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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Our can we help sort the problems?

Created by j murray > 9 months ago, 7 Aug 2009
j murray
SA, 947 posts
7 Aug 2009 5:52AM
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I am concerned for the planet. Basically i think the major problem is
OVERPOPULATION, there are just too many people on earth overusing
and rearranging the resources thru population expansion.
I think that the population should be severely checked asap. Maybe
only 2 children per couple permitted to be bred. Whistle dickin and tyed
tubes after two productive matings.
As for wars, conflict, so called terrorism, disease. famine, industrial disasters,
vehicle prangs, etc. The people involved here are unwittingly doing the world a
favour by limiting the breeders.
What are your thoughts ??

TAS, 2213 posts
7 Aug 2009 10:30AM
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The planet will hopefully recover and be happy again once we are gone - it will get messy between now and then though.

QLD, 12350 posts
7 Aug 2009 11:16AM
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The oligarchs keep feeding us lies about limited resources. The mega rich continue to disproportionately overconsume. Big government continues to bow to big banks and big business and they continue to gouge the guts out of the masses.

The media continues to perpetrate the big lie and shifts the blame for the woes of the world onto the little guy and the Greenpeace, WWF, Sierra Club, Wilderness Foundation etc collective of greenies and do gooders continue to be in the pay of the multi nationals.

Crusaders continue to crusade usually under false beliefs and record breakers continue to break new records.

Me, my own self I will be true and divide my time between two little towns, one called Meetamatamine and the other Whykickamoocow.

WA, 577 posts
7 Aug 2009 10:31AM
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In loving memory of our Atheist friend George Carlin;

VIC, 5000 posts
7 Aug 2009 12:58PM
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Sterilize ferals!

We are heading toward overpopulation, but nowhere near it yet. There's plenty of space on this planet for everyone, but we seem to congregate in the cities which are the drawing the most of our natural resources. People will live where there is work, or where their lifestyle predicts. If we learn to live within our natural habitat (and that might mean without many of the luxuries we take for granted), there's plenty for all.

QLD, 208 posts
7 Aug 2009 3:34PM
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cisco said...


Me, my own self I will be true and divide my time between two little towns, one called Meetamatamine and the other Whykickamoocow.

A great example of the need to licence selected breeders - stop the genes from spreading!!

WA, 988 posts
7 Aug 2009 5:03PM
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Overpopulated? Why?
Because people are starving?
Maybe it's because the developed world greedily take what they can and then waste the rest.
A study in 2005 claims that Australians waste about 5.3 billion dollars worth of food a year. That's Australia alone.
Because there isn't enough room?
About 7 billion people in the world. There is 8 billion square metres in a box 2 kilometres square. That's 2 kilometres long 2 kilometres wide and 2 kilometres high. Give everyone a square metre each and the whole of the worlds population would fit in that box. Unrealistic? Of course. but if you rationally look at that fact ( do the maths yourself) the worlds population can easily fit into Western Australia for instance.
Overpopulation isn't the real issue. There are many other factors.
There is enough for everyone.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
7 Aug 2009 5:35PM
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The world would be a fantastic amazing quiet place if we got rid of humans.

They have spread like a virus throughout the world using up all the goodness and infecting every corner.

Mark _australia
WA, 22819 posts
7 Aug 2009 5:50PM
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poor relative said...

The world would be a fantastic amazing quiet place if we got rid of kiters.

They have spread like a virus throughout the world using up all the goodness and infecting every corner.

I can't believe you said that Only sane thing you've said this week

TAS, 2213 posts
7 Aug 2009 11:39PM
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elbeau said...

About 7 billion people in the world. There is 8 billion square metres in a box 2 kilometres square. That's 2 kilometres long 2 kilometres wide and 2 kilometres high. Give everyone a square metre each and the whole of the worlds population would fit in that box. Unrealistic? Of course.

Yeah, would like to see 2 square kilometres of back to back skyscrapers 2 Km high

WA, 4564 posts
7 Aug 2009 9:43PM
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j murray said...

I am concerned for the planet. Basically i think the major problem is
OVERPOPULATION, there are just too many people on earth overusing
and rearranging the resources thru population expansion.
I think that the population should be severely checked asap. Maybe
only 2 children per couple permitted to be bred. Whistle dickin and tyed
tubes after two productive matings.
As for wars, conflict, so called terrorism, disease. famine, industrial disasters,
vehicle prangs, etc. The people involved here are unwittingly doing the world a
favour by limiting the breeders.
What are your thoughts ??

All wars should have a mandatory age limit for those involved at the front line. You must be over 55 years old, yes 55 years old Lets see how the mad pricks who start them, get on trying to sort that lot out Would last about five minutes before they all told the Zyloom war mongering idiots, to go stuff themselves.

Next problem......

QLD, 12350 posts
8 Aug 2009 12:41PM
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What if they gave a war and noboby turned up??

WA, 2371 posts
8 Aug 2009 12:11PM
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Idiot said...

In loving memory of our Atheist friend George Carlin;

Classic!!! Love It!!!!!

WA, 7608 posts
8 Aug 2009 2:21PM
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poor relative said...

The world would be a fantastic amazing quiet place if we got rid of humans.

They have spread like a virus throughout the world using up all the goodness and infecting every corner.

Eve should have never eaten the forbidden fruit. Bloody women

WA, 1321 posts
8 Aug 2009 3:10PM
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I recieved an email yesterday titled "Letter to the treasurer"

Dear Mr. Swan,

Please find below our suggestions for fixing Australia's economy.

Instead of giving billions of dollars to our banks, who we know will only squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.

You can call it the "Absolute Retirement Plan" or the ARP for short.

There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force today.

Pay them each $1 million severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

1) They MUST retire, 10 million job openings

= Unemployment fixed.

2) They MUST buy a new Australian car, 10 million cars ordered

= Car Industry fixed.

3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage

= Housing Crisis fixed.

4) They MUST pay off 1 of their credit cards/personal loans

= Credit Crisis fixed.

5) They MUST send their kids to school/TAFE/university

= Education/Crime rate fixed

6) They MUST buy at least $250 WORTH of alcohol a month......there's your money back in duty/tax etc.

It can't get any easier than that!

P.S. If more money is needed, please have all members of parliament pay back their falsely claimed expenses, second home allowances & grossly over abundant retirement packages...

If you think this would work, please forward to every Australian you know.

If not, please disregard.

Yours sincerely,

The Whole F#$@en Country

NSW, 446 posts
9 Aug 2009 2:13AM
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Well whoever wrote that obviously has no idea how anything works... no offence.

Overpopulation... how would you define it?

Basically the idea is that the population is going beyond a level that is sustainable, we are not efficient enough as a race to sustain so many people with growing living standards as they are today in the long term, it's little to do with squishing people into boxes or geographic areas or shipping food overseas to poor people.

We do have finite resources in the short term, this is fact, and those who actually go to the effort of somehow quantifying these resources versus our usage given a predicted rate of economic growth/consumption almost all come to a similar conclusions, we are fast approaching (and according to some have passed) the point of sustainability. This comes from teams of people who have studied and researched this sort of stuff inside out; from an almost purely academic standpoint. Yet I fear we will always have people educated by wikipedia who love standing on the stage claiming to know better... you love it.

Oh and cisco mate... what are you smoking? How are you even relating anything you say to an arguement against overpopulation existing? Sounds like you hang out a bit too much with the guys spotting UFOs. Think about this; how would it benefit big business or banks or govts if they were to somehow suggest that the way we are currently living is unsustainable? If anything at all they would have incentive to do the converse which is also contrary to what George says, as funny as he is, but then again people only listen to him because he is funny, otherwise he has little merit.

WA, 432 posts
9 Aug 2009 10:04AM
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easty said...

The planet will hopefully recover and be happy again once we are gone - it will get messy between now and then though.

True, but who will appreciate it?

And lets not divert away to a thread about aliens! Yes we're messing up our habitat and taking everything along with us and I used to be of the mind that we don't deserve to live on this green blue ball. But If we disappeared and this beautiful place was left spinning around with a couple of other rocks in a great expanse of dark-matter and space, what would be the point?

NSW, 101 posts
9 Aug 2009 1:18PM
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KEARNSY said...

I recieved an email yesterday titled "Letter to the treasurer"

Dear Mr. Swan,

Please find below our suggestions for fixing Australia's economy.

Instead of giving billions of dollars to our banks, who we know will only squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.

You can call it the "Absolute Retirement Plan" or the ARP for short.

There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force today.

Pay them each $1 million severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

(stuff removed)

Why do people spread this stuff?

10 million people times 1 million dollars?

That's 10 x 1,000,000 x 1,000,000,

which is $10,000,000,000,000,

which is 10,000 billion dollars, which is 10 trillion dollars.

Where is the government going to get 10 trillion dollars?

These people are giving the treasurer advice? Maybe they should spend a few dollars on a calculator first or do some basic maths.

QLD, 12350 posts
9 Aug 2009 1:34PM
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Jimmyz said...

Overpopulation... how would you define it?

Exactly.....How do you define it??

Oh and cisco mate... what are you smoking? How are you even relating anything you say to an arguement against overpopulation existing?

Think about this; how would it benefit big business or banks or govts if they were to somehow suggest that the way we are currently living is unsustainable?

It is called "Reality Weed" and you get it at your local "Church of What's Happening Now".

A well known fact is that if something is repeated often enough people will believe it is true.

If the world is overpopulated or even approaching that there would be chaos everywhere.

Big business, banks and governments benefit by perpetrating lies which they use as excuses to further tax the guts out of the masses.

The new industries are eco-sustainability and carbon trading.

The world has abundance, though enevenly distributed as it always will be. I am not saying the world is without problems or that we should not change our consumer habits. On the contrary, I think a good first step would be for the government to stop the auto makers from churning out these ridiculous V8 super utes and sedans. That would be a demonstration of their belief in and committment to what they say about environmental sustainability and road safety.

Until they do something like that, I won't believe a word they say. Like the old folk used to say "Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see.". There is nothing wrong with a healty level of scepticism.

I repeat, The world is not OVERPOPULATED, people are OVEREGOTISTICAL. Cheers Cisco

WA, 1194 posts
9 Aug 2009 12:29PM
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"Big business, banks and governments benefit by perpetrating lies which they use as excuses to further tax the guts out of the masses."

so whom are these hidden men behind this all... and what's the end game apart from taxing and benefiting from that..

on another note... how many of the masses work in the cogs of government and do they get the benefit as well as being taxed?

disclaimer, i own shares in wbc and bhp and paid a fully franked divedend.

QLD, 12350 posts
10 Aug 2009 2:22AM
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Ridicule is fine and can be a lot of fun if applied to the foibles of human nature and it's contradictions or if the subject being discussed is of a jovial nature.

When ridicule is used in a debate or discussion to debunk another's arguement or point of view, it becomes the lowest form of wit such as is regularly used in that "Hallowed Hall of Honourable Hyprocricy", Parliament House, Canberra.

Joe's title to this thread is "Our can we help sort the problems?" which is an invitation for positive responses. However it is under the main heading of "Shooting the Breeze".

So the question is, are we having a rational discussion here or just yackibindieye, shootin da breeze??

In my last post to this thread I suggested that the government should stop the car makers producing the ridiculous V8 super utes and sedans as a demonstration of it's belief in, and committment to, ecological sustainability and road safety.

Does anybody have further takes on that idea?? Cheers Cisco.

thommo 000
1670 posts
10 Aug 2009 7:27AM
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Switching to ultra-light, fuel efficient cars will obviously give some short term advantage, but as population and consumption grow, they will pour more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and require more natural areas to be buried under concrete. more recycling will help, but many of our society`s potentially dangerous effluents cannot practically be recycled.

WA, 1194 posts
10 Aug 2009 9:32AM
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population growth is exponential , and unfortunately its how our economies work, more population more output and hence more prosperity but in reality growth is only prosperous if we have surplus of commodities otherwise our economies will fall apart without the surplus of the minerals, metals and energies supplies.

as a simple micro example, a family of three - dad, mum and kid , dad earns 50k a year, with that 50k its enough to live off comfortable and have a surplus to splash out on a holiday or new appliance , mum and dad decide to have another kid, now there is no surplus of the 50k left but there is growth, so where is the prosperity in a micro environment.. there isn't... but globally there is, as it benefits others by having more children. more child care centers, more toys to be sold, more disposable nappies... the list goes on.. who knows maybe mum will find a job in childcare or something and again there is surplus in their household.

inflation, thats your hidden tax through bracket creep, inflation is simply money creation. inflation is also about surplus as well, without surplus goods such like oil, money looses it value compared to oil.

a house for example can double in value in ten years , but does that really give more spending power? not at all... fuel has doubled, insurance has doubled, food has doubled, buying power has corroded through inflation in those ten years. income may have doubled as well , hence the double of the house price, but it doesn't make you any more prosperous.

if you had invested in say gold for the past ten years your return would have been close to 400 percent, which brings me to the gold standard , this used to keep in check the money printing that todays governments love to do to operate socialist agenda's , unfortunately this printing creates inflation which leads back to bracket tax creep.

v8 utes, i imagine this includes landcruisers , xr8's and so forth, take these vehicles off the road for genuine users of the vehicles , for example to pull heavy equipment/ trailors and what will be the alternatives, i own a v8 ute and if i didn't have that i would have to buy a small truck, far less efficient in fuel use to my requirements. government meddling is usually what creates inefficiencies , take the sub prime crises in America.. people blame solely the banks as being the greedy culprits, but it was in the clinton years when the rot set in by creating laws that made the free market lend to un credit worthy people.. this was the onset of their housing bubble.. or in our own back yard the new home owner grant has in my view (and some statistical proof in some suburbs) just inflated house prices and haven't made them genuinely more affordable for a first home owner.. i don't know if it has created a bubble.. guess time will tell when interest rates increase.

anyhow i went of a little about our planet and how can we help.... to me it seems far more complex than i can grasp.....

thommo 000
1670 posts
10 Aug 2009 10:43AM
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cwamit said...

population growth is exponential , and unfortunately its how our economies work, more population more output and hence more prosperity but in reality growth is only prosperous if we have surplus of commodities otherwise our economies will fall apart without the surplus of the minerals, metals and energies supplies.

exactly, so we have to hope and work for a cultural transformation in how we treat each other and the natural systems we depend on.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Our can we help sort the problems?" started by j murray