Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by Samb0 > 9 months ago, 24 Feb 2008
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NSW, 9202 posts
28 Feb 2008 3:51PM
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stribo said...
What they "want and love"to watch has been conditioned from an early you have clearly stated , observing your own child.
The media are very clever at conditioning the blank canvas of a young mind.

If you can call youtube "the media", which is where I first showed him trains. He shows immense interest in machinery, he'll watch V8 super cars, he loves clocks (???) but he loves trains the most. He likes thomas but far, far more he likes real trains. This is his all-time favourite video, I watch it every night (lucky me):

Again, there is no media in our house, just bloody train videos. There are definately some things that you just like, because you like it. Call it instinct, genetics, whatever.

I totally agree with you though that kids will like/want a certain product because they've been suckered by the ad for it. And most kids watch waaay to much TV (mine about an hour a day, same thing over and over).

I don't know if it is intentional, calculated conditioning though as 'they' would have you believe (you see what I did there?) or just plain old advertising at work. You see 'they' also want you to think there is an evil collection of people/reptiles planning our destruction/harvest/unknown so that you get scared or intrigued and join them. 'They' are just as bad as the 'they' they are supposedly warning you about. Different sides of the same coin. Join us, joooiiin us.

(C'mon, entropy man. Who cares about alien reptiles eating us when there is entropy?)

WA, 658 posts
28 Feb 2008 1:55PM
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harrytesties said...
sales don't go up because of brittney and the like, those magazines exist to peddle mind numbing trash, and celebrity is the trash medium.

Hairytestes, do you buy those magazines? I'd guess not.

If everyone was like you and me and didn't buy them, then those type of magazines would cease to exist.

However, many people like that sort of trash, which is why those magazines exist.

It exists because people demand it, not because of a world wide conspiracy to numb our minds.

1979 posts
28 Feb 2008 2:19PM
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Is Britney Spears a lizard shapeshifter sent to distract us from what "they" are really doing?

133 posts
28 Feb 2008 2:37PM
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NSW, 9202 posts
28 Feb 2008 4:40PM
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hoop said...

Is Britney Spears a lizard shapeshifter sent to distract us from what "they" are really doing?

What about the Neil Pryde corporation?

NSW, 9202 posts
28 Feb 2008 4:48PM
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The message on the gold disc that NASA sent out into space in 1974 (i think thats the year) was in a binary format.So why woudn't they send a meassage back in the same format?
Ones and zeros mate

NASA disc contained images and sounds of Earth including instruction on how to build a device that could play it/decode it (the bulky alternative would be hard-copy photos, a gramaphone etc.).

If all it did was decode into English text, why not just write it in English to begin with?


I think there are UFOs though. I just don't think Guru Bubu at Byron Bay is contacting them via the ether (join us).

133 posts
28 Feb 2008 2:51PM
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this one is cool... wait for the credits at the end... many thanks... thor the mighty oracle... 11/ 11/

1979 posts
28 Feb 2008 3:04PM
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Yep definately lizards.

WA, 6277 posts
28 Feb 2008 3:49PM
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Regarding the crop glyph with a changed message, make up your own mind:

I think this is a hoax, albeit a well-executed operation.

The alien holding a spiral that's got a message encoded in ASCII is also I hoax I think, although I must admit it's very well done... I love the way they encoded the ASCII code for 'bell' into the message

Anyone want to help me make some australian ones?

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 4:58PM
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nebbian said...

Regarding the crop glyph with a changed message, make up your own mind:

I think this is a hoax, albeit a well-executed operation.

The alien holding a spiral that's got a message encoded in ASCII is also I hoax I think, although I must admit it's very well done... I love the way they encoded the ASCII code for 'bell' into the message

Anyone want to help me make some australian ones?

Could use your little smiley program and plot way points on our gps's ,cupla trample boards,some R.C. choppers with lights an esky full of beer......hmmmmm

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 5:06PM
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So nebbs where do you practice doing crop circles. All but the obvious hoaxes are 100 percent perfect and the perfect ones far out number the hoaxes.Humans make mistakes,leave tracks etc.. All of the circles have no tracks in or out and not a stand of wheat(or whatever plant it is) out of place . To get that good at something you need to practice alot. So where did they practise????

NSW, 9202 posts
28 Feb 2008 6:24PM
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nebbian said...

Regarding the crop glyph with a changed message, make up your own mind:

Hmm, if they are replying to a message we sent about 30 years ago, then they ain't too far away.

I wonder if they windsurf or kite?

"Governments have discussed them and then sought to confuse and misinform the populace through their control and manipulation of the popular media."

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 5:28PM
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evlPanda said...

nebbian said...

Regarding the crop glyph with a changed message, make up your own mind:

Hmm, if they are replying to a message we sent about 30 years ago, then they ain't too far away.
I wonder if they windsurf or kite?

16th of july 2012.....

WA, 4642 posts
28 Feb 2008 4:30PM
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hairytesties said...

ever noticed the news on every channel is the same... every story is the same almost in the same order and all from identical view points...? the net is a massive quagmire of disinformation and illusion, but no more so than the mainstream media, atleast with the net everybody gets a voice, the truth really is 'out' there...

The reason the news stories are for the most part all the same is because tv channels simply cannot afford to have a news crew in all places at all times.
Thus the news network is like a big co-operative. Most stories are available to other networks 'at a price' from organisations which pool the stories and sell them to anyone who wants them. Thus your local staion has access to news from all over the world for a much lower cost. Without this the content of your local tv channel news bulletin would be the weather report and little else.
Sometimes a condition of use is that the story must hold the watermark of the originator.
The similarity of form and content is not because it's a part of a plot for world domination by some secret organisation.

I do agree though that sometimes the news reports can be hugely in error. This is not due to some evil plot though, it is just that old news is worth very much less than the latest news.
It's a bit like cow fodder, it's worth a lot less after it's been through the cow.
So sometimes accuracy is sacrificed for speed.

I am amused that you say;

the net is a massive quagmire of disinformation and illusion,

and yet in your previous quotes you direct us to a number of sites which I would describe as fitting exactly this description, "a quagmire of disinformation and illusion."

To determine if any scenario presented is a realistic proposition, just ask yourself;
What would be required to make this scenario work?
How many people would be needed to carry it out?
How would you go about recruiting this many people keeping in mind that 99.9% of anyone approached would immediately dob you in.
How would you make sure noone changed their mind afterwards when they saw the result of what they had done and the worlds reaction to it?
What would be the consequences for those involved if found out?

If the answers to any or all of these questions are implausible then the whole scenario is implausible.

Also, when assessing the reliability of a website, if the critical information that you are being 'given' is really just a whole lot of misleading questions, red herrings, then you can take it that the site has no real information but they are asking you loaded questions in the hope that you will pass them on as given facts, when they are not.

You do the same thing yourself where you throw in a whole lot of completely irrelevant questions and quote them as if they are critical pieces of 'information'.
e.g. You ask
"the EVIDENCE... who leased the exact floors on both towers where the jets struck...? "

Geez! What difference does that make? If they were leased by the president of the USA can you believe that a couple of mug pilots coming in on a kamikazie raid at top speed could pick out the 80th floor in a 110 floor building and actually hit it ???
If you do, then you seriously underestimate how difficult that would be.
That two mug pilots could both succeed in this is incredible beyond reasonable belief.

Other things that various sites mention might be curiosities to consider (if they are true at all, because a lot of it is just plain wrong!) but none of the alternative theories I have seen come anywhere near satisfying any of the questions which I listed above.

NSW, 9202 posts
28 Feb 2008 6:40PM
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stribo said...

evlPanda said...

nebbian said...

Regarding the crop glyph with a changed message, make up your own mind:

Hmm, if they are replying to a message we sent about 30 years ago, then they ain't too far away.
I wonder if they windsurf or kite?

16th of july 2012.....

"the **** show"?

The **** show - July 16th, 2012
The **** show - July 16th, 2012. This place be rockin' ... 16 July 2012 @ 05:19 pm. FIC LIST. Because it's much easier on myself and anyone else who likes ...

Oh hang on, phew Yahoo7answers can tell me:

Mayan calendar eh? Actually I recall that now from watching "unexplained mysteries" when I was a kid. Really. Something about them all disappearing but leaving a message about how they were going to come back around then. Its true, I saw it on TV.

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 6:11PM
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Yes panda it's the end date of the mayan calender. Kinda like y2k but for the ancient world.Y2k as we all know was a farsss but no harm in being prepared aye?

I saw 11/11 mentioned in this post .What is it with the number 11???? For years now it pops up in front of me every day Several times. Look at the clock "11". Glance at a car numberplate "11" .Check a bank balance "11" and many others.My house number is 11 FFS!!!! I try to ignore it but it's always so obvious...

WA, 4642 posts
28 Feb 2008 5:42PM
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hairytesties said...

this one is cool... wait for the credits at the end... many thanks... thor the mighty oracle... 11/ 11/

Geez Hairy!
I can see you're really into all the interlectual stuff!

I did find it more entertaining than the conspiracy rubbish though.

(I know. Come the revolution, I'll be the first one put up against the wall and shot when 'the greys' take over the world.)

I mean, that's it isn't it. It always comes down to this world domination stuff.
Everybody wants to rule the world.

WA, 4642 posts
28 Feb 2008 5:52PM
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stribo said...

I saw 11/11 mentioned in this post .What is it with the number 11???? For years now it pops up in front of me every day Several times. Look at the clock "11". Glance at a car numberplate "11" .Check a bank balance "11" and many others.My house number is 11 FFS!!!! I try to ignore it but it's always so obvious...

It's not really 11 stribo.
All intergalactic communications are in binary, so 11 is really 3. See? 3. The "3" phone network, 3, the number of the holy trinity, 3 in 1 household cleaners, 3 bean mix, (same as 4 bean mix only 1 bean short.)
Do you see a pattern emerging? Look closely now. Do you see it?
(Well tell me if you do cos I can't. )

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 7:05PM
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Isn't binary ones and zeros?
I know what your saying pweedas. You can see something in everything.It's just that 11 bugs me all the time

WA, 4642 posts
28 Feb 2008 6:37PM
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stribo said...

Isn't binary ones and zeros?

Yes. 0000 = 0
0001 = 1
0010 = 2
0011 = 3
see? 11 = 3 !!

Now keep up stribo or the revolution will be over before you realise it's happened, and you will miss it!

NSW, 9202 posts
28 Feb 2008 8:39PM
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stribo said...

Isn't binary ones and zeros?
I know what your saying pweedas. You can see something in everything.It's just that 11 bugs me all the time

Sigh. 11 = number of time zones in the former USSR. You're probably just picking up some interference on your channel. Russian super weapon dude. The U.S. doesn't spend trillions still further developing first strike capabilites for nothing, even though the cold war has ended.
(you just know you can trust this newspaper)

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 7:39PM
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WA, 1933 posts
28 Feb 2008 6:53PM
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pweedas said...

...Thus your local staion has access to news from all over the world for a much lower cost. Without this the content of your local tv channel news bulletin would be the weather report and little else.

Sounds perfect!

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 7:57PM
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Pweedas i have informed the lizard people shape shifters of your geekyness and you will soon be called upon.~~~~[}:)]

WA, 1933 posts
28 Feb 2008 6:58PM
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evlPanda said...
This is his all-time favourite video, I watch it every night (lucky me):

Again, there is no media in our house, just bloody train videos.


And most kids watch waaay to much TV (mine about an hour a day, same thing over and over).

PML at this
Kids are so funny.

(thank goodness we got the thumbs to filter out lame one-liners )

WA, 4642 posts
28 Feb 2008 8:33PM
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stribo said...

Pweedas i have informed the lizard people shape shifters of your geekyness and you will soon be called upon.~~~~[}:)]

Ooohhh no! I think they're here already.
And I thought it was just guys from the tax office.
And one of them was definitely called 'Britney'.
Does this look like them??
What should I do ????

Hmmm I just looked up the description for the shapeshifters.

"Two luminous disc-like eyes appeared above the rim.
A huge, rounded bulk, larger than a bear, rose up slowly, glistening like wet leather.
Its lipless mouth quivered and slavered
- and snake-like tentacles writhed as the clumsy body heaved and pulsated."

Yep! That was them allright.

(well,.. maybe not. Still sounds a bit like the guys from the tax office.)

133 posts
28 Feb 2008 8:34PM
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16th of july 2012.....

do you mean 21 12 2012....?

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 9:46PM
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harrytesties said...

this one is cool... wait for the credits at the end... many thanks... thor the mighty oracle... 11/ 11/

Now testies this is just plain weird i have had this picture as my desk top wall paper for about 4 months .Not knowing much more than the thought that it looked cool.
Pweedas i have whittness to this .This is a clear link to that damn number 11.

This is the sort of stuff that happens to me every day.Doesn't make me certifiable.It just weirds me out

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 9:52PM
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Select to expand quote
harrytesties said...

16th of july 2012.....

do you mean 21 12 2012....?

Yes your right..21/12/12 is the date on our calander that corrosponds with the last day of the mayan calander.
16 of july 2012 was the date in that alien with the disc crop circle.

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 9:54PM
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BTW the reason i am replying to post from earlier today is the net nanny at workcan't see utube vids or pictures/web sites that are linked.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"POISON" started by Samb0