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The New Basics Card

Created by Cassa > 9 months ago, 9 Jul 2012
WA, 1305 posts
9 Jul 2012 7:51PM
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Apparently it's there to stop people spending the DOLE on unnecasary items , such as alcohol , tobacco , drugs, ohh poor souls.
Just watched the report , and there are some complaints.
Seems to me it could be a great way to get them off there lazy arses and work , is there much more to say?
Personaly , tobacco, drugs and alcohol aren't really on top of the list that the un-employed should have paid for them!!
What do you think?

10980 posts
9 Jul 2012 8:13PM
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I think not every one on the dole is a bludger or lazy So your assumption is wrong, would you like me to tell you what you can spend your cash on. Let's not forget the short term unemployed have paid taxes...
And many workers are just frankly, complete ****ing tarts when it comes to saving or spending sensibly, should the government tell them what to do? It would surely help our economy, if saving increased.

Where does it stop? Should we be able to tell pensioners what to buy, cause it comes from the public purse.. If its about teaching budgeting or money management than I get it but targeting the recipients of benefits, is the wrong end of the income scale.

It's another policy for politics sake, when popularity is down kick the unemployed.. Or any other minority group... I see a boat on the horizon, get your prejudices out...... Labor 101. And then they do this while handing out masses of money to middle Australia, to buy votes through tax reductions and those pointless cash handouts, like the carbon tax rebate.

A government that governs less is a good government, stay the **** out of people houses and personal lives..

Get the thumbs out...

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
9 Jul 2012 11:02PM
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Apart from other things, money given out as Dole goes straight into the economy.

Depending on the person it might be woolies, rent, and essentials, or else Dan Murphys, ciggies and the local weed dealer. Either way it goes straight back into the economy and supports more people down the chain.

There's nothin sitting in the bank at the end of the fortnight.

QLD, 2776 posts
9 Jul 2012 11:10PM
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if i was out of work and had to live off whatever pittance the dole is these days, i would want to be able to drown my sorrows.

WA, 3271 posts
9 Jul 2012 10:43PM
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It's been done to death but if I have to pee in a cup to earn my wage, those earning an 'income' off my taxes should have mechanisms in place to stop them spending money on pot, wizz and alcohol.

QLD, 825 posts
10 Jul 2012 12:48AM
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I'm sure people would still get a % in cash to buy the 3 nasty's(just a stick not an oz), so at least some kids might actually get to the park for a bbq with the family for a change, instead of watching the idiot box whilst mum/dad knocks down a few.

WA, 3271 posts
10 Jul 2012 2:02AM
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There are plenty of ways to get around the system but if someone wants to get smashed it should be on the back of their own hard work, not welfare. Kind of like now, I'm smashed but I earn't the money rather than relying on welfare.

Fark that was hard to type smashed!

NSW, 9029 posts
10 Jul 2012 8:16AM
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The main thing I'd have against such cards is pushes people shop at the big corporate supermarkets rather than smaller shops owned by individuals and families.

The latest trials are being done in western Sydney. There are many small shops around there selling fresh fruit and vegetables much cheaper than the big supermarkets plus there are big markets nearby where fresh food can be bought at reasonable prices.

If people are getting paid welfare to look after their kids and they are not, perhaps the payment should be reviewed.

SA, 2865 posts
10 Jul 2012 10:11AM
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The Dole / Government payments are NOT like a job you didn't earn it (others did).... its a gift to keep you alive.

NSW, 349 posts
10 Jul 2012 11:02AM
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Gizmo said...

The Dole / Government payments are NOT like a job you didn't earn it (others did).... its a gift to keep you alive.

The armco railing along the Great Ocean Road is not like something the South Australian government installed. It's a gift from Victoria, whenever you cross the border, to keep you alive...

People are on federal government payments for many reasons. Additionally, in an affluent society where there are not enough jobs to go around, that society should support others in need.

NSW, 9029 posts
10 Jul 2012 11:38AM
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Gizmo said...

The Dole / Government payments are NOT like a job you didn't earn it (others did).... its a gift to keep you alive.


all welfare payments are paid because the federal government has a legal responsibilty to pay them. Its the law. Its not a gift. A gift indicates it does not have to be given and is arbitary.

The law says if someone is qualified and eligable to receive a certain payment at a certain rate, then that person has a legal right to claim that payment.

Unless the law is changed by federal parliament then its not a gift and whether the person earned that payment or not is irrelevant.

NSW, 9205 posts
10 Jul 2012 1:16PM
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If I was on the dole I would need tobacco, alcohol and drugs more than people with a job.

VIC, 5000 posts
10 Jul 2012 1:22PM
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^^^ Agree with wife used to get annoyed after nearly 20 years in the bank every 2nd Thursday having unemployed come in to see if their 'pay' has gone in.[}:)]

WA, 3519 posts
10 Jul 2012 11:45AM
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If only 1 kid get a better life of it i am all for it.
It should be means tested.
In some European countries when you are on welfare (dole) after a few month you get food vouchers and your rent and charges is payed by a legally appointed "tutor". You have regular appointments with him and he helps you to get your life on track.
If you are a single mother any help (money) you receive is a loan that needs to be repaid. Is that good or not I am not sure but being a single mother with 8 kids is not a job there.

3777 posts
10 Jul 2012 11:50AM
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Just claim asylum. Then you would get free medical cover accomdation food cloths allowances sporting facilaaties and a golden handshake from that red headed slapper.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
10 Jul 2012 1:52PM
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Cassa said...

Apparently it's there to stop people spending the DOLE on unnecasary items , such as alcohol , tobacco , drugs, ohh poor souls.
Just watched the report , and there are some complaints.
Seems to me it could be a great way to get them off there lazy arses and work , is there much more to say?
Personaly , tobacco, drugs and alcohol aren't really on top of the list that the un-employed should have paid for them!!
What do you think?

Sounds like rubbish to distract the haters from the real problem which is if you count the number of unemployeed and underemployeed and then count the number of jobs there is a massive gap. That's why capitalism is not perfect. This is the sort of hater stuff you hear from Alan redneck Jones. Most people on the dole are making a great sacrifice by being the ones who miss out on the jobs and they should be compensated for this. Its not going to create jobs. Just like work for the dole does not create jobs, people on work for the dole have less success in finding real paid work.

NSW, 349 posts
10 Jul 2012 2:10PM
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busterwa said...

Just claim asylum. Then you would get free medical cover accomdation food cloths allowances sporting facilaaties and a golden handshake from that red headed slapper.

Dear Busterewa,
here is a taste of your own medicine;

WA, 15849 posts
10 Jul 2012 12:15PM
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Wollemi said...

busterwa said...

Just claim asylum. Then you would get free medical cover accomdation food cloths allowances sporting facilaaties and a golden handshake from that red headed slapper.

Dear Busterewa,
here is a taste of your own medicine;

Post of the year?

10980 posts
10 Jul 2012 12:19PM
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Wollemi said...

busterwa said...

Just claim asylum. Then you would get free medical cover accomdation food cloths allowances sporting facilaaties and a golden handshake from that red headed slapper.

Dear Busterewa,
here is a taste of your own medicine;

WA, 1305 posts
10 Jul 2012 12:43PM
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Little Jon said...

Cassa said...

Apparently it's there to stop people spending the DOLE on unnecasary items , such as alcohol , tobacco , drugs, ohh poor souls.
Just watched the report , and there are some complaints.
Seems to me it could be a great way to get them off there lazy arses and work , is there much more to say?
Personaly , tobacco, drugs and alcohol aren't really on top of the list that the un-employed should have paid for them!!
What do you think?

. This is the sort of hater stuff you hear from Alan redneck Jones. Most people on the dole are making a great sacrifice by being the ones who miss out on the jobs and they should be compensated for this.

Nothing wrong with being on the dole with legitimate cause, bad luck if with this new card you can't by alcohol , smokes and drugs, thats fine with me.
As for the redneck card F--k it , have seen too many usless entities abuse the system for years to warrant further response to that old lemon.


No ,not every one on the dole is a bludger, that I agree with , although as an employer , I've seen plenty that abuse the system.
As for what I spend my cash on , not really any of your buisiness, but to satisfy your curiosity , per month-- Beer -$92 spirits- $30
aprox$ 50-60 fishing tackle and fuel
That's it!!

We are lucky in this country that there is some welfare to help those in need.
I just don't agree with the fact that some abuse this.
The basics card just makes sure money is NOT WASTED on unnecasary items,
what's so wrong with that!!

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
10 Jul 2012 3:12PM
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Wollemi said...

busterwa said...

Just claim asylum. Then you would get free medical cover accomdation food cloths allowances sporting facilaaties and a golden handshake from that red headed slapper.

Dear Busterewa,
here is a taste of your own medicine;

I now realize the error of my ways. Yknow, trying to use a logical argument!!! da maaan!

10980 posts
10 Jul 2012 1:13PM
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Cassa said...

Little Jon said...

Cassa said...

Apparently it's there to stop people spending the DOLE on unnecasary items , such as alcohol , tobacco , drugs, ohh poor souls.
Just watched the report , and there are some complaints.
Seems to me it could be a great way to get them off there lazy arses and work , is there much more to say?
Personaly , tobacco, drugs and alcohol aren't really on top of the list that the un-employed should have paid for them!!
What do you think?

. This is the sort of hater stuff you hear from Alan redneck Jones. Most people on the dole are making a great sacrifice by being the ones who miss out on the jobs and they should be compensated for this.

Nothing wrong with being on the dole with legitimate cause, bad luck if with this new card you can't by alcohol , smokes and drugs, thats fine with me.
As for the redneck card F--k it , have seen too many usless entities abuse the system for years to warrant further response to that old lemon.


No ,not every one on the dole is a bludger, that I agree with , although as an employer , I've seen plenty that abuse the system.
As for what I spend my cash on , not really any of your buisiness, but to satisfy your curiosity , per month-- Beer -$92 spirits- $30
aprox$ 50-60 fishing tackle and fuel
That's it!!

We are lucky in this country that there is some welfare to help those in need.
I just don't agree with the fact that some abuse this.
The basics card just makes sure money is NOT WASTED on unnecasary items,
what's so wrong with that!!

I agree people do abuse it, like any system. People rort the tax system every year, is stealing from your countries coffers through tax evasion acceptable or any different? Morally I don't think so?

As for what you spend your money on, I simply don't care it is none of my business, neither is it the Governments IMO.

But as I said above if it's aimed at people who need help budgeting and managing their family finances than I agree but just think its a massive impingement on people rights to direct them to spend money on this or that, if they are quite capable of making that decision themselves.

I deal with centrelink and benefit recipients quite often.. Usually older people. And I have seen lots of rorts, mainly by those with money.

the one that pisses me is the guy that is 55 - 60 to young to access his super and not really looking for work but thinks its ok if he gets his doctor to write up a dodgy certificate so he doesn't have to look for work. Or get someone to know say he does volounteer work.

And self funded retires with a million bucks in assets and 60 k in income pa receiving centrelink?? Do they need it, what quality of life are they leading if they need to top up there 60k with 5-10 from Clink. Most likely tax free.. That equates to a pretax wage of over 100k a year.. Working people don't even get the FTB benefit at this level of income..

Or the best one is.... Na. I charge to tell people that one...

But in my experience most rorts are done by the middle class, who think they are owed something.

3777 posts
10 Jul 2012 1:18PM
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As for the basic's card. Ill never be on it so i don't care what junkies , unemployed unemployable unskilled criminals do with there 200 dollars a week.

Although this is a GIFT to keep you alive. The majority of people on it have no intention of gaining employment.

I live near bogansville so i know the Best thing for a dysfunctional family possibly (24 kids 9 adults and 16 dogs) living in a home-west weatherboard house is to purchase alcohol get drunk beat each other up ripp off the wall gyprock and burn the pine framing on the wood floor of there lounge.

If they cant purchase it they will simply steal it.

NSW, 9205 posts
10 Jul 2012 3:30PM
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There/their busterWA. There/their.

10980 posts
10 Jul 2012 1:38PM
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busterwa said...

As for the basic's card. Ill never be on it so i don't care what junkies , unemployed unemployable unskilled criminals do with there 200 dollars a week.

Although this is a GIFT to keep you alive. The majority of people on it have no intention of gaining employment.

I live near bogansville so i know the Best thing for a dysfunctional family possibly (24 kids 9 adults and 16 dogs) living in a home-west weatherboard house is to purchase alcohol get drunk beat each other up ripp off the wall gyprock and burn the pine framing on the wood floor of there lounge.

If they cant purchase it they will simply steal it.

Do you write material for Alan jones, you have all the personality traits to be an am radio shock joke..

NSW, 1132 posts
10 Jul 2012 3:47PM
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WA, 1104 posts
10 Jul 2012 2:18PM
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OH look a rascist redneck gun toting MOfo who enjoys the water.

3777 posts
10 Jul 2012 2:59PM
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Get the bludgers to catch feral cats. Then start a fast food franchise called Kentucky Fried Cat. Cat Treat, Mc Cattolds, Cats breathe cafe. Hungry Cacts ,Cat in a Box haha

10980 posts
10 Jul 2012 3:10PM
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Don't say that to loudly, labor may adopt it,, then we'll have 2 fast food chains ran by red head clowns...

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
10 Jul 2012 5:12PM
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That's bullcr*p, I will tell you why...

NSW, 9205 posts
10 Jul 2012 5:28PM
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Haha, Da Vecta is joining the 'bored at work' crowd and hanging more and more in shooting the breeze.

Alcohol & cigarettes are taxed by the federal government, quite a bit. So...


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The New Basics Card" started by Cassa