Not even sure I am interested in the argument.
I mean, taking anything, condensing it into a highly concentrated form and realising it into the atmosphere or into the environment can't be a good thing. You can argue about the analysis and prediction of the effects, but end of the day it can't be good. Even planting 1 million acres of organic papaya with no other life forms in that 1 million acres can't be good, and organic papaya are the answer to the future.
And that is why the 'carbon tax' (which is not actually a tax on carbon) is bad government policy.
A tax on the production of all waste (and to replace personal income tax) would be good policy.
Ok, so climate change is a massive scam that has a one in ten chance of being true...
Let's implement some totally irrational policies based on the fact that we believe the scam. Stupid policies such as
Taxing the use of scarce resources
Encouraging innovation to reduce the use of scarce resources
Reducing the need to increase income tax to deal with all the greedy baby boomers who seem to have retired expecting 30 years of loafing.
Reducing our dependency on unstable middle east coutries who are in general very nice but occasionally support people who blow up our trains and airports.
Helping developing countries to healthcare that means that they don't have to have enormous families to support them in their old age
If climate change isn't happening, then we can abandon all these daft ideas and carry on as we are...
actually I am...
Apart from the ginger, hitler, stalin comments.
Kev rudd's deposition does not make the policies a bad idea
Nope, if they're not innovative then it doesn't match my statement
Nope, your generation should be entitled to the same retirement privileges that mine will be. You need to get used to the idea. I'm not paying for you (the majority) to have 30 years chilling out, because when I'm old the young (the majority) won't pay for me to do it.
Ok, if 911 was an inside job then you're right. But you're not, you're a nutjob.
Not eugenics
911 was an inside job. It was inside 912 which nests within 913.
914 is a big sports bag full of 913s and it sits in a Porsche 915 parked in a garage at number 916 in postcode 2917.
It's all jobs within jobs. Big jobs
Whole thing was just to get us to use US date nomenclature.
Before 9 /11 everybody in the world (except a few yanks) said 11th of the 9th.
Now we all say 9 / 11, with no logic
day / month / year goes smallest to biggest
month / day / year is just a disorganised mess
All just signals the dumbing down of the current generation. Didn't happen in my day, world is obviously going to pot.
Mmmm pot, good idea
(got to pot up my organic papaya)
But so is almost everything written here.
If it was logical, pleasant and titled correctly it would be somewhere more sensible that was actually worth reading
I personally strive to reply to illogical, poorly structured arguments with my own brand of extremist and nonsensical clap-trap, hopefully with mulitple spelling errors for others to point out.
If I wanted a sane and resonable argument I would go down the pub at 10.00pm and tell the barman very loudly that AFL is for girls.
question. why are there still enormous arguments about the causation of climate change when the concept is redundant? wether or not humans are responsible for climate change is something that will never be know unless we can find a second planet to experiment on. assuming we have caused it we are to late to take any successful preventative action and if we are not responsible its going to be pointless to even try. shouldn't the focus be planing for the future and investigating how do live within a dynamic climate rather than ** slinging over weather or not we are responsible and what we should do about it?
either way they are still just impracticle overpriced uncomfortable wankmachines sold to tossers with a complex about their inadequate genitalia
So, we need to get into it then. Even if we don't have answers to some of the major questions of negating climate change should not mean we shouldn't go flat out at having a go at doing something. Maybe 5 or 10 years down the track some magic bullet will appear to make the reduction in greenhouse gasses a tangible force but for now I think we must jump in. If we obfuscate our responsibilities and dither or worse still choose to sit on the edges and throw stones at people trying to do something then all we do is play into the hands of the deniers whose agendas are definitely not in interests of the citizens
Cisco, Come on mate, don't do that "The ELITES want this and the new world order crap" . It's just silly.This is serious, and now's not the time to bugger around with half baked ideas. The overwhelming majority of scientists in all countries agree that something is happening, your cavalier attitude that it's natural (and I assume that the earth will stabilize itself) is living life on the highwire.