Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

The French

Created by japie > 9 months ago, 23 Oct 2010
Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
28 Oct 2010 9:23AM
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retirement is a stupid idea.

Most crew work hard - retire and then promptly die.

Instead why not Try spending 40 years moving towards doing something you enjoy - and then keep doing that till you move on from this mortal coil.

You'll live longer and avoid the stress and pressure of having to come up with a huge sum of money by 65. (which in turn will stop you having that heart attack, depression, mid life crisis)

The more interesting older people i know are still busy. The ones that just sit around eating prunes and hanging out in their homes are mostly miserable - and miserable company. And lonely too.

And dont get me started on driving huge caravans (with trains of frustrated drivers stuck behind you) to places where you can park and watch the ABC news and the bill , under the air con- but cant go and walk up that hill / beach / gorge cos the body wont handle it. (should have done that when you were young and could jump off the gorges and pull into barrells)

BB king is still touring at 85, how old is Rupert Murdoch? - you get the idea.

WA, 4485 posts
28 Oct 2010 11:41AM
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Reflex Films said...

retirement is a stupid idea.

Most crew work hard - retire and then promptly die.

Instead why not Try spending 40 years moving towards doing something you enjoy - and then keep doing that till you move on from this mortal coil.

You'll live longer and avoid the stress and pressure of having to come up with a huge sum of money by 65. (which in turn will stop you having that heart attack, depression, mid life crisis)

The more interesting older people i know are still busy. The ones that just sit around eating prunes and hanging out in their homes are mostly miserable - and miserable company. And lonely too.

And dont get me started on driving huge caravans (with trains of frustrated drivers stuck behind you) to places where you can park and watch the ABC news and the bill , under the air con- but cant go and walk up that hill / beach / gorge cos the body wont handle it. (should have done that when you were young and could jump off the gorges and pull into barrells)

BB king is still touring at 85, how old is Rupert Murdoch? - you get the idea.

Cracked up at the prunes and ABC news. Crikey!! The Bill finished on the weeknd tho, get used slow moving, angry protestors, filling the streets and reaking of prunes.

So learn to play notes on gtr (strictly no chords) and bonk a young Eurasion chick around ya grandaughter's age.. might just be wise advice.

QLD, 1326 posts
28 Oct 2010 2:16PM
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cisco said...

japie said...

I take your point! However think on it this way, if we all had our financial future invested in the same "fund" that our venerable leaders use no one would lose anything.

And their retirement deal is pretty juicy as well.

Just strikes me that there is a different set of rules.

Anyhow, it is all pretty much academic for myself. I live off the smell of an oily rag, take great pride in the fact that all of my posessions, including the dog, fit on the back of my $500 ute and leave room to spare.

I have done the corporate management thing, earned twice the average wage whilst doing it and read and bought all the Robert Kyosaki books. Actually bought copies for my kids way back when, something that makes me blush now.

A really good mate of mine retired from HSBC at the age of fifty. It runs him ragged keeping his investments safe. Over the last finacial year he profited $750k on his speculative earnings - which was a really great thing because it just covered the deficit on his bank retirement fund.

Me, I can do without the stress. As long as I can eat and have my health and my friends and family all is cool

Nice position to be in japie. As I said before "The richest man in town is the one whose needs are least."

I agree, you are indeed a rich man Japie - and as long as you never complain or are unhappy with your lifestyle you will stay that way. Good on you.

You will also probably find that your investment mate is also happy running himself ragged making money. Some people just never stop - or when they do they get bored and die...

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
28 Oct 2010 4:19PM
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cisco said...
Nice position to be in japie. As I said before "The richest man in town is the one whose needs are least."

VIC, 260 posts
29 Oct 2010 10:55PM
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i work for a large superfund.

been in super for 8 years.

the amount of people that ive seen die prior to 65 has made me realise super is just ****.

whats the point of saving $400k+ if you dont even get to collect it.

i used to be pro super, but ive seen too many cases of people not making it to retirement age due to health or accident.

baby boomers would disagree as theyve made it to preservation age and the markets produced sick returns.

my advice.

you may die tomorrow, live life before its taken away.

save, go to maui.

ps. viva la france !!!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The French" started by japie