Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Tropical Low!

Created by Cassa > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2012
WA, 1305 posts
25 Jan 2012 6:37PM
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We have been in Exmouth for a few months now and are loving it, however it seems that this low is going to be a cat 1 cyclone when we wake up . It's still 900kms away ,and having been here before in cyclone season this time everyone is going all out to prepare , as you do.
A couple of mates who have been here almost 18 yrs have gone into big time lock down!!.We are as prepared as we can be except for the fact that the plunge pool in our house is only half built and the shed isn't clad .
Oh well, the pool will fill up and my dirt might wash away.
Swell was up today near the lighthouse but I had to work, faaaark
Tomorrow is looking good for a few hours in the morning , provided the wind plays the game( not holding my breath).
Still wondering what to do with the boat(maybe fill with water and tie down to the carport, the caravan is not so east , might have to head inland to Tom Price if there are no offers of someone elses shed (still on the cards),
Anyone sat through a cat 3 ???
There is talk it coud get to that.
Enough said, we have plenty of food , water and an ample supply of amber fluid and spirits to get us through the next week or so!
As I said, who has been through one of these??? and should I keep my earplugs handy to keep out the noise

QLD, 5396 posts
25 Jan 2012 8:59PM
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anything from cat 3 and up is a big big concern

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jan 2012 7:58PM
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Good luck mate hope all your hard work is standing tomorrow take care.

QLD, 7932 posts
25 Jan 2012 10:04PM
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i know they are bad,yet i would love to sit through a big cyclone hope nothing bad happens to anyone and you can enjoy the show

VIC, 602 posts
25 Jan 2012 11:09PM
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Keep your camera handy

SA, 3589 posts
25 Jan 2012 10:40PM
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Cassa said...
Still wondering what to do with the boat(maybe fill with water and tie down to the carport, the caravan is not so east , might have to head inland to Tom Price if there are no offers of someone elses shed (still on the cards),

...Anyone sat through a cat 3 ???

I know it's too late now but does anyone up there set anchor points in their driveway concrete?

I've been on a ship in a Super Typhoon off Japan. That was pretty interesting.

QLD, 5396 posts
25 Jan 2012 10:15PM
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there is no truth in the rumor that after a cat 3 i was found in the fetal position sucking my thumb

VIC, 5904 posts
25 Jan 2012 11:24PM
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Maybe big star pickets driven in on a 30 degree angle on either side of whatever you need to hold down with ropes over the the top .

Better than nothing , and surprisingly strong If you put enough in and belt them in heeps .

Just a thought never had to test it personally .

Best of luck to you Cassa , hope all goes well for you!

QLD, 1499 posts
25 Jan 2012 10:26PM
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Cassa said...

We have been in Exmouth for a few months now and are loving it, however it seems that this low is going to be a cat 1 cyclone when we wake up . It's still 900kms away ,and having been here before in cyclone season this time everyone is going all out to prepare , as you do.
A couple of mates who have been here almost 18 yrs have gone into big time lock down!!.We are as prepared as we can be except for the fact that the plunge pool in our house is only half built and the shed isn't clad .
Oh well, the pool will fill up and my dirt might wash away.
Swell was up today near the lighthouse but I had to work, faaaark
Tomorrow is looking good for a few hours in the morning , provided the wind plays the game( not holding my breath).
Still wondering what to do with the boat(maybe fill with water and tie down to the carport, the caravan is not so east , might have to head inland to Tom Price if there are no offers of someone elses shed (still on the cards),
Anyone sat through a cat 3 ???
There is talk it coud get to that.
Enough said, we have plenty of food , water and an ample supply of amber fluid and spirits to get us through the next week or so!
As I said, who has been through one of these??? and should I keep my earplugs handy to keep out the noise

Cassa, I have been through a few cyclones (Yasi being the most recent). During the actual cyclone just stay inside and give some thought to which part of the house is the strongest in case you want to bunker down in that section.
Perhaps keep of the amber stuff & spirits until after it has blown over.
The wind can certainly get loud but I've never had to bother with earplugs.
Be prepared to be without power for a while, charge up your phone etc.
Hope this helps.

QLD, 5396 posts
25 Jan 2012 10:32PM
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star pickets Mmmm good luck. sincerely...Get insurance or go inland.

TAS, 542 posts
25 Jan 2012 11:44PM
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If you have the chance stock up on essentials Milk bread beer water.
Grab your never want to lose items and stash them some where safe, eg i use my camper trailer and lock it down.
Dont worry about earplugs
all the best

WA, 24860 posts
25 Jan 2012 9:05PM
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highnoon said...

Keep your camera handy

like the sup boy's

WA, 1305 posts
25 Jan 2012 9:32PM
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Thanks for the reply's guys,

Anchor points are a definite , when the house starts, in the carport, and out the front.

The beer is there for - shall I say just in case, I Never drink on the boat , so during a cyclone , when it's over maybe a few, cause going to , work wont be an issue

star pickets , na they will probably bend or , well just not substantial,

the camera will be close don't worry about that

ear plugs get used every night , because of all the bloody birds, and mungbeans up the street(but thats another story)

Will post some before and after pics of the pool , shed and house pad if tommorrow is not too late (am sure it wont be ,got to go to an AUSSI DAY BBQ!!!

cheers , gents & ladies

Edit -- insurance for everything is up to date

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
25 Jan 2012 9:50PM
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Good luck buddy. Stay safe

SA, 3589 posts
26 Jan 2012 1:51AM
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Might be time to break some GPS records and show the Dutch how it's done in Oz

6657 posts
26 Jan 2012 12:31AM
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isolate any gas appliances , pull the plugs of all electrical appliances ('cept the fridge) get an emergency pack together (food blankets water) know where the town emergency muster point is & charge your mobile(s) may not have the landline for long.
As all the others have said - Hope it goes down ok for your family mate.

QLD, 12337 posts
26 Jan 2012 9:09AM
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Best of luck Cassa. If all else fails you could try having a chat with huey.

QLD, 679 posts
26 Jan 2012 10:48AM
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Earplugs are must if it is safe to sleep, noise at night sounds a lot worse than it really is.
Yasi kept me awake all night listening to the wind rattle the gutters, The next day I sat out the back verandah, same wind strength, same noise but not a problem in the world, Its just wind, it makes noise, everthing was secure and nothing to worry about,
The crap that goes through your head when lying in bed listnening to it creates fear in itself.
Next time, plugs in, good night!

WA, 1305 posts
26 Jan 2012 9:03AM
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Here's the way things are now,will be a couple of days before anything happens.

Faced west and asked huey for light sou easter, but got building nor wester, oh well , off we go for BBQ breaky in town, then some home brews

Have a great Australia Day everyone!!!!!

WA, 53 posts
26 Jan 2012 12:08PM
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I'm probably going to be stuck at work...

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
26 Jan 2012 12:24PM
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Cassa said...

Here's the way things are now,will be a couple of days before anything happens.

Now thats a shed......

QLD, 1499 posts
26 Jan 2012 3:46PM
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Cassa, I hope those photos were taken before you cleaned up. Looks like there are plenty of potential missiles there (in the background).
Unless you are sure the wind can't pick it up, put it away or tie it down.
Esp. the sheeting/off cuts for your shed.....

WA, 4642 posts
26 Jan 2012 1:55PM
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Don't bother us with your petty problems. We've got serious stuff happening here. Flysurfer had his bycylce bent by a postie!

WA, 1305 posts
27 Jan 2012 5:44PM
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pweedas said...

Don't bother us with your petty problems. We've got serious stuff happening here. Flysurfer had his bycylce bent by a postie!

Fk the postie problems , this is lookin not too flash

Cyclone Iggy as plotted from the BOMS technical report. Has it as a CAT 4 in 72hrs time.

Will take some slowing to bring that fella to a stop. Initial speed and direction will be an interesting area to follow. Might be worth comparing this map in a day or so. If Iggy develops some good speed he may even be to the North of Onslow Exmouth before it recurves with this developing ridge. That would slot in straight down across the top end of the Exmouth Gulf and Exmouth before heading west offshore out to sea again.

I also wonder whether these sudden changes in direction which may happen as it nears the NW cape can actually give a system a real boot along in intensity as the change occurs. have seen it before with weaker systems when they turn it kicks them into gear. Wonder if the same can happen for a full blown system or whether the change will signal the demise of the system??

Next day will be interesting to watch.

WA, 2371 posts
27 Jan 2012 6:02PM
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cassa that is some scary prediction....tracy was a 5 was she not?

No she was a 4 going on 3

"Cyclone Tracy was a tropical cyclone that devastated the city of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day, 1974. It is the most compact cyclone or equivalent-strength hurricane on record in the Australian basin, with gale-force winds extending only 48 kilometres (30 mi) from the centre and was the most compact system worldwide until 2008 when Tropical Storm Marco of the 2008 Atlantic hurricane season broke the record, with gale-force winds extending only 19 kilometres (12 mi) from the centre.[1][2] After forming over the Arafura Sea, the storm moved southwards and affected the city with Category 4 winds on the Australian cyclone intensity scale, while there is evidence to suggest that it had reached Category 3 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale when it made landfall.[3]"

What are you going to do?

WA, 2371 posts
27 Jan 2012 6:07PM
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Australian tropical cyclone categories based on Australian Bureau of Meteorology data:

Category 1 with strongest wind gust measured at less than 125 kilometres per hour. Usually causes minimal house damage but may cause damage to some crops, trees and caravans and water craft may drag mooings.

Category 2 with strongest wind gust measured at 125-170km/h. May cause minor house damage but significant damage to signs, trees and caravans, and heavy damage to some crops. There may be risk of power failure and small craft my break moorings.

Category 3 with strongest wind gust measured at 170-225km/h. May cause roof and structural damage, destroy caravans, cause power failure.

Category 4 with strongest wind gust measured at 225-280km/h. May cause significant roofing loss and structural damage, dangerous airborne debris, widespread power failure.

Category 5 with strongest wind gust at more than 280km/h. Extremely dangerous and causing widespread destruction.

WA, 6663 posts
27 Jan 2012 6:16PM
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I went to Exmouth once.

Couldn't work out if a cyclone had just been through the place or if it was supposed to look like that.

It is the goats I am most worried about, who is going to look after the goats ?

WA, 4642 posts
27 Jan 2012 7:25PM
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Hmm,.. It's not looking too flash for Exmouth if it follows that path.
The last cyclone was back in March 1999 and it totally trashed the coral reefs all the way down to Coral Bay, even though it slid down inside the gulf. They took years to even partially recover and it's only been the last three or four years that they have looked half reasonable.

From all that red dirt in your photo it looks like you're near the marina.
I hope they got the levels right so it doesn't get flooded when another cyclone slides down the gulf. Maybe they thought Vance was the one in a hundred year event so they had another 90 safe years before the next one.

I'm probably wrong but from the map it also looks possible that it could slide down the coast and come in much further South, like here in Perth.
Now that would be serious!
We haven't had one since March '78 when cyclone Alby came through,.. and took part of my roof.
That was exciting.
They are supposed to be a once in 25 year event in Perth so we're long overdue for one. I thought we were getting one last year but it turned out to be just wind. And some great waves. ( or was that the year before?)

SA, 3589 posts
27 Jan 2012 10:19PM
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^^^If it goes back out to sea, there is a good chance of re-itensifying due the to warm ocean surface temperature being generated by the hot spell down in Perth.
I wouldn't be suprised to see this come down to Gero way.

WA, 1305 posts
27 Jan 2012 8:32PM
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it looks like Iggy's gunna Pop!!

WA, 229 posts
27 Jan 2012 8:32PM
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we need some good surf


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Tropical Low!" started by Cassa