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Planet of the Humans.

Created by busterwa > 9 months ago, 18 Aug 2011
3777 posts
18 Aug 2011 12:28AM
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'Planet of the Apes' Depiction of Lab Animals 'Disturbingly Accurate'

The United States is the last country in the world that permits large-scale chimpanzee experiments because they are expensive and ineffective.

VIC, 5000 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:47AM
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That vid could be in a vet clinic or zoo! The animal looks like it's shot with a tranq, prob to protect it & the people (sounds like it was going nuts). The facemasks are for...well we know what chimps throw, also to protect both the chimp & humans from diseases. The 'caring' touching of hands toward the end show that there's possibly some compassion in the room.

Nothing sinister or inhumane there, unless I missed something

QLD, 2246 posts
18 Aug 2011 7:26PM
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If its on the Interweb it must be true

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Aug 2011 7:47PM
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as much as this digusts me, and all those animal cruelty docos as well, we've got to get our priorities right and start with 'humans' that are suffering dreadful conditions ie famines, disease, abuse, torture, enslavement etc.

i'm sorry, i don't get people getting worked up about chickens when there are so many tragedies happening to our fellow man

NSW, 6868 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:02PM
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slainte said...

If its on the Interweb it must be true

A bit of sceptitism is good, but this is a country whose president defended torture.

WA, 2960 posts
18 Aug 2011 7:58PM
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laceys lane said...

as much as this digusts me, and all those animal cruelty docos as well, we've got to get our priorities right and start with 'humans' that are suffering dreadful conditions ie famines, disease, abuse, torture, enslavement etc.

i'm sorry, i don't get people getting worked up about chickens when there are so many tragedies happening to our fellow man

We have to get our priorities right, I agree.. But Chimps are our closest relative, and thus their 'rights' should be considered very close to ours..

Once upon a time 'Savages' were thought of as Sub-human and therefore it was OK to kill them and keep them as slaves.. In hindsight, that was a blight upon Humanity..

WHat separates us from Chimps? our 2% DNA difference, our intelligence?

If you argue that intelligence gives us a right to treat them inhumanly then you would have to argue the same about mentally handicapped people, who were also once subject to horrid experiments..

The argument that we shouldn't get worked up about mistreatment of animals until every starving African is fed is so annoying.. There is always going to be human suffering, it's what people do..

WA, 2960 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:03PM
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japie said...

slainte said...

If its on the Interweb it must be true

A bit of sceptitism is good, but this is a country whose president defended torture.

If a man had kidnapped your family, and attached a A-bomb to them which had a deactivation password that only he knew, and he refused to tell anybody.. At what point do you stop asking for the password nicely and reach for the thumb screws???

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Aug 2011 10:12PM
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barn said...

laceys lane said...

as much as this digusts me, and all those animal cruelty docos as well, we've got to get our priorities right and start with 'humans' that are suffering dreadful conditions ie famines, disease, abuse, torture, enslavement etc.

i'm sorry, i don't get people getting worked up about chickens when there are so many tragedies happening to our fellow man

We have to get our priorities right, I agree.. But Chimps are our closest relative, and thus their 'rights' should be considered very close to ours..

Once upon a time 'Savages' were thought of as Sub-human and therefore it was OK to kill them and keep them as slaves.. In hindsight, that was a blight upon Humanity..

WHat separates us from Chimps? our 2% DNA difference, our intelligence?

If you argue that intelligence gives us a right to treat them inhumanly then you would have to argue the same about mentally handicapped people, who were also once subject to horrid experiments..

The argument that we shouldn't get worked up about mistreatment of animals until every starving African is fed is so annoying.. There is always going to be human suffering, it's what people do..

i'm sorry, i got it wrong, forget the starving africans and save the chooks. bloody annoying pesky starving africans

your obviously not one of those starving africans are you

you miss the point, how about that same passion for animals be directed to those starving africans.

and i'm not agruing to miss treat chimps, dogs, chooks or any other animal- geez

NSW, 2110 posts
18 Aug 2011 10:35PM
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The point is we are an organism like any other living thing on earth we live in an anthropocentric world where man sees himself as the most important being. We have reached a world population of 7 billion the world can sustain roughly 2 billion.
Every year millions of organisms whether they be man, wildebeest, frog, fish die from famine drought etc its just that we think we are more important than everything else that we see its a problem.
We are the cane toads of the planet.

WA, 2960 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:42PM
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You hear the argument all the time when a topic such as the plight of the Gorillas in Africa is raised.. And somebody pops up and says;

"why should we care about Gorillas when there is so many Africans dying"

Well, Gorillas are our cousins, and they are almost extinct. Genetically, a Gorilla is move valuable than a Human.. And anyway, it's simple population dynamics, there will always be starving Africans.. Should we just ignore all animal rights then?

'Who cares about testing chemicals on Chimps, there are starving AFricans..

Who cares about protecting the environment, there are Africans STARVING..

Who cares about Halal slaughter, there are AFRICANS starving..

Of course, starving Africans are more important because they have Souls, and stupid monkeys don't

NSW, 2495 posts
18 Aug 2011 10:48PM
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barn said...

You hear the argument all the time when a topic such as the plight of the Gorillas in Africa is raised.. And somebody pops up and says;

"why should we care about Gorillas when there is so many Africans dying"

Well, Gorillas are our cousins, and they are almost extinct. Genetically, a Gorilla is move valuable than a Human.. And anyway, it's simple population dynamics, there will always be starving Africans.. Should we just ignore all animal rights then?

'Who cares about testing chemicals on Chimps, there are starving AFricans..

Who cares about protecting the environment, there are Africans STARVING..

Who cares about Halal slaughter, there are AFRICANS starving..

Of course, starving Africans are more important because they have Souls, and stupid monkeys don't

i dont care. i am starving!!!

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Aug 2011 11:46PM
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barn said...

You hear the argument all the time when a topic such as the plight of the Gorillas in Africa is raised.. And somebody pops up and says;

"why should we care about Gorillas when there is so many Africans dying"

Well, Gorillas are our cousins, and they are almost extinct. Genetically, a Gorilla is move valuable than a Human.. And anyway, it's simple population dynamics, there will always be starving Africans.. Should we just ignore all animal rights then?

'Who cares about testing chemicals on Chimps, there are starving AFricans..

Who cares about protecting the environment, there are Africans STARVING..

Who cares about Halal slaughter, there are AFRICANS starving..

Of course, starving Africans are more important because they have Souls, and stupid monkeys don't

i got a bit hot under the collar. the starving is a issue for sure.

but,mans intent for inhumanity and cruelity to animals needs to stop

mans intent for inhumanity and cruelity to man needs to stop right now.

this is my point, you will see explicit docos on animal injustice- very disturbing

but you won't see explicit docos on human injustice because its to much to bear and most of us couldn't stomach it.

see the difference, man has soul and spirit

WA, 2960 posts
18 Aug 2011 10:53PM
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laceys lane said...

see the difference, man has soul and spirit

hahaha but I don't see that as any difference..

Souls and spirits are as none existant as The Force.. They aren't part of the equation.. This is why you can't let Xians into rational discussion about the treatment of animals..

Human - No soul

Chimp - No soul

Human - Intelligent (we like to think so)

Chimp - Intelligent

Human - Ape

Chimp - Ape

NSW, 2110 posts
19 Aug 2011 10:07AM
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Man has spirit and soul I dont get that! in certain populations as recently as 80 years ago men were still eating each other, men were herding millions of other men women and children into gas chambers and gassing them, chimps, gorillas, chooks, were living as they had for thousands of years surviving in harmony. While we believe we are the most important organism to be preserved at all cost the planet is doomed.
It would be ironic if the chimps in the video were being used to test human vaccines to vaccinate the starving millions so they can live a little bit longer in a F%^$ed up world that cant be sustained

WA, 3519 posts
19 Aug 2011 10:00AM
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laceys lane said...

see the difference, man has soul and spirit

Really can you prove that either way? Have or have not?
Heat your lentils, there is kids starving in Africa! My mum used to tell me when I was a kid..... Once I replied....... send the disgusting thing to them then! Got a clip behind the ears from my dad!

NSW, 2110 posts
19 Aug 2011 12:47PM
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Where does the soul or spirit of man fit into the carbon, hydrogen, Oxygen, nitrogen trace element molecules we are made of. I would love to believe we have some sort of other dimension to our make-up but it just aint happenin for me.
Soul, spirit, religion in my opinion are all crutches that mankind leans on in times of need a false sense of security easy to believe in from the comfort of a developed nation

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Aug 2011 3:54PM
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what are you guys- robots!!!!..
are you telling me you've never been emotionally moved by anything.

why don't you slip next door and kill your neighbour and rape his wife,is it only the law that stops you or do you have some morals- where does that come from?

thats the difference between animals and humans

you have it in you whether you like it or not

QLD, 4177 posts
19 Aug 2011 4:09PM
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Animals have the same base emotions we have , fear , sadness , anger , joy ect. The difference being we are a more evolved animal , well some of us anyway.

NSW, 9202 posts
19 Aug 2011 4:31PM
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boofy said...

The point is we are an organism like any other living thing on earth we live in an anthropocentric world where man sees himself as the most important being. We have reached a world population of 7 billion the world can sustain roughly 2 billion.
Every year millions of organisms whether they be man, wildebeest, frog, fish die from famine drought etc its just that we think we are more important than everything else that we see its a problem.
We are the cane toads of the planet.

I don't see any wildebeest, frog of fish donating time or money to anything.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Aug 2011 4:32PM
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teatrea said...

Animals have the same base emotions we have , fear , sadness , anger , joy ect. The difference being we are a more evolved animal , well some of us anyway.

do animals regret, ie if you blast a dog of doing something wrong, it doesn't know that, no, it only knows your angry. you have to train a certain behaviour to the dog

actually, i really would like to know if a ape/chimp etc has the capacity for regret?

WA, 3519 posts
19 Aug 2011 2:42PM
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The more I know humans the more I like my pets!

My pets donate me unconditional love...... I wish I could say the same about my wife!

QLD, 4177 posts
19 Aug 2011 4:42PM
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laceys lane said...

teatrea said...

Animals have the same base emotions we have , fear , sadness , anger , joy ect. The difference being we are a more evolved animal , well some of us anyway.

do animals regret, ie if you blast a dog of doing something wrong, it doesn't know that, no, it only knows your angry. you have to train a certain behaviour to the dog

actually, i really would like to know if a ape/chimp etc has the capacity for regret?

i think we underestimate the intelligence of animals , elephants show emotion by actually morning their dead its almost ritual , my dog definetly feels regret when i kick it in the assOnly Joking RSPCA.**** i think my cats smarter than me

WA, 3519 posts
19 Aug 2011 2:48PM
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teatrea said...

laceys lane said...

teatrea said...

Animals have the same base emotions we have , fear , sadness , anger , joy ect. The difference being we are a more evolved animal , well some of us anyway.

do animals regret, ie if you blast a dog of doing something wrong, it doesn't know that, no, it only knows your angry. you have to train a certain behaviour to the dog

actually, i really would like to know if a ape/chimp etc has the capacity for regret?

i think we underestimate the intelligence of animals , elephants show emotion by actually morning their dead its almost ritual , my dog definetly feels regret when i kick it in the assOnly Joking RSPCA.**** i think my cats smarter than me

My cats trained me to feed them!

NSW, 2110 posts
19 Aug 2011 4:54PM
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laceys lane said...

what are you guys- robots!!!!..
are you telling me you've never been emotionally moved by anything.

why don't you slip next door and kill your neighbour and rape his wife,is it only the law that stops you or do you have some morals- where does that come from?

thats the difference between animals and humans

you have it in you whether you like it or not

Lacey watch the news tonight mate you will see man killing man, rape, pedophilia bashings are you walking around with blinkers on. The statement you made about murder and rape on a public forum show where your morals lie totally uncalled for. I believe I have got good morals from my upbringing nothing to do with soul and spirit

NSW, 2110 posts
19 Aug 2011 4:59PM
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evlPanda said...

boofy said...

The point is we are an organism like any other living thing on earth we live in an anthropocentric world where man sees himself as the most important being. We have reached a world population of 7 billion the world can sustain roughly 2 billion.
Every year millions of organisms whether they be man, wildebeest, frog, fish die from famine drought etc its just that we think we are more important than everything else that we see its a problem.
We are the cane toads of the planet.

I don't see any wildebeest, frog of fish donating time or money to anything.

Dont know what your trying to say here panda you should be worried your more endangered than any of them

NSW, 2110 posts
19 Aug 2011 5:03PM
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felixdcat said...

teatrea said...

laceys lane said...

teatrea said...

Animals have the same base emotions we have , fear , sadness , anger , joy ect. The difference being we are a more evolved animal , well some of us anyway.

do animals regret, ie if you blast a dog of doing something wrong, it doesn't know that, no, it only knows your angry. you have to train a certain behaviour to the dog

actually, i really would like to know if a ape/chimp etc has the capacity for regret?

i think we underestimate the intelligence of animals , elephants show emotion by actually morning their dead its almost ritual , my dog definetly feels regret when i kick it in the assOnly Joking RSPCA.**** i think my cats smarter than me

My cats trained me to feed them!

Ha Ha
If aliens are looking down on us walking around cleaning up dog**** who do you think they will think runs the planet

WA, 2960 posts
19 Aug 2011 3:30PM
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laceys lane said...

what are you guys- robots!!!!..

Yes, we are Robots, we are Robots for our Gene's survival.. And our Genes give us a predisposed alturism.. A tiger is a biological robot to make more tigers- self replicating DNAy-ay-ay-ay-ay..

are you telling me you've never been emotionally moved by anything.

Who said that? all anybody has said is there is no such thing as Souls or Spirits.. We are perfectly capable of feeling the full spectrum of emotions without some fanciful supernatural entity inhabiting our carbon based physical body..

why don't you slip next door and kill your neighbour and rape his wife,is it only the law that stops you or do you have some morals- where does that come from?

We don't slip next door and kill everybody, simply because thats a stupid thing to do.. Like I said above, we are naturally altruistic to others, it's inbuilt into our genes..

Why do Xians alway bring up raping their neighbour wife? It's kinda weird..

If your God was not watching for a day, would you be inclined to rape your neighbor??? just because you knew you could get away with it?? Is your God all thats stopping you from fulfilling this fantasy? Do you think he knows?

thats the difference between animals and humans

you have it in you whether you like it or not

Most animals don't rape or murder their neighbors, many animals live in Social groups, where favors are common and alturism is commonplace.. This helps all parties, and helps genes survive into another generation...

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Aug 2011 5:55PM
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barn said...

laceys lane said...

what are you guys- robots!!!!..

Yes, we are Robots, we are Robots for our Gene's survival.. And our Genes give us a predisposed alturism.. A tiger is a biological robot to make more tigers- self replicating DNAy-ay-ay-ay-ay..

are you telling me you've never been emotionally moved by anything.

Who said that? all anybody has said is there is no such thing as Souls or Spirits.. We are perfectly capable of feeling the full spectrum of emotions without some fanciful supernatural entity inhabiting our carbon based physical body..

why don't you slip next door and kill your neighbour and rape his wife,is it only the law that stops you or do you have some morals- where does that come from?

We don't slip next door and kill everybody, simply because thats a stupid thing to do.. Like I said above, we are naturally altruistic to others, it's inbuilt into our genes..

Why do Xians alway bring up raping their neighbour wife? It's kinda weird..

If your God was not watching for a day, would you be inclined to rape your neighbor??? just because you knew you could get away with it?? Is your God all thats stopping you from fulfilling this fantasy? Do you think he knows?

thats the difference between animals and humans

you have it in you whether you like it or not

Most animals don't rape or murder their neighbors, many animals live in Social groups, where favors are common and alturism is commonplace.. This helps all parties, and helps genes survive into another generation...

why are you bringing god into it.did i mention god-no.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Aug 2011 6:01PM
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boofy said...

laceys lane said...

what are you guys- robots!!!!..
are you telling me you've never been emotionally moved by anything.

why don't you slip next door and kill your neighbour and rape his wife,is it only the law that stops you or do you have some morals- where does that come from?

thats the difference between animals and humans

you have it in you whether you like it or not

Lacey watch the news tonight mate you will see man killing man, rape, pedophilia bashings are you walking around with blinkers on. The statement you made about murder and rape on a public forum show where your morals lie totally uncalled for. I believe I have got good morals from my upbringing nothing to do with soul and spirit

if you are souless, well good luck to you

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Aug 2011 6:06PM
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boofy said...

laceys lane said...

what are you guys- robots!!!!..
are you telling me you've never been emotionally moved by anything.

why don't you slip next door and kill your neighbour and rape his wife,is it only the law that stops you or do you have some morals- where does that come from?

thats the difference between animals and humans

you have it in you whether you like it or not

Lacey watch the news tonight mate you will see man killing man, rape, pedophilia bashings are you walking around with blinkers on. The statement you made about murder and rape on a public forum show where your morals lie totally uncalled for. I believe I have got good morals from my upbringing nothing to do with soul and spirit

if you have no soul well good luck to you

tell me, why did you feel the need to post on the bad things you did post

WA, 2960 posts
19 Aug 2011 4:06PM
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laceys lane said...

if you are souless, well good luck to you

Please define what you mean by 'soul', this thing that distinguishes us from those ravaging wild beasts.. And also stops us Raping everybody out here..

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife..


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Planet of the Humans." started by busterwa