No I am not one but part of my studies has been to investigate the doctrines of may faiths. I believe everyone is entitled to worship whoever they want the way they want as long as it doesn't encroach on the rights of others to disbelieve.
Does it get you off to ridicule the beliefs of others and discount their beliefs as crap?
I was enjoying your banter on other threads but now you have proved yourself as narrow minded as the rest.
'Love, kindness, compassion and tolerance are qualities common to all the great religions, and whether or not we follow any particular religious tradition, the benefits of love and kindness are obvious to anyone.' Dalai Lama
I am not sorry if this offends. Having had Catholicism jammed down my throat by no less than four sadistic pedophiles for four years then suffered under a Methodist regime I have reached the conclusion that George Carlin is right, religion is a hoax. It is sponsered by the power mongers and sells us the message that if we put up with untold crap here we get a ticket to eternity.
It supresses our true spirituality and benefits a few. The whole bangshoot are frauds. If they weren't they would be leading mass demonstrations of christians against war. Thou shall not kill. Remember that one?
Go George!
Bigwavedave is, as usual, 100% correct.
cantswm4, you are little more that a petty thief
All I can say is. (quoted from the bible,)
"Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone"
Most western democratic countries have in their constitutions a protection of the right to freedom of religion.
While our constitution doesn't entitle us to the right to freedom of speech, it does guarantee the right to worship as one chooses.The US constitution mentions freedom of religion even before freedom of speech.
Why do you think that religious rights have to be guaranteed in nations' constitutions? Because the first thing that dictatorships, military regimes and atheistic tyrannies do is try to control peoples' religious and spiritual beliefs.
Humans have a fundamental instinct to worship something and also an evil instinct to bully and control those who are weaker.
Someone's attempt at ridiculing the religious beliefs of others shows that they are succumbing to the base instincts of humans. ie To attempt to control others' beliefs by mocking and denegrating them. (bullying)
This is a form of discrimination and is no different to racism. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Idi Amin, Col. Gadaffi, Pol Pot, Sadam Hussein, most Arabic countries and the former USSR all try/tried to control or eradicate the religiuos and spiritual beliefs of their people.
When you crtiticise someones religion or their method of expressing their spirituality you are starting on the slippery slope that is bigotry, hatred and ultimately evil.
If I offended any poster here I apologise, but I am passionate about freedom of expression and discrimination of any sort.
Here's food for thought, What if Im the 1% who made it up,
Just to see how narrow minded people could be / maybe just for a laugh,
And I'm laughing hard
Or If I really did it, I would be more than just a petty thief,
Id be an honest petty thief,
So quick are you to judge,
Bigwave are you must be a Jehovah.. Look i appreciate your cult etc but when it interferes with the daily running of my houseold i dont appreciate it..
Lets get this straight I did my research and it is not appreciated some ****head preacher coming to my house on a Sunday morning waking up everyone.
Go annoy some other ****.
If i was narrow minded i would of punch poor preacher boy and mate in the head and dragged them both of my property by the hair
If I was would I be living in 'sin' with my girlfriend??[}:)] Would I be quoting the Dalai Lama? Would I be having a lovely white Christmas this year?
I've just had the opportunity to explore many belief systems through my studies.
I don't answer the door when they call. They go away after a few seconds. If they catch me in the yard I say a polite 'no thanks' and they move on.
They are following what they believe to be the way for them, the same as Muslims must say their prayers, Mormons do two years service, Catholics celebrate mass, SDA's have sabbaths and I go kitesurfing. It's their connection with their spiritual life and the 'creator'.
If you don't want them to call ask them to put you on 'the list'. It worked for my dad. He also gets irritated by visitors on a Sunday morning. They've never been back.
Tolerance is under-rated.
I agree with the freedom of thought.
I used to be really anty-priests a few years back, but I came to realize that as long as believing in something makes you happy, then you should do it.
only as long as you don't limit other people's life (banning some kind of food from a school, a club or any public place, forcing to modify screenplays (it happened, at least in my country)
and i don't think it's really a good thing that they limit their own chances to enjoy life.. as "can't get blood transfusions" (jeohwa's) or "can't eat an hot dog" (muslims)
but that is up to them, and as long as they don't force other people to follow their beliefs, it's ok.
(I still, on occasions, pull out pranks like the goat one, but I'd do the same for door to door salesman, it's just the wrong place at the right time )
Wow... how is that this thread is still live...
I don't have a religious opinion. Just acknowledge that other people have the right to without ridicule.
true religion (if you really want to use that term), is about having a doctrine and a freedom of choice. Same as atheism - it's also a religion as you require certain assumptions/beliefs. Therefore one should be free to believe what they want as long as it causes no harm to other human beings. If a religion imposes mandatory rules and physical punishment etc, it's no longer a true religion. There are religions that teach God created beeings and gave them a freedom of choice. If that wasn't so then he would have made robots. Freedom of choice for everyone (without harm to others), and all actions lead to consequences eventually...
Enjoyable read. I like a good argument about religion.
Dawkins is a good read from the other side of the argument. Anyone read his work?
Surprised this hasn't been shut down like all the other religious threads.
Worship or Believe in whatever you like. It's your life. Do what you want.
Just don't push your****** religion on anyone else! Simple really.