street view and take a walk around down the street
Yeah that'd be right. Telstra!!!
Since they don't make 1 or 2 cent coins anymore you would think they could have at least offered a 2 cent discount.
With the rounding it still would cost the same. $149.00 !!
But they were too mean to even do that.
No wonder they are losing market share.
No wonder their share price is dropping through the floor.
The odd thing is, I think they are genuinely surprised.
Oh how I lament for the days when having a skin full of tattoos would well forth the connotations of the freedom loving easy rider ethos; the battle scarred social renegade; the sea hardened salt weary salior; the career criminal or the guy who just really loved his mum.
Once upon a time these were people who genuinely deserved the intrigue, the nervous lowered eye respect and the extra few feet of personal space when passing.
These were the people our mothers would warn us to avoid and be careful of.
I guess they are still to be avioded and wary of...... but I cannot think but feel for somewhat completely different reasons.
Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no law against this type of person remaining in or contributing to the gene pool.
Think about that
I can hardly read that. Does it say White Sex? If it does, why the bloody hell would you want that tattooed in a crooked line across your back? I think I'm getting old . . . . .