Look what I got.
^^^ how does it stay stuck to the table so it doesn't fall off?
Just a drop or two of Xmas spirit.
This one needs a caption
Pug the flat nose deer.
"If I hear a shutter...... I'm going to rip you a new one...."
^^Stop drinking, I'm not a bloody reindeer!!!!
Pug off smartarse.
Please, change those floor tiles !
ok its a video, and ill put a small blood and pain warning out in advancewww.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=24113d89dfd8
Any one know if that gets a Darwin Award lols?? musta bin close
From SA front page.Merry Christmas everyone!
only in russia ...
Really! Really you would do that?
Bit slow around here. 'Spose you all have a life or some such.....
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