Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"THEY ARE OFF" may 2011 is the day

Created by j murray > 9 months ago, 10 Dec 2010
j murray
SA, 947 posts
10 Dec 2010 9:20PM
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so what's your bet....some Atlanta church mob is putting in

place 14 large billboards to let us all know, that's the date

for the second coming [}:)]. So the race must be on,

I wonder what other visions will come to light. Should we

start a book or a riot??? .

My tip for may 2011 .....low winds, choppy seas, 3k vis.

NSW, 4188 posts
10 Dec 2010 10:58PM
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To be honest I always thought the second coming would be windy with huge swells - get thee to a beach!

j murray said...

Should we start a book or a riot??? .

Nah, hopefully we can just go shopping

QLD, 12324 posts
11 Dec 2010 12:42AM
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Had a good day today. I hope I wake up to another one tomorrow.

What else matters??

QLD, 12324 posts
11 Dec 2010 8:01PM
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Woke up this morning at 5am which is a great start to a day.

Had a garage sale from 6am to 2 pm and pulled a grand. Great day!!

The funds go into my 13 yo son's "scull account". He and his fellow quad crew members got a gold medal each last Saturday in the Queensland Rowing Championships held at Bucca, technically the best rowing venue in Australia and rating about 5th best in the world and Bucca is just 20 mins from li'l ole Bungaberg.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

""THEY ARE OFF" may 2011 is the day" started by j murray