I was in my bedroom drying off after a shower... and in flies an insect. I could hear it, but it was pretty large so I thought it was just a fat Crane fly.
It comes closer and I see the stripes of a tiger mosquito... HOLY **** it's a freakin HUGE tiger mosquito, like 5 times bigger than a normal tiger, and some 7-10 x bigger than a normal mosquito.
I'm not sure if it's a one off mutant, but if there's any more of them, they could mean big trouble.
I grab the fly spray (1 shot kill) and spray the bastard... 3 mins later it's buzzing on the floor, I tried to pick it up to take a pic, but one of the legs comes off and it ~flies off.
I track it down again, and spray it directly... the spray seems to have dissolved a lot of him, so the pic doesn't look that impressive
Definitely a result of chemtrails.
It must have been right underneath one.
You need someone with some authority on the matter.
Get pm33 onto it.
I think Pweedas is onto something, but he's not quite right.
It's aspartame, and obviously the mozzie has gotten into the diet coke or coke zero, and then fly through a field of GM crop too.
You call this big
This is the smallest drone I have seen so far
If you have magnifier glass and cut this thing open you will see that instead for usual guts there are only transistors and servos inside.