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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Sharing a weird story......................

Created by Flux > 9 months ago, 7 Oct 2008
WA, 533 posts
7 Oct 2008 10:31AM
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Well about 4 am this morning I woke to hear someone tip toeing around the lounge room, (as my partner went in to our daughters bed at about 2am as she had a nightmare and fell asleep with her in her bed), so I thought it was just her trying to be quiet.

I was lying there and sort of drifting in and out of sleep for a couple of minutes but then I got to thinking, thats weird why is she doing that and why wouldn't she just come back to bed???
So I got up and walked out into the lounge area( we have a open living plan and the area is quite large).
Anyway I look through a division wall we have(sort of a wooden lattace type thing which obscures your line of sight.
So I just stand there and look and the padio light is on and the ranch slider and security screen is wide open and I think what the hell.(burglar done this)
Then I see this black figure ski mask black clothes the works, so I yell "hoy" And sprint for the prick , and he turns the padio light off 1st?? then bolts out the back and round the side of the house, and jumps the fence into the neighbours with me following but didn't see where he went, so ran back home as my family are unaware and my daughters are there, so I thought **** what if there's 2 of them and someones still in the house with everybody!!!
Anyway there wasn't so I woke my partner told her then we're looking through the front window as I'm telling her what happened and getting dressed she goes , check this van out and I look out the window and this old looking van is driving with it's lights off slowly around the street???
So it looks real sussed so I boot it too the car grab my phone and follow the guy to check him out.

So I follow and he's driving with his lights off, and up on the kerb etc??
I'm sure something sussed is on,and I've caught the dog, so I go up beside the van and he starts speeding up, I yell hey mate pull over!!!, anyway he starts driving nutts so I just follow, sure I've got my man.

I Call the cops on my mobile tell them the whole story , and turn my sat nav on as they are coming to intercept us!! and they stay on the line and tell me to keep following him, but keep at a distance, anyway he drives all over the place I follow.

So I thought if this guy is not the dude why is he driving nuts and not stopping , unless he figures I'm some nut job??
So I say this to the police(still on my mobile) they say well yea thats a possibility but keep tailing him.
So after 30 minutes of this the cops arrive block him lights etc.
Now get this he says he's a paper delivery guy,
I'm like looking like a right spanner now!, so the cops search his van and question him, everything by the book.
So it turns out he seems legit, gives me a paper I do my apologies to him and the police, but I am still wondering why he was driving without his lights on for 5 minutes before he knew I was following him, so I ask him, turns out he forgot as he sometimes turns them off when he pulls up to certain houses.
Yea I know a real balls up on my part, but I was pretty spun out by the whole course of events.
Now I get home and the actual burgler entered the house through the main bathroom window by jimming off the fly screen sliding the window back jumping into the bathroom walking through the hall way(while my family slept!!) , and started removing items and placing them near the fence, I know this becaue after the dust fell the stuff is all there neatly placed by the fence ready too take, all the while we were oblivious to him as he was that quiet and while our whole family slept throught the whole even until I stirred and heard the footsteps.
So you ask why I share this maybe?, well I do it to let you all know to always.. always... be on your guard and lock up at night these people are so ballsey and have some unreal nerve!!!!
Just wondering how we're all going to sleep soundly from now on, and we live in a good area in Perth as well!!!!??(we haven't told the kids about it yet either)
Lock up cause these pricks are everywhere.
Anyway off to read the paper the dude gave me as a kind gesture

VIC, 1395 posts
7 Oct 2008 4:41PM
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he he.
we have regular grog lifters in Darwin.
they look for bar fridges outside and empty them and go a few hundred metres away to get pissed and sleep on the road.

The paper Guy!! What a cack!!

NSW, 280 posts
7 Oct 2008 5:26PM
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get an alarm system and turn it on at night. You can have a SLEEP setting so as only certain sensors are active ie. bedrooms / walkway to the toilet.

WA, 410 posts
7 Oct 2008 2:58PM
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windangoesoff said...

get an alarm system and turn it on at night. You can have a SLEEP setting so as only certain sensors are active ie. bedrooms / walkway to the toilet.

Yeah, above is the best advice - get an alarm system and arm the perimeter at night (all external doors, windows) - the best solution.

You certainly did the right thing going back to check there wasn't another, to ensure your family was safe, just weird coincidence about the paper guy - he must of been sh**ing himself with you following him and then the police.

Another thing is to consider getting a dog, the barking alone should deter a robber from hitting your place. I think the best dog is a Rottweiler, they have an instinctive habit of bailing up a prowler without actually attacking unless they try to escape or do harm - one of ours did this many years ago, I went outside to terrific growling and barking with this petrified kid trapped in our backyard.

NSW, 9205 posts
7 Oct 2008 6:58PM
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Welcome to the club. Was robbed broad daylight about 8 months ago while wife was home, then 2 months ago at night like you.

Can't sleep now unless chimey alarm motion sensor is on otherwise I listen to every bump and creak.

cops and insurance say you are more likely to be robbed while at home.

Pretty funny with the paper guy though!

WA waverider
WA, 79 posts
7 Oct 2008 6:28PM
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I have had security fitted for years with no problems,if dough is a problem just go to dick smiths and buy the external siren box and light no need for the rest the bad guys cruise the streets looking for houses without security systems because most of them are not smart enuff to get around electronic surveillance

NSW, 446 posts
7 Oct 2008 10:13PM
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Buy yourself a rottweiler, we used to have one as a guard dog when I lived in South Africa, he was amazingly gentle with us, I even used to wrestle him. I was about 8 years old and took him for walks alone on the streets, which in SA isn't seen as too safe at that age... unless you have a pet with big teeth .

VIC, 574 posts
7 Oct 2008 10:33PM
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Thats amazing!

Mate you got balls to run at the bloke! Who knows what he might have had!

NSW, 9205 posts
7 Oct 2008 10:45PM
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Flux said...
... and we live in a good area in Perth as well!!!!??

The good areas attract burglars.

WA, 2371 posts
7 Oct 2008 8:12PM
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Get yourself a dog
Call your Partner "your wife"
and I am VERY glad your girls and wife did not realize what was going on at can really traumatize littlies

and yes you have goollies for chasing the guy

WA, 7608 posts
7 Oct 2008 9:54PM
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Definately get an alarm! My alarm is armed as soon as it gets dark.
The shed is on 24/7 unless Im in it and at night the perimeter is on the house.
I have vibes on the windows so with any tampering they go off.
We also have a dog and she barks at anyone walking past the front anyway.
Well worth having.
But then again I use to install them for a living.
If you want one Flux let me know and I will put you onto someone who installs them. From as little as $1000 you can sleep in peace

QLD, 5283 posts
8 Oct 2008 12:08AM
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last dog i had lived for 15 bluddey years!

read that!.................15....pooing on the lawn, chundering rotting roadkill bits up, licking his dick, annoying the living crap out anyone sitting down, sniffing our female guests fannies (young and old), tearing all native wildlife that entered our yard into small but well scattered and splattered bits, creating well worn tracks in the grass, farting hot steam when we chose to eat dinner or breakfast.....years.

still we never had any hint of a break in.

now i just have heaps better insurance and a burglar alarm.

(i do miss him a bit though.)

WA, 533 posts
8 Oct 2008 12:06AM
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Well the cops were supposed to come round today to check things i.e the break in location etc, ??
I'm probably the local stations comedy convo at the moment. lol
Anyway I have an alarm on the house but have never thought to arm it while we were here, but now I am and will be arming it always.
Have the alarm guy coming tomorrow night to put vibe switches on the windows now and might turn the call back monitoring system back on too.
I've had 3 hours sleep and am knackered but can't seem to fall asleep, charming
I've even got my hunting bow out of the garage ready and loaded with hunting arrows, which is not really a nice place to be in head wise in your own home!!!
Hopefully the unsettling feeling will pass, what is the law if you kill an intruder/home invader burglar, scum by the way? I remember a case over east some years ago that there was quite a controversy over, didn't that guy get done for man slaughter for shooting the guy in his home?
I recon when it's your own household and families residence you should be able to defend it with whatever.
Also talking to the alarm guy today he says he's been installing systems for like 15 yrs and over the past 3 yrs things have been going nuts around Perth with instances similar to mine, and he said it happens and some folks just go nuts and get alarms for alarms like fort knox, I can relate.
Off too try and sleep as for the dog idea still working on that one.

273 posts
8 Oct 2008 12:14AM
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Oh well... there is an upside.

At least now you can tell all the neighbours who it is that's running over their front lawns and retic sprinkler heads.

WA, 533 posts
8 Oct 2008 12:20AM
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BigFatMick said...

Oh well... there is an upside.

At least now you can tell all the neighbours who it is that's running over their front lawns and retic sprinkler heads.

Yea true , The paper guy, but you know it would be a great alais for a professional burglar , that guy either way still seemed dodgey as he was just so casual about it all????

WA, 410 posts
8 Oct 2008 12:49AM
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Flux said...

Well the cops were supposed to come round today to check things i.e the break in location etc, ??
I'm probably the local stations comedy convo at the moment. lol
Anyway I have an alarm on the house but have never thought to arm it while we were here, but now I am and will be arming it always.
Have the alarm guy coming tomorrow night to put vibe switches on the windows now and might turn the call back monitoring system back on too.
I've had 3 hours sleep and am knackered but can't seem to fall asleep, charming
I've even got my hunting bow out of the garage ready and loaded with hunting arrows, which is not really a nice place to be in head wise in your own home!!!
Hopefully the unsettling feeling will pass, what is the law if you kill an intruder/home invader burglar, scum by the way? I remember a case over east some years ago that there was quite a controversy over, didn't that guy get done for man slaughter for shooting the guy in his home?
I recon when it's your own household and families residence you should be able to defend it with whatever.
Also talking to the alarm guy today he says he's been installing systems for like 15 yrs and over the past 3 yrs things have been going nuts around Perth with instances similar to mine, and he said it happens and some folks just go nuts and get alarms for alarms like fort knox, I can relate.
Off too try and sleep as for the dog idea still working on that one.

Get a Rotti.

I think the lawful defence to killing an intruder is using reasonable force given the threat. A woman can probably get away with stabbing an unarmed intruder, a man though must only use equal force. So for example if you did stab an intruder just make sure he has one of your kitchen knives in his hand, and you are sure in your view that he was threatening/going to use it against you. (this was explained to me by a cop friend several years ago - don't know if the law has changed on this)

273 posts
8 Oct 2008 1:03AM
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Flux said...

BigFatMick said...

Oh well... there is an upside.

At least now you can tell all the neighbours who it is that's running over their front lawns and retic sprinkler heads.

Yea true , The paper guy, but you know it would be a great alais for a professional burglar , that guy either way still seemed dodgey as he was just so casual about it all????

Too true... he'd know who had put a hold on deliveries, who normally left lights on, who came and went between what hours... he could case a whole neighbourhood whilst on the job, and then have his mate toss the nightly haul into the boot of his car as he casually drove by as normal.

It's a shame I'm a clown, I would of made great bacon.

WA, 533 posts
8 Oct 2008 11:20AM
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Get a Rotti.

I think the lawful defence to killing an intruder is using reasonable force given the threat. A woman can probably get away with stabbing an unarmed intruder, a man though must only use equal force. So for example if you did stab an intruder just make sure he has one of your kitchen knives in his hand, and you are sure in your view that he was threatening/going to use it against you. (this was explained to me by a cop friend several years ago - don't know if the law has changed on this)

So if you say killed him with a Samarui sword or shot him with a cross bow that would not be accepted?
Or could you do this then put said knife as a plant in his hand getting the biggest craving knife you have in your kitchen as his weapon?
It works in the movies?
As any parent can atest too, I would honestly be able to do this given the fact that my children are in immediate danger, because if they've got the balls to do something like this is the first place then is there any telling at the extent they may be forced to go too to protect there getting caught??

NSW, 5784 posts
8 Oct 2008 2:44PM
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the intrusion of privacy well well outways anything that could have been stolen.. except maybe for your kites or the home made x-rated porno of you and the missus', but my point is, in this day and age of freaks with seemingly nothing to lose, on cocktails of who knows what types of drugs, the posibility of you (or worse, one of your kids or missus) interupting an intruder and it turning from a break and enter to something more frenzied and sinister, would have to leave you wondering how lucky you really are that it played out as it did...

but from an outsiders point of view, from someone who watches way way way too much bad t.v...... this scenario pangs of a formulatic television cops and robbers script.... the newspaper deliverer is your guy

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
8 Oct 2008 11:57AM
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Shame you weren't tailing the guy. Would have been great if it was.

Get one of them. Except with real bullets, and some sort of auto targeting system. Then you could really sleep in peace.

WA, 533 posts
8 Oct 2008 12:05PM
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Nice but I was thinking more along the lines of this for engage and ask questions later..........

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
8 Oct 2008 12:21PM
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^ That is a much better idea.
Could just imagine a burglar trying to drive away, and an angry half dressed guy casually walks onto the street, aims , fires and Yippy kiya mother ****er

QLD, 4087 posts
8 Oct 2008 2:24PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

Call your Partner "your wife"

Why? Is his partner his wife? Does it matter what he calls her?

QLD, 1326 posts
8 Oct 2008 2:54PM
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Flux said...

BigFatMick said...

Oh well... there is an upside.

At least now you can tell all the neighbours who it is that's running over their front lawns and retic sprinkler heads.

Yea true , The paper guy, but you know it would be a great alais for a professional burglar , that guy either way still seemed dodgey as he was just so casual about it all????

Trust your instincts. The paper guy was doing something dodgey, and I don't believe in coincidences. I have never seen one of those guys drive slower than they absolutely have to or drive without thier lights - why would they? He is suss. Most likely an accomplice - great alabi to be slowly cruising suburbs in the wee hours. The burglar must have had wheels lined up -how else was he going to shift the loot? If he couldn't carry it out in one go he had to have a vehicle near by....

Not nice though. I spent nearly 5 years in Port Moresby and had only one break in. The alarm went off as he opened the back door to leave .

WA, 533 posts
9 Oct 2008 1:35AM
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Just off to bed and thought I'd tel you guys the latest, turns out that I wasn't the only target the other night number 21 was done as well, had the csi team in today and they dusted for prints, found a couple on various items that were removed, looking for similar prints at the other place I presume.
Get this though the other house that had the same misfortune actually was a bit more full on, as they slept throught the lot of it , and the lady was telling me that the guy even went into there (wife, hubby) room and rifled through his jeans and got wallet out took only cash and left then there was cash on the kitchen bar for there sons sports paymets 160 and 120 respectively that was gone!!, but nothing else, they went into there family cars in garage, with keys that they took off the table in the living room, left the cars and just went through looking for cash.

They are pretty shaken as they have 3 kids and wife is pretty sure burg went into each room while they slept.
Anyway I told her the story about the paper guy and she is adiment it's him also and as are other neighbours so apparently they are setting there alarms tonight to 3 45 am to go out and sort of suss this guy out themselves, dunno what to think of it , but to tell the truth something I didn't add in my first post I am 100 % sure I saw him with a passenger and they were talking to each other , from out my window before I even followed him.
I just have that gut feeling, he's a dodgey ****er, but I just can't confront it without proof.
Also had the alarm guy around tonight to upgrade our alarm system to put vibration sensors on every window and door around the house so we have an iron clad system , looking at $1500 dollars more on top of an already 3 grand system , but hell I'm not having someone in my house with my family and myself asleep again without us knowing!

QLD, 7428 posts
9 Oct 2008 2:22PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

Call your Partner "your wife"

I couldn't say that because you'd think I was reactionary old turd like John Howard. However I agree. "Wife" has a precise meaning. "Partner" means just about anything. It should only be used by women who pee standing up. For everybody else its a sad accommodation to political correctness.

QLD, 2081 posts
9 Oct 2008 7:41PM
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Flux said...

Anyway I told her the story about the paper guy and she is adiment it's him also and as are other neighbours so apparently they are setting there alarms tonight to 3 45 am to go out and sort of suss this guy out themselves, dunno what to think of it , but to tell the truth something I didn't add in my first post I am 100 % sure I saw him with a passenger and they were talking to each other , from out my window before I even followed him.
I just have that gut feeling, he's a dodgey ****er, but I just can't confront it without proof.

SO whoa! You already had a $3k security system and that didn't work! Wow....

So I'm dying to know what happened this morning!? It was 3:45am etc that you planned to steak out the 'Newspaper Guy' ... !? Some news I hope!

And gosh... the difference between a wife and a girl friend, is exactly 45kgs....


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Sharing a weird story......................" started by Flux