Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Wanta know the TRUTH about the world we live in???

Created by Flux > 9 months ago, 1 Jul 2008
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WA, 1916 posts
8 Jul 2008 1:15PM
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teabagg said...

..... our little dream bubble will burst and we will be forced to deal with a reality that will demand we take action, and its so much easier to remain asleep........

mmmm dream bubble, mmmm
reality is I like my toys, electrical goods, fresh running water, flushing toilet, car, house and my couch to veg on with my kids after a good surf, kite or sail.

it doesnt get any better than dat

WA, 533 posts
8 Jul 2008 9:33PM
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Interesting to see, that just by the simple fact of me providing simple information that it is met with such negitivity.
What we choose to believe and what is fact is usually never harmonious, propaganda, media and other forms of so called news is not always as it should be or truthful so why is this so unbelieveable?
Sure some of it may be crap but why can't some of it be true also?
Is there anyone to disprove it ?

Once all of you believed and would have bet your lives on certain beliefs that Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth fairy were real people hell some kids believe they have even seen these characters.
Now just a thought if we as a race decided to commit to this story and document it over thousands of years who knows what beliefs could have transpired into adulthood?
People are always keen to live in easy street, there's no harm in that but there's no harm in using your mind to think a little outside the box is there?
Information is power thats why the higher echelons choose to hide alot of it!
I know what I have seen in my lifetime
The earth is not flat I've seen that, but it was believed by many for a long time to be.
Oswald and the JFK thing more suppressed information.
WWII concentration camps where 100's of thousands of people were executed were for many years believed by the locals and others to be just simple work camps.
I know this to because I have seen documented footage of it.
The list is long............
and jump to 911 I saw,and heard scientific reports as we all did and watch those buildings crumble to the ground due to plane impact and that is the biggest load of crap I've ever witnessed for the simple fact that the information doesn't add up and that was a controled demoliton if ever I saw one.

Control is a true entity in our world it is ever growing, I cannot stop it so I enjoy the world I live in I can't change it so simple, why worry about it,It is only met with distaste from the masses anyway because basically we are happy to all have our own little worlds.
And if you think I need to go fishing put the hash pipe down or whatever else thats fine but in comments like that your only proving the definition of "DUMB" to be a very common trait in many of us.

NSW, 141 posts
8 Jul 2008 11:42PM
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try and get your head round these then....

WA, 533 posts
9 Jul 2008 1:51PM
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Ok getting weird now

QLD, 5610 posts
9 Jul 2008 4:54PM
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same ol same ol. listen to our banterings or /and you will perish. Heed our warning. The end is nigh. Must be a human instinct to come up with this crap. Its been going on for a loooong time under various different names and guises.

VIC, 5000 posts
9 Jul 2008 6:10PM
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Flux said...

Ok getting weird now

Glad you think so too.....seeing that you started this one!

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Jul 2008 12:38AM
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teabagg said...

Surfer62 said...

There is no truth, just convenient perceptions of reality.

there is truth, then there is the convenient perceptions of concensus reality...


Reality and truth are not the same.

Reality is perception based, which comes from your life experience thus I see something one way and you see it another. Both views are realities, neither are true/truth.

A poor example, but you'll get my gist:

Person A: I go for team A. Team A won, this is good.

Person B: I go for team B. Team A won, this is bad.

Which one is this "truth" you talk of, or are they both individual (and usually collective) realities?

Truth is pure* observation. It has no sides, no divisions, no hope, no desires, no happiness or sadness, no future or past, it is selfless, blah blah blah. Everything else you think about is layer upon layer of bull****. Some layers are nice, some are not. Then again one man's heaven is another man's hell (see example).

PS - Who said nature was beautiful?
(Warning, graphic descriptions of nature. Not for the squemish.)

NSW, 141 posts
11 Jul 2008 1:43AM
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^^^ wonderful metaphor in the link there panda,

this goes for eight minutes.....

NSW, 9029 posts
11 Jul 2008 9:08AM
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This thread violates the forum rules.

Zeitgeist is such a peddler of lies and the biggest fraud since Scientology. The 'facts' stated in the video just suck in those who have no idea about history, mythology, politics, finance and religion. If you believe whats in that video, do yourself a favour and go out and do your own research.

This thread needs to be closed and deleted.

NSW, 141 posts
11 Jul 2008 11:06AM
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Mobydisc said...

This thread violates the forum rules.

Zeitgeist is such a peddler of lies and the biggest fraud since Scientology. The 'facts' stated in the video just suck in those who have no idea about history, mythology, politics, finance and religion. If you believe whats in that video, do yourself a favour and go out and do your own research.

This thread needs to be closed and deleted.

whilst i agree most of the first act definately has an agenda of its own, all other historical 'facts' are widely available to those willing to look for themselves and see beyond the chest beating ridiculous patriotism that continues to sucker us in hook line and sinker, generation after generation.

QLD, 2081 posts
11 Jul 2008 1:29PM
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Tebagg.... Do you kite, or windsurf or anything!?!?! Or are you here to 'convert all of us'.....

WA, 533 posts
11 Jul 2008 11:34AM
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I've created a monster.............. Frankenstein eat your heart out

Sorry peoples

QLD, 2081 posts
11 Jul 2008 1:35PM
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OH YEAH.... and are Teabagg and Flux the same user with 2 different user names...

This is becoming ridiculous! .....

elizabethb said...

Tebagg.... Do you kite, or windsurf or anything!?!?! Or are you here to 'convert all of us'.....

Flux said...

I've created a monster.............. Frankenstein eat your heart out

Sorry peoples

WA, 533 posts
11 Jul 2008 11:40AM
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Chill out elizabethb, no we are not the same person as if !
I've made 2 posts on the whole caper and it is an interesting movie if nothing else , it is ok to question and think about the world we live in.
Yes I agree it is off the scope of reality now but I have only posted the link to the movie and nothing else

QLD, 1628 posts
11 Jul 2008 1:46PM
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I have watched the movie and researched the parts that conflicted with my own believes ...there is nothing i can disprove
What they are saying is pretty damn obvious and there's not much i can do about it....But as they say "knowledge is power"

WA, 3848 posts
11 Jul 2008 11:47AM
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Mobydisc said...
This thread violates the forum rules.

I agree. is aimed at being an enjoyable place to visit. Whilst this is the "General Discussion" area, it's for light hearted banter, not heavy subjects of politics, conspiracies & religions. There literally are numerous sites that cater for those interests. Google is your friend.

Enjoy .. Laurie

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Wanta know the TRUTH about the world we live in???" started by Flux