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Robbed Again!!!

Created by evlPanda > 9 months ago, 1 Aug 2008
NSW, 9202 posts
1 Aug 2008 11:53AM
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Robbed Again!

Robbed in December last year. Wife was upstairs, heard noise and disturbed someone who ran off with my laptop and cameras.

Some time last night: I haven't had time to recreate as I'm at work but looks like they used a screwdriver to unlock a sliding door to the garage. Took wife's wallet from jacket pocket (jacket worth about 100x contents of wallet) and then took my wife's engagement and wedding rings from the kitchen bench (don't ask).

Strangely left my wallet that contained couple of hundred in cash that was sitting right next to the rings!

I am left with a few options including turning my home into a fortress, so...

What type of dog should I get? Must be:

Kid friendly. We have a nearly three year old and another due in February.
Smallish. Only have about 50m2 of yard. House has some cat/small dog doors already which would be convenient.

I'm thinking a sausage dog just because I think they look cool/funny, but I hear they aren't kid friendly. Wife is in love with Beagles.

The Grinch
WA, 733 posts
1 Aug 2008 10:08AM
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80 kg, great with kids, will kill and eat any sized intruder without leaving a mess.
Don't need exercise. Don't drool.

By the way, sorry to hear about you being robbed, a dog is the only way to go and since you have kids you're freedom is already munted.

QLD, 2770 posts
1 Aug 2008 12:09PM
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staffies are small, good with kids, and more intimidating to burglars than a beagle.

NSW, 9029 posts
1 Aug 2008 12:27PM
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A good smallish guard dog is a blue healer. However they may be too big for your yard.

They are great dogs but do need a fair bit of exercise. I am not sure if you could trust them with kids but then it would all depend on how you treat them.

However I feel the best guard dogs are those you see in places like industrial estates. The dogs are locked up during the day and are let out at night and usually big German type dogs that would rip your throat out given half a chance. You know the type? You walk along the road and the dog tries to climb over the fence and kill you.

You might be better off getting an motion sensing alarm system and securing the windows. Go out to western Sydney and check out the places out there, most of them are setup like fortresses.

NSW, 19 posts
1 Aug 2008 12:37PM
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If your worried about dogs and kids, get yourself a goose, seriousily... they wont attack a small child and when they hear an intruder they go nuts..

no way you can sneak past a goose..

NSW, 714 posts
1 Aug 2008 1:10PM
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Matt1979 said...

If your worried about dogs and kids, get yourself a goose, seriousily... they wont attack a small child and when they hear an intruder they go nuts..

no way you can sneak past a goose..

Matt, you are a genius. I laughed my hole off because it is so improbable, but also correct.
We had a Muscovy duck when I was little, one day I was bending over to pick up some stones to throw at teh duck and it ran up and grabbed me by the hair. Then it dragged me around the backyard. I still remember my mother looking out the window (while I was screaming) and saying "Maybe now you will learn not to tease the duck".

Happy days

QLD, 1628 posts
1 Aug 2008 1:15PM
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Get a mini foxy. Loads of character and very alert. Does'nt need alot of space and good ratters.
Won't eat your robber but WILL let you know if anything even comes close to you house.

WA, 2331 posts
1 Aug 2008 11:20AM
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Matt1979 said...

If your worried about dogs and kids, get yourself a goose, seriousily... they wont attack a small child and when they hear an intruder they go nuts..

no way you can sneak past a goose..

AND you wont have snails in your garden

WA, 3145 posts
1 Aug 2008 11:41AM
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I got a female red cattle dog when my boy was a year old, best dog ever was smart and loved everyone till they tried to get into our yard or car.
I also checked out the dogs she was breed from and got a good idea what her nature would be like
But they do need mobs of exercise, no prob for me as a shift worker so I could take her to the beach most days and belt a tennis ball till the wind came in. No good for yard protection if you're out exercising your dog I guess

Foxy is another great family dog that doesn't need a big yard
Same as Beagles but they'll show the a-wipes the way in

Oh, get a female, they wont hump ya kids legs or pee on everything

NSW, 9202 posts
1 Aug 2008 2:03PM
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Matt1979 said...

If your worried about dogs and kids, get yourself a goose, seriousily... they wont attack a small child and when they hear an intruder they go nuts..

no way you can sneak past a goose..

The goose could even come sailing with me sometimes.

My grandma used to breed and race greyhounds, and I'd love one apart from the obvious drawbacks... thus a wippet also springs to mind, except I guess they make completely hopeless guard dogs. Pretty sure you can actually race them somewhere against other wippets.

VIC, 1506 posts
1 Aug 2008 2:42PM
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evlPanda said...

My grandma used to breed and race greyhounds, and I'd love one apart from the obvious drawbacks... thus a wippet also springs to mind, except I guess they make completely hopeless guard dogs. Pretty sure you can actually race them somewhere against other wippets.

Greyhounds and wippets are such good natured animals, they'd be crap guard dogs. It's an injustice to them that they have to be muzzled when out on the street. But you could keep all your valuables in a soft toy rabbit, and the thief would never run faster than the dog.

Sorry to hear about the loss. Having to buy another engagement ring without getting a new wife must be a bummer[}:)]

NSW, 19 posts
1 Aug 2008 3:11PM
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The sad thing is, i was being 100% serious, we used to have afew when i was a kid as well, amazing guard animals, They know fear and are bloody loud

sorry to hear abour the robbery tho, its not cool

WA, 8723 posts
1 Aug 2008 2:13PM
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Matt1979 said...

If your worried about dogs and kids, get yourself a goose, seriousily... they wont attack a small child and when they hear an intruder they go nuts..

no way you can sneak past a goose..

Britain uses them to guard airforce bases.

Viscious little buggers

WA, 125 posts
1 Aug 2008 2:56PM
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agreed! they have little shark eyes.

QLD, 130 posts
1 Aug 2008 7:16PM
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the dog that you want is a cross between a staffie and a blue heeler. My dog is great around kids, fairly small, but a robber wouldnt go near her in a million years. Great nature dog as well, and is a great sea traveller and car traveller.

Tell you what, sorry to hear about your loss bloke, but you should get an alarm system put in. Cheap as. Im a sparkie, and im willing to give you free labour to install one. You pay for everything else. PM me if ur keen. I live southside of brissy.

TAS, 778 posts
1 Aug 2008 8:12PM
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Matt1979 said...

If your worried about dogs and kids, get yourself a goose, seriousily... they wont attack a small child and when they hear an intruder they go nuts..

no way you can sneak past a goose..

A rubber band will fix a goose. Just run up to it and hold it's beak. We used to have heaps and yes they will alert you and intimidate those that don't know the "secret", but with the amount of sh1t at the back door it simply is just not worth it!

Then again dog nuggets aren't too nice either..

WA, 87 posts
2 Aug 2008 2:27AM
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Any small yap dog should do.
Beware the heelers, i know of more people that have been bitten by that breed than the rest of the dog population put together.
We have a big rotti, his bark is definately bigger than his bite and is really good and protective with kids too.

WA, 2371 posts
3 Aug 2008 12:22AM
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An Akita is what I would get..
But as you have requirements for a small dog..(even though I am not keen on them)
A small silky terrier dog is very good with kids and very barky when stragers come knocking..or not knocking in your case..


WA, 88 posts
3 Aug 2008 12:23PM
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Get a Rotty, they are the biggest sooks if you know them, but will make anyone unwelcome sh!t their pants. I had one that was airforce trained and she was extremely obedient, fierce, intimidating, and very loving. She even tolerated our cats, but loved to give our neighbours cats something to think about. My mum used to respond to alarm call-outs for her work, and one day she got sick of it and took the dog. Turns out two of her co-workers were having after hours 'meetings'.

NSW, 9202 posts
4 Aug 2008 1:54PM
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lemo87 said...
Tell you what, sorry to hear about your loss bloke, but you should get an alarm system put in. Cheap as. Im a sparkie, and im willing to give you free labour to install one. You pay for everything else. PM me if ur keen. I live southside of brissy.

Thanks heaps for the offer, already have one. Don't actually turn it on while sleeping as we have a 2 year old, who occasionally wanders to our room, or wakes up first. I know: zones, will break out instruction book.

So yeah, both times we were robbed we were actually at home. Cops and insurance both say this is more common than not.

NSW, 9202 posts
4 Aug 2008 1:56PM
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GlenMorangie said...
My mum used to respond to alarm call-outs for her work, and one day she got sick of it and took the dog. Turns out two of her co-workers were having after hours 'meetings'.

Ok, I get it. Stop doing that... stop it I get what 'meeting's are. OK. got it. No really...

QLD, 66 posts
4 Aug 2008 2:21PM
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not sure how they go in small yards but German Short Haired Pointers are great dogs with kids and as guard dogs. my sister in indo has one and it is great with her daughter but at night time it patrols the boundary constantly. unlike blue heelers they also won't nip/bite without warning. blue heelers and corgis are the 2 breeds most known for biting without warning or provocation (advice from a vet friend of mine). Had a beagle and it was a great dog but they are very high maintenance (not just mine, I knew/know lots of beagle owners) for the first few years, noisy, chew things a lot, escape artists, and if they do get out they follow their nose until it's lost.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Robbed Again!!!" started by evlPanda