Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Red worms crawling out of my skin after a session.

Created by colinwill78 > 9 months ago, 7 Nov 2010
VIC, 1395 posts
7 Nov 2010 7:41PM
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I went kiting today on a freshwater lake/swamp this morning.
when i came in there were red worms all over my lower legs.
I brushed and pulled them off.
I went home and showered and i noticed some more of these freaks in the shower with me and i swear i pulled one two out of my shin.
There was a bit of pain while i was out there, but i assumed that was from the spiny weeds that grew all over the lake bed for the last ten years which kept tickling my a$$.

It was pretty horrid.
Here's some pics, but don't look till after lunch. I expect tomorrow at dinner something will burst out of my rib cage!!

So, does any one know what they are?
I'm treating them as harmless, but, do i need to have some drontal or something??

Mark _australia
WA, 22872 posts
7 Nov 2010 5:02PM
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The way one of them is attached it looks like how a leech sucks blood.

If you even suspect they have burrowed in at all, they may have laid eggs and that would not be so good. I'd go to a doctor straight away and take a couple of the red suckers in with you.

If it doesn't work out, can I have your gear?

EDIT: I got too curious and googled it. Many references to red worms in fresh water are from aquarium websites and people refer to red worms hanging out their pet fish's anus.
Let us know how that part goes but maybe no pics of it

SA, 2865 posts
7 Nov 2010 7:39PM
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Google "Blood worms"
Bloodworms are larvae of the mosquito-like midge family Chironomidae
Then go see the DR. tomorrow

They look the same....

Mark _australia
WA, 22872 posts
7 Nov 2010 5:18PM
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Gizmo that is interesting.... what we call blood worms here are not larvae they are "real worms" that are darker red and bout 30cm long. Live in the sand and are good whiting bait.

So they may be worms, leeches or the larval stage of something else.

Any entemologists here?

VIC, 1395 posts
7 Nov 2010 8:25PM
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Gizmo said...

Google "Blood worms"
Bloodworms are larvae of the mosquito-like midge family Chironomidae
Then go see the DR. tomorrow

They look the same....

They do look the same.
ok. doc tomorrow it is. Thanks Gizmo.
( I feel so violated)

Mark Aust, i've used those blood worms for whiting too. good gear!
About my gear, you can have it (if i die from these worm things) but the 16m would be of little use to you in WA.
I didn't even know you kited!

3777 posts
7 Nov 2010 7:54PM
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plug your orrifices.

NSW, 7075 posts
7 Nov 2010 10:57PM
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I wouldn't worry about the quack if I were you, get onto White Lady Funerals[}:)]

WA, 150 posts
7 Nov 2010 8:06PM
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Cool pics,,

I work in aquaculture and we get alot of simlar looking red worms in the sediment, usually the smelly, ****ty sediments.... Must be pretty crap water you were in???

NSW, 4188 posts
7 Nov 2010 11:11PM
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colinwill78 said...

I went kiting today on a freshwater lake/swamp this morning.

Which "secret spot" were you kiting at?

All the best getting rid of the critters and hopefully no health downsides, however if they decide to make a break for the light though your rib cage (alien style) please make sure your gopro is appropriately charged, framed and running

3777 posts
7 Nov 2010 8:20PM
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pi22api22a said...

Cool pics,,

I work in aquaculture and we get alot of simlar looking red worms in the sediment, usually the smelly, ****ty sediments.... Must be pretty crap water you were in???

You can name your spot "the sewer" lol

Singo Cam
WA, 83 posts
7 Nov 2010 8:22PM
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Hate to be you right now......

NSW, 7075 posts
7 Nov 2010 11:27PM
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Poor bastard! We'll put in for the wake!

VIC, 5000 posts
8 Nov 2010 9:23AM
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I'll take my chances with the sharks in saltwater after hearing & seeing that!

SA, 4097 posts
8 Nov 2010 10:45AM
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stick them in a bottle of tequila

VIC, 1395 posts
10 Nov 2010 6:26PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

colinwill78 said...

I went kiting today on a freshwater lake/swamp this morning.

Which "secret spot" were you kiting at?

All the best getting rid of the critters and hopefully no health downsides, however if they decide to make a break for the light though your rib cage (alien style) please make sure your gopro is appropriately charged, framed and running

Well i'm not dead yet.
Doc said i've got at least 10 more days before i lose my legs and then bowel functions.

but seriously that "secret spot" is Grassy Lake one of the cope cope lakes in central victoria.
it is a bit on the smelly side (because it's in victoria i guess)and gusty....... really gusty, so i don't need to keep it a secret.
I would welcome anyone here who's game to join me.
I'd say a bigger health risk than the worms are the snakes

WA, 4485 posts
10 Nov 2010 3:42PM
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Must be an infestation of Colliwobbles fans in the area I'd say.

NSW, 4188 posts
10 Nov 2010 9:58PM
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colinwill78 said...

but seriously that "secret spot" is Grassy Lake one of the cope cope lakes in central victoria.
it is a bit on the smelly side (because it's in victoria i guess)and gusty....... really gusty, so i don't need to keep it a secret.
I would welcome anyone here who's game to join me.
I'd say a bigger health risk than the worms are the snakes

Good to hear you are still with us!

If there is one thing I have learnt in life it is this: "secret spots" are generally secret because that are epic about 2% of the time, and a disaster the other 98% of the time.

Otherwise the spots become "known" pretty quickly...


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Red worms crawling out of my skin after a session." started by colinwill78