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Queensland Elections

Created by Stuthepirate > 9 months ago, 24 Mar 2012
QLD, 14394 posts
25 Mar 2012 7:20PM
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as much as i think the joh era in qld has some pretty dark sides to it, it was also the era that saw qld progress. A lot of infrastructure was created during his rein and then benefited by the following labor governments.

he had vision. something lacking these days with politicians. or rather some have vision but too scared to act on it.

all sides of politics paid homage to joh when he passed.

mineral1 said...

You buggers in Queensland are in for a torrid time now. You will squealing all the way to the next election, as there isn't a credible opposition left. The old habits of that slick mob left over by Joe will surface and you guys will be skinned alive
To form a good government for all, there needs to be a good spattering of the other side, to keep the bastards honest so to speak. YOU NEED BALANCE!!
At least in Federal, that boofhead mob cant get away with too much as the mad monk is on to them like seagull onto a chip if the boofs make a dud turn
Oh and I couldn't give a toss who is in, they are all the same, treat average voter like crap and do not display good credence of good government in any state or federal.

NSW, 9029 posts
25 Mar 2012 8:26PM
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Plus Joh left the state's finances in an excellent position. The ALP spent all that money, went into debt and sold off assets for their policies. Many of those policies have questionable value. I'm not sure why my previous post was considered to be pro ALP.

QLD, 14394 posts
25 Mar 2012 7:57PM
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i guess i read it wrong.

i thought you were having a dig at campbell newman, and although he may turn out to warrant it i figured it was a bit premature.

NSW, 9029 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:05PM
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What I was trying to point out is often the ALP can't bring in revenue (tax) policies without a huge amount of political cost. However the Libs/Nats, being seen as the parties of limited government and reduced taxation, even though its usually not true, can bring in new or increased taxes.

There is a fair chance the new Queensland government will jack up mining royalites to reduce taxation in other areas, something the ALP have suffered for federally.

Does the LNP propose reducing government expenditure or are they going to be big spenders?

QLD, 14394 posts
25 Mar 2012 10:31PM
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bit of both really, they reckon they will reduce and spend.... lol.

WA, 2775 posts
25 Mar 2012 8:39PM
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Mobydisc said...

There is a fair chance the new Queensland government will jack up mining royalites to reduce taxation in other areas, something the ALP have suffered for federally.

a state govt. will get away with bumping up royalties it as the mineral rights are state property- and the royalties would be spent in that state.

the reason why QLD,and WA are stroppy about the feds taxing the mining industry is that
1/ the minerals do not belong to the Commonwealth of Australia,
2/ the taxes would not stay in the mining states.

I understand that the finance industry in Australia is making more profit than mining- but I dont hear the feds suggesting a "wunch of bankers" super profits tax.


QLD, 1051 posts
25 Mar 2012 11:43PM
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I have this notion (no proof) that once the federal gov' changes the days of the states on the same side of politics are numbered. So a sort of natural order Labor in federal then Liberal / National in state. Howard (LNP) in all states went Labor ....

I also firmly believe that politics corrupts - so 3 terms and it is time to go....

I do not like the number of layers of governance we have - but at times like these I wish Qld had a house of review - and I want Cambell to have a fair shot but with no review and no opposition...

Can a QLDer tell me why Kerry Obrian on ABC election coverage put that former health minister cretin Paul Lucas up to make comment. I heard he managed to get the biscuit roster right for the tea room on becoming an MP but standing firm on the payroll spectacular just shows how in-ept he was and how under-mined the labor government had become.
For those who don't know - imagine this analogy - you build a bridge - you open the bridge - and the first vehicle to try to cross does not arrive.. So after scratching your head you ask someone to go and have a look at the bridge - and you are surprised that the report commissioned (at great expense) says the sections don't meet in the middle. Substitute the bridge with a payroll system across the state throw 101 systems management 4 dummies out the window - with no burn in tests just - go live...
So you get your wallet out and $80 mill becomes $240 mill and despite being in-charge and in it up to your neck - no-one in your camp seems to notice (they all like biscuits too!!)
His wikipedia entry lists his achievements as ... mostly in-line with the biscuit roster - very self centred and local; a reading glasses only mp with no vision beyond the arms reach...

I have just re-read this - I suppose I answered my own question - it was why he did not get sacked when being an unhealthy minister - too obdurate to notice the true reality...

Interesting times ahead...


NSW, 9202 posts
26 Mar 2012 10:59AM
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AquaPlow said...
... Substitute the bridge with a payroll system across the state throw 101 systems management 4 dummies out the window - with no burn in tests just - go live...
So you get your wallet out and $80 mill becomes $240 mill and despite being in-charge and in it up to your neck - no-one in your camp seems to notice (they all like biscuits too!!)
His wikipedia entry lists his achievements as ... mostly in-line with the biscuit roster - very self centred and local; a reading glasses only mp with no vision beyond the arms reach...

MPs know nothing about Enterprise Systems.

I've been on a few now and you'll sometimes see project managers pushing go-live at all costs, just to make it on time and on budget. Sometimes this approach actually works and anything that goes wrong is fixed as part of post go-live support, and all-in-all things go OK.

Don't for a second think 101 systems management is actually followed in the real world.

It's actually pretty hard to blame someone at the helm, even Bligh, although I did, when things *that complicated* go wrong. I can't imagine a politician understanding anything about the system at all. It's seriously amazing how complicated things get as they grow, I guess to the layman if something is twice as big it must be twice as complicated, but it actually grows on multiple dimensions so it become 8 or 32 times as complicated.

...short story, they didn't test properly. Something this big it is impossible to test everything in a reasonable time, but there are precautions that weren't taken.

Also the recycled water debacle.

QLD, 1051 posts
26 Mar 2012 1:41PM
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G'day Evlpanda ..
Even an optimist with their head placed in la la land would have tried a few parallel runs then gone live by stages...
Last one I pm'ed had state & federal awards (14 - ish) and allowances for hopping on one foot, going 2 metres above the ground, swapping rosters to boost $'s ..
We only handled a few thousand, but great crew and tireless testing with parallel runs. All custom s/ware - H/Ware already in place.

With a budget like this had politics must have stunk.. That old saying .."If U pay peanuts U get peanut eaters" - but this appeared to be a la carte...


WA, 3519 posts
26 Mar 2012 12:25PM
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boofta said...

Bligh was a good Premier and was beaten by Newman
who was'nt even in the parliament.
Where does this leave Jooliar, she is a bad,lying,spiv,
happily doing President Brown's bidding over whatever
he want's, to stay in power.
If the swing is the same in the federal election, there
will be no LABOUR (learn to spell morons) in the lower
house at all.
Maybe there is a god after all

Yep that is not far of the mark! But look at the alternative...... he would happily do all the above plus he stated he would sell his bum to get in...........speeeeeeeeew!

WA, 3519 posts
26 Mar 2012 12:28PM
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cisco said...

boofta said...
will be no LABOUR (learn to spell morons) in the lower

LABOR is the correct spelling when referring to the Labor Party in Australia.

It is the American spelling of the word and was adopted by the movement because it's formation was assisted greatly by a number of Americans who were in Australia at the time.

Labor had great beginnings in Australia and was truly the "peoples movement".

Unfortunately "people power" has been seen as a threat to the status quo or general order of things by the imperialists and others and so has been infiltrated by their agents who have turned it into a sham.

True Labor is a friend of even the farmer and small business people as well as the wage earner.

The bunch of goons in Canberra who call themselves Labor politicians are the real reptilian shape shifters who care not one whit for the average worker.

Have a go at that then loggie.

fixed that for you Cisco!

QLD, 12337 posts
26 Mar 2012 3:19PM
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Gestalt said...

bit of both really, they reckon they will reduce and spend.... lol.

I think that is the only way they can get the books back into the black unless there is some sort of "Gold Lotto" they could win.

Not much more complicated than household economics if you take the eight zeros of the end of the figures.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:16PM
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evlPanda said...

AquaPlow said...
... Substitute the bridge with a payroll system across the state throw 101 systems management 4 dummies out the window - with no burn in tests just - go live...
So you get your wallet out and $80 mill becomes $240 mill and despite being in-charge and in it up to your neck - no-one in your camp seems to notice (they all like biscuits too!!)
His wikipedia entry lists his achievements as ... mostly in-line with the biscuit roster - very self centred and local; a reading glasses only mp with no vision beyond the arms reach...

MPs know nothing about Enterprise Systems.

I've been on a few now and you'll sometimes see project managers pushing go-live at all costs, just to make it on time and on budget. Sometimes this approach actually works and anything that goes wrong is fixed as part of post go-live support, and all-in-all things go OK.

Don't for a second think 101 systems management is actually followed in the real world.

It's actually pretty hard to blame someone at the helm, even Bligh, although I did, when things *that complicated* go wrong. I can't imagine a politician understanding anything about the system at all. It's seriously amazing how complicated things get as they grow, I guess to the layman if something is twice as big it must be twice as complicated, but it actually grows on multiple dimensions so it become 8 or 32 times as complicated.

...short story, they didn't test properly. Something this big it is impossible to test everything in a reasonable time, but there are precautions that weren't taken.

Also the recycled water debacle.

also the dams/water grid debacles,numerous road works debacles. we are talking about millions and millions spent on planning, land buy ups, consultancy fees etc etc- all down the drain.

seemed like every second week money was being lost on stuff ups.

anna bligh and the labor party in qld were rightly given the dcm- 'don't come monday', should have happen well before saturday. there was just no credible opposition till now

NSW, 9029 posts
26 Mar 2012 10:57PM
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So without Campbell Newman the LNP is crap? Just looked him up on Wikopedia and he comes from a political family. Both his parents were Tasmanian federal Liberal politicians. Mum was a senator who held an important cabinet position. Interesting country we are becoming. More things change the more they stay the same.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
26 Mar 2012 10:07PM
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A good read on the situation.

Campbell has to try to create a party under him (out of a blithering mess of argumentative nobodies), create policy under him (starting at zero), learn how parliament works (he hasn't a single day's experience), satisfy big business (pay back uncle clive), save money (that's his big promise), build more infrastructure (that's why people like him), and generally pull a rabbit out of a hat. All while, if nature's being fair and throwing him the same challenges as Labor, doing all that in the middle of relentless droughts, cyclones, and floods. Chances of success? Sweet FA.

I predict in about 3 years people will start looking back fondly on Anna's leadership.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Mar 2012 10:23PM
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kiteboy dave said...

A good read on the situation.

Campbell has to try to create a party under him (out of a blithering mess of argumentative nobodies), create policy under him (starting at zero), learn how parliament works (he hasn't a single day's experience), satisfy big business (pay back uncle clive), save money (that's his big promise), build more infrastructure (that's why people like him), and generally pull a rabbit out of a hat. All while, if nature's being fair and throwing him the same challenges as Labor, doing all that in the middle of relentless droughts, cyclones, and floods. Chances of success? Sweet FA.

I predict in about 3 years people will start looking back fondly on Anna's leadership.

not me, way to much of the qld peoples money wasted. labor had a good run, but its time to move on. their election campaign was one of the nastiest pieces of work ever seen, but they had nothing else in the bag

campbell might not be everybodies cup of tea, but he is a strong leader and he will do it his way. judging by the election results thats what the majority want to see happen.

WA, 4564 posts
26 Mar 2012 8:41PM
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Ah well, us lot over here dont get too bet out of shape, even if Col's a mug

QLD, 12337 posts
27 Mar 2012 6:20AM
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The Qld Labor Party is now called the Tarago Party because they all fit in.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
27 Mar 2012 7:20AM
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That joke was moderately funny when Will Anderson first said it on saturday. Getting a bit long in the tooth now.

VIC, 392 posts
27 Mar 2012 8:39AM
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Na, it's still funny.

NSW, 807 posts
27 Mar 2012 10:25AM
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mineral1 said...

You buggers in Queensland are in for a torrid time now. You will squealing all the way to the next election, as there isn't a credible opposition left. The old habits of that slick mob left over by Joe will surface and you guys will be skinned alive
To form a good government for all, there needs to be a good spattering of the other side, to keep the bastards honest so to speak. YOU NEED BALANCE!!
At least in Federal, that boofhead mob cant get away with too much as the mad monk is on to them like seagull onto a chip if the boofs make a dud turn
Oh and I couldn't give a toss who is in, they are all the same, treat average voter like crap and do not display good credence of good government in any state or federal.


Yup. Good luck Queensland, you're gunna need it.

NSW, 9202 posts
27 Mar 2012 12:38PM
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laceys lane said...

evlPanda said...

AquaPlow said...
... Substitute the bridge with a payroll system across the state throw 101 systems management 4 dummies out the window - with no burn in tests just - go live...
So you get your wallet out and $80 mill becomes $240 mill...

MPs know nothing about Enterprise Systems.

...blah blah...

Also the recycled water debacle.

also the dams/water grid debacles,numerous road works debacles. we are talking about millions and millions spent on planning, land buy ups, consultancy fees etc etc- all down the drain.

seemed like every second week money was being lost on stuff ups.

anna bligh and the labor party in qld were rightly given the dcm- 'don't come monday', should have happen well before saturday. there was just no credible opposition till now

This is why I didn't vote (properly). I couldn't vote for Labor for the reasons above, and I didn't know enough about anybody else because I'm so apathetic lately. Also my seat is so LNP safe my vote wouldn't count, no really - Broadwater. I was going to vote for my solicitor but then he got put out of the race for swinging.

I don't understand the cost of roads. There's roadworks near me... actually there's probably roadworks near *everyone* in South-East Queensland for the past decade, it never ends!!!... and I can't equate the cost with the road. Straight stretch, about 1km long, $100mil. Or something like that.

What am I missing? It seems ludicrously expensive. I suspect the Chinese could build in in a day for a fraction of the cost.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Queensland Elections" started by Stuthepirate