Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

One Angry Islander !! I got lucky ! : )

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 3 Jul 2011
VIC, 8020 posts
3 Jul 2011 9:35AM
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Things started out great. We launched our Down Wind Stand Up Paddle Boards in the sun at the beautiful Limeburner's Lagoon on the North side of Corio Bay near Geelong. We got some really nice runners, and my 17 footer was screaming along (once I got rid of the weed on the fin!).

There was some backwash right at the end of the run.... The little swell lines were rebounding off all the break walls down around Geelong.

We get to the end, and we have no ride !! But we had 2-way communications with the driver Phill, and he had managed to park his van up on a concrete kerb, and he was stranded high and dry !! But all was good, he got if free eventually!

So we pack up.... and leave.... We're in the Eastern Beach Hoon / Hotrod Carpark! There's a little green hatch-back car leaving at the same time (half hotted up, why would you bother!?).... and a person in the back threw heaps of rubbish out the window. It appeared to be all the packaging from his Maccas Value Meal, plus at least half the burger !

I rolled up next to them at the lights, their windows were half down, and I said cheekily, "go back and pick up your rubbish you pigs!". There were two Islander looking girls in the front, and big Islander looking guy in the back. The guy in the back starts launching the biggest angriest set of abuse at me, and I sh!t myself !! I'm thinking, oh no !! Me and my car are going to cop a whooping! Lucky for me, they had a green arrow immediately, and she drove away around the corner, and then I got green, and drove straight on.... If we were stuck on red for 30 seconds, I fear things would have got UGLY !

And the winner was, THE SEAGULLS ! More than half a burger on offer !

NSW, 2110 posts
3 Jul 2011 10:05AM
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Ha Ha Simondo
I am familiar with that gut wrenching feeling of a big islander bearing down on you. Marble Bar Sydney CBD, Wallabies have won world cup I think about 10 years ago my mate and I trying to get in.
I get through the door, my smashed mate is refused, I turn to see my mate pull a cocus palm out of a pot and throw it at them and bolt, 250 kgs of muscle and fat turn to look for me I disappear into the crowd do a loop of the club which is tiny, I can feel two hard lumps in my throat, they see me but I am closer to the door now and piss bolt with them on my heels they were very slow but would have ripped me apart like a hot chook if captured. Even writing this is giving me flash backs
Cheers Boof

WA, 56 posts
3 Jul 2011 8:47AM
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Some car load of dirtbags do as they please, seagull gets a feed and the environment loses yet again!

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
3 Jul 2011 1:41PM
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Whats wrong with islander people, can't they go back to their island somewhere

NSW, 9029 posts
3 Jul 2011 1:54PM
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Little Jon said...

Whats wrong with islander people, can't they go back to their island somewhere

Recently someone posted on Seabreeze an interesting comment on Islander immigrant bad behaviour. It went along the lines in traditional Polynesian society aunts and uncles discipline children, not the parents. So children love their parents more while still being brought up the right way.

When islanders move to places like Australia where they don't have family support this discipline system can't work and is not replaced by another system. So children and young adults are not disciplined and this leads to anti social behaviour as posted in this thread.

Of course there are plenty of other Australians who never get any discipline either when they are growing up.

These people can't go back coz the islands have too many people and no work. Traditionally the population was kept in check by the lack of food and warfare over limited resources.

QLD, 12337 posts
3 Jul 2011 1:55PM
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Little Jon said...

Whats wrong with islander people, can't they go back to their island somewhere

Trips on refugee boats are only one way.

NSW, 4453 posts
3 Jul 2011 3:43PM
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Little Jon said...

Whats wrong with islander people, can't they go back to their island somewhere

Their island is under water cos of all the methane dey release caused all the glaciers to melt... U know, da global melting ting bro.

WA, 229 posts
3 Jul 2011 3:31PM
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It's called Human Biodiversity. Some people think it only affects physical things like africans being better sprinters but some believe it affects how different races behave and intelligence levels.

VIC, 5904 posts
3 Jul 2011 8:00PM
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I dont think its your islander thats your problem .

there are plenty of other people prepared to throw their rubbish out of their car. [one of my pet hates]

some people just dont give a rats about anyone or anything apart from themselves.

VIC, 8020 posts
3 Jul 2011 9:23PM
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SandS said...

I dont think its your islander thats your problem .

there are plenty of other people prepared to throw their rubbish out of their car. [one of my pet hates]

some people just dont give a rats about anyone or anything apart from themselves.

Agree, it's not about "Islander Bashing", it's kind of about irresponsibility (sh!t I got the spelling right first go! - on that long word!), and being completely overly aggressive, to the point where you are on the edge of snapping, and making the news, an ending up inside a cell....

I was completely shocked and fearful at the response... (the barrage of spiteful and venomous threats and profanity). I'm a quick thinker though, I'm fairly certain I would have had time to lock the doors, and there was actually nobody behind me, so if he managed to smash a window, I would have got away anyway. And I'm not a complete "dead ****", and I would have got the "rego".... So in a way, I had the upper hand, but I did sh!t myself at the completely unexpected abusive response, from an absolute "fu-ck knuckle!" who is seemingly prepared to flex his muscle over his irresponsibility !!

And I can tell you, he was a FU-CK KNUCKLE! I can say it now, that my car and my well being is not on the line !

Seriously, this is not racist. My dad is a bit racist, and he make me cringe. That chick on SBS's show was a shocker of a racist, and she made be cringe in a big way.... Those poor people just wanted a bit of freedom.....

See new post.... "Radical Thought For the North West of WA...."
Coming soon....

3777 posts
3 Jul 2011 7:23PM
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Its better just to keep quiet Simon let them litter.well.. unless you have a loaded 9mm in your glove box....
People like that have no respect for themselves there environment if This person has never been brought up to put his rubbish in the bin 10;1 he will probably have no sort of conscience about assaulting you.
Its a shame but as discussed in a previous topic where bikies threw a guy out a window its better just to keep to yourself... in this day and age its a shame but you risk placing your own personal wel being in danger by implementing/and even sygesting common scene into some people. .

VIC, 8020 posts
3 Jul 2011 9:28PM
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Yes, I agree. Just keep your mouth shut! Quietly call the cops on the iPhone with the rego.... It's just not worth it !! Shame though.... But I know they know, that they shouldn't have done that....

A tangent topic...

VIC, 8020 posts
3 Jul 2011 9:56PM
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Strangely off topic, but weirdly on topic at the same time !

3777 posts
3 Jul 2011 7:59PM
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lol don't let it play on your mind Simon !!!! it will send you crazy !!!

VIC, 8020 posts
3 Jul 2011 10:02PM
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Absolute GOLD !!
You made me laugh !!

Ian K
WA, 4049 posts
3 Jul 2011 9:12PM
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Not worth getting upset about a Maccas packet, unsightly for humans but they biodegrade quickly without damaging the environment. Things of much more concern are balls of fishing line, plastic bags and barbed wire. Less obvious are those shiny car nuts who don't think twice about letting grease-dissolving detergents trickle down the driveway and into the creeks.

VIC, 8020 posts
3 Jul 2011 11:18PM
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Ian K said...

Not worth getting upset about a Maccas packet, unsightly for humans but they biodegrade quickly without damaging the environment. Things of much more concern are balls of fishing line, plastic bags and barbed wire. Less obvious are those shiny car nuts who don't think twice about letting grease-dissolving detergents trickle down the driveway and into the creeks.

Very fair point actually.... !!

NSW, 2005 posts
4 Jul 2011 12:01AM
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Similar story, even scarier...

Many years ago we was driving to work around Hurtsville, when this car loaded with 4 huge Islanders drives by and start yelling profanities and serious threats. Never knew what the problem was. At least one had a tool that looked like a crow-bar.

They start chasing us, we were going fast through red lights to avoid them, driving on the curb, the whole thing like in the movies - and where's the police when you need them.

My mate had the smarts of finding the back of a warehouse with a bunch of greasy, tough-looking workers taking a break. He pulls in and starts calling people Joe and Wayne and how's going, how's your wife, that sort of stuff. Islander car stopped 500 meters away, they saw the scene and left.

Those poor guys on the dock: "who the f... are you, man, do I know you??".

Was both funny and scary. Called the cops with the plate number, but never had news back.
What a bunch...

WA, 56 posts
3 Jul 2011 10:30PM
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You did well Simondo, to get out of a potentially bad situation. Things can happen so fast. I have been in road rage myself and was lucky to get away unscathed. A guy pulled out in front of me in Perth, had just enough time to slam on the brakes and brace my elbow against the windscreen. Thought I was toast, tho thankfully went up a curb and didnt hit anything. I drove up behind the guy and gave him the finger and tooted him. We got to the next set of lights and the peanut seething in anger lept from his van and came at me with a big Crescent. He was enormous! I was in the farm ute and showed him a home made hammer from under the seat.. He jumped in his van and ran the red light. This all happened in seconds. Didnt take long for it to get potentially worse and didnt take long after for me to realize that it could have been a disaster. Not a healthy situation and I was lucky, pure dumb ass lucky...

All deliberately tossed rubbish is bad for the environment biodegradable or not, it doesn't need to be there and shouldn't be there. Being pee'd off at seeing it is natural for anyone who cares about where they live and the environment around them. However getting bashed or worse over it, sure isnt worth it. Seeing/Hearing of them prosecuted would be a real bonus! Hate to see litterers and hate to see psychotic idiots on the road... Getting home safe and well each and every day is what is most important - lot of nuts out there...

WA, 2503 posts
3 Jul 2011 10:38PM
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Next thing you know we'll all be reminiscing about the bouncers at Club A....

3777 posts
3 Jul 2011 11:21PM
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lol road rage
I was driving home on the kwinana freeway after afternoon shift
i got to the 100 zone and this car in front was doing like 90 kph so i flashed my high beams.i couldnt overtake on the inside cause there was a Nissan patrol so anyways the driver infront of me slammed on the brakes so i braked n over took managed to get infront cut in front of the nissian patrol and overtake the car in the left hand lane i looked in and there was this hot chick (probally prostatute) and i gave her a finger.) so i seen her grab her phone right and next thing i know this Nissan patrol is running me off into the center concrete barriers on the freeway. (contact and all) full side of the car is stowed in at 100kph. So anyways ive gunned my lancer with 2 this whore and pimps in the nissian patrol . managed to get in front in the old 4 cyl lancer ;-) and i started throwing **** out the window like empty cans and beer bottles (mc Donald rubbich) (travelling now at 120+ kph )and he smashed me again in the boot so i grabbed an old power stearing box (down by the front passenger seat) and lobbed it out behind me and it hit is bonnet then windscreen. Then he rammed me again
Anyways to cut a long story short this dude was chancing trying to ram me into the centre pillars of the kwinana freeways(at canning hwy now) with a fwd from behind and the only thing i had left was a power steering pump i just replaced in the bunkie.. so i held it up out the window then dropped it as he was going to ram me. i think it landed on his bonnet and went thru his front windscreen. i seen the 4wd lock up the brakes and like swerve to the right. The other car stopped chacing me and pulled of to the side of the road with the patrol.

Im like all i wanted to do was get home from work and go jump in bed with my misses? ended up nearly dead freaked me right out hey.
Then the next day i was expecting cops and stuff to come around i was so shaken up (told the misses etc)
No cops rocked up etc no insurance job
lucky my old lancer was only 3 party insured worth about 900 bucks about 400 after that road rage incident.

QLD, 12337 posts
4 Jul 2011 1:37AM
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Simondo said...
I rolled up next to them at the lights, their windows were half down, and I said cheekily, "go back and pick up your rubbish you pigs!".

More than one way to skin a cat.

Maybe if you had said "Hey mate, you have left a heap of your stuff back there. Better go back and grab it before someone steals it.", they would have been conned into going back there at least.

NSW, 2005 posts
4 Jul 2011 5:07AM
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busterwa said...

Im like all i wanted to do was get home from work and go jump in bed with my misses?

Then the next day i was expecting cops and stuff to come around i was so shaken up (told the misses etc)

Told the missus before or after jumping in bed with her ?

VIC, 8020 posts
4 Jul 2011 10:19AM
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cisco said...

Simondo said...
I rolled up next to them at the lights, their windows were half down, and I said cheekily, "go back and pick up your rubbish you pigs!".

More than one way to skin a cat.

Maybe if you had said "Hey mate, you have left a heap of your stuff back there. Better go back and grab it before someone steals it.", they would have been conned into going back there at least.

Agree !

WA, 293 posts
4 Jul 2011 11:21AM
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Simondo said...

Things started out great. We launched our Down Wind Stand Up Paddle Boards in the sun at the beautiful Limeburner's Lagoon on the North side of Corio Bay near Geelong. We got some really nice runners, and my 17 footer was screaming along (once I got rid of the weed on the fin!).

There was some backwash right at the end of the run.... The little swell lines were rebounding off all the break walls down around Geelong.

We get to the end, and we have no ride !! But we had 2-way communications with the driver Phill, and he had managed to park his van up on a concrete kerb, and he was stranded high and dry !! But all was good, he got if free eventually!

So we pack up.... and leave.... We're in the Eastern Beach Hoon / Hotrod Carpark! There's a little green hatch-back car leaving at the same time (half hotted up, why would you bother!?).... and a person in the back threw heaps of rubbish out the window. It appeared to be all the packaging from his Maccas Value Meal, plus at least half the burger !

I rolled up next to them at the lights, their windows were half down, and I said cheekily, "go back and pick up your rubbish you pigs!". There were two Islander looking girls in the front, and big Islander looking guy in the back. The guy in the back starts launching the biggest angriest set of abuse at me, and I sh!t myself !! I'm thinking, oh no !! Me and my car are going to cop a whooping! Lucky for me, they had a green arrow immediately, and she drove away around the corner, and then I got green, and drove straight on.... If we were stuck on red for 30 seconds, I fear things would have got UGLY !

And the winner was, THE SEAGULLS ! More than half a burger on offer !

Almost the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago after a car, driven by two kiwi chics, pulled in front of me forcing a good test of my cars ABS. I gave them them finger and honked the horn. I promptly got the finger back and some 'choice' words out the window, then the car stopped in the medium strip i was turning through. Then this big ass islander bloke climbs out the back of the two door coupe Astra and starts running towards my car. Thankfully there was a break in traffic and I got the f*** out of there!! I, let alone my car, would had no chance against the largely sized Bro.

WA, 15849 posts
4 Jul 2011 1:29PM
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Simondo said...

Kids throwing eggs... ends up with a woman stabbed to death !!

It's not worth the confrontation these days...

PS - I'll check eBay for cheap Baseball Bats ! Keep it in the wardrobe for a rainy day...

Golf clubs work well, I have a 3 iron under my bed a few more scattered through the house. Never had any probs in my area tho other than some one steeling all my change out of my car.

WA, 2154 posts
4 Jul 2011 5:07PM
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I remember driving back home after a surf at Trigg. There were these rat dog young bogans in a Rodeo driving in front of my. They threw a massive bag or rubbish out the window. I started honking my horn and flashing my lights, basically saying "**** you, I saw that". We were approaching the lights and I thought "perfect!". Well, someone beat me to it.

A massive lifted Nissan Patrol ute hoons up past me on the left and swerves right alongside the Rodeo. Some words were exchanged and the young dickheads gave the driver of the Patrol the finger. Big mistake...the lights went RED. The Patrol literally FORCED the Rodeo off the road onto the island separating the traffic. I pulled over alongside them to watch the upcoming spectacle. The driver of the Patrol gets out and this is when I knew it was going to be great. The guy was an ABSOLUTE beast. Tall, wide and seemingly made out of nothing but muscle. He runs over to the Rodeo as the little punks inside scrambled to wind up their windows, clearly crapping themselves. The offender (front passenger) only managed to get his window up in the knick of time, only to have it literally smashed in by the Patrol drivers fist. The guy then proceeded to shake the entire car, screaming at them that they are a bunch of filthy ****ing pigs for littering along the coast. He was like a lion trying to get INTO a cage. I was in awe and very much enjoying the show.

This went on for a little while. Many people were in their cars having a chuckle because they'd all seen the guys throw the rubbish out the window. Anyhoo. The Patrol driver returns to his car only to have the offender wind his shattered window down and yell out "come on then ******" and throw his Maccas drink at the Nissan. Big mistake. The hero ran back, this time before the kid could wind the window back up. A few heavy blows were issued and the light went green. We all drove off pointing and laughing at the douchebags in the Rodeo who were clearly shell shocked, still parked up on the island.

The Patrol driver even received a small applause from some drivers and a thumbs up from me.

Sure, the guy was raging bad and maybe over the top. But I personally always confront ****wits who think it's okay to litter. One time at the lights the driver in front of me dropped his cig butt out the window. I got out, picked it up and threw it back into his lap and said "you dropped this". The guy couldn't believe it and I felt as cool as Clint Eastwood

Littering is one of those things I just will not abide. I went for a flick in the river today for some bream. Was astounded (although I should have known) by the amount of rubbish washed up on the banks.

QLD, 95 posts
4 Jul 2011 8:09PM
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This happend to me about 20 years ago ..... and it still brings a smile to my face.

Living on the goldy ... Standing at the lights waiting to cross the road to get to Cavil Av holding wife wifes hand. Traffic driving past ... daydreaming .. suddenly I feel something warm hit and slide down my arm. I instantly realize I have been spat on !! I spot the bastard. I look down the road to the next set of lights (about 50 or 60 meters) and like a gift from god ... they turned amber. I see he is about to be grid locked. I run like a man possesed ducking low behind a line of parked car ... all the while sinffinging and hucking what I now fondly think of as "The best gobbie ever".
The look on the dudes face was priceless as I darted between 2 parked cars and appeared in his drivers window .... shock/bewilderment/confused. I bet he was wondering why I was breathing so hard through my nostrils ... heh heh.
I saw he was about to try to wind up his window so I pinched it shut and let her loose point blank range. Then walked away.

I still had to go wash my arm .... but the my entire interior of my car

Moral of the story ..... It amazing how adrenalin makes you spit so much better.

WA, 2154 posts
4 Jul 2011 8:00PM
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hahahaha nice work. I had someone throw a packet of sauce at me down in Mandurah while they drove past and I was walking with my girlfriend on her birthday to go get breaky. I was raging big time and a car pulled up next to me. He saw it, gave me the rego number of the car.

Called the cops (I know, dobbers are robbers) and the guy ended up receiving a minor assault charge and a $500 fine for littering.


QLD, 12337 posts
5 Jul 2011 12:45AM
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Good stories suba and marty. Good guys win for a change.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"One Angry Islander !! I got lucky ! : )" started by Simondo