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The Lucky Country ???????????????

Created by loverboy > 9 months ago, 23 Jan 2009
WA, 614 posts
23 Jan 2009 9:58AM
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Don't get me wrong I love Australia - but who is making all the rules ?

Wear a helmet on your bike or get fined- I have been cautioned 3 times

No skateboarding pretty much everywhere- cautioned twice

No rigging of kite gear on a public reserve ?

All these rules and regulations are starting to make me feel sick- and the people who enforce them are tool bags- had a few polite words to some cops one night and was told to p@#$ off or be arrested- complained about their behaviour the next day and was continuously fobbed off.

We are getting to the stage in SA that if it is fun you can't do it !!!!!!

Instead of whinging and whining about it what positive steps can be taken to change it ?

The laws regarding public liability and the potential to be sued are creating a state of fear where councils and governments are too scared to endorse anything cos it may come back and bite them.....

Can it be changed ??? Or are we destined to continue down the path of idiot america ?

QLD, 148 posts
23 Jan 2009 12:13PM
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head up to the NT. like australia was 20 - 30 years ago. serious time warp. not many rules. police are freindly. sweet place for the rule adverse.

NSW, 9205 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:14PM
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loverboy said...
Can it be changed ??? Or are we destined to continue down the path of idiot america ?

The future (bit lengthy but worth it):

VIC, 5000 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:39PM
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What a Power-trip! I hope the 'Dude' was charged with assault....

QLD, 145 posts
23 Jan 2009 12:48PM
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rules or no rules it's still an awesome country, Australia has got everything. Hot, cold, reef, rainforest, desert, lakes, inlets, islands, its got it all

892 posts
23 Jan 2009 11:59AM
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But Doood!!

The dog psychology was good.. but probably illegal.
Throw the kid on the ground in a vulnerable position. An unmistakeable message even for a 14 year old.

I thought cop was well composed. No kid gloves or cotton wool there. Perhaps a little over the top but..

I don't reckon those kids will be back skating there ever again, and they've learned something.

Ballsy to film it though..

NSW, 9205 posts
23 Jan 2009 2:43PM
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555 said...
I thought cop was well composed.

What cop?

WA, 614 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:34PM
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What are they doing wrong ? Nothing- if they weren't skating they would be out tagging walls and breaking windows. This is what I am talking about... let them be.

892 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:55PM
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evlPanda said...

555 said...
I thought cop was well composed.

What cop?

2:40-41.. "What makes you think you can do it to a police officer?"

NSW, 9205 posts
23 Jan 2009 4:56PM
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555 said...

evlPanda said...

555 said...
I thought cop was well composed.

What cop?

2:40-41.. "What makes you think you can do it to a police officer?"

Holy crap, thought was a security guard.

No wonder he's angry having to drive around in Noddy's car and wear something that's, well not very authoritarian.

440 posts
23 Jan 2009 7:02PM
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The sad fact is we need lots of rules because of this shocking culture of 0 consideration for anyone or anything.

QLD, 7428 posts
23 Jan 2009 8:44PM
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lol. I wonder if that bloke has had a heart attack yet.

There's your answer loverboy - publicity. Tape it and post it on Youtube.

SA, 251 posts
23 Jan 2009 10:10PM
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haha Thats Great I love the bit at the end when he asks if the video Camera was on and said not to post in on Youtube.

SA, 251 posts
23 Jan 2009 10:14PM
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haha Thats Great I love the bit at the end when he asks if the video Camera was on and said not to post in on Youtube.

VIC, 851 posts
23 Jan 2009 10:57PM
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Based on my zero knowledge of any form of psychology I reckon that having more rules actually makes people less considerate to their fellow human beings 'cos it takes away your intuitive sense of what's right and basically says "well, I'm not breaking any rules so I can't be doing anything wrong."

NSW, 5784 posts
23 Jan 2009 11:20PM
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i think you might be on to something there

QLD, 6149 posts
24 Jan 2009 10:16AM
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what a ledgend....check out the other utube vides. Has inspired songs and animations!

QLD, 223 posts
24 Jan 2009 4:50PM
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bargearse said...

head up to the NT. like australia was 20 - 30 years ago. serious time warp. not many rules. police are freindly. sweet place for the rule adverse.

NT maybe a little behind on some things but dont they also have 'nil tolerance laws' were one strike and your off to jail??
I know they did have these laws but they may have been amended with a change in Government.

Panda (nice Vid)

Ok so the Cop is definately over the top but you have to remember how much crap Police get these days from spoil unrespectful disobedient youths.
When he asked him if he gives his teachers the same insolence at school and he answers 'no' I bet he was thinking 'yes'.

QLD, 148 posts
25 Jan 2009 2:48PM
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Toadwhispera said...

bargearse said...

head up to the NT. like australia was 20 - 30 years ago. serious time warp. not many rules. police are freindly. sweet place for the rule adverse.

NT maybe a little behind on some things but dont they also have 'nil tolerance laws' were one strike and your off to jail??
I know they did have these laws but they may have been amended with a change in Government.

Panda (nice Vid)

Ok so the Cop is definately over the top but you have to remember how much crap Police get these days from spoil unrespectful disobedient youths.
When he asked him if he gives his teachers the same insolence at school and he answers 'no' I bet he was thinking 'yes'.

dont think zero tolerence ever got up... even if it did i reckon it's a good thing. it's only to stop the crims. I think what the original complaint was over enforcement of bull**** annoyances like parking, zoning etc etc
for this nt has it hands down. but i think it is just a population thing. 5% of people are complete grubs and when you get larger populations you have more grubs, necessitating more rules. I loved the nt laid backness (even compared to nq where I am from and now live). It was like townsville when I was young. everyone knows eachother. cops might pull you up and just warn you your boat trailer lights aren't working and then talk to you for half an hour about where the barra are biting..
I even had a surgeon doing an examination on my nuts.. he's cradling my balls and we are talking fishing (the great unifier up there) and when I told him how many we were getting in a certain spot he lost all concentration and started quizing me when to go etc etc. talking at length forgetting he was cradling my nuts!
you can dive around sipping a beer (not over limit of course) perfectly legal so long as not within whatever distance it is of a liscenced estab.
You dont need to register your boat or have a licence . it's hard to explain but I think the smaller the place the better.

TAS, 2213 posts
25 Jan 2009 4:38PM
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bargearse said...

it's hard to explain but I think the smaller the place the better.

you got it in one!

WA, 506 posts
25 Jan 2009 3:28PM
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If i had witnessed what that copper in the youtube clip was doin to that young skate boarder,i would not have been able to walk by without getting involved,guns and all.Bad day and all that copper seriously needs help.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
25 Jan 2009 3:56PM
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If the copper had done that in South London he would now have no knees and a head injury.

QLD, 223 posts
25 Jan 2009 6:43PM
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poor relative said...

If the copper had done that in South London he would now have no knees and a head injury.

Well that may be true! But saying that there are places in the world that any 'back chat' to authorities and they will arrest you, chuck you in Jail, rip you a new A hole and your lucky if your ever heard from again.

Remember too that the Bobbies in London don't have a firearm or OC, just a baton.

I'm just glad I live in OZ

QLD, 223 posts
25 Jan 2009 7:00PM
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Thanks 'Bargearse'

Your dead right about the grub percentage per population and the more people the more grubs.
Even the Gold Coast was once a laid back town.

NOW!!! Gee don't even get me started.

WA, 187 posts
26 Jan 2009 1:45AM
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Barge Asse you hit the nail on the head mate. Australia Day right now, what the
hell does that mean, polictal correct bullcrap, is this what we are meant to celebrate?

QLD, 14471 posts
26 Jan 2009 12:09PM
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nice one bargearse.

so being australian means having a chat to a doctor while he feels you nuts..
i guess we see things differently.

all countries have their good and bad.

at least our cops don't carry machine guns.
we don't have to join the army.
the sky's blue.
our humour is a crack
we don't have 5000 years of waring religeuos history
our government isn't hated around the globe
our passport gets us into almost any country without issue

yes i grew up in a rural town where you could do anything, ride without helmets, skate on the street, shoot stuff, blow stuff up, etc etc only to have the cop tell the old man when he saw him next.

times have changed, after 2 years seeing the world i'd still pick australia anyday.

QLD, 148 posts
26 Jan 2009 8:20PM
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Gestalt said...

nice one bargearse.

so being australian means having a chat to a doctor while he feels you nuts.
i guess we see things differently.

all countries have their good and bad.

at least our cops don't carry machine guns.
we don't have to join the army.
the sky's blue.
our humour is a crack
we don't have 5000 years of waring religeuos history
our government isn't hated around the globe
our passport gets us into almost any country without issue

yes i grew up in a rural town where you could do anything, ride without helmets, skate on the street, shoot stuff, blow stuff up, etc etc only to have the cop tell the old man when he saw him next.

times have changed, after 2 years seeing the world i'd still pick australia anyday.

nah was just trying to give a funny example of how fishing unites everyone up there. most people do i and it's a common theme that everyone talks about. could have left that out i spose just for me typified my nt experience.

QLD, 14471 posts
26 Jan 2009 8:55PM
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bargearse said...

Gestalt said...

nice one bargearse.

so being australian means having a chat to a doctor while he feels you nuts.
i guess we see things differently.

all countries have their good and bad.

at least our cops don't carry machine guns.
we don't have to join the army.
the sky's blue.
our humour is a crack
we don't have 5000 years of waring religeuos history
our government isn't hated around the globe
our passport gets us into almost any country without issue

yes i grew up in a rural town where you could do anything, ride without helmets, skate on the street, shoot stuff, blow stuff up, etc etc only to have the cop tell the old man when he saw him next.

times have changed, after 2 years seeing the world i'd still pick australia anyday.

nah was just trying to give a funny example of how fishing unites everyone up there. most people do i and it's a common theme that everyone talks about. could have left that out i spose just for me typified my nt experience.

WA, 107 posts
26 Jan 2009 10:29PM
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Fortunately the freak depicted in this video is not representative of the men and women in our police force. The problem is when you encounter the odd freak (minority) and he/she has a Taser Gun. Freak plus taser results in disater. Do our services really need these things.....

QLD, 7428 posts
26 Jan 2009 11:47PM
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ooh, a taser. Can I have one?

QLD, 2315 posts
27 Jan 2009 11:00AM
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And it still astounds me how immature some people can be. They are only doing their job, feeding their families like the rest of the population. They do not make the rules, but if they dont enforce them they get disciplined. This country loves shifting the blame- so councils or government make laws/by-laws everyone bends over and takes it then blames the people who have to enforce the stupid law in the first place even though they may not agree with it themselves.

Take skateboarding in a public square of daytime for instance, skater knocks down old granny who breaks her hip and has to spend 6 months in hospital. Skater doing the typical thing pisses off, but people skate there all the time- who is grannies family going to seek compensation for medical bills etc from- The non-existant skater? or the property owners/council who didn't do anything about people engaging in a potentially dangerous activity in a public place. I'm all for the rights of the skateboarder to enjoy his activity but he also needs to consider others and the damage he might be doing. The number of times i've seen $x000 pieces of glass damaged by wayward skateboards, just walk on nothing happened until the next day when property owner goes wtf happened to my window. Although there are not many most councils around here have installed skateparks that we would have killed to have access to as a kid, I don't see the sense in deciding you will go grind on some 100+yo dressed sandstone block instead.

There are right ways to go about things for sure, yes that cop is a tool but that doesnt make all cops tools. What happens alot is authorities start polite, person they are talking to snaps back and authority does what people do- react (even though they are trained to not). I wish it was almost compulsory that everyone gets to live what police or security who work in busy area like city cbd do. Those that have been on the street a bit may think they know what it is like but they still don't, it is very easy to lose faith in society.

Regarding tasers, no they don't need them it's easier to shoot a mentally ill person wielding a hiv/hepatitis filled syringe


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The Lucky Country ???????????????" started by loverboy