Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Pet hates!

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 7 Nov 2012
NSW, 6868 posts
20 Nov 2012 10:34PM
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I hate it when people bastardise the English language whilst trying to appear edumacated. For instance there is a council erosion sign in the dunes at Agnes Water referring to Dunal rehabilitation.

What the fark is wrong with dune rehabilitation? Why does it have to be flowered up ffs!

Same thing with trialling. What the fark is trialling. It is a made word which has become a part of the language when in actual fact it means nothing. The word is trying. When you try something you perform a trial. That is why when a person is in the dock in court he is being tried, not trialled. Next thing you know people will be talking about triallding something.

And when you hear people talking and every second word is "like". What is that?

It's like they have to keep talking or their audience will take the floor so they have this word which they can insert ad nauseam like you know what I mean?

SA, 956 posts
20 Nov 2012 10:09PM
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Japie? do you mean anual retentive ? just wondering

NSW, 6868 posts
20 Nov 2012 10:48PM
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gibberjoe said...

Japie? do you mean anual retentive ? just wondering

Yup on the nail, annually retentive, got it in one fowl fell swoop!

NSW, 4453 posts
21 Nov 2012 10:50AM
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japie said...
And when you hear people talking and every second word is "like". What is that?

It's like they have to keep talking or their audience will take the floor so they have this word which they can insert ad nauseam like you know what I mean?

You see it's like how the like rulers of the free world like taught us how to like speak. It's like an Americanism.

1595 posts
23 Nov 2012 5:02AM
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I Hate how every windsurfing video starts with some schmuck driving in his car, I want to watch a WS video not a road trip video WTF!!!???

NSW, 4453 posts
23 Nov 2012 9:32AM
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Those under skin zits/pimples/spots that never come to a head, and make you squeeze your face in vain, scarring it for life

NSW, 4453 posts
23 Nov 2012 9:33AM
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WA, 444 posts
23 Nov 2012 7:57AM
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People who slow down as they approach green traffic lights.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
23 Nov 2012 8:51AM
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dirtyharry said...
People who slow down as they approach green traffic lights.

Depends on the intersection.

Green means it is your turn to go, it doesn't mean it is safe.

1595 posts
23 Nov 2012 10:03AM
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Yellow means speed up.

NSW, 4453 posts
23 Nov 2012 1:31PM
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Dawn Patrol said...
dirtyharry said...
People who slow down as they approach green traffic lights.

Depends on the intersection.

Green means it is your turn to go, it doesn't mean it is safe.

The bastards usually slow just in case it goes orange.

2614 posts
23 Nov 2012 10:35AM
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Fat people in lycra.

What the hell is going through their minds when they make the decision to dress that morning??

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
23 Nov 2012 2:33PM
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Racist pricks.

Go to a third world and you meet some really nice people living tough lives, then come back here and see bogan racist pricks (who procreate without thinking) mooching of a system...... Let's trade them.

WA, 444 posts
23 Nov 2012 1:11PM
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Dawn Patrol said...
dirtyharry said...
People who slow down as they approach green traffic lights.

Depends on the intersection.

Green means it is your turn to go, it doesn't mean it is safe.

OK, but unless you're already speeding you should be able to proceed with caution without slowing down. Too many people like to slow down for green lights just in case it goes orange - if you do that all you're doing is giving the bloody things longer to change orange! It becomes a self full-filling prophecy.

VIC, 182 posts
23 Nov 2012 5:27PM
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dirtyharry said...
Dawn Patrol said...
dirtyharry said...
People who slow down as they approach green traffic lights.

Depends on the intersection.

Green means it is your turn to go, it doesn't mean it is safe.

OK, but unless you're already speeding you should be able to proceed with caution without slowing down. Too many people like to slow down for green lights just in case it goes orange - if you do that all you're doing is giving the bloody things longer to change orange! It becomes a self full-filling prophecy.

Round here the red light cameras also act as a speed camera so even going through on the green you can be pinged.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
23 Nov 2012 2:33PM
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I don't slow down anticipating an orange. Just at certain intersections at certain times I like to give myself more time to check that the traffic has stopped at the red. Especially late at night or a 'tight' intersection that has less than ideal visibility of the intersecting road.

People that run reds would be one of my pet hates. I recon it is happening more and more often too. See it nearly everyday

NSW, 9202 posts
23 Nov 2012 5:43PM
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K Dog said...
Racist pricks.

Go to a third world and you meet some really nice people living tough lives, then come back here and see bogan racist pricks (who procreate without thinking) mooching of a system...... Let's trade them.

What were the people on the bus thinking? It's not her fault she's French.
Some people have no sympathy.

QLD, 7428 posts
23 Nov 2012 4:52PM
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Junk mail.
Oh, and hate mongers too.

2614 posts
23 Nov 2012 2:53PM
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K Dog said...
Racist pricks.

Go to a third world and you meet some really nice people living tough lives, then come back here and see bogan racist pricks (who procreate without thinking) mooching of a system...... Let's trade them.

I'm willing to bet that they wouldn't have been nearly as brave if the frenchie was a bloke.
Makes me so angry every time I see these idiots.
They really need to be named and shamed; anyone found out who they are?

QLD, 1499 posts
23 Nov 2012 6:59PM
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NotWal said...
Junk mail.
Oh, and hate mongers too.

Hey NotWal, sometimes (when I can be arsed), I use the 'reply paid' envelopes in the junk mail to redistribute it. eg. send the latest readers digest offering to mastercard (in the mastercard envelope), send the local pizza specials to readers digest in their envelope etc...

That way, the offenders get to pay to have junk sent to them.

I recently had woolies send me insurance $hite, then call up to try the hard sell. I calmly explained that I had their reply paid envelope and if they bothered me again I would tape it to the outside of a large (and well wrapped) paving brick and they could pay for the postage to receive it.
They very promptly agreed to remove me from their spam list

3777 posts
23 Nov 2012 6:40PM
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People who turn on the water when your tryn to have a shower. !!!!! Or having a cold shower !

3777 posts
23 Nov 2012 6:46PM
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sharpening a pencil that the graphite has been fractured before purchase


WA, 1267 posts
24 Nov 2012 11:12AM
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busterwa said...
sharpening a pencil that the graphite has been fractured before purchase


To be or not to be.

NSW, 8019 posts
24 Nov 2012 2:33PM
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NotWal said...
Junk mail.
Oh, and hate mongers too.

You hate junk mail .. Try being a postie!Especially when its 38 degrees + or pissing down with rain and the letterboxes are clogged with soggy junk mail that you have to pull out to deliver the letters![}:)]

+ Its page 5 and I haven't reasd the others so its probably been covered but.. people that drive at 70km and hold you up in a 100 zone and then continue at 70 through a 50 zone..[}:)]..

NSW, 4453 posts
24 Nov 2012 6:27PM
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Traffic lights.

NSW, 4453 posts
25 Nov 2012 9:34AM
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Auto-tune songs.

Modern music = Stupid woman, mostly naked, singing something stupid auto-tuned.

SA, 42 posts
25 Nov 2012 3:21PM
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I am a proud australian, but i cant stand that "aussie aussie aussie" thing we chant. its lame and embarrassing.

WA, 1227 posts
25 Nov 2012 3:23PM
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CmonWind said...
I am a proud australian, but i cant stand that "aussie aussie aussie" thing we chant. its lame and embarrassing.

+ a whole bunch!

WA, 1227 posts
25 Nov 2012 3:26PM
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NotWal said...
Junk mail.

I love junkmail. They're the only people who send me stuff without actually demanding money from me

WA, 205 posts
26 Nov 2012 5:49PM
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Pricing at Bunnings!

You know the sort of pricing formula that goes something like:

4 litre can of paint $50
2 litres (same paint) $45
1 litre (same paint) $38

Have been buying Iron Sulphate, trying to improve the soil/sand in the garden (WA) at $10 for 500g. Thinking there's gotta be a better way, I do a bit of research and discover the stuff is a by product of steel manufacturing (pickling in sulphuric acid before coating) and they almost give the stuff away at agricultural type outlets. Just bought a 25kg bag for $16:00. Nice profit margin Bunnings.....


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Pet hates!" started by FlySurfer