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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by Samb0 > 9 months ago, 24 Feb 2008
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WA, 4642 posts
28 Feb 2008 8:59PM
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Dagnabbit stribo!
This is important world shattering stuff !
Everybody needs instant access to this sort of stuff for the revolution to succeed.

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 10:02PM
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Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
28 Feb 2008 9:03PM
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QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 10:34PM
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This is pretty cool... note the reptilian sculptures in the ancient mayan city.

QLD, 1628 posts
28 Feb 2008 10:53PM
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4 years to beat that 50 knot record.
Should be some good wind and waves though.

WA, 6277 posts
28 Feb 2008 9:53PM
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Has anyone here visited the hieroglyphics near Woy Woy?

Now that's spooky, and doesn't need an internet conspiracy to raise the hairs on the back of your neck...

NSW, 9205 posts
29 Feb 2008 12:27AM
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pweedas said...

"Two luminous disc-like eyes appeared above the rim.
A huge, rounded bulk, larger than a bear, rose up slowly, glistening like wet leather.
Its lipless mouth quivered and slavered
- and snake-like tentacles writhed as the clumsy body heaved and pulsated."

Yep! That was them allright.

No, they're Martians

133 posts
28 Feb 2008 10:29PM
Thumbs Up this guy rex gilroy is an absolute bloody legend.....

NSW, 9205 posts
29 Feb 2008 12:32AM
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stribo said...

BTW the reason i am replying to post from earlier today is the net nanny at workcan't see utube vids or pictures/web sites that are linked.

Sometimes running it through Google translator as a kind of proxy can get you around things like that:

Just put the web address down where it says 'Translate a Web Page', don't worry about any other settings. Good luck.

133 posts
28 Feb 2008 10:43PM
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133 posts
28 Feb 2008 11:02PM
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NSW, 9205 posts
29 Feb 2008 1:02AM
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harrytesties said... this guy rex gilroy is an absolute bloody legend.....

All related to King Alfred!? What!?

Yawn. That is not in the slightest bit unusual. Do the maths.

King Alfred lived around 1100 (11!) years ago. He has about 6 children who each have about 6 and so on. Let's say they have children at average 25 years of age. Let's also say only half of those survive to go on to have 6 children of which only half survive etc etc.

That's about 44 sets of 6 children, average 3 go on to procreate. In other words 3 to the power of 44 (3 x 3 x 3...) which equals about 9 with 20 zeros after it.


Obviously there has been a lot of crossing over back and forth of that lineage in tiny little underpopulated Europe since then! Mr X's great-great-great.... great grandaughter bonked Mr X's great-great-great... great granddaughter's cousin etc etc.

Are you still amazed they are related? I've no doubt if you have European ancestry you are related to King Alfred too, I'd put money on it (you reptilian shapeshifter you).

My son is half Tatar, very likely a descendent of Ghengis Khan. Ghengis had something like 250 wives. There is nothing more common than being a descendent of Ghengis Khan.

Now. If you have the time, about 50 mins, and broadband here is a great BBC2 documentary on gravity. Science is so much more interesting and amazing than any conspiracy theory, like for example unless the GPS system took into account the way gravity here on Earth makes time run slower than out in orbit it'd be out by around 10km each day:

PS I took a LOT of acid as a teenager. I've eaten reptilian shape-shifters for breakfast .

1979 posts
28 Feb 2008 11:04PM
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And dont forget, the next ice age is also starting in 2012. It's going to be a busy year.

WA, 4642 posts
29 Feb 2008 12:25AM
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evlPanda said...

pweedas said...

"Two luminous disc-like eyes appeared above the rim.
A huge, rounded bulk, larger than a bear, rose up slowly, glistening like wet leather.
Its lipless mouth quivered and slavered
- and snake-like tentacles writhed as the clumsy body heaved and pulsated."

Yep! That was them allright.

No, they're Martians

"The chances of anything coming from Mars, are a million to one he said."

QLD, 5610 posts
29 Feb 2008 9:27AM
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"Captain Liz ard, we have traveled 100 million light years and have arrived at the planet they call Earth"..."Roger that number one, prepare to activate the CROP CRUSHER machine".............

knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
29 Feb 2008 9:46AM
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Richiefish said...

"Captain Liz ard, we have traveled 100 million light years and have arrived at the planet they call Earth"..."Roger that number one, prepare to activate the CROP CRUSHER machine".............

But captain, why can't we use our extremely advanced technology and intelligence to translate our message in one thousand native languages and beam it simultaneously to every radio, television set and internet connection on earth?

Because I like to keep them guessing number one [}:)]

[colour=secret space beige]
Are crop circles just the result of alien teenagers doing doughnuts in dads spaceship when he goes away for the weekend?
[/colour=secret space beige]

QLD, 5610 posts
29 Feb 2008 9:56AM
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knot board said...

Richiefish said...

"Captain Liz ard, we have traveled 100 million light years and have arrived at the planet they call Earth"..."Roger that number one, prepare to activate the CROP CRUSHER machine".............

But captain, why can't we use our extremely advanced technology and intelligence to translate our message in one thousand native languages and beam it simultaneously to every radio, television set and internet connection on earth?

Because I like to keep them guessing number one [}:)]

[colour=secret space beige]
Are crop circles just the result of alien teenagers doing doughnuts in dads spaceship when he goes away for the weekend?
[/colour=secret space beige]

"Roger captain, the humans massive egos could not handle the fact that they are a lower species..We must continue the anal probing program till they humble the f@#k up."....

Mark _australia
WA, 22880 posts
29 Feb 2008 9:21AM
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I am REALLLY sorry I mentioned conspiracies now........

QLD, 1628 posts
29 Feb 2008 12:15PM
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Of course if there are other alien races out there they are millions of years advanced compared to us primitive humanoid life forms.
They all are aren't they?
Do you think they advanced in exactly the same way as we are?? Perhaps they advanced organicly rather than digitaly or industrialy? Thus the only why they can communicate is through altering organic structures on our planet....
There are a million reasons for these crop circles and i don't close my mind to any of them.......

Its interesting how people revert to nervous humor when they see something that can,t be explained....

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
29 Feb 2008 11:27AM
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I watched a show on fox about crop circles. Turns out they are bollocks. There are people who are "professional crop circle makers" that do them perfectly. Really wicked how they do it. And they proved it by making a really cool one (complex) in one night.
Omg, maybe the aliens have transformed into human form, and are continuing the crop circle making as imposters. . And if they can transform into human, then we can trust noone.......stribo, how long have you lived on this planet?

QLD, 1628 posts
29 Feb 2008 12:40PM
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Dawn Patrol said...

I watched a show on fox about crop circles. Turns out they are bollocks. There are people who are "professional crop circle makers" that do them perfectly. Really wicked how they do it. And they proved it by making a really cool one (complex) in one night.
Omg, maybe the aliens have transformed into human form, and are continuing the crop circle making as imposters. . And if they can transform into human, then we can trust noone.......stribo, how long have you lived on this planet?

Of course they are bollocks dawnpatrol.....You saw it on fox

133 posts
29 Feb 2008 11:47AM
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yeah nervous humour, vicious name calling or character assasination... how about the crop circles showing how to turn water into fuel, or how to harness energy from the ether... what about tesla and stubbleford...? what of the pryramids around the world (including australia)... or the ones on mars...? 'a funny thing happened on the way to the moon' check it out on google video

NSW, 9205 posts
29 Feb 2008 2:23PM
Thumbs Up

harrytesties said...

yeah nervous humour, vicious name calling or character assasination...

- Where? C'mon this is just a bit of fun. Whether any of us thinks another is loopy or not underneath we all have good intentions for each other, which is why we are posting this crap

how about the crop circles showing how to turn water into fuel, or how to harness energy from the ether...

When we disprove any of this conspiracy stuff you just bring up more topics to disprove. Case in point -

Water into fuel eh? You know how to make us listen? Do it, turn water into fuel. The big question is if you know how to do this why don't you do it? Why are you keeping it from us? Are you part of Exxon? Do you want to bleed us dry before releasing this technology you speak of? What are your motives for telling us you know how to but not telling us how to?

what about tesla and stubbleford...?

What about Tesla? Apart from how Edison totally shafted him? Tesla was awesome and is a fascinating read, really. I think you'll see more of his work in future technologies for many years to come.

what of the pryramids around the world (including australia)... or the ones on mars...?

What about them? Did you know there are more in Sudan than Egypt? 'a funny thing happened on the way to the moon' check it out on google video

No time to watch. Is this about fake moon landings? C'mon. There are satellites right? You can't deny that, you can look up and see them. From there it ain't to hard to get to the moon. 3 days drift through empty space. Not that much of a stretch.

All-in-all I just find conspiracy theories very limited. Those who believe in them ask me to open my mind but I think it's the other way around. The universe is far, far more amazing than any conspiracy theory. Check it out.

133 posts
29 Feb 2008 1:31PM
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tesla discovered how to harness free energies, including hundreds of patents, before creating magnetic electricity, being railroaded by j.p morgan- pun intended, then dying a pauper and recluse, possibly murdered, same with stubbleford, who worked out how to collect d.c current in batteries stored in the earth, the water to fuel, saltwater is an electrolite-- excuse me if i get this wrong, it was explained to me by someone who could demonstrate it years ago--- by vibrating the solid particle in the electrolite, the salt/mineral, with radio waves at frequency x, the water instantly catalyses into its elemental gasses... there is a video of this on you tube by a guy who was trying to make his own 'rife telescope'- an amazing invention in its own right... oh and what about browns gas..? even just google water powered cars... as for the pyramids, i mean real pyramids, not mounds or tombs or temples... amazing structures, literally humming with cosmic energy and able to distort space and time or at least our perception of it....
conspiracy = all out universal doom or attention seeking fluff, either way, beats home and away or nieghbors....

WA, 4642 posts
29 Feb 2008 1:36PM
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hairytesties said...

yeah nervous humour, vicious name calling or character assasination...

Hairy,.... Maaaaate!
I mean you no disrespect but if someone signs on with a web name such as yours and lists a real name such as yours in their profile, (Harry Testeagles) which is clearly intended to be read as Hairy Testicles, You can hardly be surprised or offended when someone takes you up on your offer.
And just to make sure we didn't miss the point, you made your web name Harrytesties. And now we are "vicious name calling"?

I would bet London to a housebrick that your name is neither Harry nor Testeagles.

I think Mr Panda sums the rest up nicely so I wont bother.

QLD, 1628 posts
29 Feb 2008 3:03PM
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It is all in fun to me and as harry stated it's way better than home & away and neighbours.
Evey doco etc. on conspirecy theories is biased either way .
There is always one group trying to prove it's true and one trying to disprove.
The most interesting thing about it is there is actualy a subject to argue over.

With cropcircles,who stands to lose if they are proved to be the real thing?
The church? The government? Science?

And if they are proved not?
Not really anyone......

WA, 4642 posts
29 Feb 2008 2:12PM
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hairytesties said...

the water to fuel, saltwater is an electrolite-- excuse me if i get this wrong, it was explained to me by someone who could demonstrate it years ago--- by vibrating the solid particle in the electrolite, the salt/mineral, with radio waves at frequency x, the water instantly catalyses into its elemental gasses... there is a video of this on you tube by a guy who was trying to make his own 'rife telescope'- an amazing invention in its own right... oh and what about browns gas..? even just google water powered cars...

Geez Hairy! This is like chasing the flies.
Swat one and a dozen more take its place.
The "water to fuel" 'conspiracy' is an all time favorite scam, and it works so well because it actually can be done and demonstrated.
The problem is that it takes more energy to turn the water into fuel than you get from burning the fuel, so it only works for as long as you keep pouring the electrical energy into the process. Once the battery goes flat, the fuel stops and the car stops.
They always explain this by saying a pump failed or a generator burnt out or some other transparently lame excuse. But the reality is that the process stopped because it ran out of energy to put in to support it.

The other favorite is to mix alcohol (or any other combustible product) with water and then run the hot exhaust gas through the mix so that it vaporises out the combustible product, pipe this into the engine and demonstrate it "running on water."
It's not running on water. It's running on the combustible vapour of whatever you added. When that runs out the motor stops. But hopefully the observer wont be there then. They will be running off to tell everyone that they have just seen a motor 'running on water'.
"Come and invest your money in this cos I've seen it working!"

Or another favorite is "I don't have the money to start a factory to produce these engines but for $ I can sell you the plans and you can make an engine for yourself."
yeah,.... Right.

One of the few advantages of being old is that by the time you get there you have seen all these great new inventions crop up time and time again.
I look at them every time, just to see what category they fall in to, not because I think they have the slightest chance of working.

And yes, I've 'seen them working' myself and I know exactly how they work and I would not put 1 cent of my money into any of them beacuse THEY ARE ALL A BIG CON! Not part of any conspiracy by oil companies or anyone else.

If you want to look at something which I do think has a slight possibility of working, look at "cold fusion". Although everything seems to be against it I think we are still missing something here which could make it work.
And if it works it will be the end of our dependence on oil and the end of polution.

WA, 4642 posts
29 Feb 2008 2:33PM
Thumbs Up

Dawn Patrol said...

I watched a show on fox about crop circles. Turns out they are bollocks. There are people who are "professional crop circle makers" that do them perfectly. Really wicked how they do it. And they proved it by making a really cool one (complex) in one night.

There is no doubt that many of the crop circles are fake.
But the thing is, it only needs one of them not to be fake for there to be something worth looking into.
And I think at this point that is still the case for a number of reasons.

There are so many of them now and they always seem to appear as complete.
There seems to be a lack of half finished crop circles or crop circles from bad artists.
If they were all done by yobos out for a bit of fun there would be lots of them where they bungled the job in much the same way as graffiti art or burglaries or anything else that people do.

NSW, 9205 posts
29 Feb 2008 4:43PM
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Again Hairy (if that's your real name) I respect your ideas, just let me pull them apart.

harrytesties said...

tesla discovered how to harness free energies,
... the water to fuel, saltwater is an electrolite-- excuse me if i get this wrong, it was explained to me by someone who could demonstrate it years ago--- by vibrating the solid particle in the electrolite, the salt/mineral, with radio waves at frequency x, the water instantly catalyses into its elemental gasses...

So why don't we have free energy?
"elemental gasses???" WTF are they?

... oh and what about browns gas..?

I don't know, what about it? Sounds smelly.

even just google water powered cars...

I did and I found:

"By splitting water by electrolysis and creating hydrogen/oxygen gas, you can replace gasoline. We have been taught this is impossible! Engineers, scientists and professors may in fact tell tell you you're crazy to believe such non sense."

Yes you can split water to get hydrogen. We haven't been taught this is impossible. sounds like you've been taught that we've been taught this is impossible. We haven't.

This is all I know and I'm completely crap at chemistry so I'm going to say "I don't know any more than this" and stop here on this one, except to say:


You can't answer this can you.

as for the pyramids, i mean real pyramids, not mounds or tombs or temples... amazing structures, literally humming with cosmic energy and able to distort space and time or at least our perception of it....

WTF? What is "cosmic energy"? Really I want an answer to this. You can't just sprout off "cosmic energy" and leave it at that. You have no idea what it is do you.

Distort space and time eh? See my post back a bit with the BBC2 doco about gravity. You are living on a space-time distorter, technically, scientifically you are one yourself (although probably not in the way you imagine).

conspiracy = all out universal doom or attention seeking fluff, either way, beats home and away or nieghbors....

I thought Neighbours was the epitomy of universal gloom.
OK you've got me here.

WA, 4642 posts
29 Feb 2008 2:54PM
Thumbs Up

evlPanda said...
Now. If you have the time, about 50 mins, and broadband here is a great BBC2 documentary on gravity. Science is so much more interesting and amazing than any conspiracy theory, like for example unless the GPS system took into account the way gravity here on Earth makes time run slower than out in orbit it'd be out by around 10km each day:

In case this got lost in all the BS, this really is a very interesting vid.
Thanks Mr Panda.
Watch this Hairy. It's called SCIENCE.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"POISON" started by Samb0