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The new holden sandman

Created by oliver > 9 months ago, 27 Mar 2015
3952 posts
27 Mar 2015 7:26PM
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What a dud. Not even a panel van. I hope it stiffs.

QLD, 1003 posts
27 Mar 2015 9:30PM
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For once your comment is on the mark a few years ago they did one that was a panel van, even that seemed to flop.

3952 posts
27 Mar 2015 7:38PM
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It actually angers me how pathetic marketing people can be to even think this concept up. I wasted 2 minutes of my life, propping up my ears to 3aw when they talked about it, and then I even went to the website to read what it actually is.

All they've done is stick orange carpet in a commodore wagon and put some stickers on the side of it. This is one miserable attempt at marketing.

NSW, 2465 posts
27 Mar 2015 11:09PM
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Maybe it should be re named

"Holden Sandgirl"

VIC, 873 posts
27 Mar 2015 11:25PM
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What do you reckon an original Sandman was ?
A HQ-Z with decals (stickers if you like), some GTS bits, Holden mags, V8
What's the difference
They don't make Kingwood's anymore

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
27 Mar 2015 11:35PM
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Maybe stop listening to 3aw.

9106 posts
27 Mar 2015 8:37PM
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a sandman was a panel van…thats a station wagon…..and thats a joke…

sadly,no wonder Australian cars are struggling with buyers.

VIC, 873 posts
27 Mar 2015 11:51PM
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And Utes

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
27 Mar 2015 9:08PM
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Cobra said..
a sandman was a panel van…thats a station wagon…..and thats a joke…

sadly,no wonder Australian cars are struggling with buyers.

It is not even a station wagon.
They shortened it so much as to be useless, can get same load length in the sedan with back seats down.

Honestly don't know why they bothered with that new "wagon" shape - let alone the Sandman project

13831 posts
27 Mar 2015 9:14PM
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Yeah pretty hipster lame really

The first effort Ute few years back was better slightly

9106 posts
27 Mar 2015 9:16PM
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shoodbegood said..
And Utes

but that new sandman is nether van or ute..

would you buy one .

i think Mark is spot on, why bother with that shape.

9106 posts
27 Mar 2015 9:17PM
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thePup said..

Yeah pretty hipster lame really

The first effort Ute few years back was better slightly


3952 posts
27 Mar 2015 9:36PM
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shoodbegood said..
What do you reckon an original Sandman was ?
A HQ-Z with decals (stickers if you like), some GTS bits, Holden mags, V8
What's the difference
They don't make Kingwood's anymore

If you asked the same question on Family Feud, everyone would say a Sandman is a Panel Van.

Did anyone at GM do market research on this? Or did they just think - F'ck it that'll do?

WA, 2775 posts
27 Mar 2015 10:21PM
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oliver said..

Did anyone at GM do market research on this? Or did they just think - F'ck it that'll do?

they are probably in panic mode - trying to figure out how to offload unsold wagons.


WA, 1249 posts
27 Mar 2015 10:46PM
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We use a sports wagon at work and they handle like crap on our the gravel roads.

To their credit at least Holden still have a wagon. Even if it is a bit abbreviated.

Totally agree, it's never going to fill the shoes of the true sandman.

WA, 4564 posts
28 Mar 2015 5:53AM
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Sandman didn't have windows like that blasted ugly looking thing Why would you want somebody able to look in

NSW, 4521 posts
28 Mar 2015 11:57AM
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My Corolla hatchback could carry more than that. What is the point of a wagon that offers little more than an enlarged rear parcel shelf?

And they didn't even have the guts to emblaze "SANDMAN" across the rear of the vehicle.

Guess they'll flog a few to overpaid metro-sexuals who wish they knew how to surf.

NSW, 2465 posts
28 Mar 2015 12:14PM
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now this is the poor mans version

WA, 1367 posts
28 Mar 2015 10:07AM
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thats why holden going under.poor excuse for a new generation SANDMAN.

NSW, 120 posts
28 Mar 2015 4:06PM
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Thats just sad.

2129 posts
28 Mar 2015 1:19PM
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My first thought was "How am I supposed to sleep in the back of that?"

WA, 1367 posts
28 Mar 2015 3:14PM
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bring back the shagging adolescent days haven't finish yet.

NSW, 921 posts
28 Mar 2015 8:57PM
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Holden should wake up and start bringing the old model cars eg EH,HR,HK etc with a new fandangle drive train in them

I am sure they would be a giant seller.

My kids are 11 and 14 and just love all the old shapes

Out of there least the cars back then looked different from each other.

NSW, 4521 posts
28 Mar 2015 9:36PM
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Harrow said..
My Corolla hatchback could carry more than that. What is the point of a wagon that offers little more than an enlarged rear parcel shelf?

And they didn't even have the guts to emblaze "SANDMAN" across the rear of the vehicle.

Guess they'll flog a few to overpaid metro-sexuals who wish they knew how to surf.

I'm insanely curious which of the above statements earned a red thumb?

One of my biggest regrets is selling my HQ wagon.

VIC, 5904 posts
28 Mar 2015 9:51PM
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how many of the original sandmans did they sell anyway ? ..........they were just a hodad mobile any how !........ wanker transport ........

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
28 Mar 2015 8:14PM
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^^ who cares how many. It was the only distinctive panelvan ever

The new incarnation is a sports wagon - which is not even a proper wagon let alone a panelvan - with stickers.

Unbelievably lame.

Now lets say they did an SS and SV6 version of the wagon, lengthened about 300 - 500mm, and the roof bulge ( like the ute attempt at a Sandman had), and same colours and same tailgate logo - then they are on a winner.

This is obviously a GenY marketing person/s attempt at profiting from an Aussie icon - Holden, give a couple of car heads the blank canvas FFS

VIC, 873 posts
28 Mar 2015 11:45PM
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Then again, you could chase up an original HZ sandman for the same price, around $40K

NSW, 6451 posts
29 Mar 2015 12:04AM
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Mark _australia said..
This is obviously a GenY marketing person/s attempt at profiting from an Aussie icon - Holden, give a couple of car heads the blank canvas FFS

I like how you blame GenY for everything you dont like. lol Obviously lol
I think it looks more like something the older generation tried to imagine what the modern people want? and got it way wrong.
Retro is what we want, thats why we all have Ned Kelly beards.

Why not just bring back the original PV, as it was, but with a modern dash/mod cons.?? And more fuel efficient than the olden days beast was.
But, really, in the end its just transport to get you from A to B...(each)., who cares what it looks like as long as it fits ya gear in it.
It an LE so I dont think they are thinking it will make them millions.

WA, 2775 posts
28 Mar 2015 10:19PM
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Mark _australia said..
^^ who cares how many. It was the only distinctive panelvan ever

Chrysler's van was the "Drifter", and Ford cobbled up a van as well - "Sundowner" but yep- the Sandman was the best known by far.

Must admit - never really liked the vans due to their handling like bloated whales, but I got to road test a few when I was tarting them up.

As an apprentice in the furniture trade, myself and another bloke at work decked out a pile of vans with the mandatory archway behind the seats, built in liquor cabinet and side boxes etc.
It was a nice little earner

Even then I suspected that the majority of the Sandies/ Drifters/ Sundowners were fakes.


Dunno about the others, but Holden have a long history of tarting up production over runs so they can offload them.


NSW, 7063 posts
29 Mar 2015 7:10AM
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The car industry is super mega f ucked.

They have had the knowledge and the capability to produce vehicles which could easily last a lifetime at the same time as being technologically up there for decades.

Imo any technological changes which have been made over the past two decades have served two purposes only, to render it impossible for the owner to work on them and to fulfill the tenets of planned obsoletion.

One day, either through smart marketing or economic necessity, some company is going to produce a vehicle that people will be driving from cradle to grave. One that people will be proud of for a lifetime and one that can be easily repaired by the driver in the event that they break it.

Modern cars are a pile of steaming ordure held together by plastic and and the knowledge that the customer is a fool who prizes contempary over common sense.


1972 posts
29 Mar 2015 4:48AM
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Marketing a car or van'ish type of thing can be a very tricky business. Here in the U.S. many Lincolns have been sold using Matthew McConaughey as a very satisfied Lincoln car owner, hopefully those commercials have been shown down under as well.
But now there is a new twist that may just help them sell a bunch more of them, see below.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The new holden sandman" started by oliver