As a member of the Saints FC - all I can say is that I am proud of our boys being team players, in all "sports".
Go the Sainters! Flag for 2011!!!!
The thing I don't get is why anyone puts footballers of any type up as role models. Just coz you can kick a ball and run around a field then why does that make you the sort of person anyone would want to look up to?
The woman who vacumes the office for 20 years for crap pay and no thanks but still does it day in day out, probably is a more deserving role model.
The other thing I don't get is why do people in certain states go mental over AFL? When I was in Perth a couple of years ago I bought the local paper. I kid you not when at least two thirds of the paper was devoted to AFL. This was a weekday edition. A mate of mine who was from Melbourne hated AFL. He told me its fairly normal for at least half of a Melbourne TV news program to devoted to AFL. He detested it and the way grinning footballers promoted everything from baby nappies to V8 sports cars.
I'm not sure why you'd be disappointed with the boys. Obviously it's pretty poor form on Sammy Gilberts side not deleting the photo. But other than that geez they are young blokes making the most of the perks of having a high profile. Even regardless of their profile...this stuff happens all over the world young blokes/chics/sex/photos...etc
I believe the questions need to be asked about this slapper who is in no doubt a footballer 'groupie' trying to drag these boys names through the mud. You also have to realise that this is the same girl who claimed sexual abuse against some Collingwood boys after the GF....anyone seeing a pattern here...?
Another question is, she is trying to claim revenge on the st kilda footy why then is she threatening to release the photos of the players from other clubs??
What I want to know - is why is Nick's teamate/roomy taking snakey shots of him and keeping them on his puter??
Team hug anybody?
Sportsmen/women deserve no more/no less protection than the rest of us IMO.
We idolise some truly moronic sportspeople for being good at one thing and totally lousy at all other facets of life in this country.. (thinking less of Saint Nick and more of Shane Keef here).
So is it the dumb sports folks or the dumb public at fault when they think they can operate outside the accepted boundaries?
Anyone following her social media pages? Pretty crazy stuff.
Er.. haven't really given much of a stuff about this story.. until i checked out a few of Oliver's links above!
Holy cr@p this girl is as crazy as a cut snake tripping on LSD!? Wow! She takes calls from anyone who will call her (a sure sign of her motives) and dribbles incoherant shizzle like it's out of fashion.
Surely no-one can be taking her seriously? I mean seriously she is totally tapped.
Even scarier is the vitriol and downright evil rubbish peeps are directing at her/the players/anything in the vicinity!? A lot of really sad fkrs out there.
Speaking of which - where the hell are/were her parents?
A new low in the new barrel scraping world of social media. Enjoy it if you have that sad a life.
The internet is so great - it allows narcissistic personality disordered attention seeking whores an outlet.
Would this girl have ever had a guernsey just 15 years ago?
Anyone remember Jason Asange lol - wasn't he the guy who released secrets about um er well you know secret stuff.
i wonder if it will damage sales of the saints nude calendar?
probably just a publicity stunt........ maybe that's how they should play it.
If the saints spent more time concentrating on their footy rather than taking pictures of each other playing with there privates they "may" infact win another flag...........NAH it (s)ain't gonna happen anytime soon....
Has anyone asked the question "Why are adult aged football players having under age girls in their rooms anyway?" ...... Are the players THAT STUPID !!!!!!!
How about the adults be held accountable rather than the 17yo. child.
She is hardly a child based on whats been written. Legally I don't think a 17 year old is considered to be a child anymore either. A 17 year old could be charged with murder if they killed someone. I don't think its illegal to have sex with a 17 year old unless you are in some sort of position of trust like a teacher or policeman. How could any footballer be considered to be someone in a position of trust
I don't know how you can blame the football players completely either. They are human. But then we get everyone moaning and groaning how its a betrayal of trust, how their role in the community is tainted. Get over it. They are a bunch of blokes who were having a bit of fun. They didn't kill or rape anyone.