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Seabreeze on xbox 360 :)

Created by Aussiex > 9 months ago, 24 Oct 2012
QLD, 261 posts
24 Oct 2012 12:45PM
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Pretty cool

3777 posts
24 Oct 2012 2:06PM
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I bought an x box 360 about 4-5 years ago I blew up a total of 3 of them from target before i got my money back. The second one i took had my 90 dollar game in it cause it wouldn't open.

Your Xbox sucks !!!

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
24 Oct 2012 3:32PM
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busterwa said...

Your Xbox sucks !!!

Haha i think it is your xboxs that were the ones that sucked. His is fine.
Ive had mine for probs 5yrs and its going strong.

QLD, 261 posts
24 Oct 2012 6:43PM
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My first Xbox was one I bought Second hand from speedi cash and its still going strong :)

u just don't treat ur things well :P

TAS, 727 posts
24 Oct 2012 8:33PM
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My First 360 blew up in a month[overheated]
Purchased another 360 and got the extra exteranal
fan, it is now 3 years old and still going strong

SA, 4032 posts
25 Oct 2012 6:48PM
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nice updates can't wait for Black Ops 2......zombies

QLD, 261 posts
25 Oct 2012 8:14PM
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choco said...
nice updates can't wait for Black Ops 2......zombies

I suck at Zombies
The music scares me

SA, 4032 posts
25 Oct 2012 9:03PM
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Aussiex said...
choco said...
nice updates can't wait for Black Ops 2......zombies

I suck at Zombies
The music scares me

pussy have to tee up for a game my user name choco1064 and yes these 10 year old kids ask me if thats my birth date i must be one of the oldest gamers

QLD, 261 posts
25 Oct 2012 8:41PM
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choco said...
Aussiex said...
choco said...
nice updates can't wait for Black Ops 2......zombies

I suck at Zombies
The music scares me

pussy have to tee up for a game my user name choco1064 and yes these 10 year old kids ask me if thats my birth date i must be one of the oldest gamers

Haha sound good ! Ill send u freind request...
Ill try to toughen up a bit in time for black ops 2

SA, 4032 posts
25 Oct 2012 9:44PM
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Sorry wrong user name choco1964 is what it should be

NSW, 5780 posts
25 Oct 2012 11:42PM
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i bought a sony playstation in 1996, i was a first year apprentice embarking on my second trade, had to lay-by it as it was $700...

took me the full two months to get it out of lay-by and two weeks after i did the price dropped to $400...

I had that thing for years, it died so many times and was reborn with a kick or a drop it wasn't funny...

in the end it would only work when up side down on a forty five degree angle..

the amount of time wasted playing crash bandicoot and tony hawk skateboarding on that thing in my flat by myself and like wise stoned friends, i could have done a double degree with masters

atleast pinball machines kind of appreciate (not really)

NSW, 9202 posts
26 Oct 2012 3:41PM
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macroScien said...
Surely we can all pool our resources and come up with way to creat game? yes? we could use simple gps device on our boards to create teh actual places we sail. Modern computation formulas could be added to create realism physics and maybe even test new designs in the game. Users could race and test their designs against each other and even race against real life using synchronised gps from actual sailors.

Even though windsurfing has been dropped from the olymipcs viewers could follow both real and prototype races online in real time from around the world.

If sailor is in trouble simple emergency device could be deployed and players could control simple remote controlled vehicles that could rescuce the troubuled sailor! By using modern gps and remote view from simple drones over sailing area.

If you think impossible I am leaving here for future generations.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
26 Oct 2012 7:47PM
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Until black ops 2 comes out, Borderlands 2 is keeping me and a couple of mates entertained. Great for Co-op.

Also that new update sucked, even more ads than before . Instructions on how to block ads here:

TAS, 727 posts
26 Oct 2012 9:28PM
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Here is the trailer for black ops 2
Looks great

QLD, 261 posts
26 Oct 2012 8:33PM
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yer it does !!!
I could not stand the graphics in the first black ops.....It looked cartoony and crap!
I bought it, played it for a week, then returned it and bought halo

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
27 Oct 2012 6:31PM
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Not starting a COD vs Halo war but if there's one that looks cartoony, it's clearly Halo.

/unless you mean borderlands, which is made that way deliberately.

SA, 4032 posts
27 Oct 2012 10:07PM
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kiteboy dave said...
Not starting a COD vs Halo war but if there's one that looks cartoony, it's clearly Halo.

/unless you mean borderlands, which is made that way deliberately.

My lad and his mates are right into Minecraft now the graphics pre date the dinosaurs I reckon they must use about 10 pixels but it's so popular I just dont get it.

NSW, 4453 posts
27 Oct 2012 10:48PM
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I used my xbox for 1hr... then I got bored now it's under the TV collecting dust.
Ditto the PS3.

How wants them? Person who gives me the most thumbs up wins.

QLD, 261 posts
28 Oct 2012 10:18AM
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Minecraft sucks!!!! My mates have been trying to make me buy it for the last year...but I'm not spending $20 on an ancient style game....
flysurfer ill take em off ur hands.....but I am not going to give u a green thumb .....NEVER![}:)]

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
28 Oct 2012 1:25PM
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Aussiex - you running the built in browser or did you update to 8 and running smartglass of your pc/laptop?

QLD, 261 posts
28 Oct 2012 12:53PM
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cRAZY Canuk said...
Aussiex - you running the built in browser or did you update to 8 and running smartglass of your pc/laptop?

I'm just using the built in browser....still to test out smartglass on my mobile. Has anyone updated to windows 8 yet ?

NSW, 4453 posts
28 Oct 2012 3:25PM
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Been using Win8 on a laptop since August (RTM).
It's another PoS!

Extra click to do everything, looks worse, Metro is pointless on a "PC".

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
30 Oct 2012 10:41PM
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^ I'm running 8 on my laptop, the performance upgrade is worth it for me, as is IE10 I don't use Chrome or Firefox.

I don't mind the start screen there's a couple spots where it take a couple extra clicks, if you learn the keyboard shortcuts it's not to bad.

Part that ticks me off is you have to go back and forth between the start screen and desktop this is more because quite a few of the "metro" apps are crippled and don't have the same functionality. It would also be nice if they allowed 50/50 screen split as well as 70/30.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
30 Oct 2012 10:06PM
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I'm gonna skip win 8 entirely. Can't see any benefit - win 7 is a fantastic and finished product. The *only* benefit that I can see to win8 is the new nuke registry button, to get that fresh install feeling/quickness without reinstalling all your stuff.

MS/Nokia have left their run too late on the phone front - unless they come out with a model that provides a sexual pleasure app I can't see the majority shifting from android or fruit.

NSW, 4453 posts
31 Oct 2012 10:23AM
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kiteboy dave said...
The *only* benefit that I can see to win8 is the new nuke registry button, to get that fresh install feeling/quickness without reinstalling all your stuff.

MS/Nokia have left their run too late on the phone front - unless they come out with a model that provides a sexual pleasure app I can't see the majority shifting from android or fruit.

Your nuke registry button, is known as "Refresh" and only refreshes Metro Apps.

I actually like Metro on Phones.... and I think the whole tile color/case color thing is kind of cool.

@cRAZY Canuk: what performance upgrade??? Shutdown isn't any faster... Win8 just blanks the screen.
Win8 bootup is only faster if you haven't disabled any Win7 services. And if you've disable the same services + remove Readyboot logging, Win7 boots up faster.

WA, 15849 posts
31 Oct 2012 8:36AM
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FlySurfer said...
I used my xbox for 1hr... then I got bored now it's under the TV collecting dust.
Ditto the PS3.

How wants them? Person who gives me the most thumbs up wins.

I will have the PS3 thanks

Green Green Green

WA, 1267 posts
31 Oct 2012 10:40PM
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FlySurfer said...
I used my xbox for 1hr... then I got bored now it's under the TV collecting dust.
Ditto the PS3.

How wants them? Person who gives me the most thumbs up wins.

Xbox 4 me. Games??


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Seabreeze on xbox 360 :)" started by Aussiex