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Off-Topic: Speeding tickets in Australia

Created by AustrianDude > 9 months ago, 14 Oct 2008
24 posts
14 Oct 2008 2:13PM
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Preface: First of all, let me assure you that I never intended to speed on purpose - in fact I always tried to go with the flow of the other cars on the road (probably not the best idea in retrospective) and usually felt like one of the slower drivers because I was overtaken pretty often. I have learnt from the incidents and it will be my highest priority to drive below the speed limit at all times in the future.

Here's the story: I'm a visitor in Australia and will stay here for a few months. I arrived here in early September and bought a used car registered in NSW a few days later.
I didn't really realize that there are such strict speed limits (and heavy fines) here until about 1 week ago when I got my first speeding ticket in the mail. Another one followed a few days later. Both occured in NSW and have a fine of $243 each.
I recently drove from NSW up to Cairns (QLD) so there might be more tickets coming in the next few days/weeks (by the way, is there a way to find out about tickets that might be on the way?).
On my way up, I once got another speeding ticket on the spot from the highway patrol (or whatever they are called here). It was $150 but they told me that I do not really have to pay it because I'm a foreigner (Austrian citizen) and nobody will track me down after I've left the country.
So, basically my question is: Can I get away with not paying the speeding fines I received in the mail? I heard somewhere that tickets belong to a specific car rather than a person, so if the car is sold, the new buyer can get in trouble if the previous owner has not paid all fines. Is this true? I don't want the next owner of my car to have any trouble.
Do you have any advice for me? Is there any way out of this mess? Is it possible to request the photos from the speed camera to make sure that they didn't accidently fine the wrong person? Is there a way to buy myself more time (the first ticket is due in a week)?


PS: It must appear to you that I'm a reckless racer, however, I would consider myself as a safe and foresighted driver who generally tries to keep under speed limits and obey all rules. I never had ANY incidents in Austria (since I got my licence 8 years ago).

NSW, 5780 posts
14 Oct 2008 5:58PM
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welcome to the ridiculous facist nation of australia.... stick the tickets in the nearest bin (as to aviod a fine for littering) and have a good trip... it will take them a few months to catch up with you.. e.g reminders, warnings, second reminders, second warnings... then they send them onto the state debt recovery... which then does its round of reminders, before diqualifying your licence... which means, that if you get busted again after the disqualification of your licence, you will be fined again and then the cycle of reminders begins itself...

don't fuss, stick it to the man for the sake of the fines, but stick to the speed limits for the sake of the rest of us...

WA, 570 posts
14 Oct 2008 2:58PM
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This is my understanding Mate (WA rules anyhow), The ticket's will go to whoever the car is registered to, even if someone else was driving. It's then your responsibility if someone else was driving to have them complete the section on the form with their details and sign declaring it was in fact them driving. In WA we get the fine with a photo of the car, rego plate and driver (which is good because last week the wife tried blaming me for another $75 fine until I showed her the photo), not sure with NSW??

Now If you don't pay you'll probably get some warnings issued and late fees applied on top of your fine. It will get to a point where they will eventually put a warrant against you because you owe a certain amount or have run out of demerit points. That's if they don't track you down where you are living, you will probably be highlighted on the computer system at the airport on departure. That may not happen if your leaving in the next few months, you will happily fly out and not have to pay anything.

BUT if you ever want to return, or say you go to some other destination and meet some hot Aussie chick who thinks your alright and wants to come back to live in Australia and settle down, have babies and ruin the rest of your live.... then you maybe screwed.

Remember the federal police, state police, customs and all the other so called authorities share data base's to look up info on everyone and everything.

Hope some of that makes sense, I would definitely find out where you can view the photo's to make sure it's you. I've seen heaps of stuff on a current affair shows where people are getting booked even after slowing down to 10klh below the limit.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
14 Oct 2008 3:50PM
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Do the crime pay the fine.

NSW, 9202 posts
14 Oct 2008 6:56PM
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Although the speed cameras haven't actually reduced the road toll any they have been a huge $uccess. Anyone who says otherwise is a dangerous driver.

- If you're not coming back, throw the tickets away.

- If you're worried about the next owner of car getting fine, give them a forwarding address they can post your fines to you, etc.

I drove to Vienna for a coffee once. I stopped at the top of one of the wee hills for a beer with a view. One of the best road trips, maybe the best actually, I've ever done. You've got some great roads.

NSW, 5780 posts
14 Oct 2008 7:31PM
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evlPanda said...

Although the speed cameras haven't actually reduced the road toll any they have been a huge success. Anyone who says otherwise is a dangerous driver.

yeah ofcourse,...... traffic slows down 100 metres before the camera and speeds up again after they pass it.... huge success.

NSW, 9202 posts
14 Oct 2008 7:45PM
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theDoctor said...

evlPanda said...

Although the speed cameras haven't actually reduced the road toll any they have been a huge success. Anyone who says otherwise is a dangerous driver.

yeah ofcourse,...... traffic slows down 100 metres before the camera and speeds up again after they pass it.... huge success.

The cameras have also generated a lot of revenue from fines, that can be used to buy more even more speed cameras to generate even more revenue.

We also shouldn't be better educating drivers, because that would perhaps be shown to actually reduce deaths, and we wouldn't need the cameras anymore, that are very $uccesful.

NSW, 625 posts
14 Oct 2008 8:03PM
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If you're going back o/s dont worry about paying them. The recovery procedure will only affect you if driving on an Australian licence (and about 3 months +).

Fines will eventually result in the cancellation of a cars registration. HOWEVER, if the vehicle is sold, the debt is wiped. THE NEXT OWNER OF THE VEHICLE BEARS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR PREVIOUS OWNERS TRAFFIC FINES.

So basically, relax and dont worry about it.

SLOW THE F$%K DOWN - in case the person you may accidently hurt or kill is a member of this site or their family.

With the value you're getting on the AUSSIE dollar you dont have any excuses to speed anywhere - take it in at a leisurely pace.

WA, 5921 posts
14 Oct 2008 6:26PM
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assuming the car is in your name, when you get to the airport very early, with a lot of money to pay your fines and the fines for not paying your fines . It will all come up on the computer when you hand over your passport.
they will then check with other state authorities , which will of course take time. Oh , I forgot , you have a plane to catch , .
If you get away with it here , and are heading to the US , they may, and have been known to, send you back on the next available flight to sort it out in Australia.
I would really recommend you ring the traffic people in the state where you got the fine , check if there any others and get em paid. so you can leave with ease. .
I know how you feel , its the camera traps that get me every time.
I have arrived at an international airport and been aske d to pay a fine that I didnt know about , before I leave

QLD, 7428 posts
14 Oct 2008 8:42PM
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When you sell the car the new owner will not be fined. The fine follows the car but if the new owner has a receipt of purchase that postdates the offences he can easily prove it wasn't him driving and any magistrate will throw the demand out of court.

VIC, 980 posts
14 Oct 2008 10:20PM
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Regardless on your views of speed cameras etc, generally speed limits are pretty well sign posted.
If you dont want a ticket its pretty simple... you dont speed. Surely after the first ticket you would have realised that fact.
And as for staying with the flow etc., I would rather be the slow guy that can stop when the first guy hits something rather than be one of the 'sheep' that ends up in the concertina

NSW, 9029 posts
14 Oct 2008 10:31PM
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A few years ago I received a speeding ticket in New Zealand, driving on a highway down to Queenstown. The fine came to me in Australia and I decided to pay it, just incase I ever decided to go back there.

You should pay the fine. You have come out here as a guest so should obey the rules here, even if they are designed to part you from your hard earned. Remember to tell all your friends back home what a great country Australia is.

Crash Landing
NSW, 1173 posts
15 Oct 2008 9:23AM
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The RTA have told me that as I don't have a NSW driving licence (still on UK) the points continue to stay on my name for the next 2 years. When I change to a NSW licence (when I go for residency) the remaining time/points will automatically go against it. Whatever happens you should pay the fine because it will affect you when you want to come back to this awesome country (especially when you want to get residency - these fines will not help!).


NSW, 584 posts
15 Oct 2008 12:44PM
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you should pay them if you ever think you might come back to australia.
if not. then dont bother.
drive safe.

VIC, 980 posts
15 Oct 2008 2:25PM
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Nice to see someone gave me a thumbs down for my previous post. I just hope a friend or family member of yours is not killed or maimed by a speeding driver

WA, 4564 posts
15 Oct 2008 11:51AM
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OceanBlue64 said...

Regardless on your views of speed cameras etc, generally speed limits are pretty well sign posted.
If you dont want a ticket its pretty simple... you dont speed. Surely after the first ticket you would have realised that fact.
And as for staying with the flow etc., I would rather be the slow guy that can stop when the first guy hits something rather than be one of the 'sheep' that ends up in the concertina

heggszackly allways test myself when driving, at random, ask yourself what the speed limet is? you may be surprised how many times you get it wrong, until you condition yourself to watch for the changes.
Fortunatly I spent years on field service, on the road most days. A good cruise control always helps.,

WA, 2184 posts
15 Oct 2008 11:55AM
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government peoples talking: "well we have spent the alcopop tax on krudds travel expenses already, how we gonna get more money? we are already taxing cars, gas, well everything except ipod sales from what i an think of..."
"nah, gst is on everything remember "
"not everything... what about milk and water?"
"ummmm, nah... my brother is a milk Barron."
"surely there is something left to put tax on..."
"maybe we need to look at this a different way, what can we get more revenue out of? how about speeding fines?"
"they went up like 3 months ago and i really can't afford to keep paying them"
"ok, we give ourselves a pay rise and increase the speeding fines and say anyone who disagrees is a hoon."
"didn't we say that last time?"
"yer... suckers"

QLD, 4083 posts
15 Oct 2008 2:03PM
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landyacht said...

assuming the car is in your name, when you get to the airport very early, with a lot of money to pay your fines and the fines for not paying your fines . It will all come up on the computer when you hand over your passport.
they will then check with other state authorities , which will of course take time. Oh , I forgot , you have a plane to catch , .
If you get away with it here , and are heading to the US , they may, and have been known to, send you back on the next available flight to sort it out in Australia.
I would really recommend you ring the traffic people in the state where you got the fine , check if there any others and get em paid. so you can leave with ease. .
I know how you feel , its the camera traps that get me every time.
I have arrived at an international airport and been aske d to pay a fine that I didnt know about , before I leave

Thankfully, the Department of Home Affairs in South Africa still works (or not) on paper and filing cabinets, their offices don't even connect with their immigration terminals at the airport. Based on this, I assume that the traffic infringements department would have an even harder time getting an outstanding fine with my name on it to pop up as I enter and leave the country. I'll find out in two weeks and let you know.

WA, 8732 posts
15 Oct 2008 12:08PM
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Very simple solution, don't speed

Don't blame the government or the police for your own ineptitude at being unable to control your motor vehicle withing the guidelines laid down.

It's not as if there are no speed signs around advising you what the limit is.

When you go past one of those big white signs with the number within the red circle. Look at the sign, then look down at the speedo, if the the needle is pointing to a number greater than the one which is on the sign then lift up the right foot slightly so that the needle moves back to the speed which you desire.

Also before any of you hard done by personages want to have a shot at me, I rack up on average 70,000Km a year on the roads both city and open. After a while you realize it's a pointless excersize speeding along.

get over it

Don't speed

and most certainly

Don't DUI

QLD, 7428 posts
15 Oct 2008 2:43PM
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There are a lot of facile not to say fatuous comments up here saying "dont speed".

If our definition of "speed" is to exceed the posted speed limit, EVERYBODY speeds at some time or other. I would contend that unless you get around in a golf buggy its impossible not to. Who hasn't gone over 40 in a school zone? Who hasn't done 70 in a 60 zone? And I'm talking about restrained drivers not hoons.

QLD, 175 posts
15 Oct 2008 5:04PM
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I always go by the rule that you are safe if you stay within 10km of the limit. Well that was until today when I got a “Traffic Expiation Notice” from the SA Police. I was over there in August for work and got booked for doing 68km in a 60km zone whilst driving through Port Augusta. $220 bucks! Well I guess it’s my fault I knew the limit, but that’s a bit tight.

NSW, 9202 posts
15 Oct 2008 7:25PM
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^ In QLD you are, which is why everyone is always mysteriously 12kmh over.

I've got to question the angles they set those things up on. Any maths wizz want to explain how much variation a couple of degrees across a 4 lane motorway can make?

I got done by a hand held a few months back, coming around a corner, 4 lanes, he was on the other side of the road, about 45 degree angle.

WA, 4564 posts
15 Oct 2008 5:23PM
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evlPanda said...

^ In QLD you are, which is why everyone is always mysteriously 12kmh over.

I've got to question the angles they set those things up on. Any maths wizz want to explain how much variation a couple of degrees across a 4 lane motorway can make?

I got done by a hand held a few months back, coming around a corner, 4 lanes, he was on the other side of the road, about 45 degree angle.

Then you got ripped off if you recorded a small margin over, then again the quota might not have been full for the shift[}:)]
Multi N. camera standards WA are to have camera set up so line of site is a min of 400 meters, no setting up just around corners or across corners

WA, 8732 posts
15 Oct 2008 5:33PM
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And a recommendation if you've been snapped

Always check the photo's

24 posts
15 Oct 2008 7:57PM
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elmo said...

And a recommendation if you've been snapped

Always check the photo's

Can I request a photo (in my case it's NSW)? Does it cost something to get it?


NSW, 9202 posts
15 Oct 2008 11:03PM
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mineral1 said...

Multi N. camera standards WA are to have camera set up so line of site is a min of 400 meters, no setting up just around corners or across corners

What I mean is if you have two beams at a 90 degree angle across the road, and your calcs are based on it being 90 degrees then every degree out is going to introduce errors, thus the 10kmh margin.

Actually each degree out is in the driver's favour, if you turned the beams 180 degree so parallel for example you'd never actually break both beams.

I'm ****e at maths but I can see this is going to be a curve, the greater the angle from 90 degrees the more and more the error is in favour of the driver and the more i guess they add to your speed to compensate.

Anyway, I reckon they should put more in 50kmh zones (where I travel at 40-45) and less on 4 lane, perfectly flat motorways, with nobody on them (where I used to travel at 130).


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"Off-Topic: Speeding tickets in Australia" started by AustrianDude