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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Titanic 3D[xx(]

Created by Mr. No-one > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2012
Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
26 Mar 2012 10:12PM
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Your've got to be joking, the phrase "flogging a dead horse" comes to mind. For Gods sake, the first version was painful enough, can't believe their going to scrap the crud off and stick it back in the cinema, this is going to suck in a whole new dimension, AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

Ah, that feels better. What would it take for you to go?

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
26 Mar 2012 10:19PM
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Ahh I knew there must be a reason Titanic is on telly soon. Do they think we are retarded or something? When Die Hard 3 was on TV, you knew 4.0 must be out soon.
Terminator 2 was on? Yep, number 3 was opening soon. Insult to our intelligence...

Now back to the question....... "What would it take for you to go?"

Not much lol. I went to the first Titanic, and Shakespeare in Love, and some other sh!thouse chick flicks to impress gals - so plenty of young crew who were in primary school for the first Titanic and now have to impress some honey will queue up to watch it.

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
27 Mar 2012 1:38AM
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You'll probably find girls hate it to, they just want to see how committed and desperate guys are, I'd rather dive on a grenade. If your going to make a boring movie don't make it 3 hours long please.

VIC, 5000 posts
27 Mar 2012 10:09AM
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Guys, you'll get brownie-points if you encourage your missus to have a 'girl's-night-out' the torture.

If my wife wants to watch it, that's exactly what I'll do - send her out on the town with her friends, whilst I'll stay home and look after the ruggies...hopefully get them to bed early & sit back with frothy to watch either the footy or (another) w/surf movie!

As for the answer to the initial question - don't know if a gun to the head or b@lls would even get me to go - I'd choose the bullet.

VIC, 702 posts
27 Mar 2012 10:22AM
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Leonardo painting Kate Winslet scene in 3D.... mmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Nah, still wouldn't watch the whole movie...

SA, 3590 posts
27 Mar 2012 10:05AM
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You know anyone who actually goes and sees this is just waiting for the bit wher Kate Winslet's on the front of the ship.
All the girls will go "Wow that was awesome, it was like Kate was right in the room with me".
All the guys will go "i didn't think Kates arse was that big".

WA, 4642 posts
27 Mar 2012 11:38AM
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I think their options were severely limited by sinking the ship in the first movie.
If they didn't sink it then they could have made 'Titanic 2 Judgement Day' and then 'Titanic 3 Rise of the Machines' and if there was still any life in it they could have made 'Titanic -Salvation' and then if any of the audience was still alive they could have made 'Titanic The Kate Winslet Chronicles'
So I suppose having wrecked all the props and main characters in the first movie, the only option left was to make 'Titanic 3D You will never guess the ending'
Where is Arnie Schwarzenegger when you need him?

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
27 Mar 2012 2:18PM
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"Titanic 2 - Blub Blub Blub" would be a good title.
Consists only of Yanks screaming "oh my garrrddd" repeatedly as they swim around. Like all the seppo disaster movies of late.

Modern day version has a teen starlet on board Tweeting "yeah, like OMG the boat is like tilting" and the press print it the next day as a quote

WA, 15849 posts
27 Mar 2012 2:37PM
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Mark _australia said...

"Titanic 2 - Blub Blub Blub" would be a good title.
Consists only of Yanks screaming "oh my garrrddd" repeatedly as they swim around. Like all the seppo disaster movies of late.

Modern day version has a teen starlet on board Tweeting "yeah, like OMG the boat is like tilting" and the press print it the next day as a quote

Id rather see the doco on how they mapped the Titanic than that crap.

4214 posts
27 Mar 2012 4:32PM
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doggie said...

Mark _australia said...

"Titanic 2 - Blub Blub Blub" would be a good title.
Consists only of Yanks screaming "oh my garrrddd" repeatedly as they swim around. Like all the seppo disaster movies of late.

Modern day version has a teen starlet on board Tweeting "yeah, like OMG the boat is like tilting" and the press print it the next day as a quote

Id rather see the doco on how they mapped the Titanic than that crap.

No way K9. Celine Dion rocks

WA, 15849 posts
27 Mar 2012 4:36PM
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Scotty88 said...

doggie said...

Mark _australia said...

"Titanic 2 - Blub Blub Blub" would be a good title.
Consists only of Yanks screaming "oh my garrrddd" repeatedly as they swim around. Like all the seppo disaster movies of late.

Modern day version has a teen starlet on board Tweeting "yeah, like OMG the boat is like tilting" and the press print it the next day as a quote

Id rather see the doco on how they mapped the Titanic than that crap.

No way K9. Celine Dion rocks

I would expect that from a SUPper

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
27 Mar 2012 5:46PM
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Scotty88 said...

doggie said...

Mark _australia said...

"Titanic 2 - Blub Blub Blub" would be a good title.
Consists only of Yanks screaming "oh my garrrddd" repeatedly as they swim around. Like all the seppo disaster movies of late.

Modern day version has a teen starlet on board Tweeting "yeah, like OMG the boat is like tilting" and the press print it the next day as a quote

Id rather see the doco on how they mapped the Titanic than that crap.

No way K9. Celine Dion rocks

No it was Whitney Houston with rocks

It is OK, I always confused those two also

4214 posts
27 Mar 2012 5:52PM
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doggie said...

Scotty88 said...

doggie said...

Mark _australia said...

"Titanic 2 - Blub Blub Blub" would be a good title.
Consists only of Yanks screaming "oh my garrrddd" repeatedly as they swim around. Like all the seppo disaster movies of late.

Modern day version has a teen starlet on board Tweeting "yeah, like OMG the boat is like tilting" and the press print it the next day as a quote

Id rather see the doco on how they mapped the Titanic than that crap.

No way K9. Celine Dion rocks

I would expect that from a SUPper

Na, I switched camps.

Willy Sailor
242 posts
27 Mar 2012 6:58PM
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i am going to watch it with the missus

then i wont have to do disher,cook , clean for the next week ,

i am going to hold it ageist her for at long as possible or until it come out in 4D

3777 posts
27 Mar 2012 8:18PM
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Man up eat some concrete and go to the cinema an ball your yours eyes out !

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
27 Mar 2012 9:11PM
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^^^ You still hear 'my heart will go on' or see a chick standing on the bow of a boat and well up a bit in the eyes do ya mate?

Who needs the teaspoon of cement?

Ahh the stuff we do for chicks........

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
27 Mar 2012 10:18PM
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pweedas said...

I think their options were severely limited by sinking the ship in the first movie.
If they didn't sink it then they could have made 'Titanic 2 Judgement Day' and then 'Titanic 3 Rise of the Machines' and if there was still any life in it they could have made 'Titanic -Salvation' and then if any of the audience was still alive they could have made 'Titanic The Kate Winslet Chronicles'
So I suppose having wrecked all the props and main characters in the first movie, the only option left was to make 'Titanic 3D You will never guess the ending'
Where is Arnie Schwarzenegger when you need him?

Nice post, put plenty of thought into it. I remember as a kid going to the cinema to see " Rase the Titanic" then they went out and found it in two, kill joys.
If I was made to go I'd wear a nacho hat and big foam hands that say "Go Iceberg!",
And take a book.

NSW, 9205 posts
28 Mar 2012 1:13PM
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I want to see this, Ridley Scott is back .

Yes, it really is what you think it might be.

oooh, available in Imax 3D.

WA, 15849 posts
28 Mar 2012 10:55AM
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Scotty88 said...

doggie said...

Scotty88 said...

doggie said...

Mark _australia said...

"Titanic 2 - Blub Blub Blub" would be a good title.
Consists only of Yanks screaming "oh my garrrddd" repeatedly as they swim around. Like all the seppo disaster movies of late.

Modern day version has a teen starlet on board Tweeting "yeah, like OMG the boat is like tilting" and the press print it the next day as a quote

Id rather see the doco on how they mapped the Titanic than that crap.

No way K9. Celine Dion rocks

I would expect that from a SUPper

Na, I switched camps.

I thought you were a bit like that

4214 posts
28 Mar 2012 11:38AM
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^^^^^^^^^^^Yes doggie I can see how I left myself open there.

WA, 15849 posts
28 Mar 2012 12:36PM
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Scotty88 said...

^^^^^^^^^^^Yes doggie I can see how I left myself open there.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Titanic 3D[xx(]" started by Mr. No-one