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Vege garden advice needed - organic pest control

Created by GPA > 9 months ago, 18 Aug 2011
WA, 2520 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:53PM
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Hi Guys,

I know there's a few SeaBreezers that have backyard vege patches out there - as I've seen a few [great] photos on this site showing off some good home grown produce.

Mrs GPA has a nice little 20m2 plot out the back, plus a heap of pots... she has various lettuces, chili's, strawberries, beans, broccoli, cauliflower etc etc mostly doing quite well...

Anyhow, of late something has been eating at most of the plants - so I was looking for advice on some kind of organic pest control - you know, something like (I'm guessing) garlic & chili spray; and when and how to apply for best results etc...

Any advice gratefully received. Thanks.

WA, 947 posts
18 Aug 2011 10:03PM
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Well I like my veggie patch and those two (garlic and Chilli) would scare off some pests? I guess and you wouldn't need to season your food as much when cooking.

But you really need to identify the pest so that you can get some real answers.

For example I've read that snails (the main culprate) hate coffee grounds.

My biggest problems are white cabbage moths eating broccies and birds eating tomatoes

WA, 2520 posts
18 Aug 2011 10:09PM
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Thanks KK

We haven't had a problem until just recently... but cannot find any bugs... Mrs even did the 'spot light' torch check after dark just before I posted.

We've actually had something eat the whole head off all the cauli's - and also something eat all the leaves off the strawberries...

We know what cabbage moths are/do - but this is not that...

Thanks for the prompt reply - Cheers

NSW, 1132 posts
19 Aug 2011 12:48AM
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put some beer out in a few small bowls over night;;if its snails/slugs they will head straight for it..
also consider companion planting;;some plants work well repealing insects from other plants,,also help them grow better..

encourage more magpies to the yard,the maggies hate,the indian minors/ bucther birds ;;
have about 15/20 maggies here everyday in the yard and the other birds are rarely here now

WA, 2520 posts
18 Aug 2011 10:53PM
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Thanks - we actually have a brood? of Maggies here - wife has been hand feeding them for a while - so long that they actually bring their young over...

WA, 421 posts
18 Aug 2011 11:15PM
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GPA said...

Hi Guys,

I know there's a few SeaBreezers that have backyard vege patches out there - as I've seen a few [great] photos on this site showing off some good home grown produce.

Mrs GPA has a nice little 20m2 plot out the back, plus a heap of pots... she has various lettuces, chili's, strawberries, beans, broccoli, cauliflower etc etc mostly doing quite well...

Anyhow, of late something has been eating at most of the plants - so I was looking for advice on some kind of organic pest control - you know, something like (I'm guessing) garlic & chili spray; and when and how to apply for best results etc...

Any advice gratefully received. Thanks.

ive used the pyrethrum spray you can buy at bunnings. made in wa. said to be non-chemical pesticide. worked for me.

WA, 2371 posts
19 Aug 2011 1:35AM
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My routing is, 5pm, a stubby and a kind eye...
I usually send an hour looking and squishing bugs while the sun goes down

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
19 Aug 2011 12:13PM
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We use broken up egg shells and they seem to work well - make sure you break them up extra small though - its like walking on glass for them. Garlic spray works in combination as well - although make sure you wash this off thoroughly before eating......especially on yr lettuce varieties it can really ruin a good salad!!!

Jack Mack
NSW, 343 posts
19 Aug 2011 12:44PM
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Get a product called Eco-oil. It is a combination of canola oil,eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil.Mixed lightly with water and sprayed as a preventative once every fortnight or so keeps 97% of critters away.
I used it on a commercial flower farm so I know it works.

WA, 2222 posts
19 Aug 2011 12:14PM
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We find rats and possums sometimes eat the tops off things just for the sake of it.

For snails and slugs, find a neighbour with chickens and borrow them a few times a week and just let them loose for a half hour or so. Make sure they don't destroy your garden - they've gotta eat the pests, not dig up everything in sight. Just chase them off with a hose or a broom if they look like digging too much. If you have seedlings the chickens will destroy them. They work best around mature (stronger) plants.

Ducks would work too.

WA, 2520 posts
19 Aug 2011 12:17PM
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Legion said...

We find rats and possums sometimes eat the tops off things just for the sake of it.

yeah - we've had rats before, but haven't seen any for ages... suspect that they are the cauli bandits!!

And we occassionally have ducks on the front lawn... not sure how to heard them into the back yard vege patch tho'

WA, 2222 posts
19 Aug 2011 1:58PM
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Plant a few chrysanthemums here and there in the vegie patch.

You can try diatemaceous earth, works to keep bugs down in the chicken area for us.

The problem with most forms of control are, there are plenty of good insects that will also be killed/scared away.

WA, 2371 posts
19 Aug 2011 2:44PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

We use broken up egg shells and they seem to work well - make sure you break them up extra small though - its like walking on glass for them. Garlic spray works in combination as well - although make sure you wash this off thoroughly before eating......especially on yr lettuce varieties it can really ruin a good salad!!!

+1 I allways use eggs shells and it works very very well for the crawling bugs

WA, 2371 posts
19 Aug 2011 2:55PM
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Legion said...

Plant a few chrysanthemums here and there in the vegie patch.

You can try diatemaceous earth, works to keep bugs down in the chicken area for us.

The problem with most forms of control are, there are plenty of good insects that will also be killed/scared away.

diatemaceous earth, Legion...!

I learnt something usefull today..Cheers!

VIC, 3829 posts
19 Aug 2011 5:10PM
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I have used the water that the washing machine pumps out with good results...not sure how organic it is though.....

NSW, 6931 posts
19 Aug 2011 7:32PM
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My favorite is Squishenem. It is for those cabage white caterpillars, the green ****ers, that decimate caulis, cabbages etc.. Grab as many caterpillars as you can find and put them in the blender with a cup of water. Spray the emulsion on the plants, you have to repeat after rain as it has no residual effect, and the bastards will disappear.

Plus it is really good watching them in the blender

WA, 2222 posts
19 Aug 2011 6:07PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

Legion said...

Plant a few chrysanthemums here and there in the vegie patch.

You can try diatemaceous earth, works to keep bugs down in the chicken area for us.

The problem with most forms of control are, there are plenty of good insects that will also be killed/scared away.

diatemaceous earth, Legion...!

I learnt something usefull today..Cheers!

Maybe it would've helped if I'd spelled "diatomaceous" properly though.

WA, 5921 posts
20 Aug 2011 2:53PM
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try a product called DIPEL made by yates
its a bacteria that attacks bugs stomachs. I gave the vegies 3 sprays early in winter and had nothing eat anything since. It seemed to break the breeding cycle

WA, 2520 posts
20 Aug 2011 3:19PM
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Thanks to everyone who replied - some good tips in there.

Mrs GPA is very surprised/pleased with the response from the SeaBreeze community...

(she thought it a little odd to post a vege garden question on a water sports site!)

PS - I have received better replies to various motoring/vehicle queries on here than via the 'proper' motoring forums - go SeaBreeze!!

WA, 2371 posts
20 Aug 2011 6:14PM
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landyacht said...

try a product called DIPEL made by yates
its a bacteria that attacks bugs stomachs. I gave the vegies 3 sprays early in winter and had nothing eat anything since. It seemed to break the breeding cycle

Coowell! I shall try this next year! Cheers

WA, 2371 posts
28 Sep 2011 7:01PM
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Does anyone know if this is Cercospora leaf spot ?
It's on my silverbeet and beetroot
I have never come across it before

WA, 271 posts
28 Sep 2011 7:10PM
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just go chemo non organic, works everytime, If you really rely on your garden commercial products will get you outta the shiznit. I fyou live in abuilt up area, you have to ask yourself how organic is it really?
Permacultural techniques work well too, but need to be established, and local knowledge of advantageous symbiotic plant species

WA, 2520 posts
28 Sep 2011 7:13PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

Does anyone know if this is Cercospora leaf spot ?
It's on my silverbeet and beetroot
I have never come across it before

Hey - look for kk's post further up the page. I downloaded that doc.. it's very comprehensive and has a section on pests etc.


WA, 2371 posts
28 Sep 2011 7:31PM
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Thanks GPA yes I have the Government ag site on my pc
Just thought someone might have the same disease
but I will cut off all offended leafs tomorrow and do a milk spray (-:
Cheers Gyp's

WA, 271 posts
28 Sep 2011 8:12PM
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GPA said...

GypsyDrifter said...

Does anyone know if this is Cercospora leaf spot ?
It's on my silverbeet and beetroot
I have never come across it before

Hey - look for kk's post further up the page. I downloaded that doc.. it's very comprehensive and has a section on pests etc.


Wow! that Doc is beautiful, so comprehensive, gonna get into an Aquaponics setup soon, hope you work out your dillemas too GPA, I havent had much luck myself with organic pest control methods, but then again I most likely havent tried a wholistic approach, just picking and choosing arbitrarily what I thought would work, never the whole permacultural setup with all bases covered. Organic certification is whole different ballgame, good luck mate

WA, 2520 posts
28 Sep 2011 9:26PM
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Yeah - we FOUND the pest... kids' pet rabbit had found a way in... Mrs GPA saw her in there...

Not my fault - Mrs GPA was getting very upset with the loss of plants and was at a complete loss to explain it... we suspected rats - but in fact it was something bigger!

NSW, 2496 posts
28 Sep 2011 11:37PM
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GPA said...

Yeah - we FOUND the pest... kids' pet rabbit had found a way in... Mrs GPA saw her in there...

Not my fault - Mrs GPA was getting very upset with the loss of plants and was at a complete loss to explain it... we suspected rats - but in fact it was something bigger!

thats funny
for snails a ring of copper pipe works well if you pour lemon juice over it once in a while.

WA, 271 posts
28 Sep 2011 9:48PM
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I see that head of Brocolli and I grab it, "no you cant have it back Silly Wabbit"
- Flavour Flav, dont beleive the Hype ;)

WA, 2371 posts
28 Sep 2011 11:06PM
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GPA said...

Yeah - we FOUND the pest... kids' pet rabbit had found a way in... Mrs GPA saw her in there...

Not my fault - Mrs GPA was getting very upset with the loss of plants and was at a complete loss to explain it... we suspected rats - but in fact it was something bigger!

awwww was not neither of us

QLD, 2057 posts
29 Sep 2011 1:29AM
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chlorpyrifos for all bugs!!

It's organic....... organophosphate!!

WA, 2371 posts
17 Nov 2011 9:46PM
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Just wanted to share...

I won $500 worth of ozito tools
for a garden comp this week..(found out this week)

I am looking forward to trying to figure out what I want to buy


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vege garden advice needed - organic pest control" started by GPA