TODAY a sell-out Wembley crowd, and thousands globally, will spend a fortune to hear 'messiah' David Icke's day-long rant about 'lizards' who run the world. And you thought HE was barking mad.
Thousands of people will flock to the cavernous Wembley Arena in London today to attend a sell-out gig. But the event is not a pop concert or an awards ceremony.
It's a nine-hour lecture by a former professional footballer on how humanity is controlled by alien lizards.
from the title of the thread I thought you had had some sort of coming out self admission or moment of clarity....
At least he has the balls (hollow brass??) to stand up and entertain occupy people to their face[}:)]
So it lets uber gullible or "owww only 50 quid for a day out" brigade get their rocks off and still keep their savings....
Alot of other scammers money removalists are far more deadly to the "who wants my dosh more than me??" brigade...
Personally I think I liked the 4th dimensional mice in the Hitch Hikers Guide 2 the Galaxy - far more relaxed about going " ... deeper down the rabbit borrow..." than this old super rich sponge...
Only 48UKP to hire out Wembley stadium for a day - bargain...
Here is a brief summary of David Icke's bizarre beliefs: His central theory is that a powerful elite, made up of extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids from the fourth dimension, secretly rule the world. Rather conveniently these reptilians exist just beyond our perception so none of us can see them.
The alien lizards are able to change form and this has allowed them to infiltrate powerful ruling organisations throughout the world. Their mission is to brainwash humanity through a system of mind control.
The moon is really an inter-dimensional spacecraft controlled by the reptilians to create a fake reality here on Earth.
The reptilians, Icke claims, indulge in satanic worship as well as drinking blood and sacrificing children.
Their bloodline is said to include some of the most famous figures in history including European royals, American presidents and some celebrities.
In 2001 Icke identified the Queen Mother as being “seriously reptilian".
And - last time I went to Wembley it could seat 75,000 people plus a football pitch in the middle.
Since then it has been alomost totally rebuilt to seat more than 75,000. I don't know the actual figure.
So when they say it is a 'sell out' one imagines that is some where in the order of 80,000 people going to listen.
But it then says 10,000 tickets - so if I gave a talk on SB community OEM boards in Wembley Arena and made 1 ticket available and Macroscien turned up- would that be a sell out crowd, or just a small gathering of crazy people ?
Of the 10,000 how many are there to listen and how many to laugh ? and how many just think that Coventry FC have finally made it to Wembley ?
He's talking about lizards that are running the world?
I thought there was meant to be no discussion about politicians on the forum?
So does this mean he has plagarised the HHG2TGalaxy??
There used to be a radio show called "Just a Minute" - it was a hard ask to manage just a minute talking on a spontaneous and odd topic with a bunch of manic buzzer pressing fellow raconteurs trying to snatch the topic from U 4 breaking the rules..
The topics were equally bizarre and the rules were No deviation, no repetition, no etc etc ...
This guy must be good to crack hours or just plain boring
Out of all the crazy conspiracys, this is up there.
It's like there is some sort of competition to create the most stupid theory and see if it is still believed by the believers.
I hear that 1 in 2 people on the planet are in fact these lizard people. That's how far they have infiltrated us.
So, look at the person next to you, if you don't think they are a lizard, I've got bad news...
(if you don't believe it you're a sheep) (what is with them and all these animals?)
Modern neuroscience backs up what Icke believes, to an extent.... The world as we perceive is not the world as it is. What we think we perceive is actually our brain constantly making assumptions and judgements of the information being fed to it from our senses.
Our brain uses that information, some of it incomplete or misleading to make sense of the world around us. There are lots of tricks that can fool our senses. We don't actually perceive the world, it is conceived for us. Most probably we conceive it ourselves but it could be possible someone or something else is conceiving it for us. Perhaps old Plato is right.
What would life be like if we could actually perceive the world around us?
a very small part of what David talks about is the reptilian agenda, of the nine hours, he might mention once, towards the end of the lecture and maybe spend half an hour on the topic.
the other eight and a half hours he will discuss and disseminate in great detail, with hard evidence the intentional manipulation and total control of the human consciousness and spiritual slavery.
which leaves us useless eaters arguing about and justifiably believing that no one deserves to win 100 million dollars and that it would only ruin your life, where in reality, your life is ruined trying to earn enough to keep yourself and your family out of the poor house and 'they' reptilian or not, essentially own you and print the money you spent your life fighting for, out of thin air and charge you interest for the privilege of doing so
Right. So politicians and bankers aren't working 70 hour weeks to pay off their own mortgages and the like.
They are actually sitting around drinking blood.
Is this what you are telling us?
Dude, the higher up in society you go the more you are trapped by it. High court judges, bankers, politicians and the like, they all work a lot. They all have the usual trappings, even more so. If you succeed at work you just get mroe responsibiltiy and more hours, all the way to the very, very top.
It's the bums at the bottom that are kicking back in Nimbin. It's the bums that are actually free. The real slaves are at the top.
I much prefer Poodles assertion that the lizard people all have great tits and wear midriff t-shirts to show them off.
Though, the US Marine Corps may sue over the misuse of their branding.
Let's not lose sight of the focus of this thread: PM33 is calling someone "utterly bonkers". PM33 has woken up today and discovered that he has a line. A man who had no line, now has a line. It's a step in the direction of critical thinking. Onya Pete I'm genuinely proud.