Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Relationship advice needed.

Created by Mark _australia > 9 months ago, 28 Nov 2012
Mark _australia
WA, 22242 posts
28 Nov 2012 9:49PM
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She told me that I don't listen.

Or something like that, I dunno.....


131 posts
28 Nov 2012 10:19PM
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Pull your finger out Mark.

WA, 548 posts
28 Nov 2012 10:24PM
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If she ever says " Mark , I'm tired " that's when you have to start listening, I did'nt know that way back then, I live alone now, great in summer, crap in winter. Hope you were'nt looking for something much more profound than that, it's all I've got for ya. J

NSW, 5778 posts
29 Nov 2012 2:12AM
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Bitches are like stitches....

You pull em and they come out....

Trent from punchy taught me that...

ACT, 2174 posts
29 Nov 2012 6:38AM
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Mark _australia said...

She told me that I don't listen.

Or something like that, I dunno.....


reduce your forum time to 8hours a night and listen to ya mum

NSW, 6815 posts
29 Nov 2012 7:08AM
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What she wants you to do is listen.

Sounds simple but it isn't.

1595 posts
29 Nov 2012 4:23AM
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Obviously you are not doing a good enough job of pretending to listen.
Try changing the subject when she gets after you, talk about some nonsense she's interested in and she will forget all about you not listening.
A really good shagging will usually make her all lovey dovey for at least a day or two.

NSW, 2005 posts
29 Nov 2012 8:41AM
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2 bits of advice:

1 - Try to get a deal whereby if you 'listen' so many minutes a day, then she'll leave you alone...

2 - Make sure the couch is comfy before you try #1 above.

1595 posts
29 Nov 2012 5:47AM
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As she rambles on pay attention every few minutes for ten seconds or so and immediately throw out any comment you can think of then go back to your business for a few minutes.
If she accuses you of not paying attention say, "I was thinking about what you said" and make make a comment about something you may have accidentally heard her say in the last few minutes.

QLD, 7428 posts
29 Nov 2012 8:37AM
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Tell her you didn't marry her for something to listen to. You have Radio National for that.

NSW, 1087 posts
29 Nov 2012 9:37AM
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theDoctor said...

Bitches are like stitches....

You pull em and they come out....

Trent from punchy taught me that...

You mean "bitches are like stitches, yoou take em out (kfc maccas) and they open up" "HUMMMER N A CHICKENNN FEEEEEEED"

SA, 472 posts
29 Nov 2012 11:25AM
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Duuude, seriously. You need this phenominal device.

Mines on order. gunna be awesome.

NSW, 9202 posts
29 Nov 2012 3:01PM
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Listen to everything she says.
Then do the opposite.

NSW, 4453 posts
29 Nov 2012 3:13PM
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Mark _australia said...

She told me that I don't listen.

Or something like that, I dunno.....


Well since unconditional love isn't for everyone, I suggest the ying and yang approach.

1.- You listen to her <> she takes her clothes off.
2.- You do the garden <> she does the kitchen.
3.- She listens to you <> you buy her chocolates.
... get it?

On the listening front you could do what I do... I make facial expression of surprise, concern, etc, with NFI what she's yapping about.

VIC, 1299 posts
29 Nov 2012 3:18PM
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given that I have a cross between industrial deafness and selective hearing, my wife now, is conditioned to my "disa" ability or indeed lack of ability to hear let alone listen, its a win /win situation except that now my only crime is "I just don't understand"...

2614 posts
29 Nov 2012 12:28PM
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I'm willing to bet that she also accuses you of misconstruing everything she says.

WA, 485 posts
29 Nov 2012 1:51PM
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Communication is not rocket science. If she says you're not listening it means
1. you're not listening
2. you are listening but you're failing to follow through
3. she's not actually communicating what she wants to say

You seem like a moderately smart person (when you're not wrong about stuff) so 1 and 3 should be easy to resolve - if it's an important issue make sure you discuss it at a time where both of you can give it your full attention - and if you're not sure what she's trying to say keep on discussing until you do.
Number 2's a bit harder - if she wants something from you that you can't give her - let her know, let her know why and see if there's a compromise. In most cases it's better to do something that makes your partner happy, because then they'll generally reciprocate by doing something nice for you. MOST relationship issues benefit tremendously from at least 1 partner just trying a bit harder.

Mark _australia
WA, 22242 posts
29 Nov 2012 1:56PM
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^^^do realise it is a joke muzza? but I will be sure to apply the tips anyway.
BTW I am not even moderately smart so I appreciate the compliment.

WA, 3271 posts
29 Nov 2012 1:58PM
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I find 1's and 2's easy enough. Not sure what a number 3 is though. How hard do I have to push to get one of them out?

WA, 14438 posts
29 Nov 2012 2:00PM
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Mark _australia said...
^^^do realise it is a joke muzza? but I will be sure to apply the tips anyway.
BTW I am not even moderately smart so I appreciate the compliment.

I knew it was a joke, but I didn't want to get involved in a discussion about you and Lotofwind.

WA, 554 posts
29 Nov 2012 2:02PM
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da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
29 Nov 2012 6:42PM
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Mark _australia said...
^^^do realise it is a joke muzza? but I will be sure to apply the tips anyway.
BTW I am not even moderately smart so I appreciate the compliment.

As if there is a woman out there not hanging off your every word.

WA, 2775 posts
29 Nov 2012 5:17PM
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ockanui said...
given that I have a cross between industrial deafness and selective hearing,

sounds a bit like me, my sandwich maker is so used to hearing "wot?", "say again?", "huh", "whats that?" and me blaming my dodgy hearing and the roaring & ringing in the background for stuff, that I can get away with (almost) anything.


QLD, 12321 posts
30 Nov 2012 12:23AM
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The worst thing is when you ask a question such as "Where is the thingamy?", and the response is "I am not going looking for it now!!!!" when a simple "I don't know." would have sufficed.

Do they think they are smarter than men by trying to pre-empt your train of thought??????????????

They dare accuse men of "Not Listening" while they ramble on about irrelevant, unconnected and unimportant crap all day.

Women at a minimum need to get rid of 25,000 words per day.

Men at the most need to get rid of 15,000 words per day.

Women are absolutely incapable of yes or no answers to very simple questions.

This vid pretty much explains it.

NSW, 9202 posts
30 Nov 2012 11:37AM
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Diver said...

...I actually said this as a response once. She replied "No you don't."

True story.

WA, 3271 posts
30 Nov 2012 10:03AM
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sn said...
ockanui said...
given that I have a cross between industrial deafness and selective hearing,

sounds a bit like me, my sandwich maker is so used to hearing "wot?", "say again?", "huh", "whats that?" and me blaming my dodgy hearing and the roaring & ringing in the background for stuff, that I can get away with (almost) anything.


I still laugh every time I see this reference to your other half as a 'sandwich maker'

WA, 444 posts
30 Nov 2012 10:09AM
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Chris6791 said...
sn said...
ockanui said...
given that I have a cross between industrial deafness and selective hearing,

sounds a bit like me, my sandwich maker is so used to hearing "wot?", "say again?", "huh", "whats that?" and me blaming my dodgy hearing and the roaring & ringing in the background for stuff, that I can get away with (almost) anything.


I still laugh every time I see this reference to your other half as a 'sandwich maker'

Me too. I'm not referring to mine as anything else from now on.

NSW, 6451 posts
30 Nov 2012 7:39PM
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FormulaNova said...
Mark _australia said...
^^^do realise it is a joke muzza? but I will be sure to apply the tips anyway.
BTW I am not even moderately smart so I appreciate the compliment.

I knew it was a joke, but I didn't want to get involved in a discussion about you and Lotofwind.

Yeah, he does seem to talk about me alot, but,
Na , I can't be his missus,, he listens to everything I say and responds with really long winded whinnie answeres. I think he is my bitch, um,,er ,,sandwich maker.

1595 posts
30 Nov 2012 4:43PM
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This is how it goes in my house.... I'll ask my sammich maker a specific short question requiring a short one sentence answer, her reply will be long and spin off in another direction entirely, when she is finally finished or I can break in somehow, again I will ask the same exact question verbatim, only then will it sink in what I was asking her and perhaps if I'm lucky I'll get my answer.
Who's not listening?

NSW, 377 posts
30 Nov 2012 8:13PM
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Dudes. If relationships suck so much and chicks are so painful, why don't you get yourselves single instead of whining about it like a bunch of old women??? Isn't it easier to just make your own freakin' sandwich???

WA, 14438 posts
30 Nov 2012 5:46PM
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lotofwind said...
FormulaNova said...
Mark _australia said...
^^^do realise it is a joke muzza? but I will be sure to apply the tips anyway.
BTW I am not even moderately smart so I appreciate the compliment.

I knew it was a joke, but I didn't want to get involved in a discussion about you and Lotofwind.

Na , I can't be his missus,, he listens to everything I say and responds with really long winded whinnie answeres. I think he is my bitch, um,,er ,,sandwich maker.

Actually that's a very good point!

You must still be in the getting to know each other stage of your relationship.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Relationship advice needed." started by Mark _australia