Was going to purchase on this afternoon.
Doing some research..
Great white 'ate anti-shark device'
by: Pia Akerman
From: The Australian
March 01, 2008 12:00AM
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AN electronic device designed to ward sharks away from surfers failed so spectacularly during a trial off South Africa that it was eaten by a great white.
An inquest heard yesterday the Shark Shield surf model was activated on a float carrying bait when the 3.6m female shark approached. Rather than being deterred by the device, the shark, under the gaze of the Natal Sharks Board, bit into it.
South Australian Deputy State Coroner Tony Schapel yesterday heard of the test failure during the inquest into the death of Jarrod Stehbens, who was taken by a great white shark while diving off Glenelg in South Australia in 2005.
Case 2
16 Mar, 2011 11:30 PM
A LOCAL abalone industry identity wants to have the effectiveness of electronic shark repellents tested following the death from a twin shark attack on abalone diver Peter Clarkson in February.
Western Abalone Processors manager Jim George has offered to fund more tests to find out if they prevent shark attacks.
Mr George said from what he understood, abalone diver Peter Clarkson, who was taken by two great white sharks near Coffin Bay, was wearing a shark repellent device.
20 June, 2012 12:01PM ACST
Alternatively sharks were observed for 116 static bait trials near Neptune Island in South Australia, were not seen to be uniformly affected by the activation of the shield, with several sharks swimming within two metres of the activated device, and baits were also taken.
"In South Australia we found that the shark shield didn't impact the proportion of bait being consumed," Dr Huveneers said.
So basically how im reading this latest tests is........if the shark is in a predatory mode The shark shield does not prevent a shark attack?
If somebody could work out how to use a cattle prod under water, these things would deter the bloody mongrels.
The blasted things are making fishermen well p1zzed orf while recreational fishing up North. Even had one lot just pack up and come home due to consistent big buggers taking the fish soon as it was near surface
Just like big dogs,, the buggers have worked out, Hmmm engine noise, usually means free feed, so hang around just waiting.
The need to retrain them,that coming near one of these noisy engines will result in a unforgettable nasty surprise. Don't want to kill them, but shock enough to have them learn its survival of fittest.
well after reading the story in today's edition of the West, those guys in Gero sounded like a shart shield might have been in order....fkn close call for them....
there was also an ab diver whose video endorsement appeared on the shark shield website. He was eaten by two great whites whilst wearing (coronors report not finalised)
However, a lot of spearos (and ab divers) use them and the vast consensus is that it does help. Just not 100%. my take from what I have heard is that it will deter sharks that don't have a hard on, but if they are fully barred up then it might not.
I don't live in great white territory. If I did then I would still probably buy one. The more chances you have got in your favour with those fkkrs the better. Talk to some spearos in your local area (see lots of sharks and how they react with the device) before you make up your final D.
Close alright. Check out the vid! http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/14178047/divers-close-call-with-a-great-white
Was a bit annoyed to see Grant Denyer in the Sunrise7 cage dive off SA yesterday. I think cage diving needs to be banned, its clear that GW sharks associate the boats with food and sometimes that food just happens to be human.
They made no secret of the fact that they were throwing out bait on a rope to bring the sharks closer to the cage to enhance the experience for the cowardly diver.
I tweeted sunrise telling them what i thought and the response i got was astounding. it read, "the operators would obviously disagree and suggest we can learn more of their beauty and develop respect from sharks"
Of course the operators are going to disagree- the have the most to lose when it gets banned!!
No one is suggesting that these things are not beautiful and deserved of the utmost respect, but i would hardly say that intensionally attracting them to a cage with an unattainable snack inside it is a sign of respect.
I guess you cant expect much from reporters.
If your not prepared to go in without a cage, dont go in.
Click on this link and it is the forth one down the page.
I'm also thinking more and more that the cage diving might not be a good idea and needs banning. But not until I've had a turn!
i think there may be some placebo functionality assocaited with these devices. If you feel safer with the device on then you are less likely to behave erratically if confronted. From what i understand sharks are supposed to be able to sense when something/someone is behaving erratically and this is likely to engage the traditional predator/prey scenario. Things like elevated heart rate, increased breathing, general panic etc.
A mate recently showed me some more vids of this guy who goes out of his way to swim with tigers and GW's as if they were dolphins... somehow putting them to sleep. i dare say this guy practises some kind of meditation to be able to do that...
I keep reading Shart, and it makes me laugh!!
Can one of you Admin folk please change the freaking title !!! Or at least add "(shark)" after Shart, now that there is so much refence to SHART!
Note that you can edit a post, and if you generate a Thread, you can even edit the title, when you hit "edit". But edit function finishes after "x" hours.
T isn't even anywhere near K on my keyboard!!
I don't think using a Shart Shield will do much good against those big things in the grey suits, in fact given their sense of smell is so acute a shield of fart and s**te surrounding you will make you light up like a big yummy beacon.
Now, a shark shield should do quite the opposite (or at least that is what I continue to tell my wife). I note that Busterwa has posted some info against the against shark shield, which is fair enough. Pros and Cons are good for a discussion. As such perhaps I'll list the Pro's as I see them, and this is just my opinion;
- A lot of spearos I've spoken to have said they work, on whites.
- The recent studies in Neptune Island were involving a bleeding tuna ball, I reckon that's sort of like putting a hungry fox on the other side of an electrified chicken coop, the fox will eventually brave the shock and grab a chicken. However that test was a two part test, one part in Neptune Island and one in South Africa. The one in South Africa, from memory, involved towing a “seal” decoy with, and without, a shark shield. In those test the shield seemed to be very effective. I personally like to think I am more like a seal on my board than a bleeding tuna ball. (but best not to pee in the wettie!)
- The poor bloke in SA that got nailed by two whites at the same time. Yep, Jury is out but he was a huge supporter of Shark Shield so they must be somewhat effective.
And I think that's the crux of it, they are somewhat effective, a bit like car air bags, they'll save your life a lot of the time, but not if a huge amount of speed is involved.
I bought a shark shield Saturday morning, strangely enough it was before I knew about the attack. I surfed with it on Sunday, it was not as noticeable as I thought and didn't affect my surfing (I'm no Occy though!). Also I wore the Freedom 7, on my ankle, not the surf version. Got zapped once, barely noticed it. I get they're not everyone's cup of tea but one thing is for sure, they are much more effective at protecting us puny humans than a Shart Shield.
I bought myself a shield back in '05, made me feel safe at least as I was draging through the water alot.
definitely deterred my friends when paddling near them.
moved to SA in '06 and it's close to threats of violence against me if caught using it. another expensive toy shelved.
agree with the fear in your system being detectable, no evidence to back it up.
Saw that the other night, gold. Just proves the one that gets you will be the one you never see coming
If the Shark Shield system works or certain frequency of current will deter sharks. When will a bouy (or serious of bouy's) be developed powered by solar cells stationed out from the coast line with an even higher current output to provide a radius greater than the personal shields.
Maybe this is something to try instead of the shark shield
Electronic Shark Defense System (ESDS) is a new surf gadget that repels shark attacks, while you're surfing the best waves of your life. The technology is lightweight, rechargeable and automatically turns on and off when submerged.
The ESDS sends pulses through the water that are easily detected by a shark's sensory system, causing them to stay out of the signal range while keeping ocean enthusiasts safe from encounters with sharks.
It is great for surfers, divers, swimmers and all watermen. The device is attached by a strap, similar to surfboard or stand up paddle board leash to the ankle.
When the ESDS senses water, it turns on automatically and can last up to 9 hours before recharging. The device only measures 2.6 x 2.3 x 1.0 inches and weighs about 300 grams.
"From the extreme testing that was conducted, we know this device works and keeps sharks away from the user", says Wilson Vinano, developer of the Electronic Shark Defense System.
You can get this anti-shark device for $479.00 without a leash.