, just there to get one viewpoint across, heaven forbid people's opinions are heard.

Don't know about your local mate but I reckon that's a big thing about the way talk back radio, forums, and commercial media works. Somehow the idea of "the expert " has gone out the window . Now Everybody has "an opinion"

It doesn't seem to matter how ill informed that opinion is , how crazy , how not based in FACT that opinion is's MY opinion. Somehow it's sacred and cannot be challenged.

Just look at the Global Warming debate. Experts, with years of study,experience,published papers,and respect find themselves arguing the toss with shock jocks, newspaper columnists, and guys who wrote a book a while ago about something or other.

Opinion is entertaining but it can also be damaging and hurtful.

Yeah but expert opinion can also cut through all the bull****, policy talk etc but your dead on, our media doesn't gives us this, they give us fear, loathing and segregation in a chase for the advertising dollar..

An idiots opinion is just that one idiots opinion. You just have to be able to identify the idiots

QLD, 4083 posts
11 May 2012 1:10PM
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Yeah, been thinking of having a moderation crackdown. There's certainly a bit of envelope pushing going on.

QLD, 12324 posts
11 May 2012 1:49PM
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GreenPat said...

I've been thinking of having a moderation crackdown. There's certainly a bit of envelope pushing going on.

I you are going to bow to loggie's whinging just like that, tell SBS to get rid of the Insight programme and ABC can ditch QandA also.

loggie said:- We've got about 4 threads at the moment that are based in race hate and religious vilification.

Those issues are being discussed fairly intelligently but the threads are not based in in them.

But hey, you got the power of the flick Green Pat, so I guess you gotta do what the rules and your conscience tell you.

I see only one person complaining about having the discussions even though there are some diametricly opposed views.

Also is it not forum policy that moderation issues are only to be discussed by email?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
11 May 2012 1:56PM
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Cisco ,can you not distinguish between SBS's Insight and ABC's Q and A......... and some of the racist, bigoted crap on here? come on!

QLD, 4083 posts
11 May 2012 2:19PM
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cisco said...

Also is it not forum policy that moderation issues are only to be discussed by email?

It's forum policy not to have political debates or religious this and that. Application of policy is up to our discretion. Anyway, who would I email? It's just a thought so far, not directed at anyone in particular.

QLD, 663 posts
11 May 2012 2:23PM
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Didnt really know that the policy was not to discuss religious or racial issues in the forum.

WA, 15849 posts
11 May 2012 1:22PM
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GreenPat said...

cisco said...

Also is it not forum policy that moderation issues are only to be discussed by email?

It's forum policy not to have political debates or religious this and that. Application of policy is up to our discretion. Anyway, who would I email? It's just a thought so far, not directed at anyone in particular.

Politics as well, if there was none of that log man wouldnt even log on.

QLD, 663 posts
11 May 2012 3:52PM
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So are we allowed to discriminate and rag on the flaws of the Victorians then?

C'mon Log Man.... Bite... Bite....

Ahh... Im just kidding....

But Seriously, Stop Victorians Stealing our South Australian Fish!!!!

WA, 1227 posts
11 May 2012 7:37PM
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log man said...
Yes Mark, but there was nothing there to start with. And there never will be. So it turns into a religious vilification....

Cor blimey!! That's a bit rich! You are definitely one of the biggest religious "vilifiers" on this site. You'll pour any unsubstantiated bile on Christianity, but get upset at anyone criticizing your current pet project - importing islam.

WA, 304 posts
11 May 2012 7:50PM
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dinsdale said...

log man said...
Yes Mark, but there was nothing there to start with. And there never will be. So it turns into a religious vilification....

Cor blimey!! That's a bit rich! You are definitely one of the biggest religious "vilifiers" on this site. You'll pour any unsubstantiated bile on Christianity, but get upset at anyone criticizing your current pet project - importing islam.

Dinsi, my habibi, you should take some credit for the vilification yourself, don't be modest. Didn't you recently paraphrase Hitler by talking about "a cancer in our country"?

WA, 1227 posts
11 May 2012 7:52PM
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d1 said...
[Didn't you recently paraphrase Hitler by talking about "a cancer in our country"?

No, I didn't!

Mark _australia
WA, 22345 posts
11 May 2012 7:56PM
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dinsdale said...

log man said...
Yes Mark, but there was nothing there to start with. And there never will be. So it turns into a religious vilification....

Cor blimey!! That's a bit rich! You are definitely one of the biggest religious "vilifiers" on this site. You'll pour any unsubstantiated bile on Christianity, but get upset at anyone criticizing your current pet project - importing islam.

It is OK to rubbish Christianity and take the piss but not to state that many Muslims believe in certain things

Like I have said before, do an experiment. Go to a party and tell everyone you are Buddhist, Taoist or something. Then go to a party the week after and tell everyone you are a born again Christian. Watch the difference.
and no, I don't subscribe to any particular religion I just find it annoying that the 'inclusive' types here rubbish Christianity, but if anyone rubbishes Islam they are accused of being racist.

NSW, 6851 posts
11 May 2012 9:56PM
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log man said...

SP said...

log man said...

jbshack said...

Aussiex said...

If you don't like it don't read them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if it is truly wrong the moderators will sort it out.

I say this quote says it all for me.

I imagine a forum to be like a Pub. If you like a conversation join in. If you don't walk away but remember how you interact could determine the way your treated. Be it in the pub or on line

If don't want to inflame a situation stay away from it simple

Yeah I think if I was at a pub and heard some of the comments made hear I would probably leave the pub thinking, when did Pauline Hanson take over the lease?

Guess the wine bar is a bit different than my local

But your right this forum should be like the mainstream media, just there to get one viewpoint across, heaven forbid people's opinions are heard.

Don't know about your local mate but I reckon that's a big thing about the way talk back radio, forums, and commercial media works. Somehow the idea of "the expert " has gone out the window . Now Everybody has "an opinion"

It doesn't seem to matter how ill informed that opinion is , how crazy , how not based in FACT that opinion is's MY opinion. Somehow it's sacred and cannot be challenged.

Just look at the Global Warming debate. Experts, with years of study,experience,published papers,and respect find themselves arguing the toss with shock jocks, newspaper columnists, and guys who wrote a book a while ago about something or other.

Opinion is entertaining but it can also be damaging and hurtful.

Well blow me down Loggie, you have taken some advice and used the paragraph key Your post was legible and not only that I agree with you. I feel sick

WA, 304 posts
11 May 2012 8:10PM
Thumbs Up

dinsdale said...

d1 said...
[Didn't you recently paraphrase Hitler by talking about "a cancer in our country"?

No, I didn't!

Yes, my apologies, that was pweedas. You sourced that rightwing Koran-vilifying site, it has much less impact, I agree.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
11 May 2012 10:11PM
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Mark _australia said...

dinsdale said...

log man said...
Yes Mark, but there was nothing there to start with. And there never will be. So it turns into a religious vilification....

Cor blimey!! That's a bit rich! You are definitely one of the biggest religious "vilifiers" on this site. You'll pour any unsubstantiated bile on Christianity, but get upset at anyone criticizing your current pet project - importing islam.

It is OK to rubbish Christianity and take the piss but not to state that many Muslims believe in certain things

Like I have said before, do an experiment. Go to a party and tell everyone you are Buddhist, Taoist or something. Then go to a party the week after and tell everyone you are a born again Christian. Watch the difference.
and no, I don't subscribe to any particular religion I just find it annoying that the 'inclusive' types here rubbish Christianity but if anyone rubbished Islam they must be racists.

phew, lucky you said your not a christian

WA, 304 posts
11 May 2012 8:45PM
Thumbs Up

Mark _australia said...

It is OK to rubbish Christianity and take the piss but not to state that many Muslims believe in certain things

Like I have said before, do an experiment. Go to a party and tell everyone you are Buddhist, Taoist or something. Then go to a party the week after and tell everyone you are a born again Christian. Watch the difference.
and no, I don't subscribe to any particular religion I just find it annoying that the 'inclusive' types here rubbish Christianity, but if anyone rubbishes Islam they are accused of being racist.

As this may be applicable to my viewpoints, let me explain:

I'm an atheist with very strong academic interest in religions. Despite being an atheist, I believe that religions are very useful for many people, and I support them for this reason. In my opinion, which I hope is relatively unbiased, Christianity and Islam are exceptionally similar. Their holy books even talk about the same personalities - Mary (called Miriam in the Koran), Jesus (yes, he's a prophet in the Koran), Abraham, etc... Their attributes of God are identical (omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent, you know the spiel...).

In the past, the so-called "Dark Ages", Christianity was the "bad" religion - its Churches instituted numerous Crusades, wrote a book called "Malleus Maleficarum" that was used as a justification to torch numerous women, had the Inquisition, etc... At that time, Islam was much more sophisticated and progressive.

Today, the mainstream Christianity is fairly sophisticated and evolved, has some issues, but is working to resolve them. There are a few cults, but they are in the tiny minority. Islam today has branched into moderate (mainstream majority) and fundamentalist minority, which is serously bad. Unfortunately, this minority has been in the news lately, probably because it does make good news. Perhaps many people watch just news, and maybe that's why so many viewpoints on this forum tend to pigeonhole ALL muslims into the same fundamentalist slot.

This is wrong. Both religions are very similar and have had an equal share of good and bad points and good and bad "churches". I hope this explains why I sometimes post provocative comments about Christianity - it is purely to provide a comparative perspective.

And Dinsdale, it's not declarative vs narrative - I'll gladly continue this debate offline if you are genuinely interested.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
11 May 2012 11:07PM
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log man said...

SP said...

log man said...

jbshack said...

Aussiex said...

If you don't like it don't read them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if it is truly wrong the moderators will sort it out.

I say this quote says it all for me.

I imagine a forum to be like a Pub. If you like a conversation join in. If you don't walk away but remember how you interact could determine the way your treated. Be it in the pub or on line

If don't want to inflame a situation stay away from it simple

Yeah I think if I was at a pub and heard some of the comments made hear I would probably leave the pub thinking, when did Pauline Hanson take over the lease?

Guess the wine bar is a bit different than my local

But your right this forum should be like the mainstream media, just there to get one viewpoint across, heaven forbid people's opinions are heard.

Don't know about your local mate but I reckon that's a big thing about the way talk back radio, forums, and commercial media works. Somehow the idea of "the expert " has gone out the window . Now Everybody has "an opinion"

It doesn't seem to matter how ill informed that opinion is , how crazy , how not based in FACT that opinion is's MY opinion. Somehow it's sacred and cannot be challenged.

Just look at the Global Warming debate. Experts, with years of study,experience,published papers,and respect find themselves arguing the toss with shock jocks, newspaper columnists, and guys who wrote a book a while ago about something or other.

Opinion is entertaining but it can also be damaging and hurtful.

I don't never have any trouble in regulating my own conduct, but to keep other folks' straight is what bothers me. ~Josh Billings

WA, 8723 posts
11 May 2012 10:49PM
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QLD, 12324 posts
12 May 2012 12:56AM
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d1 said...

I'm an atheist with very strong academic interest in religions. Despite being an atheist, I believe that religions are very useful for many people, and I support them for this reason.

As in "Religion is the Opiate for the Masses".....???

In my opinion, which I hope is relatively unbiased, Christianity and Islam are exceptionally similar.

As is Judaism. Each faith is in the God of Abraham.

Their holy books even talk about the same personalities - Mary (called Miriam in the Koran), Jesus (yes, he's a prophet in the Koran), Abraham, etc... Their attributes of God are identical (omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent, you know the spiel...).

Oh really! So who are you to trivialise "Their holy books" so?

In the past, the so-called "Dark Ages", Christianity was the "bad" religion - its Churches instituted numerous Crusades, wrote a book called "Malleus Maleficarum" that was used as a justification to torch numerous women, had the Inquisition, etc... At that time, Islam was much more sophisticated and progressive.

Listen up children. We are getting a couple of thousand years of history here in a couple of sentences from a pompous arsehole.

Today, the mainstream Christianity is fairly sophisticated and evolved, has some issues, but is working to resolve them. There are a few cults, but they are in the tiny minority. Islam today has branched into moderate (mainstream majority) and fundamentalist minority, which is serously bad. Unfortunately, this minority has been in the news lately, probably because it does make good news. Perhaps many people watch just news, and maybe that's why so many viewpoints on this forum tend to pigeonhole ALL muslims into the same fundamentalist slot.

Oh, so that is what is happening in the "Church of What's Happenin' Now"??

It is wrong. Both religions are very similar and have had an equal share of good and bad points and good and bad "churches". I hope this explains why I sometimes post provocative comments about Christianity - it is purely to provide a comparative perspective.

OK. Now that you have explained yourself, please enlighten us some more?

And Dinsdale, it's not declarative vs narrative - I'll gladly continue this debate offline if you are genuinely interested.

So is that to be a face to face in the pub or over a BBQ type thing, in a meeting hall or at the university lecture room??

WA, 83 posts
11 May 2012 11:56PM
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Bwahaha - Cisco, I think you one of the most opinionated people here, but with your comments, its more a case of an empty can rattling the most!

WA, 304 posts
12 May 2012 7:59AM
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Cisco, here are your answers: irrelevant comparison, yes, ad hominem (means personal attack), grave ad hominem, irrelevant humour, irrelevant request. Last one, consider we might be sailing at the same spot.

You should consider a career in Federal politics - your style fits right in.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Of all the subject in the world" started by log man