Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Social media is a dangerous place

Created by rockmagnet > 9 months ago, 5 Apr 2013
QLD, 1458 posts
5 Apr 2013 6:34PM
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Social media is a dangerous Place. Not for the fainthearted. Tell us your horror stories and your victories.

VIC, 90 posts
5 Apr 2013 7:48PM
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Hackers on North Korea's Face book page have taken the piss out of Kim Jong ill...and just started a war...

WA, 15849 posts
5 Apr 2013 4:55PM
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If used properly its ok, I dont use it that much.

Its good for keeping intouch with friends that you dont see much

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
5 Apr 2013 5:53PM
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The world is a dangerous place, full of retards

nuff said.

3777 posts
5 Apr 2013 6:02PM
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lol Mark thats a funny site ! thanks for sharing ....

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
5 Apr 2013 6:10PM
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busterwa said...
lol Mark thats a funny site ! thanks for sharing ....

I can read it for hours. be careful....

NSW, 4188 posts
5 Apr 2013 9:28PM
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Mark _australia said...

lol cool link - thanks for sharing (and soaking up my afternoon!)

As if anyone needed a reason not to have children here's another one:

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
5 Apr 2013 6:32PM
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Looks like a 'breezer must be featured on there given I got a red thumb

c'mon fess up who are you

I reckon the current first page is not so good, skip a few, there are 967 of them :)

Funniest one ever was "if I am pregnant and have sex and my baby is female can she get pregnant??" Oh my.

QLD, 1458 posts
5 Apr 2013 8:47PM
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You see, You got that off social media. This might get hot yet

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
5 Apr 2013 10:22PM
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Claire Squires was famous long before social media even became a word that we knew about.....I imagine her indiscretion would have caused her to go into hiding a few days earlier these days........or maybe not as we have become so used to these 'once' isolated incidents.

NSW, 6451 posts
5 Apr 2013 11:06PM
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You guys do realise that this forum is Social media dont you?
SEABREEZE GENERAL........old mans facebook/Twitter. lol

There has been more funny/stupid/strange/religous/homophobic/conspiracy comments on this forum than facebook/twitter/myspace all put together.

Oh the hypocrisy is amusing.

WA, 6913 posts
5 Apr 2013 8:38PM
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Mark _australia said...
The world is a dangerous place, full of retards

nuff said.

Haha Mark that is great..Thanks

QLD, 994 posts
5 Apr 2013 11:14PM
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lotofwind said...
You guys do realise that this forum is Social media dont you?
SEABREEZE GENERAL........old mans facebook/Twitter. lol

There has been more funny/stupid/strange/religous/homophobic/conspiracy comments on this forum than facebook/twitter/myspace all put together.

Oh the hypocrisy is amusing.

Mmm no! It's wind-centric or for the layman sport-centric media. Entirely different to ahem cough social media!

As for the "funny/stupid/strange/religous/homophobic/conspiracy" stuff that's in Heavy Weather and should be treated, as one does, with inebriates and those suffering mental difficulties.*

*Myself included.

3777 posts
5 Apr 2013 9:52PM
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Pisser of a site mark its not even blocked by the IT guys at work lol Fully if you cant laugh at that stuff you need counseling . get atleast half an hour bludge out of it every morning before they give me a job card !!! hahahah

QLD, 12337 posts
6 Apr 2013 12:00AM
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rockmagnet said...

Social media is a dangerous Place. Not for the fainthearted. Tell us your horror stories and your victories.

Seabreeze is social media. What is so dangerous about it??

Must admit though, just one red thumb can send me into depression for a whole week.

1862 posts
5 Apr 2013 10:06PM
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lotofwind said...
You guys do realise that this forum is Social media dont you?
SEABREEZE GENERAL........old mans facebook/Twitter. lol

There has been more funny/stupid/strange/religous/homophobic/conspiracy comments on this forum than facebook/twitter/myspace all put together.

Oh the hypocrisy is amusing.

Exactly! Can get away with far more on here.

The big diff for me writing here (Seabreeze) compared to say facebook, twitter, tumblr, whatever - I feel far less like a product, and am prepared to tell you how it is.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
5 Apr 2013 10:14PM
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lotofwind said...
You guys do realise that this forum is Social media dont you?
SEABREEZE GENERAL........old mans facebook/Twitter. lol

There has been more funny/stupid/strange/religous/homophobic/conspiracy comments on this forum than facebook/twitter/myspace all put together.

Oh the hypocrisy is amusing.

No this is where you write stuff and don't need 100 "friends" to feel validated.

Hey I just went to the toilet.

Edit: back now lol

Edit2: jsut saw the sky 2nite. Pretty

Edit3: aww now it si dark, not so pretty red sunset

Edit4: I like the new cookies from that shop,

(Think maybe by now u can see the difference? Give me a "like" so I feel all happy and fulfilled? Pleeease...?)

WA, 3271 posts
5 Apr 2013 10:19PM
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Mark, you forgot to include a photo of your dinner too.

1862 posts
5 Apr 2013 10:21PM
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Hey Mark! Can you post us a pic of your dinner tonight? Can you add one of those locators so I can tell if you are at Avalon airport yet, let me know when you land in Koo Wee Rup.

That would be so great.

NSW, 6451 posts
6 Apr 2013 1:39AM
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Mark _australia said...
lotofwind said...
You guys do realise that this forum is Social media dont you?
SEABREEZE GENERAL........old mans facebook/Twitter. lol

There has been more funny/stupid/strange/religous/homophobic/conspiracy comments on this forum than facebook/twitter/myspace all put together.

Oh the hypocrisy is amusing.

No this is where you write stuff and don't need 100 "friends" to feel validated.

Give me a "like" so I feel all happy and fulfilled? Pleeease...?)

We call them green thumbs and red thumbs and some do cry hard if they get red thumbs ie not validated, worried what others think and wont take them seriously.

Some have also asked for a better system to show their "seabreeze creidabilty rating", lol, Seabreeze street cred.

The pope has 5 000 000 twitter followers, but no seabreeze cred.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
5 Apr 2013 10:47PM
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I knew that was coming. Nobody cares what others think but they do find it juvenile when some redthumb over some personal dislike.
Duh. Different.

Yeah social networking and SMS has added soooo much richness to our lame boring lives. Where would we be without e-friends and followers and the ability to play online games on our phones. Awesome man. And to think of the literary geniuses writing stuff like ...........
Hey like omfg whooo like, fk wow like lotwindz is fkn kewl I am liek wow hes fkn perceptif man omg like he rulz fkn he like OWNED mark-Oz just then... like fk man wtf rolfmao

You are wearing flannel when you post here, aren't you Loto....?

NSW, 6451 posts
6 Apr 2013 2:00AM
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Markie, I think thats probly just a big generation gap thing.
Your old man was probly bagging you out for saying groovey, yeeeeeaah baaaby,
sit on it, make love not war or what ever the cooool thing was to say way back then.

Times change, generations are different, thats just the circle of life.
When Im your age I will probly be on seabreeze saying "back in my day, we didnt act all cool saying "wtf,lol rotfl"(<<add words of the future youth here)

and I notice in alot of your posts you use WTF, lol and omg all the time. The youth are rubbing off on you.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
5 Apr 2013 11:06PM
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farrrkk man - "groovey" was my old man's day

not all windsufers are in their 40's - 50's 60's mate

But I am still craving a Tab and a Count Chocula while watching Countdown.

(an I am cool with the flannel, each to his own)

NSW, 6451 posts
6 Apr 2013 2:19AM
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Nice twittering with you Markie
Now do you see this is the same as all the social media????
People who dont know each other talking crap.
This thread is proving it more and more by ever post. lol,lmao,rotfl###

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
5 Apr 2013 11:22PM
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lotofwind said...

QLD, 7428 posts
6 Apr 2013 1:24AM
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...Where would we be without e-friends and followers...

We'd have to talk to real people and get germs and have to wear clothes n stuff. You can only keep those Indian computer scammers on the line for so long.

NSW, 6451 posts
6 Apr 2013 2:55AM
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Mark _australia said...

all windsufers were born in the 40's - 50's 60's mate

QLD, 4083 posts
6 Apr 2013 4:03AM
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If you run out of lamebook there's always failbook:

4214 posts
6 Apr 2013 6:43AM
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I once got red thumbed really bad.
I didn't take it well.
It shattered my confidence.
I am still in the the corner in the phoetal position.

QLD, 1458 posts
6 Apr 2013 9:57AM
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My son who is 33 and keeps borrowing money off me keeps sending me posts on conspiracy theories which all seem to be hokum. David Icke and the like. I sometimes wish though that he would get kidnapped by aliens although it would be nice to get some money back first.
I just had a thought on a new post " Conspiracy theories." Maybe Mark might like to start it as his profile looks a bit spooky.

QLD, 2995 posts
6 Apr 2013 10:27AM
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I just green thumbed one of lotofwind's posts. That was pretty weird.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Social media is a dangerous place" started by rockmagnet