Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Space Adventures

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 20 Apr 2012
NSW, 4453 posts
21 Apr 2012 1:42AM
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WA, 866 posts
20 Apr 2012 11:52PM
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I support their objective 100%, but should they not buy an add...???

SA, 137 posts
21 Apr 2012 9:14AM
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Frack the Moon

To Infinity and Beyond


1262 posts
21 Apr 2012 8:30AM
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No wind there...... Why bother?

NSW, 4453 posts
21 Apr 2012 1:25PM
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QLD, 6806 posts
21 Apr 2012 2:23PM
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There is no commercial incentive to explore deep space, so all this progress stalled since 40 years ago.
But our near space should be already busy not with spy and weather satellites only but with humans colonies and manufacturing plants and research hubs.
Even energy producing plants on the orbit and sending back to Earth.
In order to achieve that mass transport system must be innitiated with $1 per kg to orbit goal.
Technically already feasible but somehow we (humans) did choose to pump and waste trillions of dollars in our ground base real estate.

2224 posts
21 Apr 2012 3:51PM
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The moons really nice I've only been there a couple times normally as a piss stop on the way to alpha centurie

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
21 Apr 2012 7:24PM
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Macroscien said... commercial incentive to explore deep space, so all this progress stalled since 40 years ago.

Voyager space probe (not to mention Luna, Mariner, Venera, Sojourner, Genesis, Pioneer, and the many other probes) Mars Missions, hubble telescope, google 'apod picture of the day'. You're flat out wrong on that topic. Just because you last took notice when man walked on the moon...

Macroscien said...
But our near space should be already busy not with spy and weather satellites only but with humans colonies and manufacturing plants and research hubs.
Even energy producing plants on the orbit and sending back to Earth.

Technology is not there yet. To achieve stable orbit, off the top of my head, a vehicle must reach 19,000 km/h. Do you know a cheap way to do that? I don't.

We have a research hub up there, it handles all the research requirements we have. Currently only the ruskies can get there and back, the whole world depends on them keeping it stocked with consumables.

Macroscien said...
In order to achieve that mass transport system must be innitiated with $1 per kg to orbit goal.

That's a nice, round, totally random and completely unattainable figure.

Macroscien said...
Technically already feasible

Not remotely. Not even 1% feasible.

Macroscien said...
but somehow we (humans) did choose to pump and waste trillions of dollars in our ground base real estate.

??? Can't make any sense of that bit.

Where we DO waste money is WAR. By "we" I mean the yanks. However until you fix fundamental human nature, that priority won't change.

WA, 866 posts
21 Apr 2012 10:31PM
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Aw sheet. And to think Buzz Aldrin sounded cranky in the paper today.

I do like that tangible noble goal can-do thinking.


2224 posts
22 Apr 2012 1:32PM
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Do you think we even went to the moon and walked on it 40 years ago before we had play station but with all the advances in technology shouldn't we be able to go there when we want

NSW, 4453 posts
22 Apr 2012 4:14PM
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Razzonater said...

Do you think we even went to the moon and walked on it 40 years ago before we had play station but with all the advances in technology shouldn't we be able to go there when we want

Stanley Kubrick actually shot the moon landings, didn't he Peter?

QLD, 6806 posts
22 Apr 2012 5:02PM
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kiteboy dave said...
Technology is not there yet. To achieve stable orbit, off the top of my head, a vehicle must reach 19,000 km/h. Do you know a cheap way to do that? I don't.

This exactly what is different now to 50 years old chemical propulsion rockets.
From space elevator to electromagnetic guns, space fountain etc - everything is new and possible right now.
But to do so we need not space "exporation" but exploatation
This is only matter of scale as today.
If exploitation of the space mean business, the adequate research and progress will follow. And that business must not be just absurd-al space tourism but commercial production/ manufacturing -chemical, genetics, medicine engineering , energy etc.
The company that do space business must profit on the Earth, not just tunnel our money to outer space.

NSW, 4453 posts
22 Apr 2012 7:32PM
Thumbs Up (You'll have to wait until Tuesday)

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
22 Apr 2012 10:05PM
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Macroscien said...
This exactly what is different now to 50 years old chemical propulsion rockets.
From space elevator to electromagnetic guns, space fountain etc - everything is new and possible right now.
But to do so we need not space "exporation" but exploatation
This is only matter of scale as today.
If exploitation of the space mean business, the adequate research and progress will follow. And that business must not be just absurd-al space tourism but commercial production/ manufacturing -chemical, genetics, medicine engineering , energy etc.
The company that do space business must profit on the Earth, not just tunnel our money to outer space.

Macroscien said...
But to do so we need not space "exporation" but exploatation

Macroscien said...
But to do so we need not space "exporation" but exploatation

Macroscien said...
But to do so we need not space "exporation" but exploatation

Gold mate, that is honestly my all time favourite line ever posted in Seabreeze. So good I had to repeat it 3 times. Well done. See Kiteboy's Rule #1 if you're confused. Your bolding is just the icing on the cake.

NSW, 9202 posts
23 Apr 2012 11:25AM
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It's all very amazing to dream about it now, but by the time it becomes commonplace all you'll hear is people bemoaning how long the check-in and security lines are and then they'll all have a good moan about how the shuttle is 20 minutes late and then you'll have a kid behind you kicking your seat the whole trip and the baby to your side will not shut up and they'll run out of your favourite snack and people will all be really upset if the in-flight entertainment system doesn't work because they'll have nothing to do but stare out the window.

QLD, 6806 posts
23 Apr 2012 12:42PM
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"no exploration but exploitation"
hope that helps
I don't need to prove that
normally developed brain is able to read/understand these words even if you mixed all characters in the world in very strange way, even from contest only.
If basic linguistic level is all you can read from my post, plse watch only my posts in "funny images"

NSW, 4453 posts
29 Apr 2012 12:47PM
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FlySurfer said... (You'll have to wait until Tuesday)

Seabreeze team: PLEASE add support for youtube time Querystring

QLD, 6806 posts
29 Apr 2012 5:02PM
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FlySurfer said...

FlySurfer said... (You'll have to wait until Tuesday)

Seabreeze team: PLEASE add support for youtube time Querystring

Isn't that museum story sad a bit ?
Space shuttle, lunar lander, hypersonic passenger jet are all extinct creatures like dinosaur and we have to go to museum to see prehistoric artefacts ?

SA, 4032 posts
29 Apr 2012 4:44PM
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FlySurfer said... (You'll have to wait until Tuesday)

Hmmm be easier to find a 10km wide mineral rich asteroid stick some rockets onto it and send it hurtling back to earth

131 posts
29 Apr 2012 9:08PM
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Size matters


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Space Adventures" started by FlySurfer