Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Pacifying black people with fried chicken

Created by Beaglebuddy > 9 months ago, 24 Sep 2012
321 posts
25 Sep 2012 9:56PM
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to beagle:

it would be insensitive and harmful in the USA because racists people have been using the cliche of the field (n word here) to downplay the achievements of the black population as a whole: trying to cast them as dumb southerners with no plan in life and unable to decide their own life: a direct reference to justify slavery's rightfulness (you'll find this imagery being used in many films, TV series to make the villain racist look bad) so in the US it would most like not be a communication campaign that KFC would go down on as they have had their issues with that in the past (colonel = KKK)

Now the advert is about an aussie in the middle of Jamaicans that are being loud so he offers them some chicken. Now you can see many things in that but it is somehow condescending (me rich white man feeds you savages so you shut the hell up) and uses a cliche. It's just sad that the ads creative did a poor job but they know that cliches are ripe among the customer base and did hit the lowest denomination common to the large group watchin' telly: prejudice. Placement of ad, my guess during ACA, 60 minutes and all those shows spreading a fair amount of nonsense.

Racism is a perception, all and nothing can be so and unless you are the targeted population victim of discrimination it's hard to understand the sensitivity towards those matters. I lived in Africa, was victim of such discrimination: now I understand. I recommend reading the biography of Malcom X or even watch the movie, it's a great entertaining short book and an amazing insight into racism (both ways, and also religious discrimination) and its shortcomings. peace on earth to those of good will.

Mark _australia
WA, 22336 posts
25 Sep 2012 10:29PM
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^^^ Total unabridled bullsh!t. White man feeds savages tec? YOU have imposed that interpretation.

If the ad was a noisy white crowd, with one black fan in the middle, and he gave them chicken, beer or a piece of bloody bubblegum to shut them up, would it be racist????

Would it mean all white people like chicken, or are alcoholics, or like pink soft things? No

The whole idea of the ad is it needs to be clear that he is surrounded by an opposing team's supporters. If it was the english team it may not be so obvious. (DUH!)

But considering MOST of the teams we play cricket against are DARKER than us then it fits.

But it must be racist cos it has darker people in it??? I think not, FFS 90% of the planet is darker than us in Australia.

Being balanced about your first paragraph - do you think the many intelligent people living in the southern states of the USA like being portrayed in every single ad, movie and TV show, as retarded buck toothed yokels with confederate flags on their jacked up F-trucks ???
Door swings both ways man.

10979 posts
25 Sep 2012 11:03PM
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dafrog said...

to beagle:

it would be insensitive and harmful in the USA because racists people have been using the cliche of the field (n word here) to downplay the achievements of the black population as a whole: trying to cast them as dumb southerners with no plan in life and unable to decide their own life: a direct reference to justify slavery's rightfulness (you'll find this imagery being used in many films, TV series to make the villain racist look bad) so in the US it would most like not be a communication campaign that KFC would go down on as they have had their issues with that in the past (colonel = KKK)

Now the advert is about an aussie in the middle of Jamaicans that are being loud so he offers them some chicken. Now you can see many things in that but it is somehow condescending (me rich white man feeds you savages so you shut the hell up) and uses a cliche. It's just sad that the ads creative did a poor job but they know that cliches are ripe among the customer base and did hit the lowest denomination common to the large group watchin' telly: prejudice. Placement of ad, my guess during ACA, 60 minutes and all those shows spreading a fair amount of nonsense.

Racism is a perception, all and nothing can be so and unless you are the targeted population victim of discrimination it's hard to understand the sensitivity towards those matters. I lived in Africa, was victim of such discrimination: now I understand. I recommend reading the biography of Malcom X or even watch the movie, it's a great entertaining short book and an amazing insight into racism (both ways, and also religious discrimination) and its shortcomings. peace on earth to those of good will.

321 posts
25 Sep 2012 11:17PM
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Mark _australia said...

^^^ Total unabridled bullsh!t. White man feeds savages tec? YOU have imposed that interpretation.

I have imposed nothing (called it: "somehow condescending") but was showing one way it might be understood by someone with a heighten sensitivity to these issues, you are not part of the targeted group...

If the ad was a noisy white crowd, with one black fan in the middle, and he gave them chicken, beer or a piece of bloody bubblegum to shut them up, would it be racist????

Would you be offended by such subtext and cliche being used for commercial purpose then, white cliches? Should you be silenced by anything at all because you are enjoying yourself and showing it by supporting your fellow countrymen?

Would it mean all white people like chicken, or are alcoholics, or like pink soft things? No

No but it would reinforce/create a cliche that makes you consider people differences before their humanity. Subtext and cliches are perverse and deal with our sub-conscience, associations we make without realizing and creates a pattern encouraging discrimination.

The whole idea of the ad is it needs to be clear that he is surrounded by an opposing team's supporters. If it was the english team it may not be so obvious. (DUH!)

But they did not do that, they choose to represent a certain targeted ethnic group despite the fact the WC is in Sri-Lanka... it's not a coincidence: it's an editorial choice, not innocent by any means and serves the purpose of sub-conscience image association.

But considering MOST of the teams we play cricket against are DARKER than us then it fits.

So yeah why did they choose to focus on this? the ad makers made a choice...

But it must be racist cos it has darker people in it??? I think not, FFS 90% of the planet is darker than us in Australia.

I'm not saying you or anyone is, there are very few active racist people in reality. It's mostly ignorance and fear of something different and poor choice of words that create this impression.

Being balanced about your first paragraph - do you think the many intelligent people living in the southern states of the USA like being portrayed in every single ad, movie and TV show, as retarded buck toothed yokels with confederate flags on their jacked up F-trucks ???
Door swings both ways man.

This is really a USA issue here, it's quite hard to understand from the outside but the fried chicken thingy is really quite a prominent cliche that is very rude there. I agree with you southerners in the USA do not like being portrayed like that and they find it very offensive too... So the cliche goes beyond race but it remains harmful and unwelcome, when it's directed at one ethnic group it becomes targeted: hence wrong.

I hope we can continue to exchange ideas in a civilized manner.

WA, 14612 posts
26 Sep 2012 6:56AM
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It's chicken. KFC sell chicken.

KFC also sponsor the cricket.

Can you actually buy chicken at the cricket? This alone is showing an unrealistic scenario.

I think this ad is also unfair to vegetarian cricket lovers by implying they all should be eating chicken. If the ad wasn't already removed, I would be protesting about this!

Mark _australia
WA, 22336 posts
26 Sep 2012 7:47AM
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Dafrog - it not "targeted against" one group.
It is simply that he is surrounded by opposing team members and that needs to be obvious or else nobody would get the joke. Easiest way to make it obvious is to make it a team from a nation that predominantly 'not white' fans.

I also find it interesting that somebody felt the need to edit it. Easier to whip up some hysteria that way

321 posts
26 Sep 2012 10:12AM
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Mark _australia said...

Dafrog - it not "targeted against" one group.
It is simply that he is surrounded by opposing team members and that needs to be obvious or else nobody would get the joke. Easiest way to make it obvious is to make it a team from a nation that predominantly 'not white' fans.

I also find it interesting that somebody felt the need to edit it. Easier to whip up some hysteria that way

Those ad executive could have done something ten times more hilarious without that stupid shortcut, it's just lazy and stupid but what to expect from a fast food outlet.

NSW, 9202 posts
26 Sep 2012 1:49PM
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10979 posts
26 Sep 2012 11:56AM
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dafrog said...

Mark _australia said...

Dafrog - it not "targeted against" one group.
It is simply that he is surrounded by opposing team members and that needs to be obvious or else nobody would get the joke. Easiest way to make it obvious is to make it a team from a nation that predominantly 'not white' fans.

I also find it interesting that somebody felt the need to edit it. Easier to whip up some hysteria that way

Those ad executive could have done something ten times more hilarious without that stupid shortcut, it's just lazy and stupid but what to expect from a fast food outlet.

It is funny, If you are Australian, the only market the ad was shown and have even the vaguest idea about cricket it is not racist in any way, the racist view comes from people with racial motives trying to attack somone for there own reasons.

Just cause you don't understand it in context does not make it racist.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
26 Sep 2012 12:08PM
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321 posts
26 Sep 2012 12:09PM
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It is funny, If you are Australian

maybe this is part of the reason why a fair amount of the world seems to be under the impression that Australians are racist? And before you get hyper hold you horses, I'm not calling anyone a racist here just highlighting as to why perception from the outside world swings towards that position... If a cheap prejudiced cliche is enough to entertain you then so be it, but then just don't expect all others to join you in unison.

VIC, 392 posts
26 Sep 2012 3:02PM
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Your a d1ck.

10979 posts
26 Sep 2012 2:01PM
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dafrog said...

It is funny, If you are Australian

maybe this is part of the reason why a fair amount of the world seems to be under the impression that Australians are racist? And before you get hyper hold you horses, I'm not calling anyone a racist here just highlighting as to why perception from the outside world swings towards that position... If a cheap prejudiced cliche is enough to entertain you then so be it, but then just don't expect all others to join you in unison.

You really think you can apply a cultural stereo type from America, a different culture in a different hemisphere with no cultural ties to Australia to one that does not associate black people in the same racist stereotypes.

Associating black people with fried chicken is an American racial stereotype. And the people in the ad are West Indian cricket supporters. Not African American, not even American. They are from the Caribbean. A cultural stereo type would be Ganja and Reggae, not fried chicken..

In Australia, no one even associates fried chicken with black people, I associate it with fat bogans.. In Australia culturally the west indies are seen as blokes who try to kill us with cricket balls, completely different to the stereotype of black people in America....

You are using a racist cultural stereotype from one culture to infer that our culture is racist, that is not okay, just cause our culture is not a global eating monster, who pushes there values on others, does not make it wrong, it makes us culturally different

Anyway, cool troll thread you've got going.

NSW, 9202 posts
26 Sep 2012 4:12PM
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dafrog said...
Now the advert is about an aussie in the middle of Jamaicans that are being loud so he offers them some chicken. Now you can see many things in that but it is somehow condescending (me rich white man feeds you savages so you shut the hell up) and uses a cliche.

How are they savages, exactly?

Where you see savages, most of us just see Jamaicans. It's a pretty heavy statement you've made, it seems under the guise of appearing thoughtful. I mean, you get my point right? It's all very innocent and you've seen ...savages.

10979 posts
26 Sep 2012 2:14PM
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evlPanda said...

dafrog said...
Now the advert is about an aussie in the middle of Jamaicans that are being loud so he offers them some chicken. Now you can see many things in that but it is somehow condescending (me rich white man feeds you savages so you shut the hell up) and uses a cliche.

How are they savages, exactly?

They're not sitting in the members for a start

321 posts
26 Sep 2012 2:22PM
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Anyway, cool troll thread you've got going.

it's fun indeed: poke the beast, see what happens! [}:)]

10979 posts
26 Sep 2012 2:32PM
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dafrog said...

Anyway, cool troll thread you've got going.

it's fun indeed: poke the beast, see what happens! [}:)]

So from the entire reply, that was the line you quoted and responded to

No poking, I'm just trying to explain you cannot apply social norms and values from one culture and society to another. Simple point..

Anyway why respond, you just showed above what your in the "discussion" for.

VIC, 392 posts
26 Sep 2012 4:45PM
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Cause he's a d1ck.

321 posts
26 Sep 2012 2:46PM
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No poking, I'm just trying to explain you cannot apply social norms and values from one culture and society to another. Simple point..

Not that simple when you consider that 80% of all the television in this country come from the USA... and most of the cinema, web... It is therefore directly influenced, this culture (including norm and values) is not impermeable to the outside world. Culture is becoming less and less compartmentalized and national borders are fairly irrelevant.

321 posts
26 Sep 2012 2:55PM
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evlPanda said...

dafrog said...
Now the advert is about an aussie in the middle of Jamaicans that are being loud so he offers them some chicken. Now you can see many things in that but it is somehow condescending (me rich white man feeds you savages so you shut the hell up) and uses a cliche.

How are they savages, exactly?

Where you see savages, most of us just see Jamaicans. It's a pretty heavy statement you've made, it seems under the guise of appearing thoughtful. I mean, you get my point right? It's all very innocent and you've seen ...savages.

I was grossly resuming the subtext, should have used "" instead of () perhaps and it was not a personal opinion, merely highlighting a possible subtext reading.

I don't think it is innocent though, no way. but hey like my grammatically correct friend says: I'm a d1ck! don't pay attention to what I say, just trolling.

321 posts
26 Sep 2012 2:57PM
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Right i'm done trolling with this thread for good. I'm going kiting, cause that's all that matters in the end!

1595 posts
26 Sep 2012 3:12PM
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***munch munch munch***
(sitting back eating popcorn)

804 posts
27 Sep 2012 8:46AM
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SP said...
You are using a racist cultural stereotype from one culture to infer that our culture is racist

What, are you implying Fox News is lying about Australia here...?

10979 posts
27 Sep 2012 9:11AM
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philn said...

SP said...
You are using a racist cultural stereotype from one culture to infer that our culture is racist

What, are you implying Fox News is lying about Australia here...?

Let me think......

A corporate owned media organisation lying or producing stories to sell ads or papers.... God forbid, that would never happen, especially in the Rupert Murdoch owned News corp

For those that missed it, the above is sarcasm....

4214 posts
27 Sep 2012 9:24AM
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SP said...

philn said...

SP said...
You are using a racist cultural stereotype from one culture to infer that our culture is racist

What, are you implying Fox News is lying about Australia here...?

Let me think......

A corporate owned media organisation lying or producing stories to sell ads or papers.... God forbid, that would never happen, especially in the Rupert Murdoch owned News corp

For those that missed it, the above is sarcasm....

Throw in a bit of phone hacking as well.

QLD, 7428 posts
27 Sep 2012 1:29PM
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Political correctness really should be called what it is, lying. Its a synthetic pretense to avoid seeing things the way they are. Its weasel words. Instead of confronting a condition (like racism eg) at its heart we accept it and then rely on this artificial construct of manners to hide it. We end up with farcical situations like pressure from the pc police to change the names of "Coon" cheese and "the Nigger Brown stand" because they use proscribed words. HTFU I say. Face the problem not it's cliched ornaments.
For god's sake you can't even say "abo" anymore because is was popular with racists. It's not the word that's racist. Words aren't demeaning. Attitudes are.

Mark _australia
WA, 22336 posts
28 Sep 2012 8:38AM
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I like how somebody here complains about cultural steroetypes - but being from a French speaking place somewhere calls himself "dafrog"

Saying you're just trolling is a weak gutted way to get out of the fact you went off half cocked and nobody agrees with you.
If it was actually trolling then that is juvenile crap too.

QLD, 6481 posts
28 Sep 2012 9:13PM
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dafrog said...

to beagle:

it would be insensitive and harmful in the USA because racists people have been using the cliche of the field (n word here) to downplay the achievements of the black population as a whole: trying to cast them as dumb southerners with no plan in life and unable to decide their own life: a direct reference to justify slavery's rightfulness (you'll find this imagery being used in many films, TV series to make the villain racist look bad) so in the US it would most like not be a communication campaign that KFC would go down on as they have had their issues with that in the past (colonel = KKK)

Now the advert is about an aussie in the middle of Jamaicans that are being loud so he offers them some chicken. Now you can see many things in that but it is somehow condescending (me rich white man feeds you savages so you shut the hell up) and uses a cliche. It's just sad that the ads creative did a poor job but they know that cliches are ripe among the customer base and did hit the lowest denomination common to the large group watchin' telly: prejudice. Placement of ad, my guess during ACA, 60 minutes and all those shows spreading a fair amount of nonsense.

Racism is a perception, all and nothing can be so and unless you are the targeted population victim of discrimination it's hard to understand the sensitivity towards those matters. I lived in Africa, was victim of such discrimination: now I understand. I recommend reading the biography of Malcom X or even watch the movie, it's a great entertaining short book and an amazing insight into racism (both ways, and also religious discrimination) and its shortcomings. peace on earth to those of good will.

personally i think this is a fair assertion from dafrog, it isn't threatening, and just gives a different angle. not sure why some are getting uptight over what is written here

after all, the add could have had a bunch of poms being noisy, and wouldn't be too hard to convince an audience that they were english by their accent, and everyone loves to hate poms (i'm part pom so i'm allowed to say that)

QLD, 6481 posts
28 Sep 2012 9:22PM
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imagine how much fun it would be taking the piss if germans and dutch played cricket

QLD, 3615 posts
29 Sep 2012 9:41AM
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Who would have thought..

KFC sponsoring Cricket.. such a clearly racist act


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Pacifying black people with fried chicken" started by Beaglebuddy