I think it's just as dangerous to blindly follow the 'scientific' or 'official' explanation as it is to believe the wacky conspiracy theories. I've seen many scientists who are just as fanatically closed-minded as a cult follower.
And if you blindly swallow all that the media rams down your throat, then you're beyond help... sure it makes for a nice simple easy world view, but if you demand the truth then your life starts to get a lot more interesting.
Don't think that conspiracies exist?
Just one word:
Why didn't the official explanation of 9/11 say anything about building 7?
Unfortunately the people that are most attracted to conspiracy theories are also the least convincing. They don't tend to have much of a background in science, often can't string two words together properly, or (you listening Harry?) seem to have misplaced their shift key. To be credible you MUST have a full grasp of the english language, at the very minimum. They also seem to be stuck in the rut of trying desperately to convince people, but don't expect anyone to listen. Therefore, no-one does. It's a bit of a shame really. If they could organise a decent amount of momentum amongst the populace, then they would finally get the answers they claim to crave. But then that would stop them being on the fringe wouldn't it?
Right on Nebbain, you can't believe anything (but especially not conspiracy theories). Chanel 10 and the culture it spreads is just as crap, but perhaps less dangerous and annoying, as conspiracy theories. Big Brother, ads, ads, ads.
(Hairy, this is a paragraph coming up. See how points are grouped together, with a breathing, digesting space in between?)
Truth only comes from doubt and disbelief. Do I believe the sun comes up each day? No, of course not.
You can only believe in ideas, concepts, myths etc, which are thoughts, which are...? Illusion I guess. Your thoughts take you away from the here and now, not that they are useless of course, we need to think, but they are often mischevious.
It is not the alfoil hat, it is the implant in your brain warming up due to the EM field of the computer. You must have an early MK Ultra implant, later models don't do that.
Out of all the conspiracy theories the one that gets me is crop circles.Freak me out but then when i look at them i feel calm and secure.
Of course they are all debunked as hoaxes and some are.But some are way too perfect ..perfect geometries etc. Instruments in aircraft going bannanas when they cross into them . Appearing in fieldes in minutes..
A cuple of years ago i was cycling through the york peninsula in S.A. and camped in a feild behind a derilict farm house and noticed an impression in the grass ..sort of triangle shape leading to an oval shape. All the grass around it was about two feet tall and standing up. In the circle,of course,the grass swirled in towards a centre point that was....off centre? Unfortunatly i didn't have a camera But it stirred an interest . I've watched a few doco's on them and i must say some of them can't have possibly be made by man.....
Alot of well educated people are saying these circles are the single most important "thing/discovery?" in this century....
Yep crop circles are totally alien man! I mean, how could a human ever manage to create something as geometrically perfect as this?
RichieFish, have you disabled the V-chip in your TV yet? You know that the government can use it to spy on you, right?
Just to add to the paranoia . Any mobile phone can be turned (with a small piece of software) into a bug...as long as its turned on "they" are listening or watching if your phone has a camera
pweetas, the websites i have directed youse all to for further enlightenment, the ones so cleverly constructed and presented that in the absence of any dissenting veiws or knowledge so they all sound quite plausable..? hhmmm.... kind of like the rubbish we call free press....? 911 was an inside job... no question. rense.com, jackblood.com, infowars.com.... what is presented here is the details of what has happened, the stuff ups, the leaks, the EVIDENCE... who leased the exact floors on both towers where the jets struck...? why were the towers only 10% of their usual capacity for that time of the day? which american political family controlled the security at the towers? what of the school teacher who came forward and said that when she took her children on a feild trip two weeks before the event, one of her chilren came up to her her and said 'my daddy said these building are coming down next week'... that is paraphrased, but you can veiw her interview on youtube or 911eyewitness.com, of the hundreds and hundreds of experts in their feilds who all claim the towers, inc building seven were textbook demolitions, forget the talking head spewing corporate lies from the t.v everynight, the reason most people don't want to entertain the idea that this can, does and will happen again, is because we want to belive our 'leaders' are there for us, that we understand the game. maybe we are just genetic spare parts, human elecromagnetic batteries for inter-dimensional psychic farmers, maybe just maybe, that is the whole ryhme and reason... but you don't know either, and if we keep thinking we are informed watching the tele, reading the papers, well, then we deserve what we get... as for clinton and lewinski... again look at the details, not just the drama, happens here too, anyone remember the children overboard...? as for the one who stated this discussion is not for here, if its not for general discussion, then where...? 'they' don't want you to talk about this, 'they' would like it all swept under the carpet, the details of the event itself forgotten, with just the effect of the terrorism laws -which immediately went global- remaining... www.vialls.com truth is always stranger than fiction...
So your point is, if something is reported on TV then its all lies and conspiracy ,but if you read it on the net then it's the truth of what has really happened. Hairy you are so insightful.
I tend to be with harry on issues of media.For instance if you went to the doctor and he told you that you have cancer.Would you believe him and let him start hacking or get a second opinion??
Media is designed to keep us in check.To keep us consuming.To keep us striving for status and wealth.To keep us greedy
They do this by keeping us in fear.Notice that there aren't many good news stories .One minute your watching a suicide bombers destruction and the next thing you see is the latest lounge sweet on sale at ikea with smiling Mrs Mary Perfect watching her big screen plasma!! WTF!!!
And as for home and away and nieghbours sheeez fkn mind poison. In either of those shows anyone who is mildly alternative turns out joining some bad cult or kidnaps and kills someone..
So don,t stray off the path of mainstream, people.Keep watching the tube and listening to comercial radio and you will all be safe in the arms of big brother.
Oh and be sure to debunk any alternative opinion.
www.hashemsfilms.com "the antichrist dajaal will be a reptilian shapeshifter".... the part where the guy disseminates disney's 'lion king'.... scary, its there in front of your eyes... don't believe me watch it for yourself... britney spears and the like have been groomed since early childhood, sales don't go up because of brittney and the like, those magazines exist to peddle mind numbing trash, and celebrity is the trash medium.
evlPanda......the entropy bait was sooo tempting..... but i'm getting hassled enough for puctuation and paragraphs, again political science has never had such blurry boundaries....