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The Occult History of Canberra

Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 20 Mar 2010
NSW, 5780 posts
20 Mar 2010 4:52PM
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this ones for you petermac, there other better videos on the subject on youtube, but this one gets the thumbs up from me for its use of suspenceful dramatic music.

WA, 6415 posts
20 Mar 2010 5:41PM
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will watch when downloads reset.

listened to numerous interviews with Maxwell Jordan on this.

it's in full view everywhere/ everyday and people have no idea.

occult, that what is hidden!!!

NSW, 9029 posts
20 Mar 2010 9:26PM
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Bloody hell.

Could the design of parliament house in Canberra has anything to do with the fact its built into a hill? Perhaps civil engineers and architechs could give a considered answer.

I had a look down the street and saw some houses with roofs that looked like pyramids. Bloody masons.

So the freemasons are running the country. Meanwhile they are knocking down mason halls to build townhouses. They are just a silly club thats dying out.

QLD, 2057 posts
20 Mar 2010 11:51PM
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Mobydisc said...

Bloody hell.

Could the design of parliament house in Canberra has anything to do with the fact its built into a hill? Perhaps civil engineers and architechs could give a considered answer.

I had a look down the street and saw some houses with roofs that looked like pyramids. Bloody masons.

So the freemasons are running the country. Meanwhile they are knocking down mason halls to build townhouses. They are just a silly club thats dying out.

Nice knowin ya!

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
21 Mar 2010 1:08AM
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I never realised how scary triangles were...

QLD, 4873 posts
21 Mar 2010 12:44AM
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Explains it all - it was designed by american architects Mitchell Giurgola.

Actually Canberra's masterplan was done early 20th Century by architect and landscape architect Sir Walter Burley Griffin (another yank). He did some work in Mason city, Iowa too. Conspiracy or what?

PS- The new parliament house actually was built to the same height and proportion as the hill it replaced.

130 posts
21 Mar 2010 5:55AM
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I think someone has been reading too many Dan Brown novels.

Maybe he has found a few similarities, but anyone can overlap 2 pics and draw a couple of lines and read anything they want from that.

ACT, 372 posts
21 Mar 2010 9:44PM
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Regardless, its not a good sailing place.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The Occult History of Canberra" started by theDoctor