Reckon you are safe from shark attack?
Think again...
Thanks for the link. We saw 4 Dolphins at Maylands last week, no injuries though. Wont be dipping my toes too deep tomorrow morning!
dunno if the wheel bearings will have time to heat up!
1 1/2 minutes of running used up most of a bottle of gas before the bottle froze up, and thats with the bottle "right side up"
in theory, with the bottle upside down, it should deliver gas- in liquid form- even faster, and without freezing up (in theory....)
having said that- I can just picture a counter jockey at Fallshaw opening up a carton of wheels being returned "under warranty" and his jaw hitting the counter with one heck of a thump!
Had a search for pulse jet on youtube . These things get really hot - thank goodness Lefroy is a cool spot in summer.
Not sure about a jet straight behind the head.
There are some interesting videos of jets - noisy but fast.
From here:
ha ha i like at the end theres 3m flames comeing out of it and old mates asking if he wants him to reignite it
theres still so much to do to get it just right, chook needs a commonrail deisel injector pump if anybody on SB can find him one , then it can run with better boost and longerand you guys get to see it first