Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Sam Kekovic Australia Day 2012 Lamb ad

Created by sausage > 9 months ago, 13 Jan 2012
QLD, 4873 posts
14 Jan 2012 12:22AM
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WA, 6415 posts
14 Jan 2012 6:33PM
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Eating an animal that perhaps has lived it's entire life indoors,not getting to experience the sun,not being allowed to exercise,then fed some un-natural
food,like GM corn,only then to be murdered,so we can enjoy!

Don't have to be Einstein to figure out what the conscience of the animal is thinking towards it's keepers and eaters!

WA, 7001 posts
14 Jan 2012 7:04PM
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petermac33 said...

Eating an animal that perhaps has lived it's entire life indoors,not getting to experience the sun,not being allowed to exercise,then fed some un-natural
food,like GM corn,only then to be murdered,so we can enjoy!

Don't have to be Einstein to figure out what the conscience of the animal is thinking towards it's keepers and eaters!

I think the advertising is suggesting you eat lamb, not throw another petermac33 on the barbie

SA, 956 posts
14 Jan 2012 9:56PM
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I wonder [}:)] much dope has formed Petermac' stance

NSW, 9029 posts
14 Jan 2012 10:30PM
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petermac33 said...

Eating an animal that perhaps has lived it's entire life indoors,not getting to experience the sun,not being allowed to exercise,then fed some un-natural
food,like GM corn,only then to be murdered,so we can enjoy!

Don't have to be Einstein to figure out what the conscience of the animal is thinking towards it's keepers and eaters!


have you ever been to a sheep farm? Unless you live in some place other than Australia you'll find they are about 2000 or more acres in size. The sheep run around in paddocks and experience rain, hail and shine.

Usually the only shed on the place is for the tractors and other machinery.

WA, 1227 posts
14 Jan 2012 7:39PM
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petermac33 said...

Eating an animal that perhaps has lived it's entire life indoors,not getting to experience the sun,not being allowed to exercise,then fed some un-natural
food,like GM corn,only then to be murdered,so we can enjoy!

Don't have to be Einstein to figure out what the conscience of the animal is thinking towards it's keepers and eaters!

Yea, all those giant sheep sheds throughout the Gt Southern and the wheatbelt really are an eyesore . And as for my mate's 250,000 acre undercover sheep station up Roebourne way - what a disgrace!!

6657 posts
14 Jan 2012 8:02PM
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Keka should get a MBE for promoting Oz products - MORE KEKA ADS PLEASE!

VIC, 5904 posts
14 Jan 2012 11:11PM
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Mmmmmm, lamb mmmmmm

4214 posts
14 Jan 2012 8:12PM
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Bloody vegetarian greenies.

6657 posts
14 Jan 2012 8:14PM
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SandS said...

Mmmmmm, lamb mmmmmm

Lamb ????? where the bloody hell were the chops you speak of ?????

1862 posts
14 Jan 2012 9:11PM
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I like this version better:

6657 posts
14 Jan 2012 9:19PM
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^^^^ I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry ..... maybe cringe dunno!
Was that made in WA????? hmmmmmm

NSW, 4460 posts
15 Jan 2012 12:25AM
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We've lost what little culture we had if for AUSTRALIA day we have to adopt a NORWEGIAN trash band song, mocking and AMERICAN mattel doll.

I will not be eating lamb on Australia, I'll be eating Roo with the TV off.

NSW, 4188 posts
15 Jan 2012 11:17AM
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^^^ +1

The previous years ads have been so much better

For some reason all I think about when I watch that ad is pork

WA, 53 posts
15 Jan 2012 9:25AM
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True love is your partner cleaning the bathroom floor while you have a dump...

Lame lamb add btw


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Sam Kekovic Australia Day 2012 Lamb ad" started by sausage