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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

The death of television....

Created by Richiefish > 9 months ago, 20 Mar 2011
WA, 1313 posts
23 Mar 2011 11:37AM
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Yeah I work in sales for one of the networks and have been and still am involved with launching some of the multi channels.

SA, 2865 posts
23 Mar 2011 2:10PM
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surf4fun said...

Yeah I work in sales for one of the networks and have been and still am involved with launching some of the multi channels.

In that case your info is far more accurate than mine.

QLD, 5610 posts
23 Mar 2011 7:43PM
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surf4fun said...

Gizmo said...

With multi channeling the cost of many on air spots have reduced... its a supply and demand situation [now a lot more spots to fill therefore = lower price at some times of the day / night ..very general statement though].
You are right, now many business can more directly focus their advertising making it cost effective. Same as the new digital radio stations.
Advertising time doesn't include "station promotions"

Station promotions are included in air time component and it is a fine line networks balance of station promos vs. paid airtime. Sometimes they will sacrifice station promos to get paid air time away depending on the demand.

I don't want to seem negative and constantly disagreeing with you Gizmo, but no spots on air have reduced in price. All the main channels have increased in cost as well as dramtaic increases in the multi channels from when they first started due to more people now watching TV.

There is definitley no averaging going on for mins/hour. As the governmnet has such a vested interest in free to air TV it is extremely regulated and the consequences of breaking the rules are not worth it.

So if I'm watching the last hour of a movie and I time (with a stopwatch) more than 14 minutes of ads, it's illegal.??..I inform the regulators and the station will cop a hefty fine.??.. pull the other one.....

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
23 Mar 2011 5:49PM
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Meh who cares

At 0100hrs most of the ads are very watchable

"Boyyys what are you doing now? Call me ooooh yesss come on calll meee boyyysss"

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Mar 2011 9:07PM
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Mark _australia said...

"Boyyys what are you doing now? Call me ooooh yesss come on calll meee boyyysss"

Why do you want boys to call you??????
Dirty old man with a pocket full of

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
23 Mar 2011 11:38PM
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Long live YouTube

QLD, 14 posts
24 Mar 2011 10:46PM
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With all these media related types in this thread, I'm sure somebody can tell me how the channels get their ratings and work out how many people watch their shows. Surely they have no way of telling every time you change channel. Do they rely on phone ins, do they have a roomfull of people in India randomly calling households, asking what channel you're wathcing?

NSW, 7075 posts
25 Mar 2011 12:11AM
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YZed said...

With all these media related types in this thread, I'm sure somebody can tell me how the channels get their ratings and work out how many people watch their shows. Surely they have no way of telling every time you change channel. Do they rely on phone ins, do they have a roomfull of people in India randomly calling households, asking what channel you're wathcing?

Mate, that one is simple. It is done with smoke and mirrors!

NSW, 7075 posts
25 Mar 2011 11:57AM
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This clip featuring some very credible people including a professor that is quite hot ( doggie) demonstrates how screwed up TV actually is:

WA, 15849 posts
25 Mar 2011 9:15AM
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Yea she was ok

WA, 1313 posts
28 Mar 2011 4:21PM
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YZed said...

With all these media related types in this thread, I'm sure somebody can tell me how the channels get their ratings and work out how many people watch their shows. Surely they have no way of telling every time you change channel. Do they rely on phone ins, do they have a roomfull of people in India randomly calling households, asking what channel you're wathcing?

The link that Gizmo put up is only relevant for some regional markets like SA and NT. All major cities and other regional areas are done by people metres. Nielsen use census data to figure out what the population make up is and distribute these metres so that they get a true representation of the population. Obviously not everyone gets a metre so there is some scaling that goes on, but the data they receive is indicitive of the entire population of that market. People are given incentives to take part and if you are seen to only be watching one station you get a please explain and possibly taken out of the sample. The ratings data can come in a number of different forms, minute by minute, 15 minute averages or averaged for the program. To register that you are watching a station you have to be watching for atleast 1 minute at the bottom of the minute, if you have a metre that is.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
28 Mar 2011 6:32PM
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This may be a stupid question to some but what's TiVo?

QLD, 12353 posts
29 Mar 2011 9:02AM
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You are not suggesting there is a conspiracy going on are you japs.

japie said...

This clip featuring some very credible people including a professor that is quite hot ( doggie) demonstrates how screwed up TV actually is:

WA, 6415 posts
29 Mar 2011 8:16AM
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i watched the vid posted by japie, i loved the last part with the sky news reporter

telling porky pies!

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
29 Mar 2011 6:04PM
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So it's similar to foxtel iq? Do you still pay for subscription? I canned foxtel cause of the ads, don't want to pay money to watch that shi$&@

TAS, 107 posts
29 Mar 2011 11:15PM
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TiVo is like foxtel iq but for free to air tv.
It's essentially just an HD recorder, with some very sexy features.
Well worth it imho.

NSW, 7075 posts
30 Mar 2011 3:49PM
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No conspiracies Cisco! Just plain common sense.

A fair while back I posted about fetal alchohol syndrome, and how I believed that the truth was being kept from the populace.

I found one artical in the Sydney Morning Herald recently, the only one I have ever seen. Thinking about it, it is easy to see why, if you take note of the amount of money that is spent on advertising by the booze industry. The last thing you would do as an advertiser is bag the product that is paying your way.

Bit like warning prospective buyers of your house that you are leaving because the neighbours are arseholes, it ain't going to be productive.

If you want to get the bottom of something that is perplexing, follow the money!

Rad Lad
226 posts
30 Mar 2011 4:55PM
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dan berry said...

So it's similar to foxtel iq? Do you still pay for subscription? I canned foxtel cause of the ads, don't want to pay money to watch that shi$&@

No subscription, once you buy the box its free.

QLD, 6149 posts
30 Mar 2011 7:17PM
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the ads on pay tv take forever. I hate em.

I Love free to air and the new channels and I dont mind the ads at all. I have a finely tuned add gap sense and I end up watching several shows at once.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The death of television...." started by Richiefish