Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Please support the licenced firearm owners of NSW

Created by lachlan3556 > 9 months ago, 24 Feb 2012
WA, 1089 posts
25 Feb 2012 12:06PM
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FormulaNova said...

R0CKH0PPER said...

Guns dont kill people by themselves....people kill people.

The gun sure helps. You don't hear of too many massacres with hunting knives.

What about the chicks set on fire in Perth... do we ban Meths or Petrol from being sold?
Do we ban all glass containers because some twat cant help himself from shoving them in peoples faces?

Where does it end??

Why does government think they'll win the latest "War on ..." by reducing everything to the lowest denominator (not even the lowest common denominator)??

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
25 Feb 2012 12:17PM
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rod_bunny said...

What about the chicks set on fire in Perth... do we ban Meths or Petrol from being sold?
Do we ban all glass containers because some twat cant help himself from shoving them in peoples faces?

These things you describe have multiple uses.
Guns are made for one purpose in mind and that is killing stuff.

I fail to see the need for guns in society.

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Feb 2012 3:31PM
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Give the crims all the guns they want,
They tend to kill other crims and drug dealers who rip them off etc.
Maybe if they had more powerful weapons they will one day wipe themselves out

WA, 2775 posts
25 Feb 2012 1:07PM
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poor relative said...
These things you describe have multiple uses.
Guns are made for one purpose in mind and that is killing stuff.

I fail to see the need for guns in society.

I could apply similar logic to kitesurfers, if used responsibly they are fine- but in the hands of an untrained beginner, or an arrogant yobbo- they are dangerous and possibly deadly.

if my rifles are so deadly- where are they hiding all the bodies?


NSW, 6451 posts
25 Feb 2012 4:18PM
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Everybody having guns in the USA and being able to buy ammo at K-Mart seems to work ok.

WA, 2775 posts
25 Feb 2012 1:45PM
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lotofwind said...

Everybody having guns in the USA and being able to buy ammo at K-Mart seems to work ok.

actually- you are right!
The areas that allow concealed carry of handguns have way lower crime levels than those that ban firearms.
Washington DC and Chicago make it very difficult to LEGALLY own firearms and yet the crims rule the streets.
The areas that have easy LEGAL access to firearms dont seem to have that type of trouble.

As a rule of thumb- anywhere in the world that you find drug abuse and the related criminal element- you will find illegal use of firearms- the crims are using firearms to protect thier crime related profits, turf etc.

As I keep pointing out- you could have a total ban on all forms of anything that could possibly be used as weaponry for the law abiding citizen- but this will not stop crims having what they want.


Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
25 Feb 2012 1:54PM
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log man said...

Fair enough Lachlan, but if the issue is you can only buy ammo for the gun you've got and you've got to sign for it ,well I just can't see a problem that is unless you believe the government is out to disarm the population so it can make us all communists through brain washing techniques and flouride.

As I see it the issue is the rationale is to reduce driveby shooting.
Blind freddy can see it will have no effect as the crims get guns and ammo now quite easily.
The vast majority of handguns used in crime have never been registered in australia (off the top of my head it is in the vicinity of 70%), so it is obvious the stuff comes in from overseas.

What shooters are upset about is not the 1sec signing a piece of paper, but what they are upset about is
(1) another restriction on lawful activity which will not prevent or reduce unlawful activity
(2) an onerous responsibility placed upon retailers who are already licensed and responsible, for no result
(3) lack of political guts and a weak judiciary resulting in $500 fines handed out to drug dealers having a handgun. If they want to make a difference, make it 1 year in jail for an unlicensed firearm and 15yrs if you have unlicensed firearm but have previous criminal record.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
25 Feb 2012 2:16PM
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Mark _australia said...

$500 fines handed out to drug dealers

Would be no drug dealers if drugs were legal.

VIC, 1066 posts
25 Feb 2012 5:18PM
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For the record, yes my guns are designed to kill. Rabbits, Feral Goats and Pigs, ducks for myself and families' food. Foxes and feral Cats to help native wildlife and some local farmers (and not so local). I'd also consider them for self defence in my own home to protect my family hould the need arise, but thats definately not their primary purpose.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
25 Feb 2012 2:19PM
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poor relative said...

Mark _australia said...

$500 fines handed out to drug dealers

Would be no drug dealers if drugs were legal.

OK substitute "fk wits who form gangs"

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Feb 2012 5:20PM
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^^^^^^Ônce again,poor relo has solved the problem.
Kick both Julia and Kevin out and give the job to poor relative.

I can see the T-shirts now......"Give Rello a Go"

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
25 Feb 2012 2:26PM
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lachlan3556 said...

For the record, yes my guns are designed to kill. Rabbits, Feral Goats and Pigs, ducks for myself and families' food. Foxes and feral Cats to help native wildlife and some local farmers (and not so local). I'd also consider them for self defence in my own home to protect my family hould the need arise, but thats definately not their primary purpose.

Y'know i get that.
I grew up in a remote country village working on farms - i get the need for farmers to have guns to control pests etc.

I just don't get why anyone else needs or would even want guns.

VIC, 1066 posts
25 Feb 2012 5:40PM
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Did you miss the whole second sentence of my post? Im guessing you buy all your food at a supermarket. Let alone most of the farmers I've met use firearms, but lack the time and energy to do much pest destruction and therefore rely on other shooters to help out. Dad and I got a call last week and are due to do some fox destruction asap.

There's also target shooting, our olympic and international competition shooters don't get plucked from the ground like a cabbage, fully grown and trained

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
25 Feb 2012 2:40PM
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poor relative said...
I just don't get why anyone else needs or would even want guns.

why do you have kiting gear?

Yep, makes sense, recreation.

Now if I want to have a .22 to ping rabbits on a few farmers' properties and I am not a nut job why can't I? I enjoy it same as you do kiting.

I wanna know why I can't have an airsoft gun or paintball guns are licensed. avery second 16 y/o in europe has them yet they are banned here. Pollies are dumb. Formulate laws that work, not knee jerk reactions so as to be seen to be doing something

WA, 2775 posts
25 Feb 2012 2:48PM
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poor relative said...
I just don't get why anyone else needs or would even want guns.

I dont get why anyone would want to kitesurf either- but I dont try to force my opinion on them and ban thier legally owned possessions.

I started shooting with my father at 7 years of age, he was taught by my grandfather.(I really wish I could have gone whistling foxes with grandad.)
I enjoyed hunting for years, rabbits, foxes, ferals of all types, declared vermin of all sorts, tucker for the freezer etc.
Getting married, kids, shiftwork and a morgage kinda got in the way- so I joined a club and continued shooting, ending up running the club for 10 years.
My son started shooting air rifles at 6 years of age- targets and snails, .22 rifles not long after, and a lever action .38 rifle at 12 years.
We enjoy our sport, hobby and past time- and dont appreciate being labelled as dangerous rednecks by ill informed people who mostly think meat is grown in plastic containers in a backroom at coles or woolies.

If you really want to stop crims- dont attack or penalise the legitimate citizens.


NSW, 6451 posts
25 Feb 2012 6:02PM
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^^^yeah but the cows in Woolies arent hunted for the enjoyment of killing it.

Some people just like to kill sh!t.
I dont get it myself, but each to their own.

I went out hunting feral pigs with a couple of mates. They say they are helping the native wild life, but the joy and amusement they got out of doing it was pretty sad. Was just a legal way to enjoy killing things in my opinion.

Hunting animals really isnt a "Sport" though.
Sports have even competitors,competeing against each other, give the critters a gun as well, then its a sport.
Otherwise its just killing for enjoyment.

Sociaty today dosent need guns,
all the feral animals can be trapped or baited,,,,,,but I gues thats not as fun as blowing their heads off.

VIC, 1066 posts
25 Feb 2012 6:17PM
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I'd never call killing an animal sport either, its hunting. Clay and paper targets are shot for sport, not animals. Its unfortunate that we've been labelled 'sporting shooters', but 'amateur shooters' doesn't send the right message either. We train, buy equipment, devote time so its similar to sports, but we dont kill for sport.

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Feb 2012 6:21PM
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^^^^kill for enjoyment then????

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
25 Feb 2012 3:23PM
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lotofwind said...

^^^yeah but the cows in Woolies arent hunted for the enjoyment of killing it.

The enjoyment is not in the killing.
It is the skill of hitting the little buggers sometimes, the enjoyment comes from the enormous amount of skill it takes to hit a bunny at 400m. Same as as kicking a goal from 50m in the wind on a footy oval.
Killing rabbits and foxes is 100% totally necessary to ensure you have food to eat. If dopes never introduced them 200yrs ago it would be all good .....
And before you say 'go shoot targets then' it is not the same skill set and that is why many people hunt and do target shooting

So next time you eat a loaf of bread, or drink a beer, say thankyou to the hundreds of thousands of licensed shooters in Oz who have kept the introduced crop wrecking species at bay for many years.

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Feb 2012 6:34PM
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Mark _australia said...

lotofwind said...

^^^yeah but the cows in Woolies arent hunted for the enjoyment of killing it.

The enjoyment is not in the killing.
It is the skill of hitting the little buggers sometimes, the enjoyment comes from the enormous amount of skill it takes to hit a bunny at 400m. Same as as kicking a goal from 50m in the wind on a footy oval.
Killing rabbits and foxes is 100% totally necessary to ensure you have food to eat. If dopes never introduced them 200yrs ago it would be all good .....
And before you say 'go shoot targets then' it is not the same skill set and that is why many people hunt and do target shooting

So next time you eat a loaf of bread, or drink a beer, say thankyou to the hundreds of thousands of licensed shooters in Oz who have kept the introduced crop wrecking species at bay for many years.

Im not saying dont kill the rabbits or foxes, they trap them around here to keep them under controll,,,,but it not as fun,I guess, as blowing their heads off,skillfully thats is.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
25 Feb 2012 3:36PM
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I prefer to know that my neighbour three doors down (and petermac) hasn't got easy access to a gun and ammo - strict/tough legislation ensures that.

If thats a little wierd sorry.
If you get your kicks killing stuff go for it who am i to deny you that joy. But if tougher legislation means guns are less freely available around my 'hood then i'm all for that.

Less guns around and stricter access/availability of stuff that is used to kill in my opinion is a good thing for society.

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Feb 2012 6:41PM
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^^^Well said.
Like I said before "Give Rello a Go" PM for 2012

VIC, 1066 posts
25 Feb 2012 6:43PM
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The enjoyment comes from knowing you did some good for the environment, or bagged some meat for the freezer, or both. I also enjoy the trips away camping and passing on the stories and knowledge that goes with hunting.

I personally see trapping and poisoning as inhumane (but neccesary I guess). Shooting is the quickest and most painless way to control pests I've seen.

I teach at the local University which involves killing cane toads for some classes. We make a habit of making sure the students know we dont take into account their (the students) feelings when we euthanise the toads, they are killed as humanely as possible for the wellfare of the toad.

3777 posts
25 Feb 2012 3:47PM
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WA, 2775 posts
25 Feb 2012 3:50PM
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poor relative said...

I prefer to know that my neighbour three doors down (and petermac) hasn't got easy access to a gun and ammo - strict/tough legislation ensures that.

if the tough and strict legislation is so effective- how come crims are able to get the revolvers, semi-auto handguns, semi auto high powered rifles, semi auto and pump action shotguns that are not legally available to Mr Average?

If thats a little wierd sorry.
If you get your kicks killing stuff go for it who am i to deny you that joy. But if tougher legislation means guns are less freely available around my 'hood then i'm all for that.

Those guns you are so worried about are out there for anyone who couldnt care less about jumping through the legal hoops we have to, as long as they have the cash, drugs or stolen goods to trade for them.

Less guns around and stricter access/availability of stuff that is used to kill in my opinion is a good thing for society. do you intend to stop the crims from stealing, smuggling or manufacturing thier own? we cant stop them making and selling drugs, so how do you stop them with weaponry?

We all agree that there are people out there that should never have access to firearms, but continually penalising the ones who choose to follow the rules will never stop the ones who dont.


QLD, 12337 posts
25 Feb 2012 6:18PM
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sn said...

lotofwind said...

Everybody having guns in the USA and being able to buy ammo at K-Mart seems to work ok.

actually- you are right!
The areas that allow concealed carry of handguns have way lower crime levels than those that ban firearms.
Washington DC and Chicago make it very difficult to LEGALLY own firearms and yet the crims rule the streets.
The areas that have easy LEGAL access to firearms dont seem to have that type of trouble.

As a rule of thumb- anywhere in the world that you find drug abuse and the related criminal element- you will find illegal use of firearms- the crims are using firearms to protect thier crime related profits, turf etc.

As I keep pointing out- you could have a total ban on all forms of anything that could possibly be used as weaponry for the law abiding citizen- but this will not stop crims having what they want.


Also works in Switzerland where military service is required of all male citizens to a certain age and they are required to store their military assault rifle in their homes.

That country probably has the lowest rate of home invasions in the world.

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Feb 2012 7:37PM
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^^^^^^^^^^Too many hot chicks in that country to worry about killing stuff.

But the Swiss have big problems with gun totting red necks too

NSW, 6937 posts
25 Feb 2012 8:54PM
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^^^ Does anyone give the fact that the Swiss have a unique European gun policy any thought? Also the fact that they have remained neutral in both of the last two World wars?

Strange coincidence that they are also the banking center for the people who financed both of those wars. Those folk know how important it is to have a population that is fully capable of protecting both themselves and their state. Which is why they are armed to the teeth.

You can argue that it is the left wing intelligentsia who levered/championed the anti gun laws Mark but at the end of the day the people who are driving it are those arsewipes who appreciate the fact that their agenda for global centralised government might be met with serious resistance and the fewer people there are who can and are willing to shoot back the better off they will be.

Which is why their press carry so many gormless articles with skewed logic in support of removing them entirely.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
25 Feb 2012 9:07PM
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japie said...

^^^ Does anyone give the fact that the Swiss have a unique European gun policy any thought? Also the fact that they have remained neutral in both of the last two World wars?

Strange coincidence that they are also the banking center for the people who financed both of those wars. Those folk know how important it is to have a population that is fully capable of protecting both themselves and their state. Which is why they are armed to the teeth.

You can argue that it is the left wing intelligentsia who levered/championed the anti gun laws Mark but at the end of the day the people who are driving it are those arsewipes who appreciate the fact that their agenda for global centralised government might be met with serious resistance and the fewer people there are who can and are willing to shoot back the better off they will be.

Which is why their press carry so many gormless articles with skewed logic in support of removing them entirely.

Yasee, the governments out to get us ,dig a hole and buy some baked beans.....FFS JAPIE this is ****

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
25 Feb 2012 6:30PM
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log man said...

japie said...

^^^ Does anyone give the fact that the Swiss have a unique European gun policy any thought? Also the fact that they have remained neutral in both of the last two World wars?

Strange coincidence that they are also the banking center for the people who financed both of those wars. Those folk know how important it is to have a population that is fully capable of protecting both themselves and their state. Which is why they are armed to the teeth.

You can argue that it is the left wing intelligentsia who levered/championed the anti gun laws Mark but at the end of the day the people who are driving it are those arsewipes who appreciate the fact that their agenda for global centralised government might be met with serious resistance and the fewer people there are who can and are willing to shoot back the better off they will be.

Which is why their press carry so many gormless articles with skewed logic in support of removing them entirely.

Yasee, the governments out to get us ,dig a hole and buy some baked beans.....FFS JAPIE this is ****

Awesome . If you can tell me Labor is pro-gun ownership and even better will undo the 1996 crap, I'm in.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Please support the licenced firearm owners of NSW" started by lachlan3556