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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Somebody invent a new Watersport...

Created by Windpasser > 9 months ago, 4 Jan 2011
WA, 505 posts
4 Jan 2011 1:19PM
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It's 2011.

I love how kite-boarding has soared to popularity. If you said in 1985, hey let's surf behind a kite - people would laugh at you. (Have kite-boarded - but love windsurfing)

I love Jet skis (though most who don't own or have ridden one hate them) In the early 2000's they got ultra fast and became useful.

I know I can buy a semi personal or full-on Submarine too.

Or a sailboard with a pregnated jet ski motor for free-surfing.

Or a $150,000 remote jet ski with a water pump which makes you hover off the water.

What I believe is we have only "skimmed the surface" of water-sports to come!!!

Let's put our collective mind together to conjure some new amazing concepts.

We all love the water and after windsurfing, surfing, Hydro-planing, kiting, jet skiing, boating, yachting, diving, fishing, etc....

We might have a long way to go.

Personally I want personal/Family Submarines to kick off. Also anything that involves a planing/flying object on the ocean's surface wins.

As we all love the water (there is nothing like being stuck in a front during 50knts of rain and hail hiding under your sail), we know what we want out of a watersport.

I've had some ideas, most just trying to maximize my time on the water.


Let's hear some ideas. Our minds all wander when the conditions are not what we expected. I sit there and think "If Only I had......"

WA, 505 posts
4 Jan 2011 1:44PM
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OK, I'll start with...

I have a few Radio Control Helicopters. Some are easy to fly, ther rest are amazingly complex. $$$ spent.... Trex 600ESP

The thing is, everything is going from fuel to brushless electric. It's only the battery tech holding us back.

I would like to see a coaxial equivalent (with gyro's and blade protection) of a kite
pulling a surfer across any kind of water.

If you are familiar with r/c you would realise how far this tech has advanced and it is actually possible with the power to weight ratio on modern motors and battery output.

Question is Who will do it first.....

Probably not his bloke cause he's probably dead by now....

WA, 505 posts
4 Jan 2011 2:55PM
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Somebody must have something

This PLUS sparklers.......

NSW, 1721 posts
4 Jan 2011 6:12PM
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To be honest I'm happy with windsurfing, it gives me more than enough enjoyment and I haven't mastered near enough tricks to consider my journey never will be: it's an endless pursuit.

While your idea about the fan powered drone thing instead of a kite sounds cool I don't see it happening in the near future, imagine that falling on your head. I would also doubt the popularity of personal submarines, much like a jet ski, cool fun for 10 minutes then you are pretty much bored; their use in stuff like marine research aside (cheaper etc).

Instead of more water sports i'm keen to see what the future will bring in terms of windsurfing innovation, I mean how good are the sails and boards these days! Compared to 10 years ago it's night and day, have we reached the pinnacle of development or are things just going to keep getting better?

WA, 505 posts
4 Jan 2011 3:25PM
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You are right.

Now that the New Year's alchohol has worn off, There is nothing I can imagine that is better than all the aspects that come with Windsurfing.....

NSW, 1721 posts
4 Jan 2011 7:01PM
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Windpasser said...

You are right.

Now that the New Year's alchohol has worn off, There is nothing I can imagine that is better than all the aspects that come with Windsurfing.....

I'm pretty sure you're taking the piss but you know exactly what I mean, whatever your passion might be, windsurfing, kiting, mountain bikes etc lots of people find enough satisfaction in their chosen pursuit not to need to try new ones all the time.

I should note though, I guess my replies are a little against the grain of the thread as they don't really put forward any ideas. I do however like your 'kite fan' idea, as I stated before

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
4 Jan 2011 5:15PM
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Windpasser said...

Somebody must have something

This PLUS sparklers.......

Base jump with no wingsuit, and water at the bottom?

WA, 505 posts
4 Jan 2011 5:34PM
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I wasn't actually taking the piss. I love windsurfing and it's challenges. (once you can consistently gybe in 30+knts and float the wind the world is your oyster!)

When I made this post I was excess 0.05. Sorry to all. My mind got caught away in the possible future of watersports. I got carried away and should enjoy "now" better.

Still, maybe we can invent something new... like a hydrophobic surfboard that is so water repellent it creates thrust just from being on the wrong angle to water.

WA, 505 posts
4 Jan 2011 5:58PM
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Actually the mind stimulant is still prob excess 0.05, butttt....

Water drains a certain direction in the northern hemisphere as opposed to the southern hemisphere... The Coriolis effect - maybe. Anti-clockwise or clockwise...

So I heavily modified a 2L coke bottle (drilled a hole in the lid) and let it vortex. It spun a certain way,then I physically rotated the coke bottle to spin the other way. It vortexed for seconds then spun the other way.

It spun the the other way. (I guess the path of least resistance due to EMF or whatever)

My point being, we can spin maybe 1.3L of water in a a Coke Bottle one way but Universal forces take over and spin it the other way. Can we harness this anti-rotational force. I shall be blacked out for the next 6-12hrs - but it seems o make sense rright now. Lets harness the EMF of Eartrh. Hicc-Whopper-Spew-sleep...

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
4 Jan 2011 9:24PM
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Windpasser said...

My point being, we can spin maybe 1.3L of water in a a Coke Bottle one way but Universal forces take over and spin it the other way. Can we harness this anti-rotational force. I shall be blacked out for the next 6-12hrs - but it seems o make sense rright now. Lets harness the EMF of Eartrh. Hicc-Whopper-Spew-sleep...

Can't do that or cats will take over the earth

(Futurama S06E08)

WA, 7608 posts
4 Jan 2011 11:05PM
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I still think that this is the most insane thing any human being has ever done
Ive googled and youtubed heaps of vids like this with the wingsuit and this jump is by far the best
Actually being able to fly within metres of death travelling at high speeds has got to be better than anything on this planet

WA, 4485 posts
5 Jan 2011 2:42AM
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Greenroom said...

I still think that this is the most insane thing any human being has ever done
Actually being able to fly within metres of death travelling at high speeds has got to be better than anything on this planet

Right up until the big SPLATTT!!!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Somebody invent a new Watersport..." started by Windpasser