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Skateboarding - something special

Created by japie > 9 months ago, 7 Nov 2010
NSW, 6868 posts
7 Nov 2010 9:16PM
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This really made me smile. Six years old and boarding for 14 months - we will see a lot more of him in the future.


NSW, 1088 posts
7 Nov 2010 9:52PM
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you mean her when u copy something from kookscoop make sure u get the details right....

VIC, 1395 posts
7 Nov 2010 9:52PM
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I hope 1 day i find my special talent. that kid's GOOD!

VIC, 1395 posts
7 Nov 2010 9:53PM
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ok said...

you mean her when u copy something from kookscoop make sure u get the details right....

wont know till we see more of her....or him.

(i thought the same thing)

NSW, 6868 posts
7 Nov 2010 10:29PM
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ok said...

you mean her when u copy something from kookscoop make sure u get the details right....

What's with that comment? If it was written tongue in cheek there is no indication of it. In which case you come across as a complete and utter tosser.

As a matter of fact I got the link from Twistedsifter, where, if you read carefully it states:

"Holy Crap! This kid is six years old and has only been skateboarding for 14 months and he is SICK."

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Jeez, a man gets sick of small men syndrome, behind the safety of a keyboard, pillocks!

WA, 7608 posts
7 Nov 2010 7:39PM
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She shreds! My daughter is 8 and has her own skateboard. I showed her the vid and is out the back now practicing hahaha

NSW, 4188 posts
7 Nov 2010 11:13PM
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Awesome video - thanks for sharing.

Good to see the appropriate protective gear too...

NSW, 6868 posts
7 Nov 2010 11:24PM
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Isn't (s)he a little cracker!

Everytime I watch something like that it makes me wonder why we do not encourage it with so much more enthusiasm.

We have one heavily used skate "park" in Stockton. I pass it frequently and you never see any aggro there nor lard arses and yet it pales into insignificance when you look at the facility in that video. But we have six cricket/league/soccer fields (and another two soccer fields on the way) that are rarely used.

Bloke was telling me about a small town he comes from on the North Coast that is a popular retirement spot. The council is run by retirees who sway funding toward the greys and then shake their heads because of the delinquency.

NSW, 5780 posts
8 Nov 2010 11:47AM
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my thoughts exactly...

we have a few skate facilities round here, basic little quater pipes and boxes, nothing that you'd dare call a park.

but they are chockers with kids every arvo and weekend..

only ever heard of one instance of bullying thug losers at my local one, which was quickly delt with, turned out they were a couple of underage drinking twats who weren't even there to skate/bmx, just to cause trouble.. picking on little kids, real heros.

a park like that inspires awe, might even convince me to drag out the old natas and change the sketchy bearings in the cochroaches...

notice the total lack of grafitti in the venice beach park....

NSW, 1088 posts
8 Nov 2010 12:50PM
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settle down japie

WA, 293 posts
8 Nov 2010 10:00AM
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ok said...

you mean her when u copy something from kookscoop make sure u get the details right....

you mean "he" before you smackdown a post make sure you do a google first...

NSW, 6868 posts
8 Nov 2010 1:50PM
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ok said...

settle down japie

Call me Prickles!

89 posts
9 Nov 2010 12:07AM
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Faaark... hes not bad

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
9 Nov 2010 12:12AM
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japie said...

Call me Prickles!


NSW, 6868 posts
9 Nov 2010 9:49AM
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^ Actually I prefer Pretty Boy Mac but it has not caught on.

WA, 2371 posts
9 Nov 2010 7:04AM
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and then there is this ouch!
I suppose practice makes perfect

VIC, 1230 posts
9 Nov 2010 10:34AM
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poor relative said...

japie said...

Call me Prickles!


Sorry but you know how you know how Australians have to shorten everyones name to just one syllable...........

WA, 1321 posts
9 Nov 2010 9:48PM
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Now that was cool Japie.

How great is it how fearless kids are at that age aye!!!

QLD, 344 posts
10 Nov 2010 5:10PM
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Nice one Japie,
Don't really care where you found it.
Thanks for sharing


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Skateboarding - something special" started by japie