Trying to get my hands on the awesome propaganda posters some of y'all put up on my last thread....
Seems like it all got moderated after mark had his meltdown...
Pm them to me if you like....
Has smoking dope taken away your ability to rationally solve simple problems?
I put into google 'Vintage marijuana' and got several fairly humourous images of 'vintage anti-marijuana posters'.
It may seem like this is the poster you really need;
As a medical professional I have met many people, typically of, say Jagger and McCartney's age and younger, who wander around all day in an institution with the tips of their index finger and thumb continually touching.
It is likely that all those who will click on the down thumb/red thumb tab for this post will not get to the 5th page - where you can read about apathy.
The down thumb/red thumb is easier to click on rather than having emailing your concerns about censorship to the un-named moderators of this site, isn't it? Now you know a definition of apathy.
Maybe the finger/thumb thing is just them giving you the everythings ok sign?
Did you test that theory smarty pants?
Thanks for the tip on the search.
Ive got no concerns with moderators on this site otherwise id troll on kiteforum...
You certainly sound professional.
Green thumbed ya, Is that still apathy?
Open forum, issues for mods/owner and just like google, others have automated robots that crawl the web looking for stiff like that.
Big can o worms that Laurie probably does not want opened.
Better to do that stuff more discreetly guys.
Fact is that if you're "on the edge" so to speak then even one joint can definitely send you off into a psychotic episode. But the 99.9% of the gen pop who aren't primed to meltdown can smoke moderate amounts of pot till the cows come home without any adverse mental issues. It doesn't create something from nothing, it amplifies your pre-existing mental state.
Having said that, smoking large amounts of strong weed will make anyone paranoid, but it's generally only while under the influence. However those smoking large amounts generally spend most of their time stoned, therefore trying not to be paranoid most of the time.
Mark, many would argue that weed is borderline legal and getting more legal by the day. It's decriminalised in SA and ACT - not illegal there. Have been calls by many, including top cops, to stop wasting police resources on it. If you look at cold hard stats, it's incredibly widely used yet kills less people per year than accidently swallowed pen lids. Actually kills zero people per year. Impossible to overdose. Makes you friendly, docile and calm, opposite of alcohol - much more positive impact on society than alcohol which kills many thousands per year.
I'm not a huge advocate, havent touched the stuff in a very long time, but I'm just sayin Mark you could come off as a bit of an old goose getting on your high horse about it with all the Hurr Durr drugs are bad mkay.
Kiteboydave I am guessing you didn't read the link that Wollemi posted did you? The rate of schizophrenia is way higher in dope smokers than general population.
Not being an old goose or high-horse - I just believe the scientific fact more than I believe stoners saying "I'm OK man".
And "decriminalised" does not mean it is "not illegal"
It simply means for smaller amounts you can get an infringement and / or a counselling session, not a criminal conviction.
Dave, for every pro-drug link or stat you post from google I am sure I can match, it's a game I can play very well. And for each google gem I can also throw in a real life example of the harm so called harmless drugs can do.
Plenty of people drink and smoke in moderation, thats undeniable, the problem is you don't know you have crossed the line until after you've crossed it. You don't get to see it coming.
Fortunately it's not something that has touched my personal life but I have still had plenty of exposure to the problems it creates.
I was the One who posted the Vintage Marijuana Poster on the now deleted site.
Before anyone takes offence I will state my position on weed. I have not smoked it since a couple of experimentations in my teens (almost 40 years ago). I loathe it, my daughter married a 'dopehead', that is a bloke who had been a frequent user for many years. for 12 years She and sometimes my wife and I would make excuses for his anti social apathetic behaviour, he could not socialise without the dope, if they attende a function his attention span was measured in minutes, then the excuses for his early departure would come out. Their house was constantly in a state of semi darkness as the curtains were kept closed 24/7, any car driving up their street was treated with suspicion. He worked as a 'roof plumber' yet would smoke before, during and after work, my daughter was concerned for his safety and the safety of those around him. He worked stoned, He drove stoned He lived stoned. He was constantly affected by dope to some level. His wife, my daughter gave him an ultimatum, "The weed or his family", it was no contest, he justified his use of the weed as his only release (from what I don't know), it was his recreation, he didn't drink, he wasn't hurting anyone, the fact that he is a paranoid, apathetic, anti social, unreliable, insensitive, boring individual never entered the equation, nor did the fact that he was spending $600.00 from the household budget per fortnight and was conducting some minor dealing in something illegal never crossed his mind.
I am now employed in a job where it is my responsibility to test employees for illicit substances. We test for Benzo's, Opiates, Amphetamines, THC (cannabis), Meth and Cocaine. We have recently been approved to test for Steroids and Synthetic Cannabinoids (your "herbal marijuana", (kronic etc)).
It is surprising that when you get a positive result (a very small percentage of those tested < 5%) how many users blame everybody and everything except themselves.
I have these posters (and others) laminated and on the walls in my test room and they are regularly commented on and appreciated by all.
So at the risk of repeating myself.
"Drugs are Bad".
I was "dependent " on monster buckets from about the age of 17-25.
Its ok to have a joint every now and then socially but to have a dependency on it i think its wrong. Mark is correct Its a beaner drug for lazy people. My teeth are yellow my lungs are forked and i spent thousands and thousands of dollars net alone time chancing foils and meeting absolute dropkicks..
Hooch is a dive fellas the sooner you get of it the better.
Interesting reading on the subject, published today.
Australia21, of which I am one of the directors, released its second report on drug prohibition on this morning. The report calls for a redefinition of how we deal with drugs to primarily a health and social problem.
Our first drug report, released in April, concluded that the war-on-drugs approach had failed comprehensively. It provoked a vigorous media response in which few commentators challenged the notion that heavy reliance on drug law enforcement had failed.
We invited prominent Australians who support a hardline approach to attend a meeting but all those approached declined. When someone of the stature of Mick Palmer, former commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, acknowledges that despite improvements in drug law enforcement, there has been little impact on the drug market, the debate has entered a new stage.
This second report builds on the conclusions of the first one, attempting to provoke a national discussion about what our best options might be. There are several reasons why this discussion is now different from previous debates about drug policy.