Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

One hit chow wonder

Created by Scotty88 > 9 months ago, 17 Oct 2012
kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
18 Oct 2012 7:30AM
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Smicko, back in your grubby little hole mate, personal insults don't add anything to the discussion.

Scotty, you think I'm a crusader on a mission, fair enough. I'm just pulling you up for a poor taste thread title and follow up post. You're justifying yourself, coz of course you couldn't possibly be in the wrong so I must be. Whatever, I really don't care all that much. I'll leave you to your redneck wonderland.

When you put something out there on the internet, it's there forever, and it's read by people of all types, not just people like you and your mates. Worth remembering sometimes..

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
18 Oct 2012 7:39AM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
I think its mildly entertaining and good on him. Just googled the lyrics and they see pretty fair to me

Ted the song is meant to be a pisstake on the newly wealthy living in the gangnam area. A bit like the gold coast - shallow wanna-be's, very materialistic, seem to be living the good life but there's nothing behind the curtain, it's mostly illusion.

Hence in the clip he's on the beach - but it turns out to be a kids playground. In a luxury spa, but he's drowning cos he's never been in one. Strutting with hotties, but the wider view is just grey concrete overpasses and there's rubbish blowing past them . etc.

NSW, 600 posts
18 Oct 2012 9:31AM
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As an FYI Psy (?) has had multiple albums, multiple number 1's (albeit in South Korea) and won multiple awards. He never expected this song to go international. I know all of that thanks to Fitzy and Wippa!

Probably can't suggest he is a money graber or a one hit wonder!

WA, 1549 posts
18 Oct 2012 8:34AM
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kiteboy dave said...
Smicko, back in your grubby little hole mate, personal insults don't add anything to the discussion.

Scotty, you think I'm a crusader on a mission, fair enough. I'm just pulling you up for a poor taste thread title and follow up post. You're justifying yourself, coz of course you couldn't possibly be in the wrong so I must be. Whatever, I really don't care all that much. I'll leave you to your redneck wonderland.

When you put something out there on the internet, it's there forever, and it's read by people of all types, not just people like you and your mates. Worth remembering sometimes..

you grooming yourself for a top job within in the public sector.. You will fit in just fine with all the other people who object to everything and make this pollitically world we live in even more ridiculous than it currently is.

WA, 24860 posts
18 Oct 2012 8:58AM
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kiteboy dave said...

A bit like the gold coast - shallow wanna-be's, very materialistic, seem to be living the good life but there's nothing behind the curtain, it's mostly illusion.

Now look whos getting personal kiteboy.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
18 Oct 2012 11:13AM
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^^^ Bwahaaa there's a new definition of personal! "The gold coast".

Not calling someone else names in a one on one attack.
Insulting the gold coast.
Is getting personal.

Try again mac.

RPM, apparently in this world you're either racist or you're a public servant. If I have to choose I'd prefer public servant.

By the way bringing up a minor war 60 years ago as a way of justifying yourself is pretty poor.

VIC, 392 posts
18 Oct 2012 12:30PM
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I thought you were leaving us to our redneck wonderland?

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
18 Oct 2012 12:33PM
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Stop asking me questions then.

VIC, 5000 posts
18 Oct 2012 2:17PM
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My 7yo daughter has been walking around singing "open frankenstein -oh-oh-ohoh-oh open frankenstein".

I honestly don't see much difference between it, LMFAO's stuff & Flo Rida's catchy tunes. I won't buy the album, but I also don't frequent nightclubs (any more)...I caught myself singing it to myself (or making similar sounds) last night whilst pushing around a concrete floor grinder in my shed - stopping every few minutes for a swig of ale.

WA, 6913 posts
18 Oct 2012 12:03PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
I think its mildly entertaining and good on him. Just googled the lyrics and they seem pretty fair to me

English Translation:
Oppa is Gangnam style
Gangnam style
A girl who is warm and humanle during the day
A classy girl who know how to enjoy the freedom of a cup of coffee
A girl whose heart gets hotter when night comes
A girl with that kind of twist
I’m a guy
A guy who is as warm as you during the day
A guy who one-shots his coffee before it even cools down
A guy whose heart bursts when night comes
That kind of guy
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let’s go until the end
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh
A girl who looks quiet but plays when she plays
A girl who puts her hair down when the right time comes
A girl who covers herself but is more sexy than a girl who bares it all
A sensable girl like that
I’m a guy
A guy who seems calm but plays when he plays
A guy who goes completely crazy when the right time comes
A guy who has bulging ideas rather than muscles
That kind of guy
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let’s go until the end
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh
On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby
I’m a man who knows a thing or two
On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby
I’m a man who knows a thing or two
You know what I’m saying
Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

It made more sense for me in korean

My kids love it. I reckon you'd need to check for a pulse if it didn't get you at least think about bopping a little

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Oct 2012 12:38PM
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Should do a wa one.
Rockoman style

WA, 2519 posts
18 Oct 2012 12:57PM
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Gangnam Bogan Style! - funny...

SA, 58 posts
18 Oct 2012 6:32PM
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kiteboy dave said...
Racist thread of the month award goes to... this one

Using this thread to start an argument about racism is far more racist than the first post.

finding racism when none exists is in itself racism. Reverse racism maybe.

That is your mission on these forums isnt it kiteboy. You take a moderate post and twist it around and draw dip** conclusions so you get the chance to use the redneck label.

If theres anything red on here mate, its you.

NSW, 5780 posts
18 Oct 2012 8:41PM
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I posted a link to that clip like three months ago, and it fell by the wayside...

as usual theDoctor is way ahead of the times....

if there is no surf, or wind, or the tides wrong or there's no chores or if I just can't be arsed doing anything much on a sunday morning..

I always sit in front of the 60" and watch sbs popasia with a tub of lotion and a box of happy tissues..

like normal video hits, I can't make any sense of the lyrics, but k-pop is catchy cool and the chicks are like MEGA MEGA MEGA SEXY FUNTIME HOT....!

and the dudes kinda look like chicks too, which is cool cause sometimes somethings take more than three minutes....

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
18 Oct 2012 7:43PM
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Yep that's what I live for. Funny how it's the same old crew that always bites back too.

Apparently I'm a commie, I'm a public servant, I'm a reverse racist, I'm a leftie crusader, I'm a coitboy and a dip****.

Judging by that lot of personal abuse, what I am is a masochist.

For objecting to chow, they all look the same, hilarious racist jokes I last heard in grade 4, and hey don't forget to bring up the war to justify it all.

I work in a private enterprise, typical city office job. I can assure you all that if I used the word "CHOW" to refer to any asian, or aussie of asian extraction within earshot of, well, practically anyone in this building, I would risk being fired on the spot.

I didn't really care that much to begin with to be honest, just about enough to say something. But thanks to all the personal abuse, I've felt the need to dig in and keep poking the bear to see what happens.

WA, 2371 posts
18 Oct 2012 6:41PM
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sausage said...
501 million now and none the wiser as to WTF I just saw and heard.

+1....why does it 500 hits..?
god 2 minutes was enough...

QLD, 3954 posts
18 Oct 2012 9:17PM
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My Grandfather passed away last year. His best mate was an Italian he called a wog, his other best mate was from Argentina. His name was Daigo.

At the funeral one of my cousins come up to me and told me a story about the first time he seen her daughter, her husband was Italian. His words: wow, what a gorgeous little wog baby.

Was old Chopper the ex sheep shearer racist? Are you kidding, he loved these people and their families and even ate their nice 'wog' food and backyard still grapper.

People take these names too seriously. I reckon if Chop had an Asian mate he would have been a chow for sure. He would have loved him.

WA, 14628 posts
18 Oct 2012 7:54PM
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^^^ Yeah, its funny the way things work.

I went to a school where it was very multicultural, and all these names were used, and almost always in a good natured way amongst friends. There were no "race" problems.

A few years ago, I worked with a guy that went to a private school in a nearby area, and the way he makes it sound there were race riots at his school! I am sure they would have had the same ethnic mix, but it obviously didn't work well.

I think its easy to see when someone means it as an insult, but sadly there are a lot of people out there that do hide behind racist remarks as 'just a joke'.

I go by the theory that if you aren't game to call someone something when you are alone, instead of hiding behind your mates, then you should just keep it to yourself.

SA, 472 posts
18 Oct 2012 10:30PM
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^^^^^^^^ Thats a very good point CMC. I remember in about 1974 the headlines in the Daily Mirror in Sydney were about the government contempating making a law to ban the use of the term POM. When the English realised they wouln't be able to use it themselves it kind of fell by the wayside.

I went to school in Sydney and the word WOG started a lot of trouble, usually leading to violence. It was pretty much the most offensive term. A TV show came along where the characters called each other WOGS and they all started doing it. Problems dissapeared overnight and everybody lived happily ever after. My friends of Mediteranean descent use the word often, I prefer not to.

Taking offence at the word CHOW in that context can only do more harm than good. Thicker skin might be handy there.

Mark _australia
WA, 22343 posts
18 Oct 2012 8:31PM
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kiteboy dave said...
Yep that's what I live for. Funny how it's the same old crew that always bites back too.

Apparently I'm a commie, I'm a public servant, I'm a reverse racist, I'm a leftie crusader, I'm a coitboy and a dip****.

Judging by that lot of personal abuse, what I am is a masochist.

For objecting to chow, they all look the same, hilarious racist jokes I last heard in grade 4, and hey don't forget to bring up the war to justify it all.

I work in a private enterprise, typical city office job. I can assure you all that if I used the word "CHOW" to refer to any asian, or aussie of asian extraction within earshot of, well, practically anyone in this building, I would risk being fired on the spot.

I await the answer to my question about if you berate the Chinese-speaking australians of asian decent for calling us round-eye and whitey

Or is that OK? I know 2 wrongs don't make a right but seriously - if you feel the need to tell off Scotty for bugger all, do you also tell off Aussie born Asians when they say Gwai Lo - every single time they refer to us???


6657 posts
18 Oct 2012 9:28PM
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You know , it's funny because I've always associated the term "chow" as tucker , grubb , nosh , vitlins , cook-up , eats ...... food in other words
sorry bit off topic maybe folks

WA, 2775 posts
18 Oct 2012 9:41PM
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mate of mine used to loathe being called a wog.

I can still hear him now

"I not a wog, I a bloody WOP, get it right you dopy git"
also once worked with another bloke who arrived on a boat from Vietnam as a kid with what was left of his family, I mentioned another soon to arrive member of our crew had a name something like Nguan (cant remember the proper spelling) he said it was a common Viet. name- funny that- I always thought it was a common Aussie name
he got a good laugh out of that, not sure why, I was being serious (for once)


WA, 344 posts
19 Oct 2012 3:46AM
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Brothers/Sisters come together under the Energy Dome

WA, 726 posts
19 Oct 2012 7:46AM
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Off topic again but I like the yanks.
Martin Luther and his mob all fought and died over the term "Nigga" and now Pdiddy and the Ho's use it in every song and no one is offended except the oldies who know the struggle they went through to stop it being used.

WA, 15849 posts
19 Oct 2012 9:40AM
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longwinded said...
Brothers/Sisters come together under the Energy Dome

Its not an energy dome its a hat!

Mark _australia
WA, 22343 posts
19 Oct 2012 2:28PM
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^^^^ I thought it was one of those adjustable buttplugs where you cut off at the size u want?

WA, 15849 posts
19 Oct 2012 2:37PM
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Mark _australia said...
^^^^ I thought it was one of those adjustable buttplugs where you cut off at the size u want?

You would

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
19 Oct 2012 5:01PM
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Mark _australia said...
^^^^ Dave you must berate the sh!t out of those of different racial backgrounds calling us "Skips" then huh? Or how Chinese speaking asians in australia pretty much ALL call us terms that, literally translated, mean round-eye or white ghost (a spiritually critical term, ascribing demonic traits to us based on skin tone)?
Or is it easier to criticise aussie folk here
Leftie-speaking, that is.
I await the answer to my question

Ok I'll give you a "leftie speaking" answer if that's what you want. It's pretty simple, you said it yourself. 2 wrongs don't make a right. The first thing you teach your kids is that "he did it first" is not an acceptable excuse. If we all worked to that standard then we'd have a race to the bottom and pretty soon anything goes.

The rightie crowd here says migrants should F.I.F.O., well how can you say that unless you think we have the best society and nothing to learn from others? We are supposed to the the best country, so how about we try to lead from the top not copy whatever's convenient to excuse our bad behavior?

Pointing over there and saying "they did it too" doesn't excuse anything.

Pointing at your grandad and saying "he did it too" doesn't excuse anything either - the world has changed. In your great granddad's time it was legal to shoot aborigines, coke had actual coke and bex had a nice dose of morphine to take your headache away. Times have changed.

Second point: you say they "pretty much all" call us names. Not sure of your evidence there. But there are really 2 types of people in the world, those who think "us vs them" and those who think "we're all people, some good some bad".

This is an open forum, not having a beer on the back deck with your mates. The standards are different whether you like it or not.

Ask yourself this question, because I did before I made my first comment.
Along comes a young 8yr old Aussie kid to Seabreeze, typical aussie beach kid, keen to be a kiter or poley, just happens to have grandparents who left Korea to come here. Reads the first 20 posts of this thread. Would he feel hurt?

WA, 2775 posts
19 Oct 2012 3:07PM
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kiteboy dave said...
bex had a nice dose of morphine to take your headache away.

that explains nana being so cool calm and absent minded when we kids were around she was kinda fond of bex


4214 posts
19 Oct 2012 4:52PM
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kiteboy dave said...
Mark _australia said...
^^^^ Dave you must berate the sh!t out of those of different racial backgrounds calling us "Skips" then huh? Or how Chinese speaking asians in australia pretty much ALL call us terms that, literally translated, mean round-eye or white ghost (a spiritually critical term, ascribing demonic traits to us based on skin tone)?
Or is it easier to criticise aussie folk here
Leftie-speaking, that is.
I await the answer to my question

Ok I'll give you a "leftie speaking" answer if that's what you want. It's pretty simple, you said it yourself. 2 wrongs don't make a right. The first thing you teach your kids is that "he did it first" is not an acceptable excuse. If we all worked to that standard then we'd have a race to the bottom and pretty soon anything goes.

The rightie crowd here says migrants should F.I.F.O., well how can you say that unless you think we have the best society and nothing to learn from others? We are supposed to the the best country, so how about we try to lead from the top not copy whatever's convenient to excuse our bad behavior?

Pointing over there and saying "they did it too" doesn't excuse anything.

Pointing at your grandad and saying "he did it too" doesn't excuse anything either - the world has changed. In your great granddad's time it was legal to shoot aborigines, coke had actual coke and bex had a nice dose of morphine to take your headache away. Times have changed.

Second point: you say they "pretty much all" call us names. Not sure of your evidence there. But there are really 2 types of people in the world, those who think "us vs them" and those who think "we're all people, some good some bad".

This is an open forum, not having a beer on the back deck with your mates. The standards are different whether you like it or not.

Ask yourself this question, because I did before I made my first comment.
Along comes a young 8yr old Aussie kid to Seabreeze, typical aussie beach kid, keen to be a kiter or poley, just happens to have grandparents who left Korea to come here. Reads the first 20 posts of this thread. Would he feel hurt?

Wow kiteboy. Could you honestly get any more lefty, bleading heart, doogooder, politically correct, then you ?
Since you referred to me as a 'Redneck", here's a vid of my nephew playing the banjo.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"One hit chow wonder" started by Scotty88