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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Utterly bonkers

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 31 Oct 2012
WA, 310 posts
31 Oct 2012 6:21PM
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thankfully william shatner will protect us!!

WA, 6973 posts
31 Oct 2012 6:57PM
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Mobydisc said...
Why would a lizard have breasts?

Umm let's see now

You control the world, can travel between dimensions, you can shape shift into anything you want, and you WOULDN'T have a pair of lovely jubblies ?

WA, 14895 posts
31 Oct 2012 7:04PM
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Mobydisc said...
Why would a lizard have breasts?

They are lizard people, so of course they have breasts. In the same way that they also have hands, walk upright, can talk without having lips, and can hide their tails while impersonating humans.

There's nothing crazy about lizard people ruling the world... nothing...

I, for one, welcome our new insect lizard overlords.

WA, 6973 posts
31 Oct 2012 7:06PM
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theDoctor said...
evlPanda said...
Right. So politicians and bankers aren't working 70 hour weeks to pay off their own mortgages and the like.
They are actually sitting around drinking blood.

Is this what you are telling us?

Dude, the higher up in society you go the more you are trapped by it. High court judges, bankers, politicians and the like, they all work a lot. They all have the usual trappings, even more so. If you succeed at work you just get mroe responsibiltiy and more hours, all the way to the very, very top.

It's the bums at the bottom that are kicking back in Nimbin. It's the bums that are actually free. The real slaves are at the top.

Dude, you are almost getting it..
But you're interpretation of whose at the top is wrong...
Judges, politicians, captains of industry aren't at the top... Maybe just at the top of you. But they have masters and fight for scraps of paper money just like you and me on the same hamster wheel of consumer freedom.
Those bums in nimbim you so dispise and are so threatened by... They are free. Sucking off the teat of your tax money....? Hardly.

But you make up your own mind, if you believe your things make you a better person..

Good luck with that

And Prince Charles, the future King of England and son of The Queen and Prince Phillip, who are both lizard kings and members of the 13, undertook 601 official public engagements in 2011.

That is an average of 1.65 engagements per day.

Given they are spread all over the world it doesn't sound like he is kicking back doing whatever he chooses to me.

I am sure he loves opening drug drop-in centres in Glasgow and walking around east African refugee camps.

The other Royals are pretty similar.

If he were so powerful why isn't he just shooting pheasants 601 times a year ? or whatever his favorite hobby is.

WA, 6973 posts
31 Oct 2012 7:13PM
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theDoctor said...

a very small part of what David talks about is the reptilian agenda, of the nine hours, he might mention once, towards the end of the lecture and maybe spend half an hour on the topic.

the other eight and a half hours he will discuss and disseminate in great detail, with hard evidence the intentional manipulation and total control of the human consciousness and spiritual slavery.


I predict that he will spend 8 3/4 hours discussing the likliehood that within 5 to 10 years windsurf boards will be made by spiders that have escaped from NASA laboratories and inflated themselves with helium to 173 atmosphere's pressure, only held together with carbon nano tubes at 45 degrees in every direction.

The other 1/4 hour he will just talk bollocks.

I am willing to put $100 million on it

WA, 6415 posts
31 Oct 2012 7:40PM
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Sheep are sheep for a reason.

And no amount of reason will alter that.

Not Bill Gates in his admission of culling.

The abattoir is actually a green pasture with a tin roof overhead.

WA, 14895 posts
31 Oct 2012 7:56PM
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petermac33 said...
Sheep are sheep for a reason.

And no amount of reason will alter that.

Not Bill Gates in his admission of culling.

The abattoir is actually a green pasture with a tin roof overhead.

So, is Bill Gates a lizard too? That would have made some sense before, but now he is giving away to charity, I am not so sure.

How do you tell? Is it as simple as being someone you don't like, or someone in charge, that makes them a lizard person, or is there more too it?

If they truly are lizard people, can't we just invite them to go skiing at Thredbo and then catch them as they lock up in the cold temperatures?

How does one also identify a sheep? Are they the ones that have different opinions, or just the ones that can't see the lizard kings?

If a person is at a David Icke talk, and disagrees with the majority, does that make him the sheep, or does that make them the sheep?

These are all serious questions. Please reply at your earliest convenience.

WA, 6415 posts
31 Oct 2012 8:10PM
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A sheep is a person that cannot think for themselves.

Cannot use reason to see the lies.

And mocks what they don't want to accept as evidence.

WA, 6973 posts
31 Oct 2012 8:16PM
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petermac33 said...
A sheep is a person that cannot think for themselves.

Cannot use reason to see the lies.

And mocks what they don't what to accept as evidence.

I always thought that a sheep was a four-legged woolly thing that went baaaa

Learn something new everyday.

But - that doesn't now explain where beanies come from.

It certainly is a conundrum

QLD, 2776 posts
31 Oct 2012 11:29PM
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what exactly are we supposed to be waking up to? there has never been a better time to be alive for us working class masses.

we have universal education, affordable health care, electricity, hot water on tap, (clean water on tap), more than one set of clothes, a 5 day working week, paid holidays, paid retirement, regular leisure time etc etc.....the kind of lives we live, and the length, are beyond the most outlandish wishes of our not too past descendants.

i don't care if our lives are secretly manipulated by reptilian overlords- they have done a damn good job of improving the general standard of living.

long live the lizard kings

VIC, 5000 posts
1 Nov 2012 9:47AM
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stamp said...
what exactly are we supposed to be waking up to? there has never been a better time to be alive for us working class masses.

we have universal education, affordable health care, electricity, hot water on tap, (clean water on tap), more than one set of clothes, a 5 day working week, paid holidays, paid retirement, regular leisure time etc etc.....the kind of lives we live, and the length, are beyond the most outlandish wishes of our not too past descendants.

i don't care if our lives are secretly manipulated by reptilian overlords- they have done a damn good job of improving the general standard of living.

long live the lizard kings

Amen to that!

WA, 14895 posts
1 Nov 2012 7:17AM
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petermac33 said...
A sheep is a person that cannot think for themselves.

Cannot use reason to see the lies.

And mocks what they don't want to accept as evidence.

Ahh, now I understand.

So if a person was given a scenario where an event was said to be a conspiracy theory, but uses logic and science to analyse it for themselves, and was mocked by others for not recognising the obvious conspiracy, they would be a non-sheep?

I'm getting it now

NSW, 9204 posts
1 Nov 2012 11:13AM
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petermac33 said...
A sheep is a person that cannot think for themselves.

That's you. This is why you let the like of David Icke tell you what to think.

Cannot use reason to see the lies.

Which sounds more reasonable:
A) Lizards from "the fourth dimension" are on earth disguised as the queen and such.
B) David Icke is crazy

And mocks what they don't want to accept as evidence.

What evidence? Somebody says so?
The evidence that they don't exist is the gig at Wembley Arena.

I think it's all very sad actually.

NSW, 4460 posts
1 Nov 2012 12:43PM
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If I had some serious information and was trying to undermine the status quo... I think I may just give people the info, and add a little delusional metaphoric swap in to the mix, so as to appear completely mad to the people who never had any intention of listening to me.

That way the people invested in the system wouldn't be able to make the jump; thus not realizing the lizard is just metaphor for what I spent 10hrs explaining in plain English with visual aids.

I could then continue, with less worry of having a mysterious fatal accident.

A 4th dimensional being told me to write this, he said that's where ideas come from.

WA, 6973 posts
1 Nov 2012 10:15AM
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FlySurfer said...
If I had some serious information and was trying to undermine the status quo... I think I may just give people the info, and add a little delusional metaphoric swap in to the mix, so as to appear completely mad to the people who never had any intention of listening to me.

That way the people invested in the system wouldn't be able to make the jump; thus not realizing the lizard is just metaphor for what I spent 10hrs explaining in plain English with visual aids.

I could then continue, with less worry of having a mysterious fatal accident.

A 4th dimensional being told me to write this, he said that's where ideas come from.

Isn't that exactly what you could say the church has been doing for the last 2,000 years ?

God is a metaphor for your own self control and moral code .... Noah was an example of what happens ... Soddom was ....

Yet you dismiss the church as evil and crazy

If that is your explaination of one, then do you not have to apply the same logic to both ?

Not saying you must believe or deny both, you could agree or disagree to the message in one and not the other - but you can't say one is educating in the correct way and one preaching in an evil way.

Is your argument not saying both are delivering their message in indentical ways ?

Jesus taught me this.

NSW, 4460 posts
1 Nov 2012 2:00PM
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Carantoc said...
Isn't that exactly what you could say the church has been doing for the last 2,000 years ?

God is a metaphor for your own self control and moral code .... Noah was an example of what happens ... Soddom was ....

Yet you dismiss the church as evil and crazy

If that is your explaination of one, then do you not have to apply the same logic to both ?

Not saying you must believe or deny both, you could agree or disagree to the message in one and not the other - but you can't say one is educating in the correct way and one preaching in an evil way.

Is your argument not saying both are delivering their message in indentical ways ?

Jesus taught me this.

I can't remember denigrating any religion, point me to the relevant post.

WA, 201 posts
1 Nov 2012 11:16AM
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You all need to read Tommy Udo's 'Vatican Bloodbath'. It's about a battle between the church and the royal family (who are lizard's natch) for control of the world's drug trade. Highly offensive and extremely funny:

It was released by a short lived pulp publisher ATTACK!Books which also released such winners as: 'Whips & Furs: My Life as a bon-vivant, gambler & love rat by Jesus H. Christ' & 'Tits-Out Teenage Terror Totty'

NSW, 9204 posts
1 Nov 2012 3:31PM
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The lizard people sound cool. If I have sex with one will my DNA change?

WA, 2371 posts
1 Nov 2012 12:31PM
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Here here!

WA, 1916 posts
1 Nov 2012 1:59PM
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I want to sell those strap on bottles to the crowd as they enter the stadium, cause I dont think you will be allowed to go to the toilet over that 9 hours. ive seen this on tv before with cults.

NSW, 9204 posts
1 Nov 2012 5:19PM
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GypsyDrifter said...
Here here!

Not sure if with the lizard people or against them.

QLD, 7428 posts
1 Nov 2012 7:49PM
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Wow! I just realized David Icke is ekcI divaD spelled backwards ...

NSW, 2005 posts
1 Nov 2012 8:54PM
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Carantoc said...
In 2001 Icke identified the Queen Mother as being “seriously reptilian".

Her personality reminds me of my pet iguana indeed..
so not a bad deduction..

NSW, 9029 posts
1 Nov 2012 8:54PM
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Poida said...
I want to sell those strap on bottles to the crowd as they enter the stadium, cause I dont think you will be allowed to go to the toilet over that 9 hours. ive seen this on tv before with cults.

I wish I had a booth outside the stadium selling tin foil hats.

NSW, 2005 posts
1 Nov 2012 8:57PM
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Mobydisc said...
Why would a lizard have breasts?

Perhaps they have plastic surgeons on their planet ?

QLD, 7428 posts
1 Nov 2012 8:11PM
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stamp said...
what exactly are we supposed to be waking up to? there has never been a better time to be alive for us working class masses.

we have universal education, affordable health care, electricity, hot water on tap, (clean water on tap), more than one set of clothes, a 5 day working week, paid holidays, paid retirement, regular leisure time etc etc.....the kind of lives we live, and the length, are beyond the most outlandish wishes of our not too past descendants.

i don't care if our lives are secretly manipulated by reptilian overlords- they have done a damn good job of improving the general standard of living.

long live the lizard kings

NSW, 7060 posts
2 Nov 2012 12:51PM
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I read Icke's most recent book a couple of months ago. For quite a long time now I have realised that if the mainstream spend a lot of time and effort panning it then it is probably a good idea to see what they are going on about.

His theory on reptilians is very interesting. It is not just something that he sucked out of his thumb. There are many legends that have been passed down through history that talk of "gods" that interbred with man, almost always reptilian. If this was a one off "legend" you would be iexcused in giving it no credibility but when the same legends. accompanied by artefacts. appear all around the world doesn't it raise your curiosity just a little bit?

Brent in Qld
WA, 1159 posts
2 Nov 2012 10:17AM
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Nope, not interested. just got really windy...

Mark _australia
WA, 22822 posts
2 Nov 2012 10:26AM
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japie said...
I read Icke's most recent book a couple of months ago. For quite a long time now I have realised that if the mainstream spend a lot of time and effort panning it then it is probably a good idea to see what they are going on about.

His theory on reptilians is very interesting. It is not just something that he sucked out of his thumb. There are many legends that have been passed down through history that talk of "gods" that interbred with man, almost always reptilian. If this was a one off "legend" you would be iexcused in giving it no credibility but when the same legends. accompanied by artefacts. appear all around the world doesn't it raise your curiosity just a little bit?

Talk of visits from gods / aliens, especially when widespread over civilisations and time, is indeed interesting.

However to only have lizard rulers (what no homeless people are half alien?) panders to society's distrust of the elite and is silly. Even sillier if the moon actually being a spaceship etc etc. That was sucked out of his thumb.

WA, 15849 posts
2 Nov 2012 10:34AM
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Mark _australia said...
japie said...
I read Icke's most recent book a couple of months ago. For quite a long time now I have realised that if the mainstream spend a lot of time and effort panning it then it is probably a good idea to see what they are going on about.

His theory on reptilians is very interesting. It is not just something that he sucked out of his thumb. There are many legends that have been passed down through history that talk of "gods" that interbred with man, almost always reptilian. If this was a one off "legend" you would be iexcused in giving it no credibility but when the same legends. accompanied by artefacts. appear all around the world doesn't it raise your curiosity just a little bit?

Talk of visits from gods / aliens, especially when widespread over civilisations and time, is indeed interesting.

However to only have lizard rulers (what no homeless people are half alien?) panders to society's distrust of the elite and is silly. Even sillier if the moon actually being a spaceship etc etc. That was sucked out of his thumb.

I thought the moon was made out of cheese


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Utterly bonkers" started by petermac33