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Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon and Israel

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 1 Jun 2010
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NSW, 4453 posts
1 Jun 2010 12:03PM
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I would like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention a belief held by some ~100 Million Christians.

I'm not a 100% sure of my facts so please do correct me, but this is how I understand it...

Evangelical Christians believe that in order for the 2nd coming of Christ to happen, Jews must rebuild the Temple Mount (currently occupied by the Rock Mosque one of Islam's most sacred places).

When this happens all out war will proceed between the Asians + Muslims and the Jews + Westerners.

The true Christians (Evangelicals) will be saved from this horrid war by Jesus, who will "Rapture" them from Earth to a heavenly world in the clouds.

During the war the world is put through a period of immense suffering and sacrifice, greater than anything before in history... called the Tribulation.

Then the anti Christ unites the world in piece under his sole evil rule.

Jesus then comes down from the heavenly world and defeats the anti Christ, ushering in a 1000 years of bliss.

Around 28% of Americans are Evangelicals... Evangelicals are those guys that preach at the crack of dawn... you know when your coming down off your high from the night before and you can't sleep, and all the good stuff on TV is finished.

They're ardent supporters of Israel cos they believe that the Jews must rebuild the Temple mount... and then convert to Christianity 2.0 or die.

So they're doing everything they can to cause conflict between the muslims and the jews. That's why the US will back Israel in everything it does... Cos the government is influenced by the Evangelicals and the Jewish lobbies.

Nuke Iran? Sure go right ahead.
Fake some or our passports and kills some people? Sure no problem.
Starve the poor Palestinians? Sure, bomb them too.

These actions are designed to inflame the situation, so Jesus will comeback when all hell breaks loose.

So strong Israel = Let rebuild the Temple Mount >>> Jesus comes back everybody (that's left) converts to Christianity v2.0.

Here look

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Jun 2010 10:23AM
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Evangelicals are more scary than any cave dwelling terrorist IMO.
The political clout that they have with the right wing government of the US is frightening.
Heres a clip from an informative docco called "jesus camp"

NSW, 4453 posts
1 Jun 2010 12:31PM
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poor relative: I saw that episode of Top Gear where they drive from Florida to Texas through Evangelical country... the crew almost got shot at... Jeremy said that was one of the most frightening experiences on the show.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Jun 2010 10:37AM
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It amazes me the hate that so called Christians spread.
Another good docco to watch is by louis Theroux called Americas most hated family

QLD, 4083 posts
1 Jun 2010 2:47PM
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Chemtrails, conspiracy theories, vague traces of government and religion... not so bad.

Hardcore religion, politics... not really in line with what we're aiming for here, sorry.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon and Israel" started by FlySurfer