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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

The Resecession

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 18 May 2012
WA, 24860 posts
19 May 2012 5:05PM
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Queensland housing bottomed out in December,news today states housing prices have resin 1.8 % average Brisbane home 500k sales are on the up so its not all doom

WA, 4642 posts
19 May 2012 5:15PM
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petermac33 said...

Can see property prices continuing to drop in value by at least another 50 percent soon.

If the ptb create a deflationary GFC, then it's going to be more severe than an inflationary GFC.

Being a million dollars in debt in an inflationary GFC is actually not that bad. In a deflationary GFC, contracting of the money supply, money is much harder to come by, so paying back the mortgage would become near impossible.

Cash is king in a deflationary period.

And absolutely no debt.

As for silver/gold, have come to the conclusion the markets are rigged [plunge protection team],so while i believe the real value of silver is greater than $30 an ounce,believe they are going to pop this too.

which is not much different to what pm33 said two years ago;

petermac33 said...on 16/062010....

with the Stockmarket crash about to happen [50% to 80% drop], the government then will implement austerity measures.

cutting pensions + wages while increasing tax across the board. economic crash soon!

get out of debt now!

certainly could not be contrived by the international bankers/elite or could it?

forgot not allowed to mention the 'C' word on this forum again.

perhaps when this stockmarket crash/else starts to unfold in the coming months it might help to wake the people up over those weird chemtrails forming in a deep blue sky.

I should point out that since this amazing prediction, the australian all ordinaries has not done much at all, positive or negative.
A bit of good news and it goes up a few percent, a bit of bad news and it drops a few percent.

pweet, you seem to be in a constant state of expectation of an imminent disaster!
Us mere mortals are still waiting for the disaster you predicted two years ago, and from recollection, a year or two before that as well.
Sooner or later a disaster might strike but that doesn't mean we should spend our whole life in a blind panic, sell everything and hide under the kitchen table, just in case the sky falls in.
It might fall in one day, but that will be far more likely if everyone sells everything and hides it in a sock under the mattress..

Get out there and do something to make the country great!
If you do nothing now, in ten years time when this is all old news you will still have nothing.
I've lived through more than 4 four recessions, two of them severe. (1973-74 and October 1987) For the most part, during all of them, life went on much as before. People still needed food, cloths, houses, cars,.. fuel, movies,. everything.
About the only ones that really suffered were the mercedes dealers and who gives a toss about that.
Certainly the economy slows down a bit but I'm far from convinced that is a bad thing.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
19 May 2012 7:49PM
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First I was like

Then I read some more and I was like

Then I got to PM33 and I was like

Adolf, with "The Resecession" you just proved Kiteboy's Rule #1 yet again. Thanks.
KBR#1: If you can't spell it, you can't understand it, so stop talkin about it

1862 posts
19 May 2012 6:13PM
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kiteboy dave said...

First I was like

Then I read some more and I was like

Then I got to PM33 and I was like

Adolf, with "The Resecession" you just proved Kiteboy's Rule #1 yet again. Thanks.
KBR#1: If you can't spell it, you can't understand it, so stop talkin about it

Kiteboy - you come across as somewhat wise - there are so many more things you can do with your time.

Why are you wasting your time kicking me in the guts? Why don't you tell us what a wonderful human being you are?

Why ponsify (my own word) over random posts in a watersports forum lurking for grammatical and spelling errors in what people write when they are pissed?

AFAIC you're a f'cn KNOB and I have no hesitation declaring on a public forum that from this point on - you are DEAD to me



kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
19 May 2012 10:51PM
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^^^ Little tip my man, next time you quote someone, don't repeat their pics unless you really need to. Save everyone scrolling scrolling scrolling.

WA, 6415 posts
19 May 2012 9:00PM
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pweedas,if nothing happens in the following 2 years don't mean i'm not right.

The people that run the system, plan change over a longer period,20,50,100's of years.

Many have lost around 40 percent or so already from their super with the drop in the stockmarket.

Most are hurting through the corporate takeover, resulting in higher utilities,fuel,food etc.

Are you sure pweedas you weren't brought up drinking tap water?

You are aware 'it' can pacify you to the truth!

1862 posts
19 May 2012 9:02PM
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kiteboy dave said...

^^^ Little tip my man, next time you quote someone, don't repeat their pics unless you really need to. Save everyone scrolling scrolling scrolling.

What was that little one?

My life is so much richer now knowing that you are:


kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
19 May 2012 11:05PM
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QLD, 2433 posts
20 May 2012 2:06AM
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Why would I sell my house if my mortgage is less than rent?

How do you homes are over priced 50%?

What evidence do you have? Who gives a rats ass about what it was like 30 years ago, there were stuff all 2 income families compared to now.

How many people are moving to Perth this year?

How many capital projects are coming online in the next 3 years?

What is the cross price elasticity of demand for property over immagration?

If you can't answer them questions are you qualified to express your opinion?

WA, 4642 posts
20 May 2012 12:19AM
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petermac33 said...

Are you sure pweedas you weren't brought up drinking tap water?

You are aware 'it' can pacify you to the truth!

Hmmm,... come to think of it, I do seem to remember drinking tap water once.
Not often, but yes. Definitely I would have drunk some tap water at some time in my life.
Do you think that might be having some delayed effect on me?
Could it be giving me paranoid delusions that we're all going to hell in a handbasket some time soon? Real soon maybe? If not, then sooner?

I've also drunk lots of rainwater with ample additives of cocky poop and pothum pith, rotting gum leaves and the occasional dead rat. ( in season)
I didn't feel any more or less pacified on this.

The thing is pweet, recessions come around with monotonous regularity every 10 years or so and we're overdue for one so if you keep prophesising one then sooner or later you will be right, not because of any great and special insight, but just because it's turn has come around.
As the old saying goes, "Economists have managed to predict 27 of the last three recessions."

However, over the last 70 years when we have done pretty much all we can do to blow each others cities off the planet, and succeeded in no small measure in doing just that, the worst we have inflicted on the economy is a few recessions. Society didn't drop off into the sea, there were very few bloodbaths in the street and for the most part, people just got on with life. I don't see it being much different this time. Surely you must remember all the dire predictions about what would happen in the 1987 crash? Or if that's too far back the the 2007-08 crash?
People always imagine the extreme outcomes for any situation but the final outcome is rarely the extreme.

QLD, 205 posts
20 May 2012 7:15AM
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HMM I dont know about this. It seems when people panic it becomes a buyers market. If you have the cash. I buy shares when people panic, I buy houses when people panic, I am not rich but it gets me by. I sometimes wonder if we are playing into investers hands by buying into the cattle stampede. Investing is sorting through the bull****. There are good buys even in the worst of times. People will always need food and shelter, the basics.

VIC, 1090 posts
20 May 2012 11:14AM
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As long as the wind keeps blowing!

WA, 4642 posts
20 May 2012 9:21AM
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pueter66 said...

HMM I dont know about this. It seems when people panic it becomes a buyers market. If you have the cash. I buy shares when people panic, I buy houses when people panic, I am not rich but it gets me by. I sometimes wonder if we are playing into investers hands by buying into the cattle stampede. Investing is sorting through the bull****. There are good buys even in the worst of times. People will always need food and shelter, the basics.

Shhhhh! Don't tell everyone. You'll ruin it for me. There's a fortune to be made here.

QLD, 205 posts
21 May 2012 10:05AM
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pweedas said...

pueter66 said...

HMM I dont know about this. It seems when people panic it becomes a buyers market. If you have the cash. I buy shares when people panic, I buy houses when people panic, I am not rich but it gets me by. I sometimes wonder if we are playing into investers hands by buying into the cattle stampede. Investing is sorting through the bull****. There are good buys even in the worst of times. People will always need food and shelter, the basics.

Shhhhh! Don't tell everyone. You'll ruin it for me. There's a fortune to be made here.


NSW, 9205 posts
21 May 2012 11:29AM
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adolf said...

ockanui said...

Just reading about the massive 32billion share slide/ selloff in the share gambling industry, for every seller a buyer looms to pounce, so is the reporting biased should it not be a massive buying spree by gambler/ investors. So is the cup half empty of half full, negativity and paranoia sells newspapers

I've been watching the economy for about 10 years and I don't think I'm any the wiser to understanding it. I'd like to think I've got wiser, but the reality is I've got no idea where we are heading.

My gut feeling is that property values in Australia is in big bubble and we will see a major correction in the next two years.

My wife says "Always listen to a woman, and then do the opposite." ...double-negative puzzle or what? You a sound a bit like my wife. ; )

I think with what the share market has become over the last thirty years nobody can predict it. People have won nobels for appearing to do so, and been bankrupt a couple years later. The only strategy is a hedged one where you *know the max you can lose, and are fine with it.

...I thought the boom was over? Wasn't there some announcement from BHP themselves last week?

REPORTER: Today, does BHP still intend to spend to spend $80 billion over the next five years on growth projects?

JAC NASSER: No. (turns away)

NSW, 4460 posts
21 May 2012 11:44AM
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Some of you may know me from my ~ estimate that Aus will enter recession in September due to a perfect convergence of taxes and global BS.

But until Aus has ~9% unemployment house prices aint crashing country wide.
Banks aren't lending to developers.
Immigration is as buoyant as ever.

Some say the governors are fudging the numbers and we're already at 10% unemployment cos people who work ~1hr a week aren't counted... I say that's bull bcos bad loans are still very low.

Stock market correction this year, a high maybe.
Recession, probably due to poor management and demand.
House price crash no.
Inflation higher YUP.

Gold and Silver? They're fix by Comex, so what ever the bankers want it to be worth... it's mostly derivatives now anyway... our couple ounces here and there don't mean much, vs the trillions in paper gold... yeah sure if that con game goes bad, the whole system implodes and then what are you going to do with your metal? Take it to the hospital? Buy food?
Last time the government took it off the people in exchange for paper.

Bottom line: We either all swim or we all drawn... or hmmm we kill others and us them as rafts.

I say we swim; for that we need to find a new planet, educate the people in engineering, science and maths.
Build spaceships, mine asteroids, develop new propulsions systems or even find a way to fold space... like the Spacing Guild.

NSW, 2005 posts
21 May 2012 12:06PM
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Geez Flysurfer, have you been drinking tap water?

WA, 1104 posts
21 May 2012 10:15AM
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Now is the time to buy real estate.

I recommend Cairns and the Gold Coast.

WA, 3519 posts
21 May 2012 10:25AM
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Baaaaaaaaaah! Time to sell all you have, buy North Gurl van and go for life time trip.................. 21/12/12 is approching fast......... what they saw in china was not a solar eclips but planet X or Nibiru or whatever you want to call it entering the solar system time to enjoy what ever is left!

VIC, 5000 posts
21 May 2012 12:56PM
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Aus banks have been very conservative with their lending, much more than countries that have plummeted. My call is that although it will take a while before things improve and 'things' might change, but it will be relative globally & in effect we'll stay a prosperous country that will 'ride-it-out'.

As for property, an old guy (who was a believer in physical assets, not fiscal) once told me "if things go pear-shaped in the economy, you can at least pitch a tent on a block of can't do that on a share-portfolio".

WA, 1227 posts
21 May 2012 11:41AM
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Underoath said...
If you can't answer them questions are you qualified to express your opinion?

EVERYONE is qualified to express an opinion.

WA, 3519 posts
21 May 2012 12:23PM
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dinsdale said...

Underoath said...
If you can't answer them questions are you qualified to express your opinion?

EVERYONE is qualified to express an opinion.

It is not because you have nothing to say that you should shut up!
But I agree with what you say Dinsd!

NSW, 9205 posts
21 May 2012 3:40PM
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dinsdale said...

Underoath said...
If you can't answer them questions are you qualified to express your opinion?

EVERYONE is qualified to express an opinion.

No they're not.

NSW, 7069 posts
21 May 2012 3:51PM
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evlPanda said...

dinsdale said...

Underoath said...
If you can't answer them questions are you qualified to express your opinion?

EVERYONE is qualified to express an opinion.

No they're not.

WA, 7675 posts
21 May 2012 1:54PM
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FlySurfer said...

Some of you may know me from my ~ estimate that Aus will enter recession in September due to a perfect convergence of taxes and global BS.

But until Aus has ~9% unemployment house prices aint crashing country wide.
Banks aren't lending to developers.
Immigration is as buoyant as ever.

Some say the governors are fudging the numbers and we're already at 10% unemployment cos people who work ~1hr a week aren't counted... I say that's bull bcos bad loans are still very low.

Stock market correction this year, a high maybe.
Recession, probably due to poor management and demand.
House price crash no.
Inflation higher YUP.

Gold and Silver? They're fix by Comex, so what ever the bankers want it to be worth... it's mostly derivatives now anyway... our couple ounces here and there don't mean much, vs the trillions in paper gold... yeah sure if that con game goes bad, the whole system implodes and then what are you going to do with your metal? Take it to the hospital? Buy food?
Last time the government took it off the people in exchange for paper.

Bottom line: We either all swim or we all drawn... or hmmm we kill others and us them as rafts.

I say we swim; for that we need to find a new planet, educate the people in engineering, science and maths.
Build spaceships, mine asteroids, develop new propulsions systems or even find a way to fold space... like the Spacing Guild.

Did you write this or is a chain email Reads like a chain email!

NSW, 4460 posts
21 May 2012 6:56PM
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Pugwash said...
Did you write this or is a chain email Reads like a chain email!

There be subliminal messages [}:)].

WA, 1227 posts
21 May 2012 5:05PM
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evlPanda said...

dinsdale said...

Underoath said...
If you can't answer them questions are you qualified to express your opinion?

EVERYONE is qualified to express an opinion.

No they're not.

Are too .

3777 posts
21 May 2012 5:10PM
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Rich get Richer poor get poorer.

NSW, 2005 posts
21 May 2012 8:00PM
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How can the vacancy rate be so disconnected with the 2 rent curves ??
Makes not sense...

QLD, 12353 posts
21 May 2012 11:34PM
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whippingboy said...

Now is the time to buy real estate.

I recommend Cairns and the Gold Coast.

Yeah. I recommend Cairns and the Gold Coast too, as places to stay out of and away from.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The Resecession" started by adolf