"Innocence of Muslims, previously called Innocence of Bn Laden[sic] (working title Desert Warrior), is an anti-Islamic[1] full-length feature film that was reportedly shown only once to the public—to an audience of about ten people at a rented theater in Hollywood, California"
It's become a real life Monty Python skit.
If olive branch is symobol universal enough to reconcile both sides ?
Yes, if used wisely.
Not to smack each other but to bring a peace.
Similarly "discussion" above brings that hope
ah fundamentalist religion......and i always thought that little voice in my head telling me not to eat the last three tim tams in the packet was my conscience
as with all religions there are some good people and some bad people...... unfortunately in current and recent conflicts Islam seems to be overly represented not just in the middle east but in Africa as well where militant islamists are responsible for many conflicts.... If they are not fighting others they are fighting against themselves.
I am certainly not blaming all muslims ( I know at least three and their families quite well but they are not exactly strict about their religion either ) but there is a serious over representation in conflicts and violence that cannot be ignored.
If Islam is a religion of peace and the majority of Muslims are peaceful they certainly seem to be the silent majority.
Lastly a serious question regarding the Burka... after recently returning from UAE it came to my attention that the women wear black burkas whislt the men wear white robes, can anyone tell me ...
does a burka have to be black ?
it was about 40 degress and these women are covered head to toe in a black burka... I understand the reason for wearing the burka and respect this requirement but being predominantly desert people in hot countries surely it would make more sense to wear a yellow burka or some other colour that did not absorb the heat as black does hmmmm......
Bloody top stuff Kiteboy Dave, and well said.
Adziz, top stuff for coming here to brave the anti's. YOU can change things.
However, regardless of your motives or eloquent posts, you still quote your holy text as defining "infidels" as bad Muslims, and Christians and Jews.
It also says they are to be put to death. You might wanna start a little movement amongst Muslims that the death part should be ignored.
I see it ....
I see it comming ....
A Big comet is coming to smash our (sorry - yours) Earth to pieces.
I am packing my flying saucer and going back to Alpha Centauri where my place is... under that rock .. you know...
This Humans just can't talk without shouting all the time
Steve Hughes, Offended.
Google it...
Check it out....
Think about it...
Remember, Nothing happens when your offended.
When I take my Flying Sourcer for a spin from time to time I could see your funny little planet. It is just tiny, tiny.
But when I get a little closer it is actually bigger then you think it is.
There is enough room for all of you.
But not for long…when the time comes and comet strike .. I could give a ride to some of you on my UFO, but not to all….
Who it could be ?????