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Pacifying black people with fried chicken

Created by Beaglebuddy > 9 months ago, 24 Sep 2012
1595 posts
24 Sep 2012 7:47PM
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Apparently the way to go in Australia.

QLD, 2770 posts
24 Sep 2012 10:47PM
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a better chicken ad here...

WA, 14739 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:51AM
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Beaglebuddy said...

Apparently the way to go in Australia.

I don't know if you are joking or not, but to me the ad is all about an Aussie cricketer sitting in the middle of a crowd of Jamaican cricket supporters, hence being in a difficult situation. I think KFC sponsor cricket, so it is not a bad fit.

Why would you jump to the conclusion that this is racist? To my knowledge there is no link between Jamaicans and fried chicken. There is certainly no allusion to this in the ad.

Unless of course you are making the leap that all black people are African-American, and that they therefore have links to the south and thus fried chicken.

Not all black people are from the USA.

Why are you stereotyping people like this?

NSW, 9202 posts
25 Sep 2012 4:58PM
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So... if I give a black person African-American some fried chicken it is racist. If I recognise that it would be racist to do so, so I don't, then that is not racist?

"Aren't you going to offer me some fried chicken?"
"No, because you are African-American."

Yeah, this really works.

WA, 15849 posts
25 Sep 2012 3:06PM
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evlPanda said...

So... if I give a black person African-American some fried chicken it is racist. If I recognise that it would be racist to do so, so I don't, then that is not racist?

"Aren't you going to offer me some fried chicken?"
"No, because you are African-American."

Yeah, this really works.

If he has a gun he can have the whole bucket

4214 posts
25 Sep 2012 3:09PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

Apparently the way to go in Australia.

Please explain how you see that add is racist.

1595 posts
25 Sep 2012 3:48PM
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Personally I don't find it racist but if this ad were to air in the US there would be riots in the streets, seriously, it would be all over every news feed and talking head, there would be calls to boycott and vandalism and violence.
In the US there is a stereotype about black people with fried chicken and watermelon.

QLD, 663 posts
25 Sep 2012 5:51PM
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Because it came from Australia. Apparently we are all racist! Get onboard mate!

1595 posts
25 Sep 2012 3:52PM
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Watched it again, to make the stereotype worse the blacks are banging on bongo drums. The only thing that could possibly make it worse would be if the blacks had bones thu their noses.

1595 posts
25 Sep 2012 3:54PM
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jamdfingr said...

Because it came from Australia. Apparently we are all racist! Get onboard mate!

Like I said, I don't find it racist but I suppose the point is the differences in our cultures, what would cause a major public insurrection in the US doesn't even bat an eye in Australia.

4214 posts
25 Sep 2012 4:13PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

Personally I don't find it racist but if this ad were to air in the US there would be riots in the streets, seriously, it would be all over every news feed and talking head, there would be calls to boycott and vandalism and violence.
In the US there is a stereotype about black people with fried chicken and watermelon.

I guess we aren't as farked up in OZ as you guys are cause as an Aussie I can't see anything racist in that add. I guess some people will draw their own conclusions to suit their agendas.

WA, 15849 posts
25 Sep 2012 4:14PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

jamdfingr said...

Because it came from Australia. Apparently we are all racist! Get onboard mate!

Like I said, I don't find it racist but I suppose the point is the differences in our cultures, what would cause a major public insurrection in the US doesn't even bat an eye in Australia.

Like your gun culture, but thats another story

10979 posts
25 Sep 2012 4:22PM
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Scotty88 said...

Beaglebuddy said...

Personally I don't find it racist but if this ad were to air in the US there would be riots in the streets, seriously, it would be all over every news feed and talking head, there would be calls to boycott and vandalism and violence.
In the US there is a stereotype about black people with fried chicken and watermelon.

I guess we aren't as farked up in OZ as you guys are cause as an Aussie I can't see anything racist in that add. I guess some people will draw their own conclusions to suit their agendas.

He could put the whole ad up to, It shows that old mate is at the cricket in the west indies and is sitting in the crowd as the Aussies beat them in the cricket so he buys them some chicken as a offer of friendship and probably to get some of that fine Jaimacan..??.?

Just putting it in context...

QLD, 3954 posts
25 Sep 2012 6:27PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

Personally I don't find it racist but if this ad were to air in the US there would be riots in the streets, seriously, it would be all over every news feed and talking head, there would be calls to boycott and vandalism and violence.
In the US there is a stereotype about black people with fried chicken and watermelon.

And the world wonders why it is falling apart...... Next thing you know there will be riots over some poorly made video.

Which ones were the extremists again?

NSW, 625 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:25PM
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You have obviously never watched "The Turtleman" - a USA show whilst in company of an Australian. The guy goes around catching turtles and going hunting C**NS. That draws a very different racial inference in Aus.

Horses for Courses. When in Rome.........

10979 posts
25 Sep 2012 5:39PM
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Ellobuddha said...

going hunting C**NS.

Horses for Courses. When in Rome.........

Be a boring show, Pretty easy to catch cheese.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
25 Sep 2012 8:36PM
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Beaglebuddy are a tool!

1595 posts
25 Sep 2012 6:51PM
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I seem to have struck a nerve! Just pointing out the differences in cultures that's all.
In the US community organizers like Obama and all the race hucksters would be out with the media blitz, coordinating street protests and you could be sure several KFC's would get burned down.
And as I have said several times, I don't find it offensive.

1595 posts
25 Sep 2012 6:54PM
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Ellobuddha said...

You have obviously never watched "The Turtleman" - a USA show whilst in company of an Australian. The guy goes around catching turtles and going hunting C**NS. That draws a very different racial inference in Aus.

Horses for Courses. When in Rome.........

Well I don't have a TV, so no.

4214 posts
25 Sep 2012 6:56PM
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Only in America.

WA, 14739 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:15PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

I seem to have struck a nerve! Just pointing out the differences in cultures that's all.
In the US community organizers like Obama and all the race hucksters would be out with the media blitz, coordinating street protests and you could be sure several KFC's would get burned down.
And as I have said several times, I don't find it offensive.

I think we can agree that the ad wouldn't go down well in the US. I personally don't think its racist at all, but I can see why some would draw the conclusion that it is - probably only in the USA though.

It's a shame, but I can even understand why it would be interpreted badly there, as someone would interpret it as a slight on them, and then it would all be blown out to be something that it really is not meant to be.

WA, 14739 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:22PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

Watched it again, to make the stereotype worse the blacks are banging on bongo drums. The only thing that could possibly make it worse would be if the blacks had bones thu their noses.

I think you are being racially insensitive to Jamaicans now!

The 'bongo' drums are probably (well I think they are meant to be) those drums that are made from oil drums where they press out different sections to give different notes. A truly modern instrument, and not a bongo drum. You can hear it in the music, even though the guy beating the drum has no idea, and it really is just an oil drum.

No bongo sounds, unfortunately, but aren't Jamacains allowed to use Bongos in their music if they want to?

A quick google search suggests that they are called steelpans.

I don't think Jamaicans had bones through there noses, so that really would be a bad production decision.

It is a shame, that all the history in the US would stop people from seeing the ad for what it really is, but I also agree, that I would never try and show the ad there!

WA, 6672 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:27PM
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Would a Scot see racism in this ? :

A tourist enters a tavern in Scotland, the only other man in the bar sides up to him and says "you see that stone wall over there? I built it with me own two hands, do they call me McGregor the wall builder? NO!"
Then he says, "You see that pier out there on the loch? built it with me own two hands, do they call me McGregor the pier builder? NO!"
He takes a sip of his whiskey, sighs and mumbles, " but you f@#k one sheep....

NSW, 4188 posts
25 Sep 2012 9:28PM
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Scotty88 said...

I guess some people will draw their own conclusions to suit their agendas.

^^^ +1

(pun intended)

WA, 3271 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:30PM
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Throw 'kfc tv ad withdrawn racist' into google and you get a heap of results, this Australian ad shown on Australian TV was withdrawn in early 2010 due to complaints in the USA where it was taken out of context.

And it they were apparently portraying West Indians, not African Americans.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:38PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

In the US there is a stereotype about black people with fried chicken and watermelon.

I love fried chicken and watermelon.......

Is it cus i is black?

WA, 15849 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:41PM
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Carantoc said...

Would a Scot see racism in this ? :

A tourist enters a tavern in Scotland, the only other man in the bar sides up to him and says "you see that stone wall over there? I built it with me own two hands, do they call me McGregor the wall builder? NO!"
Then he says, "You see that pier out there on the loch? built it with me own two hands, do they call me McGregor the pier builder? NO!"
He takes a sip of his whiskey, sighs and mumbles, " but you f@#k one sheep....

4214 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:44PM
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When Paul Kelly and the Coloured Girls released their debut album in 1987 they were advised to change their name to Paul Kelly and the Messengers due to possible racial connotations in the USA. Subsequent albums were released as the 'Coloured Girls' in Australia and the 'Messengers' in the USA.
That's the difference between our country and yours Beagle Buggy.

QLD, 2770 posts
25 Sep 2012 9:44PM
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poor relative said...

Beaglebuddy said...

In the US there is a stereotype about black people with fried chicken and watermelon.

I love fried chicken and watermelon.......

Is it cus i is black?

you jus stick to dat dere cider an' dat cheese on toast. know your place in dis world taffy boy....

Mark _australia
WA, 22437 posts
25 Sep 2012 7:59PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

I seem to have struck a nerve! Just pointing out the differences in cultures that's all.
In the US community organizers like Obama and all the race hucksters would be out with the media blitz, coordinating street protests and you could be sure several KFC's would get burned down.
And as I have said several times, I don't find it offensive.

I don't know if the whole ad would cause that strife. As per above comments, the whole ad shows the context.
But why did some d!ckhead edit it and then put it on Youtube with title "racist KFC ad?"

Trying to make a story out of nothing, probably a journalism student....

Flip side is, according to some of our bullsh!tfarkin laws about E.O and stuff, intent is irrelevant and effect is what matters.
So what was not racist, sexist or whatever yesterday (if millions saw it on TV and were unoffended) can be a breach if one oversensitive person gets upset tomorrow.
This ad could be culturally appropriate today, and laughed at by millions, but a couple of lunatics get upset about it and it is gone quick smart and KFC is apologising even though they think they did nothing wrong.
Bit like schools banning Christmas nativity scenes for fear of upsetting others - even though no "others" complained yet.

The fact somebody felt the need to post this on youtube, with title "racist...." shows all that is wrong with the world at the moment.....

VIC, 5000 posts
25 Sep 2012 10:26PM
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I think there are some sensitive Aussies though - apparently there was a movie that took the p!ss out of an Islam prophet made in the USofA recently that made a few 'Aussies' upset.

I just don't get it...I'll go put my head in to my bucket of sand now.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Pacifying black people with fried chicken" started by Beaglebuddy