Yep, my Mum worked in a chicken butchery for 1 week. She did not eat chicken for at least a year after that.
I thought the same thing would happen when I worked in a pub. Unfortunately it did not work out this way.
4th post down by bluebunny, not good.
Most people that work in a chicken plant don't eat chicken, even though they are meat-eaters. I was one of those people. It's been years since I ate a piece of chicken. I can't even stand to smell it cooking without wanting to throw up. That ought to tell you something.
My point is that if these people that work in there can't stand to eat chicken, that if the average person knew what happens in there, that they wouldn't be able to eat it either. People need to become more informed
It's so easy to cut and paste a youtube vid to here.
I love meat.
What about the horrific way we treat poor tomatoes?
Tear them away from their parents with no anesthetic, pile them in cramped living conditions, chop them up live, pulverise them into sauce bottles and bolognese jars.
So inhumane. I'm gonna stop eating!
id be more worried about how the human race treats each other. not much better......
im going to stop eating people.
We have just taken posession of six young black ladies, Australops, that should lay in five weeks. I have had chooks before and forgotten how entertaining they can be and how tame they can get.
Peter Mac, I watched that movie, Food inc, by chance on a flight from Dubai. Makes you wonder how many western airlines would show it, but it was a real eye opener.
It really is a must see for any person who has a vague interest in agriculture and where their food comes from. It exposes the corporate control but is brilliantly enlightening in that it gives a lot of air time to traditional farmers who take good care of their stock.
There is a brilliant example of a famer who rears seriously free range chickens and slaughters them in the open air for the local market. The FDA did their damndest to close him down but he could demonstrate that his chicken carcases were as clean as bro, compared to the ones that came from the mechanised plants.
My old man reared chooks for years. You had to carve them. The ones we buy from the supermarket are mere organisms, loaded with organisms.
Cook em well, the bleach does not always hit all crannies!
Good onya Pete,,,,,fk da bogan burger brigade,,,,,,,,,,in this so called civillsation of humanitarian,,there is a severe lack of understanding of the living animal that suffers till its last breath at da slaughter house,(da bogan burger brigade would rather remain ignorant to this ,as it is a vialation to there caveman vitiman dayly intake)Look at da live animal export trade,,,,,,,,,wot a fkn absolute barbaric joke in this day an age,,for proof one only has to drive along side a slaughter truck heading for port..............Yer ,Yer,yer just another fkn vegO on da war path,,,,,na not me!Just try to be aware of what you consune and where it came from.
while visiting my parents last week noticed the British Express newspaper on the table.
thought will have a quick browse, to see if can find any brainwashing articles.
struck gold,found this,
''Organic fruit and veg less good for you''
third paragraph down,
''For the broccoli, those grown NORMALLY had higher levels of antioxidants than the organic samples''.
so growing food using chemical fertilisers is considered normal?
what's next, GM food is to be considered normal?
even my dad, believer in everything the corporate media tells him was dumbfounded after reading this.
this article from the British Express is unadulterated clap-trap.
sad part now is, many of those sitting on the fence will now be influenced to start eating NORMAL food again after reading this article.
after watching the documentary Food Inc, i was appalled to see the super cramped conditions these chooks had to live their lives in.
how is it possible that meat from these chooks can be as healthy as chooks with space to exercise?
as for the burger pushers on this forum, are they aware that chooks/cows are fed GM corn?
so the next time you chomp on a burger, be aware you are eating franken food.
the meat becomes part of the food chain.
The Soil Association, a British environmental charity, stated in their report, "GM Crops-The Health Effects," that international research has found that milk, eggs and meat from GM-fed animals still contain the foreign DNA originally inserted into the GM crop.
The authors concluded, that "there are very good scientific reasons for being concerned about the safety of GM crops."
With the abundance of GM ingredients currently being used in processed foods of all kinds, you are likely exposed to FAR more GM DNA than you ever thought
Knew a bloke in Kiwi Land that drove a milk tanker and would not drink milk.
Knew a bloke in Kiwi Land that drove a beer tanker and would not drink beer.
Know a bloke in Bundaberg that works at the Bundaberg Rum Distillery and won't drink Bundaberg Rum. (I don't blame him because it is one of the worst rums in the world.)
Know a bloke who used to be a plumber, sticking his hands down other people's dunnies. He had to get a job as a cabbie so he could eat food again.
Saw a movie called Taxi and the bloke murdered a bunch of people.
Saw a movie called Collateral and the good guy won.
Sunday Night, Doo Do De Doot Do.
i had a quick look at trailer of the Earthlings Vid.
think that is the same vid i tried watching a few years ago.
one scene after about 10 minutes was of a beaten up looking dog in the street in India.
a refuse van[one of those that squash+ ground up] came by and a couple of blokes picked it up and threw it in,at that i had to switch off.
I saw a report on ABC last year where the practices of a third world, religious style, (don't want to name it, because I'm not sure and this isn't about religion) abattoir that Australia shipped live cattle to were examined.
Without the gruesome (imho) mechanized 'humane' system of slaughter in developed countries, the workers in this place resorted to things like blinding a beast by poking its eyes with a knife or slashing its tendons to immobilise it so it could be slaughtered.
I was so sick, I could hardly watch it, and it really got me thinking.
I started to watch a few abattoir videos on U Tube. I felt horrified to be part of that.
I know I couldn't kill any animal, let alone one for food. I couldn't skin, bone and strip a carcass.
By buying meat at a butcher, I felt I was a coward, unable to do the killing myself, but prepared to let someone, or a machine do it, and still eat the flesh.
For no other reason than empathy with the animals, I gave up all meat, poultry and fish.
I get my protein from lentils, mushrooms, tofu and an abundant supply of meat alternatives available today.
This is simply a personal story; I don't intend to propose any behaviour to anyone.
In my short time as a vegetarian, I have noticed it to be an inflammatory issue, about which many people display a great depth of passion. Reading this post has reinforced that impression for me.
We, as humans, were always suposed to eat meat. If we wernt it would make us sick. I agree that in some ways that we farm and slaughter animals isnt the best way but how do we do it in a humane way?
The old bolt to the back of the skull is the quickest way Ive heard of, and the animal couldnt go through any suffering as it is instant.
If I had to I would kill and clean what I wanted to eat so really I dont care. I might eat more fish tho.